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For the evolution of mankind...

Embracing Spirituality is a blog of a wide variety of spiritual topics and discussions, led by spiritualist, metaphysician, and traditionalist Obara Meji and her personal experiences. Born out of a desire to assist others in embracing their spirituality, and to lend our contribution to the ultimate goal of the evolution of mankind.
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  • Obara Meji wrote a new post 1 week, 5 days ago

    The Mystery of Spirit Possessions – What Happens? My dear bloggers, I greet you all with love and kindness. Today I will share some things to you about spiritual possession. No, I will not […]

    • Who told you to share your body with Orisha? I really don’t understand that advice. Please have them explain and then you come and explain to me. Fuss mi hear dat. Tarot sell by the dozens at the shops online, any and anyone can use it but do they know what they are doing or what they are entertaining is the question. Also malevolent beings can also give you truthful messages, not saying this is the case for you but be ye careful!

    • The topic was very long but people here do not like long post so I had to remove a lot of what I had written.

    • I don’t understand your comment George, how do you mean attend to you? I don’t know you and have never communicated with you before.

    • Yes, to be alaigned with your higher or highest self you MUST go through an awakening process, which is an initiation.

      This does not mean you must go through it with physical persons present.

      My first initiation was done by cosmic forces. It was very, very, very, very, very tough, jarring to say the least.

      I do not know how my enemy survived it. It took me a long time to get over it, but now I am me and I love who I turned out to be.

      The Christian Bible says (I quote it because I was a Christian once upon a time) “the race is not for the swift nor the battle for the strong but it is for those who can endure it to the bitter end”

      Hang on to your dreams Sire, life is tough now but I shall get better. Use your mind and change you reality my friend! Pray!

    • I have only experienced persons getting into spirit on two occasions. One time someone invited my mother to a pentecostal church and I followed her- I must have been like 9/10 yr old if I can recall. People were all over talking in tongues and fainting.
      Another time was when my mother had an employee who would always get into spirit. One summer I was in the lunch room with him having lunch and he started to twitch and all of a sudden started to vibrate and talk in tongues, it lasted about 5 mins. After the episode he said a spirit came through the back door of the lunch room and entered him. I was scared shit. My mother said he had gotten into spirit about 4-5 other times while working there- He past away many years ago, bless his soul. He was quite young too about 34

      • Some people are sensitive to invisible beings when they enter our space. May he enjoy his new life wherever he may be.
        Big up yuhself Lincoln

    • Hi Meenah, you can book a session with her here. https://www.embracingspirituality.com/spiritual-readings/

    • Oh wow! Here I am reading this after 3 a.m., and I’ve been hit with so many nuggets that I feel like I’m at an all-you-can-eat wisdom buffet!

      One point that really stood out to me: “It was my Africa initiation where I realized that through spirituality and through ritualistic procedures and acts, one is able to come to an understanding about their consciousness and how Beings within yourself can wake you up to the true and real you, for there is so much of you that is hidden from you.”

      This resonated with me deeply because my pastor often speaks about the “real you”, that’s inside of you, needs to be pulled out of you, so you can know the real you, to fully embrace spirituality.

      Now, I have a clearer understanding of what she’s been teaching., Also, you’ve now got me ready to launch a full-blown TikTok investigation to catch whoever’s out here stealing your writing to boost themselves. You know I’ll call them out with receipts!

      Thank you for this post, Obara—it was truly enlightening.

    • Thank you Tessy

    • As Georgia says, book a session

    • You say you prayed for the gift, did it come with interpretation? Do you know what you are saying?

    • All of my faculties were tried and tested – so that I was trained to discern beyond the material world. I do not have word to tell you the torture I went through to become me, my eyes mist in memory. To discern beyond this physical world, you had to be stripped of everything…

      Greetings, Obara.

      This part of your teachings above really resonated. I know most folks call it “the dark night of the soul.” Just thinking of the stripping and transformation process one went through. It is amazing how one came out of these experiences alive.

      Your story about the pastor’s wife gave me a good belly laugh. 

      Much Love to you and my fellow readers.

      Peace and blessings.


    • Hi Obara and everyone on the blog. The church is so mix up! I laughed so hard at the pastor wife pretending to be possessed to beat up her two matey. When people get possessed by spirit and talk in tongues I’ve always wondered if is it feeling like when you hear a beat to a song, and your foot starts to tap. All of sudden the music takes you over and you can’t control yourself. Once the music stops it is like you are back to your regular self.

      • Yes Toy at times it’s like that. The pastors wife was the reason I went to church every Sunday. Fight during and after service, I rolled and her the women kept coming back each Sunday after the last beating lololol. The she would fight her children and husband would seperate them and she would go back to the drum and beat them while singing of course the drum was beaten hare and out of tune due to her temper lolololol

    • Much love to you also Wale, the woman was a treasure to some and a horror to others, I got some grey jokes there lol

    • There are certainly concoctions but I don’t advise them unless you are sure you can handle them and still come back to be the same you

    • You tell me, you prayed and asked for it. I cannot tell you because I do not know what you are entertaining

    • Hello Obara and all.
      Thanks alot, your posts are always timely and reasonate with whatever am going through all the time. True, True spirit of light will only enter clean (pure) vessels.

    • You are very welcome
      My dear

    • The who are you speaking to and what are you saying?

    • Remind me
      To write in this but I did write about drinking search the blog for it

    • Very insightful post. Thank you for sharing Obara!

    • You are welcome Shay

    • Thank you for the comment. I cannot answer your questions in full because it would require time on my part that I do not have as I am always busy.

      However if you search the blog and put in search the word death, there are many post on that topic.

      To give you a small reply, No one dies, we transition to another reality. The body is of use while we journey earth and when it’s done it’s done.
      When physical death occurs, it goes back to the ground for animals to feed on it.

      I cannot tell you if the Bible is Gods word or not, I try not to get into those discussions.
      However I will say there is some measure of truth is all dogmas and doctrines.

      This shy and quiet, lies are loud and arrogant.
      Best wishes!

    • Wow. I just email my older brother this morning before reading your post and told him I too miss church…. That funny you write in this post almost the same thing.

      I love when you write Obara is so Beautiful and also Powerful to read. It sooo Addictive to stop reading. Good food for the soul to digest.

      I also enjoyed when you broke down the part where you talk about so much bodies in one place(the church)& the man with the unclean mind & heart.
      When you said, “what “possesses” his body is not the “Holy Ghost” because often times, he is not clean enough to host it!

      Let the church say Amen?”

      I said to myself: “Amen” for that. This is sooooo True Reader. So, much people in the church or go to church with no good heart or mind within them.
      Thank you again Obara for this a Powerful, Insightful post.

    • Thank you Debz, I had fun remembering those times. The pastors wife and those two ladies and even pastor himself Lolol

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  • Obara Meji wrote a new post 3 weeks, 1 day ago

    To Catch a Spirit: How a Fallen Obeah Man (tries to) Capture a Spiritualist For Power Recently I told you all of an experience I had with an obeah man I called, “Bishop Abraham”, and his spirit wife, a mermaid (if you didn’t […]

    • Ohh my goodness, Ma’am Obara you have really been through a lot in the course of this journey. I think the bishop didn’t just loss his power but also his sanity. How in heavens name did he think getting rid of you will bring back his power?

    • Amen Randy!

    • Yw

      • Please ma what those stepping on you mean? I have had 2 different people on different occasions do that to me……the last one happen not quite long. Let me know please. When it happened I just got angry with the person, I never knew it has spiritual meaning

        • I told you all to answer, here you are asking me to answer lol, try to answer for yourself and then later you may learn what I have to say

    • Beeby replied 3 weeks ago

      Obara I want to remind you that you have not answered the previous question.

      Bishop Abraham using his right foot to step on your left foot is indicative of your spiritual powers or gift being suppress.

      • Bbeey you weee not present at the zoom meeting because I answered it there. Ask your class mates who were there to tell you what I said

    • Greetings teacher, from what I understand growing up in Jamaica. My mother and others would say dem a try dumb u down, “he would take his right foot and step on my left foot”. The right is your Receiving side (mothers side) and your left is the power side (father side).
      back home people also say, if someone is able to see if they step on ur feet you would be able to see too (soh dem say lol), but in his case I think he was looking for a Transfer.
      Teacher a nuff time mi see people like dis enuh lol and dem don’t know, mi still a learn still.
      Teacher thank u so much.
      love and light

    • Humility is the way to go! It beats me how people take their gifts for granted knowing it can be taken from them!

      • Very true and before he lost his gift he was doing good work but I heard he eventually began to mix it up

    • Toy replied 3 weeks ago

      Hi Obara, and everyone the blog. Bishop Abraham my guess he tried to blind you or he was trying to stunt you spirituallly by stepping on your foot. He was specific on the foot he was stepping on. He seemed to be watching you from the first day he met you.

      • This was after we were in Jamaiaca, soon after because he transitioned very soon after this last experience with him. He was evil incarnate

    • Hi Obara, this again is another great read. I believe stepping on your foot was a way for him to suppress you, to stunt your spiritually growth. It seems that he was aware of your gifts, and wanted it for himself.

      Nevertheless, he failed! Now you are Obara Meji, the spiritualust, Ifa-Orisa practioner, philosopher and teacher of metaphysics. In other words, your a duppy conquer, duppy specialist, spiritual warrior and everything spiritually good.

      Obara, thank you for another great post, you are truly a remarkable Spiritual Mom, that cares about her followers.

    • Iya replied 3 weeks ago

      Hello Ma’am. Thanks again alot for the precious gems you drop for us always. Honestly Ma, I think maybe you are one in a thousand, of gifted and powerful spiritualist, who share sacred information for ordinary people like us
      These infos are out of this world..
      May you be continually blessed.
      Iba Abiamo dada

    • Thank you Lucky my dear, all good words sent from you are received!

    • Thank you Debz, he meant no good at all

    • If you guys likes to read king post I would have written everything here but sadly I had to cut it down. He was pure evil.

    • Thank you for participating

    • Oriya replied 3 weeks ago

      Stepping on your foot is dominance also the blue coach is the sea ,television is a portal in the dream world. He wanted the powers from the waters of where your from for he foresees you hold a rank there. Reading thìs why do i felt like you were paralyze with the liquid in your mouth. Anyways i coulda just chat fart a while ago but a learning ..thanks again for this obara blessings ,peace and love .

    • I assume he stepped on your foot because he was aware of your true powers and that was an attempt to steal it ?

    • She cuss him to peices, de words she used were like weapons, it was terrible and fi truth she was a real gangsta woman in real life one ah dem tough woman who was business minded and became wealthy but still had that street in her. Lol.

    • I enjoyed this – a question on the Bishop, did he just lose the gift/power because he misused it or did he lose it because he did something his spirit wife disapproved of (like give her bun ).
      One time someone told me of a reader woman in Jamaica that lost her power to read and they said it was because she started to misrepresent stuff she saw in order to get more monies from clients.

      I think some of these people who get some gift eventually prey on people in their weak vulnerable state. Sad but a reality ..

      Blessed Love

      • I think he lost it because he went off script meaning he was operation off self and not off spirit and if hood read the first post in him you would realize something else. It is blatant but only a few of you realize what it is

    • I wasn’t in his arms Ada, he had gotten up and was watching me after he gave the liquid

    • Thanks KB

    • Beautiful post once again Obara. I love the way you incorporate a bit of humor in these stories. The “claats” and “he opted not to wear his teeth” had me dwl.

      I think his stepping on your left foot was a physical attempt at diminishing or taking your gifts. That did not work so he went to the spiritual realm to attempt it.

      Truly appreciate and see the effort you continue to put into the blog!

      • Thank you also Sim for the comment. When I was writing this story I wondered about the cussing that the woman did and certain things I wrote there that did occur and was humorous to me, if other readers would get it or understand.

        She called him dranco, germz box and dawg vomit among other names when she did ah mash up de tings dem. My mouth along with others who were there drop ah grung, frighten!

        Lol but I could not include these because many people from different cultural backgrounds read, but de strands of hair she neva have, mi cudden help Miself lol

        Because I am authentic and true in my writings, I could not leave those parts out, when she said she did not have a hundred stands of hair on her private parts (she used the words straight out, “front”lol) if you say it in patois you would roll on the floor laughing as I did while writing.

        Boy patois sweet, Pidgin sweet also and I could have easily written it in pidgin but it would not have had the same effect as how it did not in decent language as written in the story.

        Bring the Jamaican to foreign but cannot remove the Jamaican out of him.
        Lolol, patois sweet!!

    • She is a very kind and giving person with a temper. She would have even pay him more if he had not requested so much and had been more humble with his price, that is her character lol. As for his attack. It had nothing to do with her behavior. Thank you for the comment. Peace

    • I think why Bishop Abraham step on your foot like that was his way of saying he wanted your power, your ability, & your gift. He was secretly jealous and envious of your natural gift you had and wanted it from you for his self.

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