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Religion Versus Spirituality

Yesterday someone suggested that I write this post and I decided that I would tackle it today. As usual I write from my own experiences, my thoughts and reflections, as oppose to the writings and teachings of others. Try as I might, while I may agree with another persons writings or teachings, I do have my own opinions and I believe that they are valid and worth sharing. I am not looking for persons to agree with me, as a matter of fact I welcome a good opposition if one chooses to and it makes sense, not everyone who choose to oppose an argument do so from a place of intellect or just a good clean argument, some do so just because. However if one chooses to argue a point, it may go into a debate which stimulates the mind almost in an orgasmic way, and also in a way which hopefully we may all learn from, as I am forever learning. It is a thirst which seems unquenchable to me, I thirst for knowledge, I do not know enough! I thought this to be a touchy subject, but I threw caution to the wind, which I seemingly love to do, so here goes!

Religion Versus Spirituality

I was born into Christianity, growing up I had no choice but to go to church. My mother and father never once went with us nor did I ever see them go on their own, but we were forced to go or else no Sunday dinner. I attended St Stevens Presbyterian church off Cross Roads in Kingston Jamaica. This was a solemn kind of church where no one shouted or got into the spirit , no unknown tongue were spoken or clapping for that matter. Here people spoke in low hushed tones and the children were told to shush ever so often, other than when we were outside playing London Bridge is falling down, or Old McDonald had a farm, or there’s a brown girl in the ring after Sunday school, were we able to have fun on the grounds of the church.

Hell and damnation was my fear. As a child when I would hear the preachers preach this, although, again at this particular Church the pastor never broke a sweat, he was always cool and preached in a somber tone, I guess what I am trying not to say is boring. My mother would speak of the rapture in fear, and that in turn would make us the children fearful, and it seemed as if most who believed or practiced Christianity had one fear after the other. The Church seemed to believe that it had to drive fear into the believers in order to keep them in line. As I grew up and began to take a curious look at life and at religion, which by the way I was most interested in, I realized that the World Bosses (Not Kartel), Presidents, movers and shakers, big money makers, had a way to run the world, to keep its citizens in check or in line and it was the same way the church performed. Rule the mass through fear! Brilliant! A parent has a child and is stern with that child does not have to hit the child to straighten him up, the parent just has to give a “look”, and the child, through fear, behaves.

Religion and Spirituality are interconnected, often times it is religion which leads one to Spirituality, as in the case with me, but while Religion binds, Spirituality frees you, it does not have the constraints of the Church, the Mosque, the Synagogue or other religious houses. With Spirituality you are not  bound to any set of dogmas or doctrines. Spirituality comes from within, at times it may come with having the famous ‘Aha’ moment, when something awakens you to YOU, and all your possibilities, self realization. It maybe while your are speaking to someone, or a visit to a metaphysical book shop, or reading a book, or watching a documentary, getting consultation from a Spiritualist, or even a dream or vision.

Then you begin to search for things you believe you ought to know but do not. For some people when enlightenment comes they embrace it, for others they fear disappointing their parents, partners, religious teachers et al, because once they become aware and have decided to Embrace their Spirituality, once they are fully awake, their is no turning back, which means moving away from what they have been brought up or taught to believe, It can be jarring admittedly. A promising youth decides to leave school and becomes a Rastafarian. He begins to wear all white as it suggests peace to him, he stops eating meat, becomes celibate and goes to live up in the hills where he feels he is one with nature. He is called mad by society, treated with disdain, and his parents cry for him, not realizing that he has become awakened and has decided to free himself from all that is expected of him and just be him!

People who awake are severely misunderstood. All that they have learned from the Bible, the Koran and the Torah is revealed to them as tales to say the least. When this happened to me my spirit spoke to me and said

Regardless of  what is written in these books, whether lies, tales, metaphors or whatever, they still speak of and acknowledge the Creator, and it matters not what they call him, once he is mentioned or referred to in any text, there he is present for all to know, this is what has sustained these words and preaching  in the minds of those asleep, fear not because they are still being fed!”

In other words, it matters not the route you take to find God, as long as you find him and acknowledge his existence. With Spirituality it is realized that the worship of God as is done within religion is not needed. I know, I know, but breathe as I explain. It is not necessary to worship Our creator in the manner of how it is done in the churches and other religions. All that is needed is that we KNOW that God exists!

When we pray it is acknowledgement of the creator and worship within itself. God has no human emotion attached to it, so it does not need our adoration or worship only our acknowledgement,  which we must, because we are indeed fragments of this great Creator, fragments of the All, and to denounce it, is to denounce ourselves. In Abrahamic religions the existence and nature of God is all important, while In the Buddhist and Hindu religion, God exists, but the importance of praise and worship is not is not placed upon its existence.

When I realized this at first it frightened me because I was taught that to denounce God was blaspheme and that I would suffer in hell, with burning flames consuming me, and the Devil jooking (stabbing) me with pitch forks, just the thought alone was torture, plus mi skin saff and cannot tek licks much less juks from pitch forks, meaning my body could not take such torture. But (yes I can begin a sentence with “but”, this is a blog after all) when I took a closer examination of the teachings of Buddha and of the Hindus I realized that they did not denounce the existence of God.

They acknowledged him but placed no importance on the worship of him because he: (1)– is unknowable (2) is within us as we are apart of him (3) we have other things to learn while here on earth which would free us from our physical constraints and elevate us into becoming  light beings therefore affording us the ability to evolve within the time and space continuum and as such we would be able to assist others who are shrouded in darkness, of these things we must remain focused.

This is what I came away with when I studied these teachings and It made sense to me and so I sought more and found teachings like these:

The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the world’s ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.

I began to delve deeper into the teaching of all things as it relates to Creation, Humans Beings, Deities, Nature, God, all things which I knew resonated with me and from within me. I Embraced my Spirituality and I was free. Hell existed no more and so the fear of this dreaded place flew away, the fear of Death flew right away along with it, the rapture, well that became  all BS to me as well as all that I had learned and feared while growing up took a jolly leap from a very high mountain.

However Jesus stayed with me. I placed no importance on whether he was real or not, I did not care about that, I still do not. The benevolence of the character was what appealed to me. The nature of this being, so kind and loving and caring made me fall in love with it as I believed that this should be the nature of all humans, all beings, this is impossible I know, but this Jesus character appealed to me, and so did Buddha when I found him and so did Krishna, and Mirtha, Indra and Orunmila. Yet I urged myself on, opening up myself to learn more and I did and I am still learning.

Just before I came to America, I stopped going to church, I would tell my mother that I was going, but I would go to my friends house in stead. We would have youth fellowship on Wednesdays at the church which I would not attend, and for that I gave no excuse I just did not attend, after about a month two church brothers came looking for me at my home, aiming to bring me back, it worked, I went back, mainly because I had a secret crush on Chubby one of the two who came looking for me, the KC (Kingston College tie, was very capturing during those times, ah did like off Chubby bad and the feeling was mutual lol). Looking back I cannot find the reason why I stopped, it may have been that I wanted a break from going to church or these church meetings, keep in mind that I had no choice. In this I was born, and drummed into my head was that you never questioned the bible and you never walked away from the church. In this post, I refer the most to Christianity because that is the religion which I was born into, but as religions goes I speak on all.

With religion, the freedom to access your true self and connect it with nature is completely lost. It maybe suggested within its texts, as the character Jesus is always in nature, whether walking on water in a boat or praying in the mountains, (sound like Babalawo work to mi) but again it is open for interpretation. The bible wielding Pastors believe it is their job and duty to save souls, and missionaries have done more damage than Hitler did to the Jews in my opinion.

Religion, other than imprisoning the mind, is suppose to preach peace and love, yet they all fight against each other. Muslims do not like Christians and Christians do not like Muslims and they all hate the Jews, and together they fire bun those who have stepped away from their theologies and frightening doctrines of hell and damnation, do I dare laugh?  Where is the Love? Where Is the peace? Where is the Unity? Where? The Good book teaches it but the interpreters of the Book are something else, words cannot explain them.

Who remembers this quote by Mahatma Gandhi: “Christians I like your Christ but I do not like you Christians!“. My argument today is not to shadow anyone’s belief, but to look at these two subjects keenly and with open eyes and see which one I am most comfortable with.

Of Religion and Spirituality, persons may say they are one in the same, and while I agree to some degree, I must say that of the latter serves the greater good of self and of man kind, where it allows one  the freedom to explore all and everything spiritual and of the Universe and things which defies logic, it stretches the limitations of the human mind, allowing us to see beyond THE WORD as Christians call it, and not to conform just because.  The former restricts, divide and imprison the mind. With religion I find there is no love, no peace no unity, it may preach such likes, but where in the world does it show it?

Even within its own there is a division, the Seven Day Adventist and Jehovah’s witnesses says their way is the best way and Catholicism rebukes them all and the Pope believes he is Christ incarnate while driving around in a bullet proofed vehicle, While Muslims continues to bomb the world and the Jews believes that they are the chosen ones, while continuing to bomb and kill the Palestinians.

Could this be love as Bob Marley asks? I think not.

Below is an Interesting article I found on the internet I share with you, please enjoy!

Tí ewé gbígbẹ bá bọ́ lára igi, ó ńkọ́ ewé tútù lọ́gbọ́n ni. /
A dry leaf that falls off a tree serves as a lesson to the fresh ones. Yoruba Proverb! 

[Be perceptive; learn from the experiences of others]

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…Obara Meji!

It has become quite popular in recent years to distinguish between spirituality and religion

It’s true that there are valid distinctions between the two, but there are also a number of problematic distinctions which often and unnecessarily divide the two fields of thought.

One principal problem with attempts to separate religion from spirituality is that the former is saddled with everything negative while the latter is exalted with everything positive.

It is important to note the fact that many of the negative things which people attribute to religions are features of some forms of some religions (usually Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), but not of other religions (like Taoism or Buddhism).

Religion is spiritual and spirituality can also be considered religious. One tends to be more personal and private while the other tends to incorporate public rituals and organized doctrines.

The lines between one and the other may often not be clear or distinct depending on the interpretation.

Consider these definitions:

  • Religion is an institution established by man for various reasons. Exert control, instill morality, stroke egos, or whatever it does. Organized, structured religions all but remove god from the equation. You confess your sins to a clergy member, go to elaborate churches to worship, told what to pray and when to pray it. All those factors remove you from god.
  • Spirituality is born in a person and develops in the person. It may be kick started by a religion, or it may be kick started by a revelation. Spirituality extends to all facets of a person’s life. Spirituality is chosen while religion is often times forced. Being spiritual to me is more important and better than being religious.
  • True spirituality is something that is found deep within oneself. It is your way of loving, accepting and relating to the world and people around you. It cannot be found in a church or by believing in a certain way.

Consider the following in favor of the spiritual path:

  • There is not one religion, but hundreds
  • There is only one type of spirituality
  • Religion is for those who want to continue rituals and the formality
  • Spirituality is for those who want to reach the Spiritual Ascent without dogmas
  • Religion is for those who are asleep
  • Spirituality is for those who are awake
  • Religion is for those that require guidance from others
  • Spirituality is for those that lend ears to their inner voice
  • Religion has a dogmatic and unquestionable assembly of rules that need to be followed without question
  • Spirituality invites you to reason it all, to question it all and to decide your actions and assume the consequences
  • Religion threatens and terrifies
  • Spirituality gives you inner peace
  • Religion speaks of sin and of fault
  • Spirituality encourages “living in the present” and not to feel remorse for which has already passed – Lift your spirit and learn from errors
  • Religion represses humanity, and returns us to a false paradigm
  • Spirituality transcends it all and makes you true to yourself
  • Religion is instilled from childhood, like the soup you do not you want to take
  • Spirituality is the food that you you seek, that satisfies you and is pleasant to the senses
  • Religion is not God
  • Spirituality is infinite consciousness and all that is – It is God
  • Religion invents
  • Spirituality discovers
  • Religion does not investigate and does not question
  • Spirituality questions everything
  • Religion is based on humanity, an organization with rules
  • Spirituality is DIVINE, WITHOUT rules
  • Religion is cause for division
  • Spirituality is cause for union
  • Religion seeks you so that you create
  • Spirituality causes you to seek
  • Religion continues the teachings of a sacred book
  • Spirituality seeks the sacredness in all the books
  • Religion is fed fear
  • Spirituality is fed confidence
  • Religion lives you in your thoughts
  • Spirituality lives in your conscience
  • Religion is in charge of the “to do”
  • Spirituality is in charge of the “to BE”
  • Religion is a dialectic
  • Spirituality is logic
  • Religion feeds the ego
  • Spirituality makes you transcend
  • Religion makes you renounce yourself to the world
  • Spirituality makes you live with God, not to renounce him
  • Religion is adoration
  • Spirituality is meditation
  • Religion is to continue adapting to the psychology of a template
  • Spirituality is individuality.
  • Religion dreams of glory and paradise
  • Spirituality makes you live it here and now
  • Religion lives in the past and in the future
  • Spirituality lives in the present, in the here and now
  • Religion lives in the confinement of your memory
  • Spirituality is LIBERTY in AWARENESS.
  • Religion believes in the eternal life
  • Spirituality makes you conscious of all that is
  • Religion gives you promises for the after-life
  • Spirituality gives you the light to find God in your inner self, in this life, in the present, in the here and the now…

May peace, happiness and universal love continue growing in your heart.

You are All That Is.

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[…] Often times I take the time to write what I believe to be very good posts, but they do not get the attention they deserve, yesterday’s topic was one such post. So today I would like to continue the post, but steer it a little in another direction, by also looking at spirituality as opposed to religion, a post was done on Embracing spirituality already dealing with this subject, read here. […]

9 years ago

can you pls interpret a dream for me?

9 years ago
Reply to  teeA

Hi teeA,

9 years ago

i like your blog obara meji.

9 years ago

Onu tune out…Going to read for bookclub Thursday. Good night

9 years ago

I am currently struggling with this issue myself. I go to church, believe in God and want to live a spiritual life, I thank you for all the insights that’s in this blog. I will definitely look more into it.

9 years ago
Reply to  Empress

Hey Empress, long time no see…we glad you drop in…we all have had this struggle…remember no church needed to serve God…

Obara Meji
9 years ago
Reply to  Empress

Hey Cami

9 years ago

Love this post very fitting as I watch this Preachers of LA show these ppl are definitely entertaining. Religion is correct they need to seek counsel for real.

9 years ago

All this talk about food I hope we get a cooking lesson. Making ppl hungry!! hmmmmmmm

9 years ago

Hey guys!

Hope everyone is well.

Obara Meji
9 years ago
Reply to  Courtney

Hey Courtney

Obara Meji
9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Good for you empress

9 years ago

YW mi fambo large up. Work done yah now. Mi a run guh pick up Little M. Teach mi wuda eat some run-dung yah now. Never eat it wid salt fish before.

Cami, Yazzy large up.

9 years ago

Yw and O appetite get way tiday!

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Do you like purees? Or When you eat cook food and fish, do you crush the food nuff and mix it wid the gravy to eat?

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

The stew sound nice is that “Alapa”?

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

De cassava sound smooth and delicious but what is red palm oil stew? How it taste? How yu mek it?

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

WHA!! I like…wid some steam cabbage, saltfish, and red pepper…Nice…

9 years ago
Reply to  Tw/Yw

Is “Granny” (not mine-funnily) first mek it for mi..

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Brown stew or curry wid cassava dumpling is heaven. Not fish…de bone interrupt the ecstasy.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

me ago pon saltfish strike. Yw, me like de recipe analogy.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I hear yu but is kinda like cooking to me. Some people need a recipe (in this case religion) to cook and others can just cook. Some will take a recipe add to it and make it better and other’s may add to it and change it completely. Run dung – yummmmmm…with some nice soft green banana and cassava dumpling….so hungry now…

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Mi wi serve … but I dare not cook. Mi bun all wata. **covers face**

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Teach reach!! 😀

Obara lazy tun up… mi jus a drag like Ty. I’m not my best today but I won’t let it define me and my day.

Ty, mi de to mami! Yuh deserve the rest so rest….

9 years ago

Fambo wey unno dey?

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Bad gyal M! Weh yuh de pan??

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Tall up, Mth!!

9 years ago

Good evening, Obara and everyone. I find religion to be external and spirituality to be internal.

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

So true Cami

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty ya do road mami?

9 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Yazzie, holiday today and I wake up feeling lazy…just been reading and watching YouTube videos…

How everything with u?

Mth, large up…little M start back school yet?

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Cami Cam! Hola mamacita!

9 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Hola! Yazzy. Ty, Ty big ups, MTH and Nunu. Yw and Lalibela too.

Salt mackerel rundung wid curry yu want me cook O?

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Absolutely agree with that Ms. Cams. Big up, big ups!!

9 years ago

Hi everyone, how are you my special people doing? I will be back in a few.

9 years ago

Ekaso Obara Mth Ase, thank u, same to yu my dear. Hi Ty ES fambo hope all enjoying their day.

9 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Mawnin Kia Boo!!!

9 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Yazzy yaz i agree 1000%… It’s soul food… it’s food that appeals to the senses. It’s consciousness…
I am conscious… I am awake…ASE

9 years ago

Morning Teach. I trust that all is well with you. Teach & Bloggers, peepers and everyone who visits this blog today, I pray that your hearts will be so blessed that you will not be able to contatin yourselves. I pray that peace, love, joy, hope, courage all abide with you forever. I pray that you will always be slow to anger and quick to forgive. I pray that you dont during your travels today, the lights will always be on green. I pray that you will take the time and breathe. I pray that today we (me included) will… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Ase, ase, ase !!!

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Mawnin Darling Ty!

9 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Morning Yazzy, Obara, Mth, Kiab, and the rest of the esp fambo…

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Pleasant Morning Obara and prefect MTH! Thank you MTH!!!! ASE!!!!!!!!!! Obara, this is my first time reading this post. I guess I never had a chance to get to it. It’s powerful. I love it. It was loaded with factual ish… rather than inflated bs. It was Christianity that led me to spirituality. I believe we first have to be exposed to religion and experience it’s nasty stings in order to allow ourselves to search for more and appreciate the answers that come from embracing ones spirituality. I approach spirituality as a lifestyle whereas I would view religion as a… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

LArge up Yazsters!! I think we can take parts of many religions but it is difficult to adopt any one in its entirety.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Good Afternoon, Teach!! I love this topic – so much to explore, discover, and incorporate into our lives… I believe that every religion comes from another person’s beliefs – meaning that someone in the past developed some belief system that laid the foundation for various religions. To me, religion is not necessarily bad but overtime some people saw the potential use of religion (via belief/perception) as a way to hold power and control over the masses. If you know someone’s belief system, or rather, control someone’s belief system, then you can manipulate their behavior…Give collection much…Fear eternal damnation much…on, and… Read more »

9 years ago

Den wi ah go be like Twins of Twins an drop pure hilarious lyrical bullets on dem.

9 years ago

I am am bad wid people. Everybody look like somebody to me and I hardly get names right. Nuff time me an TY deh pon di road and mi seh “Yow, dah bredda look like ___” and she laugh because mos’ time ah true.

9 years ago

Tee hee. Mi nuh tink mi reach di cat dem yet. Mi love laugh to but some people tek life real serious an mi si sey mi haffi careful moretime.

9 years ago

So much I could do with those first 3 sentences but I am determined to keep it PG (ah likkle joke mi ah run; do nuh tell Ty) =). Tek care an if yu nuh si mi later, have a great day and blessed night.

9 years ago

Yow mi Fambo, mi dey yah pan di job…Mi come in an si sum breed a wuk a wait fi mi. Mi a guh lick off quick & fast and come back…

If unno nuh si mi too tuff in a di early part a di day, mi old fire stick dey bout suh mi might spen a little while catching up…Mi heart a giddy-up like teenager (Teach said way like when yu use to si Eric Hamilton)…

9 years ago

I completely agree that God has no emotion and have come to that conclusion, as well, that God is neither good nor bad. Just like nature is not good or bad, simply a force. Nature responds to some of our poor choices not because it wants to punish us but because it is natural. Balance is an important theme in my life, which is clos to moderation. I don’t think that things have to be equal to be in balance because some things carry different value….. I suppose you are right, we will have to talk and I quite look… Read more »

9 years ago

Large up MTH. Then like Ms. Lou says “….come mek mi hol’ yu hand”. Mi deh yah pose off like double six. Yu ‘traight?

9 years ago

You mentioned God being emotionless and I am lost as to the idea of God punishing the “wicked” while rewarding the “good”. Does he/she/it adjust to changes in manmade laws? And if that idea is true, how did the horrific trespasses of slavery happen or the terrible things that happen to kids (even in the Church)? It burns me to no end when some disaster happens and some religious J-ass says “well, God must be punishing them” as if nothing bad has ever happened in their life. Ridiculous….

9 years ago

Yow mi fambo, YW wad up? Long time mi nuh si yu!!!!

9 years ago

Nuh true. Some of them worship the bible more than God.

9 years ago

Blessed morning to you Obara Meji!! I hope you are well and in fine spirits. No man…I just now going through the posts to se what ah missed.

9 years ago

When you mention the rastaman living in the hills it makes me think of our ideas on success within our monetary driven society. Your thought on spirituality awakening you resonates with me. There are times when we have to accept knowing with knowing why we know. I too, am always up to a debate. Not because I like to argue but because I like to learn. While I may not change my view or change the other person’s, my wish is that we may leave the discussion having gained some insight.

9 years ago
Reply to  Tw/Yw

…accept knowing withOUT knowing …

9 years ago

Blouse and skirt!!! I caan believe I missed this discussion but I am compelled to post nonetheless. This is a great post that touches on so many topics. I grew up in a Catholic home as well. As a kid I would be perturbed by a few of the things I was taught. They said there is only one God but, to me, you had the one of “fire and brimstone” that would rain down destruction on us in his righteous fury. Then there was the kind, forgiving one that told us to turn the other cheek. When I was… Read more »

9 years ago

afternoon gentle ppl spirituality vs religion. yu broke suh many things down that have plagued my mind for some time Obara ii have attended church most a mi life even up til this year. i just felt like sum thing was missing n either dem church ppl a fake or is me a fake. i memba last year tellig some one that i had not attended church in awhile n i wasn’t feeling church. when she asked why i told her it is so much the pastor doesn’t discuss and that bothers me. why is tithing, building fund, marriage, living… Read more »

9 years ago

You just have to know who you are and follow your head…

9 years ago

Bless up my fambo…Sorry I was not able to blog as much yesterday… Ty, I had a simillar experience like you mom…When I became pregnant, I was living with my mom and would go to my dad on weekends and holidays. My brotherhad gotten into trouble and mymother attention was on him. Every thing was for my big brother and sister. When I got pregnant, my mother said I could not stay in her house, so of course she carted me off to my dad. She told me ‘any wey yu ketch yu cold, guh blow yu nose’… So I… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

afternoon everyone… catching up on the posts…

I am so sorry for your journey MTH…some a dem pastor here out a hand…the funny thing is that the same one that called me a bastard, never did born from a marriage union and was for a married man.. hypocrite..

dem no know seh God created ALL children..

Prayers, love and light to my ESP fambo, I love unno bad…

Obara we love you like no other…

9 years ago

This post was awesome, much too often do people confuse the two(religion and spirituality). The irony of this confusion is many what I refer to as, “religious fanatics” are quick to tell you that they are spiritual people because they attend church regularly as what I refer to as a religious formality. This is not a judgement or generalization, but a mere observation. The words spirituality and religion are all too often used interchangeably.I have had conversations with so-called “spiritual” people that don’t even acknowledge the existence of spirit or spirits for that matter, now if that isn`t an oxymoron… Read more »

9 years ago

Great responses.

9 years ago

Odaro Obara and Ty!

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you for the prayers… Me reel out di prayers for everyone in mi esp fambo… Even di peepers… I understand your fears…dat is why we respect what you do…we see the talent and mastery but more important, we feel your heart…we feel your emotions, we fall in love with your family, and watch the replay of your life as you unfold it…we see our life experiences through your stories… You give us hope that regardless of all we have been thru that better will come… You make us see that no matter what obstacles come our way, our ori,… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Big up fi dat Ty!

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

No prob love pray and do so regularly…

I am off to bed, pleasant dreams, we shall chat again in the morrows or in the dream realms…be well

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Well we all thank u…it nuh easy what you do…not sure if I could…

So in the mornings when I am praying I send out a shout out to you, your family and your ancestors…they all played a role in getting you to this point… We grateful…

9 years ago

I will pray for Mumzy… We all take her over as fi we mother…

Nuh worry she will trample di snake under grass…

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Thanks Ty

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Mi neva tink bout it. Dats why mi ask bout di dream cause shi did topless in it and nakedness dem seh is usually disgrace. Shi keep the cinnamon stick at work tho

9 years ago

Mi deh beg unoo pray fi di mumzy fi mi. Shi have meeting at work in the mawning. And is she and a “snake unda grass” co-worker deh meet up wid di boss, suh please pray seh everything guh well fi mi yuh si

9 years ago

Christianity taught me to love and be humble, which aim trying daily…I hate the dogma of the religion and refuse to be anything they subscribe…

I still read my bible daily, mostly psalms and proverbs…

I am not sure where my journey will take me but finally I am excited…

I get up early every morning, to get to tune into myself…I praise God, I honor my ancestors and my guides, I meditate, and I feel loved…

I am calmer, centered, and ready for getting to know my true self…

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

I agree with every word Ty. That sums it up neatly

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

At night before I go to bed, I pray and I do my introspection…I try to recall the major events of the day and see if I could have done them differently…

9 years ago

Mi glad that mi have the alter it’s so soothing to pray there

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Yes Nunu…I call Obara’ name every morning, I pray for her family because it was her post that made me do it…

I emailed her on a Sunday with pics of my altar and she answered me…I almost cried because she was so sweet and I was not sure if I was interrupting her family time…

9 years ago

Yes I am, my omo orisha is no other than Yeye Osun…I love her dearly…for all the times I needed my parents, she was always with me…

But you see how life is, that this man also knew she was my Orisha…

9 years ago

I honor, praise, and thank my grandfather daily…because the last time I went to church was for his funeral… Then as I looked to Hindiusm, Buddhism, etc…my grandfather dreamed my husband ( unno know seh mi nuh dream) and tell him to get a Ganesha and showed him some crystals to get… So I ran to the Indian store and got Ganesh ( Esu), while I there the owner checked me out at the cash register and asked me if it was for me, I said no…he said good for you are to get Lashkmi (Osun)… I began reading the… Read more »

9 years ago

Exactly! I don’t like the condescending and disparaging thing at all! Mi deh work hard at not being judgemental

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Mi si one pastor whe mek this African man divorce his wife cause him convince the man that tradition is cultism. Him put fear inna di poor man

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

That is. Just sick Nunu…him nuh remember the part of the vow when seh what God has put together let no man put asunder…

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

A dat mek me start look at the Yoruba culture, when is saw Ogun, I said that looks like my people… I finally had something to identify wid…

9 years ago

My spiritual journey came out of that very frustration…I saw no love…

I saw hypocrites, beggars ( di pastor dem), condemers, and judgemental freaks…they refused to defend their positions, all I heard was God is all knowing, and you cannot understand everything in the bible…

9 years ago

So true Obara…

I was searching before…my father refuse to go to church because him seh it not fattening no pastor pocket…

Di last time I went to church was for my grandfathers funeral…

9 years ago

Is suh I went to church one Sunday and this young girl was pregnant and in order for her to get re accepted into the church she had to beg for forgiveness, I never forgot that day, shi was on her knees bawling her eyes out at the alter and shi heng on tuh har mumma frack and seh, mama mi deh beg yuh forgive mi!! Pastor please mi sorry!!! They made that girl feel worthless her mother didn’t even acknowledge her. Mi couldn’t tek it!

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

It bun me you see…she should a spit inna him face… Renk…

Dem nuh know seh children are blessings…

9 years ago

Another catholic priest came in to pray for him and told him if he gave his life and heart to Jesus, he may walk again…so he decided to do just that and became a catholic priest…he had a daughter prior to this… I think this made him an unconventional priest…he taught me a lot and was there for me when I needed someone to talk to… He however was upset with me because after sixth form I refused to go to a catholic university… He still blessed me, wid olive oil and gave me a fixed rosary for protection to… Read more »

9 years ago

There are so many stories I could tell…

It was Christianity that led to my spiritual path…in high school, I met a wonder catholic priest who became a priest after the age 50. He was in a car accident due to drinking and driving…he was laid up in the hospital and was told he would never walk again, everyone else in the accident died and he was the only survivor…

He had survivors guilt..

9 years ago

Night and manners to everyone…I had a busy day at work then went to an excercise class…. Love di post Obara, it sums it up so nicely….I remember in a previous post your daughter said one of your gift was to give people hope, which I agree with…but I will also add that you have mastered how to make a complex topic seem simple while entertaining us and carrying us on a journey….no tea trip needed, we just need to keep reading the posts… Lawd I don’t know where to start wid di religion thing…my first ordeal with religion was… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

I can’t believe he actually use the word bastard! What a outta orda parson dat!

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Everybody turn een early..Sun mussi drain dem tidday

9 years ago

Mi seh Toy, mi remember mi tek all mi money down tuh the likkle coin dem mi coulda find,guh tithe caws pastor tell wi fi fast fi one whole month and tithe while wi fast, “love”offering and all and at the end of the month house, car, etc etc will be ours, needless to say a ongle pasten an him breddrin dem role out.

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

What??? Smh. Nunu, I don’t want to laugh, but that was so cold. Obara, thanks for answering my question in the peanut post.

Obara meji
9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

That’s what I am here for Toy

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Nuh chue! Mi dead fi hungry fi di month belly operation tek mi

9 years ago

My manners Ekale everyone!

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Hi toy!

9 years ago

Ok mi wi wait

9 years ago

I love these points on Spiritually. Thanks teach!

Obara meji
9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Really Nunu? Prophetess ah ole teef

Obara meji
9 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Welcome mi nunsi nuh figet de dream enuh ah coming

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Lol mi seh!

Obara meji
9 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Same suh Toy

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Evening Teach

9 years ago

Evening people! Soon come…mi reading an writing

9 years ago

Sister O…you stay up late fi dis one ma? lol. Yu have a thing for the “Fortis” men…me too…while one, lol. All I can say is that I have always repelled the Christian faith. The shoutings in church frightened me, the speaking in tongues annoyed me although the person doing it fascinated me. But i always hated church. I know of a creator and the unforeseen things and nature and that was always good enough for me. For me the Jesus stories never took. I always fell asleep and my family just made bench space so I can go sleep.… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

You know what turned me off, I went yo church and the prophetess said, God is getting ready to give a huge blessing but first you need to tithe exactly $1000 to receive it. So that means no $1000 no blessing? Didn’t sit well with me atall. I was also TURNED AWAY from a church because I didn’t have the required amount of money to pay for “learning tools” that were needed

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Same here but it was the pastor that turned me off. I was 12 yrs old and when the pastor said when he use to drive his pinto (his words verbatim) he would hide from his congregation, but when he got his Bentley he didn’t have to hide no more. He went on and on about all of what he had and my aunt who was struggling was giving him all her money. She even sold her car and she is on the bus today, day. I was like, I am good, because if you are doing work for God… Read more »

9 years ago

Wowza! Talk about striking a chord. I am going to share this with my mother. Perhaps it will help her understand better why I have always studied other religions and practiced what felt right to me instead of remaining and straight laced catholic school girl.
Thank you teacher, you shed light in so many places.

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