Red rose7 commented on the post, World Message! A New Harsh Energy Has Entered The Earth – And it is Taking People With It 2 years, 9 months ago
Good day Obara,thank you for sharing this post. A lot of things now make sense….
Red rose7 commented on the post, The Biggest Spiritual Problem: What Happens in the Spirit World When You Have a Spirit Spouse 2 years, 9 months ago
Hi Obara, Thank you so much for your reply. Love and light.
Red rose7 commented on the post, The Biggest Spiritual Problem: What Happens in the Spirit World When You Have a Spirit Spouse 2 years, 9 months ago
Happy Birthday Obara wishing you a blessed day blessing to you and your lots of (hugggs)
Thank you for another great post If possible can you tell us how to we can live our lives if we have a spirit husband /wife?
Red rose7 commented on the post, What Happened to Mr. B? A Mysterious Tale of Money Ritual 3 years ago
Good day obara another great interesting post I have learned so much from your posts,thank you for sharing this post which has opened my eyes and mind to look at things differently.
Blessings to you and yours ((Bigg)) ((((huggs))))) -
Red rose7 commented on the post, The Rising New Year: How to Ritualistically Transition Into 2022 Tonight 3 years, 1 month ago
Greetings to you Obara ((((Hugggssss)))) . Peace, love and blessings to you and yours Thank you for sharing this post with us, love and light…,
Red rose7 commented on the post, Leaving Religion… What Do I Do Now? 3 years, 9 months ago
Hi Obara thanks for another great post.
Wishing you a Happy (Belated)Birthday hope you enjoyed your day, blessing to you and yours…. Huggssss -
Red rose7 commented on the post, A Few Different Ways How Spirits Manifest Themselves 3 years, 11 months ago
Thank you Obara thank you so much for sharing this blog today I really enjoyed it. I my self also my daughter have had some of your experience mentioned in this blog. I thought those lights were angels or ancestors.
Huggss)) Blessings love and light to you and yours.
Red rose7 commented on the post, Spiritual Secrets of Urine and Ways You Can Use It PT. 2 4 years ago
Hi Obara,
blessing to you and yours
Thank you for sharing i have learned something new . Condolences to you and your family for the loss of your mother. Love and light ((((hugggs)) -
Red rose7 commented on the post, The Secret Power of Women and the Feminine Energy 4 years, 5 months ago
Hi obara huggs another great read…
Red rose7 commented on the post, DIY Rituals Gone Wrong: What Happens and What You Don't Know 4 years, 6 months ago
Hi Obara… huggs another great read very informative. Thank you teacher… x
Red rose7 commented on the post, Light Energy Passes Through The Earth For The Next 3 Days! 4 years, 6 months ago
Hay Obara, huggs blessing to you and yours.Thank you so much for sharing, I will certainly be doing this.
I saw the number 11:11 to day i also see other numbers. could you please do a blog on numbers and there meanings along with colours if possible…. thanks -
Red rose7 commented on the post, World Prediction Comes True? Could This Be The Predicted Covid19 Sacrifice? 4 years, 7 months ago
Greetings Obara, I/we appreciate you and are very thankful it is very hard to find a genuine spiritualist like your self this I know for a fact. finding you blog was no mistake or coincidence. Thank you obara for taking the time out to teach us thank you for opening my eyes I now have a better understanding of a lot of things…. Hugggs
I do…[Read more]
Red rose7 commented on the post, When Church Is NOT Is What You Think: A Tale of a Bizarre Date with Death 4 years, 7 months ago
Hay obara ..I was wondering if all Spiritual churches use seals? when I’ve attended ccc church I’ve noticed that some members lay on the ground or are covered laying on the ground.
Also during some services there are no chairs so you kneel on the ground. -
Red rose7 commented on the post, 10 Illnesses and Their Spiritual Causes (And How to Spiritually Diagnose Them) 4 years, 8 months ago
Hay ..Obara hope all is well with you and yours.
I would like your take on an overactive thyroid?
Do you think it’s real? -
Red rose7 commented on the post, BE STRONG- NEVER GIVE UP-KNOW THAT VICTORY WILL BE YOURS 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi obara, oh wow I went through a similar thing with my daughter as a young mum I also fought for my daughter. I had to fight for so much for her. It was hard I also had a second child to look after. In the uk you can choose weather to send your child to a mainstream school or for your child to attend a special needs school. My daughter…[Read more]
Red rose7 commented on the post, World Prediction Comes True? Could This Be The Predicted Covid19 Sacrifice? 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi obara, no rush I know your busy
Red rose7 commented on the post, World Prediction Comes True? Could This Be The Predicted Covid19 Sacrifice? 4 years, 8 months ago
Greetings obara, Another great post, Your prediction was spot on
In the post, the colour of Corona, it said the ‘One person’s death especially would shake the world”.
George Floyd‘a death has certainly done that.
Never have I seen people of from around the world protesting about the death of a black man killed by a white police office. -
Red rose7 commented on the post, SOMEONE NEEDS OUR PRAYER AND ENCOURAGEMENT-SUICIDE IS NEVER THE WAY 4 years, 8 months ago
Greetings obara…. huggs hoping I’m writing this in the write place…
If a person commits suicide they will relive the same life again. If the person had children before the suicide will they also relive there lives Again?
What if the suicide was done due to black magic obeah, will you still relive your life again.Thanks in advance
Red rose7 commented on the post, The Secret Power of Urine and How to Use It 4 years, 8 months ago
How do I contact Obara Meji?Send Obara Meji an email personally to: osunfunmilayo@yahoo.com |or| embracingspirituality@gmail.com
Red rose7 commented on the post, GENERATIONAL CURSES – PT. 1 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi obara how can I remove generational curses. I would like my children and there children and so on to be free of this.
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