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Angels On Earth: Types of Highly Evolved Beings and How to Recognize Them

I have been blogging for quite some time about the Earth’s Shift that has been in progress for some time now. The shift has been in effect before all of us who are currently here on this planet were even born. The beauty about this “time” that we are living in, is that we came in to the Earth almost toward the end of the Shift. This is a great thing because among us walks beautiful advanced Beings encased in human form that are here to assist us (or assist those who will “make it” when the shift is complete; which may not be in our lifetime).

Religious humans may call these Beings “Angels”, but the description and function of an Angel are limited to a religious interpretation, which will make these Beings only able to act in accordance to how it is perceived by the limited human mind, which is why these Advanced Beings will reduce themselves to take on the form and functionality that the human has given to it, in order to be received and understood.

But in actuality, these Beings are beyond what is described in any religious text. And also, they do not only exist outside of human form, but also within it.

Contrary to what many may know or believe, the government in every country does not rule that particular part of the world, but there is an Ultimate Government which includes All. Within our planet, there are Beings who may just appear to you as a market seller, mechanic, taxi driver, or cashier, but has a Light so bright that they can assist in human form by just being present. The vibration of these Beings influences everything around them, whether aware or not.

There are many of these Beings and many types of them with many different missions, but one ultimate goal that unites them all.

Within this current Earth’s shift (a shift in consciousness, or advancing to a higher dimensional frequency), Beings of brilliant Light are being born to offer their assistance in propelling the shift forward.

*If you are new to this blog, when I say “of brilliant Light“, I mean Beings who have achieved higher advancement in consciousness (or Light), and are from higher dimensions within time and space.

Without assistance from more advanced Beings, the Earth’s shift could be delayed unnecessarily due to human misunderstanding of chaos and balance. So for instance, a Higher Being who we may just see as an average child, will come to Earth with a seemingly simple mission, such as “assist this family by teaching the mother how to let go“, but a huge impact, such as “the learned art of letting go has moved the mother to search for answers, find them, and teach others“.

That impact becomes like a burst of Light which is added to the Light of humanity as a whole, thus moving the shift further much faster. So imagine millions of these Beings successfully completing these missions and the amount of Light that would be given to Earth? This would lead to an increase in consciousness (though consciousness has many levels and variations).

How to Recognize Higher Beings in Human Form

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Spiritually Evolved Children

Difficult Birth – Giving birth to a Higher Being is not an easy journey. The pregnancy of the mother who carries this Angelic Being to the world will find the pregnancy to be a difficult one. Not only a difficulty in pregnancy, but even a difficulty in conception, the 9-month journey, and strange difficulty giving birth. The mother, who is not carrying an ordinary human, but a brilliance of Light, may come upon many challenges and suffering. In other words, there will be a story to tell about this special birth.

As the child grows, people may realize that this child has a special wisdom about it, and may perhaps refer to them as “old souls”. But in fact, many times, these are not “old souls”, but souls who have never been to the Earth before, but volunteer and “jump into” human form.

Socially Awkward – As these children grow, the parents may become concerned because the child may be awkward with friends (or have none). They may have difficulty learning in school, or if they do learn well, they are unbelievably bright but often anti-social (those who carry an incredible amount of Light are almost never social people). But the lack of socializing is not always their desire. When there is little to no self-realization, the child will desire to have social connection, but will find difficulty in finding or keeping it. In fact, they may experience friendship breakups with no explanation or quarrel to have caused the separation. Often times, the friends, too, do not know why they can not remain around this child, but may qualify it with an excuse to soothe the confusion. When one reaches some level of self-realization, the idea of friendships and connections becomes of little concern, and even undesirable.

The Mother – As strange as it may sound, they will have an uncanny closeness to their mothers. Why? The mother, being the vehicle that carries this Light to Earth, will still have essence of this child that he remains connected to, and this remains so forever regardless of their relationship. I know that most often people tend to be close to their mothers, but with this Higher Being, the relationship is almost like twins.

Kindness – This child will be extremely generous, wanting to give as much as they can because it genuinely gives them either a warm satisfaction, or a very nonchalant attitude toward giving. Even though they may not know their power, the spirit within them will understand that materials mean nothing.

Trauma – There is also another part to these Brilliant Beings. As beautiful as they are, some of them may also experience trauma during their time on Earth. Traumas such as rape or molestation, imprisonment, suffering or homelessness, abuse, depression, etc. Some of these Beings will become rebellious or extremist, as they are pure Light but must exist in a lower dimension, and so it becomes difficult to do so. This may be hard for many of you to understand, but some of these Beings are even terrible criminals. Although destructive to the emotional human, to the unemotional Universe, chaos and balance are one and the same, and so through terrible actions, this Being is still assisting humanity.

Short Lifespans – What is also unfortunate about these Higher Beings as children (and even as adults) is that they, due to the High Vibration they bring to the world, but the low vibration they must reside in, do not often stay long on the Earth, and if they do, they do so with much difficulty and suffering. The suffering is a desire to exit the Earth, and often times, this suffering is an emotional one. To recognize some of these Beings, when they die, their death makes an incredible impact on many people. Death of these Beings is not often a quiet exit, but one that leaves behind a large emotional response from others.

Side Note:

One of the greatest Light any Being can give to human life is that of emotions. There is a huge Light emitted when groups cheer for this Being, cry for this Being, experience extreme highs or lows with him, etc. What happens during these bursts of collective emotions is a rise in frequency and vibration. This is one of the reasons you will often find Higher Beings in areas of the Arts, an area where one is often celebrated. So when an artist, who had gone unnoticed while alive, suddenly becomes celebrated after death, he has successfully assisted the Earth in his memory alone.”

The Traveler

The traveler does not always mean traveling from one state, town, or country to another (although this does happen as well), but there are Beings that are here among us who travel through consciousness. We all travel through consciousness, but where most may only be able to do this through visions and dreams, there are others who do it while fully conscious and aware, or unaware.

The Prophet (or Consciousness Traveler) – This Being, if he is a part of a religious house, through him or her being aligned consciously and intuitively, they are able to pull messages that are “futuristic” and from other realms. They do this through conscious traveling of the mind; some call this “spirit”. However, those who are “Consciousness Travelers” (i.e. psychics, spiritualists, diviners, etc.) are not always aware of this gift. Often times, those who travel spiritually and return with messages, these messages are relayed as though they were just a result of a thought or reasoning.

Dreamers – Higher Beings are almost always dreamers and visionaries, as the two are different. For instance, in 2017 I was lying on my back across my bed with my eyes closed. Suddenly, I saw a large black smoke of fire coming from way across my housing estate. It was not actually happening, but it was a vision that appeared before me. Later, I learned that the gas station about 15 minutes away had caught fire. This is a vision. Dreamers are those who become lost in the imagination of their own mind, so much so that the imagination seems to be playing itself.

The World of Imagination is a GREAT world as long as one knows how to return to his reality, without crossing it with the dreams he has created. These Beings spend most of their time within their own minds.

Physical Traveling – Some Higher Beings with an assignment abroad will find himself drawn to a place other than his home. He may feel intuitively that he must travel, or he may travel and find that something keeps him there, whether he initially wanted to be there or not. No matter where the place is or if that place might be strange to someone else, he is not put off by the faults of that place, or even the challenges he might have had to endure to be there.

A Higher Being such as this will find that many things have changed about that place since the date of his arrival. One important thing that would have changed is the attention from the rest of the world that this place will begin to receive. If this place was ignored before, with the presence of this Higher Being, the place is now seen and will attract others. It will be a sudden and unexplainable attention.

Know that where ever these Beings travel to, they are ASSIGNED there because their Light is needed. Even if these Beings spend all their travel isolated and away from others, it is their Light and subtle vibration that influences that place as a whole.

Aliens (Not Green Card Holders)

Not necessarily speaking about extraterrestrials, though they do exist. But Aliens, in this context, are Beings from other “worlds” who are High in stature, but here encased in human form doing their work to assist humans and also the shift. These Aliens may be hard to fathom, but the ones I speak of are from the “future”. Please understand that when I say “future”, I do not mean the year 4056. As all time exists simultaneously, these Alien Beings are from a reality more advanced than the current reality of humans. In other words, where we may believe that one day cars will fly, these Beings are from a reality where they already do, but the human has not yet consciously entered that reality.

However, while in human form these Alien Beings may speak of strange futuristic things such as these, or they may come up with brilliant ideas or formulas, or may be creative geniuses (i.e. Steve Jobbs). These are people that we look at as visionaries, inventors, free thinkers etc. In other words, if I were to give you an example, it would be the Christian’s Jesus in his time. To recognize these Alien Beings is by noticing that they are often close to technology and know how to bring forth inventive ideas.

Aliens are Beings of a higher dimensional frequency that, when in human form, manifests in the human seeming more extraordinary or advanced than others, naturally talented, highly spiritual regardless of religious interference, deep and imaginative, and “strange” or “forward” in his ways of thinking and perception of the world.

This Being will also feel lonely within himself, even sometimes very sad. He will also pity human’s ways of thinking (or be fascinated by them, though he may challenge social norms), but he will have a deep desire to assist others. Most Aliens may not know who they are but will feel different, with little to no emotional connection with other humans, but may have very few connections with only those similar to him.

And Lastly, “Those Who Change Lives”

There are also Higher Beings who rises anyone who comes around them. These Beings may rise vibrations through their teachings (of any kind), rise others from one phase of their life to another (for example: a woman marries a man and the man becomes even greater than he ever was before marrying her). Beings with such incredible amount of Light such as these tend to “gift” good luck onto others. Because of this Being’s purity, when others come around them, they begin to rise.

So, if a person comes into contact with or becomes close to this Being, that person will find many areas of his life changing drastically for the better, though the Being in human form might be unaware that it is a part of his own Light that has been “gifted” to others.

However, what should be noted is that to get close to these people is not by chance. If one becomes close to this Being, it is a “reward” for that person; it is either a positive reward by the Universe, or a negative reward of repercussion for those who have acted against his purpose on Earth.

So it works like this: If a person has done wicked things to other people, and let us say that one person he has done wicked to has cried and swore against this person. One way this prayer is answered is when the wicked chooses a Higher Being as his next enemy. The Higher Being, appearing as an average person, has so much Light (and purity) that they are used by the Universe as almost “sentences” for wicked people, and positive rewards for others.

This world as we know it will never end. The judgment or rapture that is spoken of in the Christian’s Bible in Revelations, is happening now – and it is called the Shift. As we shift into a higher dimension (state of consciousness), we must be aware of the signs, and aware of the helpers or watchers who are here to assist. However, it is important to know that even if you are not one of these Beings, you still have an important role to play.

God Speed to you all,

Obara Meji

All truths goes through 3 stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident. – Schoepenhouer

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2 years ago

Now I know i have more ego work to do, as i often wonder whether my Light is mostly for the others or I have not learned to “access” it… or live it. Could you spare a few words on this please?

2 years ago

Greetings Elder Thank you so much for this blog! You explain things I could not understand, only guess. From my observation of the people around me and their lives, I can say that people who come to me to stay have like a shield of protection around them… it’s undescribable! Others who come to me for a short period of time have sudden life changes, like dream opportunities happen. It warms my heart!! I thought it was a coincidence but it happened so often that I cannot hide it is the Light I carry… because I do nothing. However the… Read more »

TAny G
2 years ago

Greetings Elder Thank you so much for this blog! You explain things I could not understand, only guess. From my observation of the people around me and their lives, I can say that people who come to me to stay have like a shield of protection around them… it’s undescribable! Others who come to me for a short period of time have sudden life changes, like dream opportunities happen. It warms my heart!! I thought it was a coincidence but it happened so often that I cannot hide it is the Light I carry… because I do nothing. However the… Read more »

TAny G
2 years ago

Greetings Elder Thank you so much for this blog! You explain things I could not understand, only guess. From my observation of the people around me and their lives, I can say that people who come to me to stay have like a shield of protection around them… it’s undescribable! Others who come to me for a short period of time have sudden life changes, like dream opportunities happen. It warms my heart!! I thought it was a coincidence but it happened so often that I cannot hide it is the Light I carry… because I do nothing. However the… Read more »

4 years ago

I can proudly say you’ve been my teacher on this journey …ase goddess

4 years ago

Blessings queen i can proudly say on my journey you’ve been my teacher

4 years ago

Hi obara, greetings to you and yours… Hugssss
I was wondering how to dump the water I was thinking of pouring the water down a outside drain, as you said don’t pour dump.I live in London.

4 years ago

Kudos to you Obara for your unflinching love for your students. You never rest until you feed the minds of your students with wisdom and knowledge, when your post delayed I said to myself the teacher is preparing her lesson note lol and truly you came out with this great piece tnx. Please I want some clarity on these few questions: How Can you rewrite your contact whiles in the human form? What as mother can you do to help these angelic beings when they are struggling and life is been chaotic for them? How can you as a mother… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Tnx soo much for giving these deep answers
I missed one question I had wanted to ask.
Pls for what reason would someone reveal himsef to you when he just passed away, putting on a different face same height and gestures staring at you without saying a word but keep showing up in your dreams with the real face. Does it mean you are included in his contract?

4 years ago

Hello Obara. Thanks for that last post. It has helped me to understand myself and my experiences much more, and I am sure that it will do the same for others. It has also allowed me to ‘see’ certain persons differently, which will help with our interaction.

4 years ago

Great post, O. Thanks for the insight! Is it possible to know if and what role you play through divination and initiation or is that only revealed when you re enter the spirit realm?

4 years ago

Greetings to Yeye Obara Meji and the ES family Iya this is a truly marvellous piece. I was reading and different people kept popping into my mind that fit these scenarios. Thank you for the insight and wisdom imparted. I have 2 questions please. You did another great piece illustrating how people can steal your Star and it seems to particularly affect women. In this article you say that this destiny cannot be changed, does that mean these type of women are protected from Star thieves? I also giggled at the Green card part but then I got to thinking… Read more »

Intellectual Bhutu
4 years ago

Greetings Obara Meji! *inserts yoruba greeting and prostrates* This is good information! It brings knowledge, clarity and confirmation. I am happy for those who are able to tick many boxes. Lol at those of us who jumped over trauma and short lifespan . I have questions…I have answers for some but your answers are always better. What are the likely implications for this being in relationships/having children? If they copulate with another light being, how are their offspring different? Can they create a “regular human being”? Do these beings typically recognize each other? Without leaving the current human experience, can… Read more »

Intellectual Bhutu
4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Very helpful insights, thank you!

Though hard to believe…I am sure that you now recognize that those men played a special role in your awakening…

Intellectual Bhutu
4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

dem did tink a ongle dove

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji
4 years ago

Thank you for all your write ups ma’am. I understand a lot of things better about myself and my journey on earth through reading your posts. Kí ẹ pẹ́ fún wa.

4 years ago

Good post Obara. Lol @ Aliens (Not Green Card Holders).

4 years ago

Beautiful post!

4 years ago

All I can think of while reading this post is Obara Meji. You are an angel on earth.

4 years ago

Recently, in Jamaica, a taxi driver picked up a man early in the morning, who I believe is some form of non-physical being dressed up in a suit. According to the taxi driver, the man gave no eyecontact, and be barely spoke. But he gave the taxi man one message; that he’s going to “church to meet with the others, so they can break up marriages in church.” There is more to the story, it’s on Rawpa Crawpa youtube channel.

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

No sah, mi nuh do free promotion, but I wanted to share where I got the information from. I related that story to the non-physical beings on Earth, since not all are benevolent, I figure we can still learn from them.

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

You’re welcome.

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I just remembered (xxxtentacion), the late rapper you spoke of in your video about (time not existing). He was indeed an elder, and a “Brilliant Light”, but who would know based on his attire, and traumatic life struggles. Most of the indications you listed above, points to him. Celebrated tremendously after his death, and of course very creative,and artistic yet spiritual with his music. His message was to, “love and operate like our Ori.” And guess what? His girlfriend, who was pregnant gave birth to a healthy baby boy, I guess xxxtentacion’s life continues, but this time less traumatic. He… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Well explained. Thank you.

Redd rose
4 years ago

Hi, Obara.
Nice to see your post pop up in my email today another great read.
Can’t wait for more….

4 years ago

Aliens (Not Green Card Holders) lol


4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

You too much lmao!!!!!!! made me laugh out loud

4 years ago

Since the past few days I have been doing a lot of research into simian lines in palmistry.Only about 1% of people in the world have these strange lines on both of their palms.They are either geniuses or have down syndrome
Some of the outlined traits fits well into the simian liners profiles.

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes is me. I have the lines on both hands.Even when astrology has failed,the lines seems to be closer to the truth by leaving behind physical evidence not just abstract astrological concepts.
Ya long time!

4 years ago

Nice to have you back Ma’am Obara. This post gives a lot to think about. There’s a saying “bad things happen to good people” could people in this category be these beings of light? There are some points that i can relate to myself. Emotions, Kindness, trauma, making people better than before they knew me, and I’m not gonna lie i do pity how people reason. And now you say some of these beings have no idea who they really are, this makes me just wonder or maybe I’m thinking to much and my imagination is running wild, but a… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hahahaha @waiting with pen and paper. I can understand what you mean ma’am. Maybe you should have a e-mailing list of trusted followers and send these posts directly to their inbox. Just a thought. Ase to that prayer, may your enemies be destroyed.

Adetutu OJ
Adetutu OJ
4 years ago


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