Awakening to consciousness is a very jarring task for those who are chosen to come to Earth and share his or her Light. It is an experience from the time of birth up until the time that consciousness begins to open. Now I want to explain this to you from my own experience and from a metaphysical point of view, rather than use descriptive words such as Kundalini, Pineal Gland, 7 Chakras and all.
Although there is nothing wrong with describing the Awakening with these words. However, many people tend to attach these descriptions of the Awakening with Hinduism, Buddhism, or any particular cultural or philosophical understanding. But in doing so, it limits the understanding of the reality to the layman.
To a person wanting to understand the Awakening with basic language, so you can get a clear picture of what that process is like, the experience needs to be described or taught about in its reality.
Spirituality is not something that is easy to understand right off the bat because there is so many layers to it. The human mind is limited in its understanding of things that it can not sense (using the 5 senses) or what it is limited in imagining.
Becoming Awake is a rising from a lower conscious state to a higher conscious state, and the process can not happen only through dreams and visions, or spiritual books, or studying seals, or speaking to Magicians.T he Awakening is a very personal suffering journey that must end in Triumph.
The Suffering
On becoming awake one has to journey through what I call the rough path. Darkness. A road paved with broken bottles and nails, and you are not entitled to wear shoes. The Awakening, for some, is an initiation process for the would-be initiate that has been chosen by invisible forces that are akin to a council within the Invisible World. The journey begins from the person is born (this person has been chosen before coming to Earth). As they grow, they would have realized within themselves that they are different from the rest of their family members, or most often they are the black sheep of the family.
Initiation begins at a particular age. It is different for everyone, but normally it begins with some type of suffering. The one who believes himself ordinary, possibly leading up to his initiation, he may have been giving problems in the family (such as being a misfit, a loner, doesn’t speak much, friendless, or seen as strange — generally, this person’s life is always very unusual to others). Also, sometimes the awakening begins with a bad diagnosis. Let us use this as one of the many descriptions I can use to explain the initiate’s journey.
The Initiate’s Journey
*Please take note that this story has two components within. One is the Awakening, and the Second is that through the suffering, the initiate’s calling is revealed, though the Hell would make it hard to see, believe, or accept.*
There is a woman called Beth, and with her permission (and concealed names), I will share with you her journey. Beth lived her life normally and under her usual routine. But Beth was a deep hypochondriac and feared every illness in the book. In her social life, she was jovial and happy — but when alone, she was sad and depressed. One day Beth was leaving work, and happened to be joined in the elevator by her co-worker, Fiona, an older Irish woman. During that elevator ride down, Fiona proceeded to tell Beth about her sister who was recently diagnosed with colon cancer (or called the “C” word”). Fiona described to Beth every symptom of her sister, and all the gory details of the woman’s suffering with the illness.
Fiona had no idea that secretly Beth was a hypochondriac. And Fiona also had no idea that she was chosen by the Universe to send Beth down that dark and terrible road that begins the Awakening. That journey which would hopefully, if Beth could pass the trials, bring her into glorious Light. But oh what a journey that would be…
Please bear in mind that as I tell you this story, although you will see the physical images in your mind, it is the spiritual that I aim for you to see and understand. So pay close attention to the details.
The story weighed liked a heavy cloak onto Beth’s shoulder. Although normal daily life stepped in, and nights of ice cream and watching the Blacklist on Netflix made it seem as though Beth had no care in the world about Fiona’s story.
However, several months later, Beth began to feel different sorts of pains in her stomach, and later began experiencing bloody stools. She visited the doctor, and after several visits, Beth was told that her enemy had the C word.
*Now let me just pause here and let you know that words are powerful, and going forward, I will address that disease with its initial as The C Word*
For a hypochondriac to hear this, it was devastating to her. And so began a long, dreary, dark road, which became Hell for Beth.
Eventually, Beth reached out to me through tears and told me what was happening. I checked my own Spirit which told me that Beth was not dying and did not have the C word. My Spirit told me that Beth is to be a Healer. This is why for all her life, she had been a hypochondriac; fearing every type of illness and having some type of symptom or the other, and was always stressed about what she thought she may contract.
It was very difficult for me to tell Beth that she was not sick at all. How dare I or Spirit counteract knowledgable doctors? But it is understandable that they would see an illusion and give it a name in this physical world. In order for Beth to become knowledgeable and to understand healing, she had to go through pain and suffering. In other words, the teachers from the Invisible Realm who has now surrounded Beth and has placed her in spiritual school, has started a download. And that download would become the pain, the suffering, the weight loss, the agony, the depression, the anxiety, the panic attacks, the stress, and then some, of what she would go through for the next year.
Disclaimer: This disclaimer is for anyone who has been afflicted with the C word and has gone through their own suffering,or has lost anyone to it. I want to say that I am not negating the issue, but I am speaking about a specific case that has to do with the Awakening.
It is not for me to tell you Beth’s story as how she dealt with this, but I can tell you that it has been two years since then, and Beth is alive and well. Still working, still breathing. But more powerful than the journey she began, and has developed immense psychic powers and abilities, and she has come to the realization that she is going through an initiation, although there are times when she falters, trying to fight the transition and wanting to be normal. However, when Fiona told her the story of her own sister, and she began her journey towards who she was to become, within this story there is another lesson.
And that lesson is transference of energy through speech. That energy had been accepted by Beth as a possible reality of her own, and because Beth already feared sickness to the point where her own Awakening would use that fear as its road.
Every human has 5 senses it is said to be. However, those 5 senses, one or all can be the spark to the Awakening. In Beth’s case, she heard the story and allowed the energy to penetrate her consciousness. However, this was all Divine Will to move her from one conscious state to another conscious state.
My own Padrino, a once womanizer and drinker, came into who he was supposed to be the day he heard a mysterious voice call his name 3 times but the voice had belonged to no one. His father was a very big spiritualist, but Padrino never wanted that life. So on that day, hearing the voice of a spirit call his name, fear had sent him running to his fire escape out of his window, and while running, he slipped and fell a few flights down from the building and broke both of his legs.
While in the hospital, he was visited by Spirits who told him that he would be in the hospital for 21 days, and that would be the time it would take for all his “download” to be complete. He had tried running away from his spirituality — but he had to become Awake. He had a duty to fulfill here in this human world. And Padrino had gone on to become one of the greatest spiritual practitioners I had ever known.
Now in tradition, a Babalawo I once knew, a once “street boy” with an unpredictable temper, had mysteriously fallen sick and no doctor knew what could be wrong with him. To make matters worse, the illness had lasted for six years. He had eventually been flown out to Brazil for cures, but nothing could help him. Having been the son of a lineage of Babalawos, the boy had sacrifices done for him consistently. And one day, he had woken up — and he was okay, as though there had been no sickness at all. He told me, “It felt like the sickness had just walked away.” He had been chosen for a higher calling on Earth, separate and apart from his Babalawo lineage, but to find that road, he had been initiated first in Spirit, before he trained for 23 years there after in Ifa. Not every Babalawo is also spiritual.
As for me, it was this blog that helped me heal from the pain and suffering I faced in my own Awakening. I was in love with Jesus and rejected anything that would tear me away from that love, but I had been called. For 3 years I could hardly leave my house, and when I did, I had to be aided. During that time, I could not walk, and I could not speak English. When ever I opened my mouth, an ancient language would come out, and it was my 8 year old daughter alone who could understand me and translate for others. I needed assistance to use the bathroom, to shower, and walk.
I lived for 3 years on spinach and the water of boiled cow’s liver for iron as my only food and drink. I was in a terrible state and constantly experienced mystical things, astral traveled and was visited by strange beings that had light for their faces. Spirits spoke through me and gave messages that came through, and i was introduced to a plethora of spirits, beings and angels. The experience was hell, the outcome was heaven. Many people, including my own family, had thought my enemy had gone mad — it was the talk of the town. I too had thought so… but do mad people wonder if they were indeed mad?
When I eventually came out of that state, it took me years before I could talk about what happened to me. It was this very blog that helped me. Writing became therapy and I wrote my life hardly knowing how to press a keyboard. But because of that journey, I am who I am.
And I know many of you are going through some type of something. Possibly lost, not knowing what is happening in your lives, bad relationships, quarrels, heart palpitations, fears, anxiety, bad news, homelessness, and anything that is suffering or near to it– but I can assure you, most of you who are going through this, are on the road to a higher path. If you can only endure, because the Awakening has come.
Ride the rough waters. Trod on! Light is ahead.
I love you all,
Obara Meji
Everything in life is negotiable, even death. The only thing that is certain is Change, and that is the very reason why everything can be negotiated.
Obara Meji
@Obara Meji…pls I sent you an email few days ago…I am yet to get a response….pls how can I get across to you directly
My name is Julia, I trained as a pastor/prophetess because I believe I had a call. But right now my whole life has turned upside down spiritually, financially and psychologically, I don’t even know who I am anymore or what is wrong with me. Am in total confusion, please I need help.
You can book an appointment with obara.
This very insightful… I remembered having this discussion with two friends yesterday’s evening where we concluded that one must first go through darkness before they can find themselves, see and also recognize the light.
I just joined this community and I hope as this topic got me thinking so will every other messages and teachings take me to the part of awakening.
Thank you for this. I truly needed to grasp and dive deep into the dark night aspect of spiritual awakening. This post came with a lot of clarity and ‘bitter medicine/sweet relief’ feeling. May the benevolent spirits and ancestors continue to guide and protect you. Asé .
Ase!! Thank you!
Please Ma how can i get in touch with you i need to explain some stuff about myself to you
Oh wow, this is so cool. The illustration of the man Padrino was another case similar to that of Joseph as I may see. Though they are not the same story. But, Joseph was a King by just having to go to prison. Had it been his brother was not jealous of him and lied against him, he wouldn’t have ended up interpreting the king’s dream. Most times, every rough journey ends up being glorious. Thank you for this great in-depth spiritual content OM.
Thank you so much Obara for this post, I just started my journey to being awakened, right now I’m out of my matrimonial home. I am labelled as occultic, a sadist and dangerous. I have even been stopped from seeing my little child. I am struggling to remain strong and stable
Fight my darling fight, and if you need me, I am here
Thank you very much Obara
Thank you for bringing so much hope and encouragement to those of us that read this blog, both far and wide and to everyone struggling with the awakening process who do not understand why the tough experiences are occurring in their lives. Sometimes, it’s about being still and hearing that calming voice that says it will all be okay.
You are Welcome Otto, thanks you also. Stay blessed!
What wonderful experiences. I am going through something at the minute. I used to be the life and soul of the party but now I have become a hermit and I don’t know why. I feel I’m going through this due to awakening but I am now finding it very hard.
Yes the awakening process is very hard. Becoming a recluse is also a part of the tradition, it also induces fear and even depression. The moment you realize that this is indeed an awakening and accept it, it gets easier. Good luck in your journey, thanks for the comment.
Thanks for this O! Does initiating ever end? I imagine there are steps to advancement so is the initial awakening the most jarring but not the final “challenge” as it pertains to spiritual growth? Apologies if I am not articulating my question correctly.
Great question RBH, the first stage of initiation is the hardest or harshest. Acceptance hat your life is changing is a hurdle crossed. Some people do not make it, some end up in the psyche ward or some transition for real, again depending on how they handle it.
After the initial phase, there are many more rivers to cross. Remember you have to unlearn all that you thought you knew as real to become renewed.
I had to wait a few days, then re-read the post….. and then the last paragraph struck me… “And I know many of you are going through some type of something”, you wrote. I have been going through debt for years, things seem to work one minute, then the next it’s slow again…. and that’s how I found your blog… I was just searching for Prayer points or just something online and I found your teachings that have helped me so much. I now Feel Enough, I know deep down that this seeming debts will soon be paid and I… Read more »
Tell yourself ONCE that you do mot have any DEBT! Set it in your mind and then FORGET IT. All your debt will go and you will prosper. It is just a matter of belief!
Thank you Obara ☺
Hi Obara, thank you for this blog. I really enjoyed it and it gave me strength. Thank you for the words of wisdom.
You are welcome Georgia Gal
Greetings Obara Meji
I can definitely relate to this post.
Actually, when I think about it, based on what I’ve been told, it did obvious from birth seh something was up with me…after a bag a tings gwan, then came the drastic change in diet and appearance etc…
In recent times, there have been other experiences that would typically result in a doctor’s visit but having access to a competent spiritualist makes it easier to navigate with a clearer understanding of the awakening process.
I love patois
I could feel your pain in the very last ending for real because the journey still nuh finish.Miss obara a from me a teenager me a read your blog because everytime something supernatural occurred in my life I googled it and your website always show up . You may not believe but your site is like my everyday book. I believe is the samething happening to me like your padrino ,wanting to fit in this world but higher forces want you to be on your path I feel that way all the time. I know I have a calling because… Read more »
Keep the faith girl child
Good day Obara thanks for writing this post. “In order for Beth to become knowledgeable and to understand healing, she had to go through pain and suffering”. I just remembered my awakening and the thought of it makes laugh lol it not easy. Please I want ask that can you be hurt badly by someone and yet feels no pain when you thinks about it, what is the meaning to it? I have realized that most of the time we have people sent into our lives to teach us patience but I have not seen or heard about a person… Read more »
A person can and is tested many ways my dear
ahhh obara it is only tears that I can thank you with on this post thank you, I know you will say this likkle gyal Annoying looool but we will speak in the week. one question during the awakening can you already be partial awaken ? also can you have already have been using your gifts unbeknown to you ? can you also have been blocked from the process until the right time? lastly why it have fi be so ruff
Anything that good for you to gain in life my dear, is never easy to achieve. So yes most often it is rough. However the journey is set at your pace and the roughness depends on how you think and how you accept and if you are stubborn or obedient.
We all have glimpses of our lives to be, however subtle. Humans just are not wise enough to understand.
Another truth from Iya! Thank you!! Everything you write here is the absolute truth, because I can relate to, for years My Enemy have battled with Pcos, oh even before the diagnosis, I’d randomly hear voices telling me to do something about infertility or I might never have a child of my own, it has always been my greatest fear, but I was in my early 20s I always ignored as I wasn’t ready to be a mother, long story short mama I went through years of missing periods, not ovulating, transitioning into Ifá spirituality, a very long, terrifying journey,… Read more »
Well you have aligned your self it’s our great mother Yeye Osun, and with her you will have children. I am omo Osun, and through the energy and power she gave me access to, many women have conceived with something I give them, so no fear my dear.
Also, your English is very good
Once again, Mama delivered. May God continue to bless and keep you and keep raising higher and higher. Amen. After series of so many trials, tribulations, disappointments, sibling rivalry,and all sorts of spiritual attacks and physical bad news,in 2017,3 months before my fortieth birthday, I had a bad and long episode where at the middle of it,my Christian neighbors declared that I am being possessed by the spirit of insanity and my Muslim counterparts said I was possessed by jinns. When I started recovery ,I stumbled upon your blog,I have read every single thing you have written before and after… Read more »
Yes my dear, the awakening comes with all type of pain. However “Obedience”, and “Acceptance” of your role here makes the journey less rougher. My children eases into their roles but thatbis because they witnessed mine and they realized that they were not ordinary humans and they embraced their spirituality.
Only one of my sons, struggled to find his way, but have now realized that he is MY child and as such not and ordinary kid.
Thank you Obara for this inspiring truth. It makes sense the reason for the past 2-3yrs now a sweet note has been resonating in my mind “we are the light of the world. Let our lights continue to shine, people shall see …” Unable to remember the rest….
How will someone know they have completed their initiation?
All and everything would have looked and seem different. Days of impatience has now become patience. Angry days becomes understanding, introspection becomes automatic and the true meaning of love begins to unveil Sue
Yes Sis- Love this post- you know that I am always in awe of your gift in WRITING! Your command of the english language and imagery is excellent- I mean I dont want to force you lol but you need to write a book!!!! – and it doesn’t have to be on anything spiritual but I would love to see you explore your talents of the pen to paper or I guess keys to screen..
Love you
Thank you Lincoln you have me blushing and giggling like a school child. For years I lived in my head and as a spiritualist the world of imagination is mine to explore. I am indeed a story teller, however the stories I tell are the Truth. If I create a story it is to teach from it but I make sure to tell you it is something made up for that purpose such as the Fatty Sandra story and Alton and Doreen remember that one. I have written a book on The Ifá initiation , this is for initiates only… Read more »
Only thing I asking is when you become a world renown writer- can I be your manager lol
Yes O! And I am serious so don’t let me call and you don’t respond!
That’s wonderful, put me on the waiting list. I’ll help spread the word on social media, etc. Your writing has inspired me so much, thank you Obara.
I agree with you Lincoln.