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Here’s the Thing About Spirits and their Attraction to Liquor and Drunkards

They are here, destructive and plentiful. They create havoc anywhere they go. Within their world, they are Lords and Kings and Barons and Earls, and humans are the scum of the Universe to them and looked down upon. What are they? They are malevolent beings.

However, benevolent beings will stand aside and allow the malevolents to lead. But it depends on the circumstance.

Alcohol, drugs, promiscuity, kleptomania, and all these things that our world looks at as “bad”, are indeed tests for humans. Challenges that humans either fail or overcome.

I am currently writing a book and in the book there are some very malevolent entities that work with a particular magician. There is one in particular that is a contract killer albeit invisible but he is so vile that he even terrorizes children playing with each other as he passes them by. In the book, he is quite funny (as you all know I love to laugh), but in actuality, there truly are mischievous entities such as this character.

I have had many encounters with them in my lifetime. They are quite used to me, or perhaps my name has been spread among them as “Obara de Bad Duppy Slayer“.

My first encounter with malevolent spirits, that I can remember, was when I was around 6 years old. My older sister’s father who had died had begun to plague my little sister who was about three months old at the time.

She was constantly ill and no one could find out what the problem was. One of my other sisters saw a man laying on the bed beside the sleeping baby and ran to the backyard to alert my mother. When they both ran to the room where the baby was, she was hot, sweaty, filled with rashes but no man was on the bed with her. My father was working out of town so it could not have been him, and there was no other man around…

But one night, the malevolent entity showed itself to me.

One night, I was in a dream where I saw my sister, my mother and I in my mother’s room playing together. My mother put my sister down on the bed, but from her position on the bed, you could look through to the hall and see my room. I saw my baby sister staring at the end of the hall. We wondered what she was looking at, and so my mother picked her up and proceeded to my room. There was a dresser right by the entrance of my bedroom, and sitting on a stool by the dresser was a very black man with very red eyes, and a cloud of white standing over him.

My mother, upon seeing them, shouted, “Jesus Christ! Ah duppy!” (Jesus Christ, it’s a ghost! – lol. Doesn’t sound as good in English)

My mother then ran back to her room, yelling at me to come! But as I started to run behind her, the spirit grabbed my wrist.

And I woke up in a cold sweat.

I woke up and ran to tell my parents of what I had seen, but they shushed me harshly because the baby was up and crying loudly. (People, never dismiss a child. A child’s word can wake up the unconscious.). I finally got to tell my mother in the morning, and this is how she sought spiritual help and found out the source of the problem.

The woman who performed the divination for my mother and eventually healed my sister revealed that it was the spirit of my older sister’s father (who had transitioned some time ago) who was plaguing my younger sister. The complaint was that he felt, from his position in the spirit world, that my mother was not paying his daughter the attention that she needed now that the new baby had been born, and so the spirit intended to take the child out of the Living World as a way to punish my mother or to appease my older sister.

Malevolent Beings are categorized in many parts. Some of them, upon their transition, the day they leave their body, depending on how they left, their spirit can linger on Earth and create disturbance. I call these sets Earthbound or Wayward spirits. Also, there are those, like my older sister’s father, who entertained malevolent beings while alive. In this case, he was a lush, a serious alcoholic who was scandalous and terrible when he was inebriated, which was almost all the time, therefore entertaining malevolent beings.

So when he transitioned, he, perhaps, left the Earth, but his residuals, those malevolents who lived with him and drank with him, still remained on Earth and perhaps it was them that now plagued my younger sister. I am not sure whether the latter or the former is the cause of the case, but whichever one it may be, the Being would act the same way. Malevolent Beings are known to take on the forms of people we know, as they possibly did with this spirit, looking and acting like him.

Now, there is something you should understand. There is a slight difference between malevolent spirits and earthbound spirits that also may plague human beings. A malevolent entity is more of an energy that takes its origin from the darkest part of humans themselves, while the earthbound spirit is the “ghost” (in other words, a thin copy) of the transitioned person trapped to the Earth realm.

In my story above, my older sister’s father was an alcoholic and in his death he did not detach completely from this Earth, and this is where corruption comes to play. My older sister’s father was not malevolent in nature, however, while he lived, he was an alcoholic, corrupt not only by excessive drinking, but by the wild and uncontrolled desire to drink, and therefore as an earthbound, he was now a corrupt spirit.

He had really passed on into another life, but the essence, or residuals, of him that was attached to earth lingered behind and became earthbound.

People in the land of the living who uses drugs and alcohol in excess are susceptible to attracting malevolent forces to become one with them, literally. They will spiral down a very dark road, one so dark and dismal, they will no longer become recognizable.

Look very closely at a drunkard, or someone on hard drugs, and then look at a picture of them when they were not addicted and see the difference. You may say “Well yes, it’s the drugs and alcohol. It does change a persons looks“. Yes it does, but the change comes from an invisible entity, not of our world, that has imbued itself within the person.

Eventually, he or she is gone and what is left instead is a shell. The foreign entity which now inhabits the drug or alcohol-addicted body is happy for the opportunity to use a body to interact with the physical world, while the spirit which belonged to the body has withdrawn.

Now, this is not to say that you can not drink at all. However, anything done in excess is never good. As a spiritualist/traditionalist, I use liquor daily. But it is never “to drink“, rarely is this ever done for profane entertainment, but rather for spiritual purposes.

In practical spirituality, liquor is used often. Beer, rum, and all sorts, and there are reasons for this, those that I can not share here. There is a very close relationship that non-physical beings have with liquor, and if you recall the first miracle that Christ did when he was 12 was turning water into wine. There is great metaphysical meaning behind the “miracle”, but to understand the subtle behind the symbol, it is left to those who, through spirit, can unveil it.

Liquor is an activator for spirit, and many practitioners will use it to awaken the spirits which lie dormant within them, or to activate certain medicines, like the Babalawos of the Yoruba, or to welcome entities when they pass through, or in defense.

When used, the drinker can enter into a realm that is otherwise closed to him when functioning on the lower human plane, but without going through the spiritual initiatory process where non-physical beings carry this person through the realms without the aid of liquor, the drinker can open spiritual doors and unleash negative forces that can now enter their lives.

This is the problem when any random Mr. Sir or Miss Ma’am picks up a deck of tarot cards or performs spiritual rituals without any spiritual authority to do so, without knowing what entity speaks, without knowing what doors you have opened and how to close them. In the lives of this lot, blockages often occur in many ways as a result of spiritual carelessness. They are not being guided by any physical or spiritual mentor, but only by the ego, pride, or desire for spiritual power.

Benevolent spirits will give messages, but also malevolent spirits will give messages, so you will find a lot of times that those who use psychedelics or take drugs or alcohol will say things that will be prophetic or speak with a spiritual undertone, and things that come forth from them are often the truth.

But from whom do we receive these messages? Who do we entertain while ‘under the liquor’ to speak to us? And by ‘under the liquor’ I mean drunk that rhymes with skunk.

In excess, the drinker gives the wheel of his body over to those crafty invisibles who wish that they had a body, who wish to enter the world through form but can not, and so they use the human and his foolishly uncontrolled lust for spirits in a bottle.

I write these posts to share some of what I know for sure with you all here. There is so much for us to learn and to understand in this world, and we all have a little piece of the puzzle. However, I beseech you to read and read again and know that forces are abound to take the human off his track.

Be ye careful.

Obara Meji

“No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.”

– Mary Shelley

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8 months ago

I enjoy your write up and I practice them

11 months ago

Thank you so much Obara for this informative and expository article. May the lines continue to fall in pleasant places for you… I’m from Nigeria and I’ve been greatly informed ever since I started reading your write ups .. Say a prayer for me on financial blessings ..

I'm sire
I'm sire
11 months ago

Obara may the heavens keep increasing you in knowledge and wisdom. I’m in my 30’s aspiring to be a musical artist. But life struggles and worries got me so exhausted. I wish you could tell me something. I’m scared, confused and very frustrated. I just need some form of guide or something

Jojo Queen
11 months ago

Greetings teacher, this knowledge is priceless and I am greatful for you, thank you, sounds funny but the more I learn and know the more I feel I know nothing.SMH, what you wrote here is the truth my nan’s bby father is a drunk and when I look at him it’s not him I see, I don’t even know how to explain it lool, I see these beings via dreams too but why do they show themselves if they are to do harm ? wouldn’t they want to stay hidden to carry out what they wanted ? and they seem… Read more »

11 months ago

Would you be able to explain example: link our genes /How is it that our family lineage inherit them? I think most addictions are ways which people use to help find themselves spiritually. After all these feelings help us to be relaxed and able to discover a sense of being apart rather than being disconnected and alone.

11 months ago

Obara, I’m truly ever grateful for you and your teachings. Today, your post has prompted me to reflect back to my past 6 years or so when I “lost” myself in company that all we ever wanted to do was drink (I love me some rum, but we overdid it) and partying. I am thankful to my Ori for my bringing me back to myself in the last two years and life is much more chill, lol! Thank you, Obara, and like you said there are many forces around to take us off our paths.

11 months ago

Thank you obara for another informative and effective blog, fill with wisdom, and knowledge. I really enjoy reading this post.

11 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Greetings, Obara.

I sent the email as discussed. I look forward to the next step.

Peace and blessings.

11 months ago

Thank you Obara for sharing this post with us. I really appreciate you showing us the types of forces that we are dealing with in this world when it come to particular things, like liquor, drugs, etc. . So much to learn indeed.. I enjoy and learn a lot when you write about your personal stories from your life. I know you said you had many encounters with them in my lifetime. But why you say, They are quite used to you or perhaps my name has been spread among them as “Obara de Bad Duppy Slayer“. I had to… Read more »

11 months ago

I think you’re right, because ever since i started to smoke and drink, I’ve notice a shift in my spiritual life, it’s not like it used to be before… recently too my dad and other people have made a comment that smoking sends away the good spirits that are supposed to bring good fortune to someone, I also noticed that some things that I’m supposed to have achieved is being delayed….it’s a big battle for me now but I’m trying gradually to stop smoking

11 months ago

I look forward to your long articles, Obara. Thank you for the nuggets of wisdom. Blessings.

11 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Wale (Yoruba name). I will send the email. Blessings to all.

11 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara, another Wale is here looking to get his way through the spirituality recently and mostly of all your articles says much more about me, more like it’s all written by me or for me, lately it’s been too much of revelations I’ve been getting and idk.I’m looking for help as well please, even I messaged you on Instagram some time ago.

11 months ago

I really appreciate the time you take to educate me.

11 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Do some back exercises Sis! My lower back pains came back after stop doing my exercises for months- they stopped like 2 days after I started to do them again. Get well soon

11 months ago

This is so deep.
Obara kindly elaborate on “A malevolent entity is more of an energy that takes its origin from the darkest part of humans themselves”

11 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara please let all the informations out we are all ready to read and learn.

11 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara, we love the long post them ! Waiting on the book

11 months ago

Fully understood and appreciated. I think that another aspect of this innerstanding is that of being surrounded by entities and absorbing their energies because your own aura is “weak”. Your chi is imbalanced. Best example is those who work in a hospital or mental institution. Someone like this who has an occasional drink can spiral out too. This is an extremely important topic for these times because ALL the spirits are moving now because of the movements in the heavens. Yea..di duppy dem a ride thru nuff nuff right now….

11 months ago

My beloved obara may i say this ,you have brought a lot of spiritual knowledge from my youthful days until now and have seen them manifested before me . Because recently i know of such a drinker/drankard who told my cousin that her deceased mother and sister visited her alot of times unbeknowst to him he doesnt know that she had a deceased sister ,he only know of her mother that has died .He told her this under his liqour(drunk).he even told her that she rebuke her mother ,when she comes by blooding her up in the name of jesus… Read more »

11 months ago

Thank you Obara. Earthbound can be benevolent or are they only malevolent? I will read again as it was very interesting. I know someone that was heavily on drugs and when I say they were nothing like I remembered in physical or personality smh

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