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Generational Curses


There are many families affected by generational curses. Often times many may wonder why their lives and the lives of their families goes a certain way, not knowing or realizing that there is a curse within the family. Unlike what many people think, it isn’t always someone being upset at another and cursing them with a bitter tongue, (this power in rare in most humans but it is very real among others) and is more potent at a certain time in a person’s life, unless aided by Obeah/witchcraft done well.

But did you know that generational curses can connect even without the assistance of Obeah? But persons should be mindful of whom he curseth, because there is a universal law: The law of rhythm. The pendulum swings.

The law of rhythm brings things back around full circle. Yes our divine source thought of everything, human beings are indeed wicked and will curse a whole generation just for spite, yet it may fall back on them, if not now then perhaps later, and if not on them, then on extensions of them in the future. We must be responsible for our actions, yet for some people vengeance is more important than the well being of their generation to come. We must think of tomorrow.

Before I speak about the generational curses we know of in the diaspora, I want to talk about generational curses through other, more powerful, means. There are certain power words, especially in the African languages or dialects, that are used by knowledgeable people to bless or to curse. These are simple but very poweful ways of issuing curses or blessings to whomever one chooses. However, persons holding these kinds of knowledge must and will have the wisdom to know if, how, and when, they should use it as curses. What the population needs to know is that when a curse is uttered deliberately and with power, and it connects, it will not only affect the person cursed but his seed there after for years to come.

Always know that this is never a good thing.

However, there are other ways to issue curses such as using a particular object or “device” (not electronic) that is prepared specifically for the issuance of curses. These things can be so powerful that just having them around willy nilly can activate something said unintentionally. These things are most dangerous. The purpose of such devices is to make the invisible visible. They are used as power to access the invisible world to make something “real” in someone’s life.

For example: It is natural for spiritualists to blow their breath upon a spiritual device in ways of activating it. That breath actually creates a force or forcefield within the moment of that work. You are telling nature, time, forces, all things to pause and listen. You are entering a space with that breath and your incantations, so blowing that breath pauses all things around you because what you are about to say is either a blessing or a curse so all things must listen. And after you have said what you said, things can now begin to move and act.

Some power is already within the air and can be accessed through words and utterance, but the other power, such the device as mentioned above, is more dangerous. All things have power within them, and if one knows the secret of certain things, just uttering simple words (cat, dog, snake, tree) one can call forth that power and use it as either a blessing… or a curse.

But many people don’t know that there are two sides to everything. For instance, some curses are meted out by persons who are grieving, and through this persons grief they may curse not only the person who caused them grief but also their families. And then there are the ones who, while grieving, will deliberately issue the curse knowing that the reality of their pain will allow this curse to manifest. Now there is a difference between these two. The former, while the person is grieving, they utter the curse through their pain without thought; but the latter, while in grief, they have already thought about the curse before uttering it.

Any of these two can and will affect the persons that they are sent out after and their future generations, but the latter, just because he/she knew what they were doing, they have now created their own repercussions because there is no fooling the Universe.

Also know that the Universe is like a Warden. If one chooses to curse someone and that person is wrong while the other person is innocent, that curse can indeed backfire. Many people with power and secrets believe such power can be used at any time and in any case. This isn’t true. The Universe will always judge fairly.

A cab driver once told me long ago that once he was down on his luck for a bit. He met a man, perhaps someone who knew his family from way back when. The man saw how he was living at the time and decided to help him. That help brought the driver to America where things improved for him greatly. He told me the man told him that his (the driver) mother was a great woman, and his family and the community where they grew had a lot to thank her for. Therefore he could not see her son in a predicament and not do his best for him. In other words, though his mother had died long ago, her blessings were still aiding her child.

The story above can also have the reverse affect. Often times our parents, grand parents, great grand or even further, spread their beds with nails. Perhaps just one out of the lineage destroyed peoples life, health, livelihood, mental state, innocence or more. Not caring that the transgressions of the blood line will visit its third or fourth and then some generations. Generational curses are especially bad because children are born and as they grow, they suffer or experience some bad things to which they do not understand their lives or the terrible events that happens in the lives of their families. Take a look at the Kennedys, theirs may be an example of this, I have often wondered.

Some familes are plagued with sickness, some like the Kennedy’s with several untimely deaths, some like some musicians I see “die flying.” This means through the medium of getting high, through drugs. Some are plagued with madness, the whole family line had mental illness. Some are promiscuous which eventually leads to disease, some are thieves, they cannot help themselves. Some are wayward, homeless and some just cannot get a break in life, their lives are disturbed by one thing or another.

There are so many things in life that can affect the human being coming from a spiritual place. Generational Curses affect many people unbeknownst to them. Some families will have young people that may seem like they have all it takes to make it in life, but still nothing can go through for them. There are some fathers that have hurt all the women they have ever met in their lives, and along the way one woman cursed him. Since then, all of his children are now met with problems in their relationships. Perhaps constant abuse, or failed relationships, or otherwise.

If you see a pattern within the family and most often these patterns are devastating or extremely odd (psych wards are filled with generational cursed patients), then you know or can possibly assume that there is a curse on that particular family, It does not always have to be obeah, although it can.

Now there are also people in life who have done cruel and wicked things to others. Yet you may see that these people live the rest of the lives normal, happy, and healthy – and you may wonder, why? But after they die, it is now their family who begin to suffer. They now begin to carry the burden left by the cruel ancestor. Now you may wonder why didn’t he suffer when he was alive? After all, he committed the wrong.

The Universe is not easily understood and slightly complicated but everything has it’s reason, and this may be one. That particular wicked person came into the world to be just.that. Wicked and cruel. But during his journey, he may have gone overboard with his mission and have done something that would have created possibly the demise of other people who were not supposed to get caught up into his malevolent journey. Though, during the time of doing this, his conscience would have touched him, signaling him that he was going overboard, but maddened with power and temptation, he did not relent. For this, his generation would have to pay.

He has to live out his life because his mission is not complete, although it is malevolent. But the legacy he has left behind for his generation would be wrathful.

Ending this post on a pleasant note, however, I would like to say that in all things there is redemption. Through the suffering of the generations, years upon years, there will come a time when perhaps one person may sit and try to figure out why is this occurring? Therefore embracing his spirituality enough to go and seek solution. In Yorubaland, one might say this person was born with a good “head.”



Obara Meji

A Note to Remember: Not everyone you think are your enemies, are your enemies. Be careful whose name you pray against… it might be a mistake that will indeed be judged.

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Red rose7
4 years ago

Hi obara how can I remove generational curses. I would like my children and there children and so on to be free of this.

4 years ago

Thank how do one remove generational curse?

6 years ago

How much blue soap I hadda bade with to wash out this? Sigh… seems never ending.

Lover of light
7 years ago

Obara This is such a great post. The one that have your head in a whirlwind I have always known that something wasn’t right
How do you break the curse?

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Very interesting … Talk to me to Ms Obara



[…] had written the part 1 of Generational curses and posted it read here, but prior to that post I had already written this story. I did so in an attempt to show you all one […]

7 years ago

Hi teach and ES family.

How can one find where this generational curse arise from in order to fight or fix it? If we don’t know where it stems from how will we fix it? Plus can each generation add on more of curses not knowing theyre doing this?

7 years ago

Good post Obara- i really think nuff people suffer from this indeed.
IBQueen I truly believe how you are praying is the right way. When I pray I pray for a better world and for the weak especially those who can’t help themselves. i always pray for protection and guidance for my love ones and myself.

Blessed Love – I pray everyone have a GREAT week-

7 years ago

Wonderful post Obara! This is a topic thats always crossed my mind. My family may be victim to this, on my paternal side (bunch of women petty and envious). This has definitely confirmed my thoughts on an ex of mine family. The whole ah dem just mad including he self. Love couldnt help him, though i still send postive vibes his way and love from a distance. I thought about the Wille Lynch Syndrome that affects generations of the diaspora up to this day. Not by the way of obeah but using deliberate methods/systems to keep us as a people… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

It seems the universe has alot to repay the oppressors for. It also seems it will never come to pass. But their devious and wicked deeds to humanity must be paid. They have destroyed too many not to be repaid.

7 years ago

Break these chains….generational curse a no joke. Can you imagine trouble plaguing each and every girl or boy child in a family?! But you never know how some of your ancestors did bad pon earth and cause fire fi bun pon your blood line. smh

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


7 years ago

Thank you! My father in Law practice wrong things Spiritual. I pray everyday in Jesus name that My Husband is healed of what ails him. He has Memory loss etc. I feel that, that sickness that does not belong to him but a curse from his Father since I was told that his dad made promises that He did not keep to the occult. I ask and pray that our Children are not and will not be affected. I pray that the curse be Lifted off my Husband. Thank you.

7 years ago

Greetings Obara!

“Not everyone you think are your enemies, are your enemies. Be careful whose name you pray against… it might be a mistake that will indeed be judged.”

To avoid such a predicament, is it then better to pray for yourself, or the situation being dealt with?

In the case where someone was wrongly “accused/bad prayer-fored” wouldn’t it become null and void? of no effect?

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Mi will wait til yuh lan’…..mek sure yuh ready fi dem an dem antics cause a bere tings aguh gwan
Walk wid two a dem blow pon device fi mi lol!

7 years ago

Hello Obara, Hope all is blessed. It’s so funny that you bring up this topic today. Generation cures are so real. I remember attending a church a while back and the pastor told me that I was affected by a generation curse. I take a look back over my life and I realize that it’s so true. It started from I was a small child and has affected a number of my family members. The things that has gone wrong in my life can make an entire book. Being molested, various disappointments and the untimely death of my sister. Despite… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank u Obara

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