OTS commented on the post, What Are the Differences? Ancestors, Witches, Spirit, Cosmic, Celestial et al. 1 year, 7 months ago
Thank you so much Ma for another informative piece. Looking forward to the book, which will be a real blessing to us. I particularly found the part about witches/wizards being the negative aspects of ourselves very intriguing. So my question is, given that everything is duality, which beings / entities exist as the positive aspects of ourselves?
OTS commented on the post, Spirit Visitation in Dreams – Do All Spirits Tell the Truth? 1 year, 9 months ago
Quite a few gems I’ve learnt from this reading today. Thank you Ma. 1 question Ma, are there warning signs presented to us that tell us / give us a clue that the dream we are having is false / the dream itself is a spiritual attack?
OTS commented on the post, Valuable Things You Should Know Along Your Spiritual Path 1 year, 11 months ago
Another great post Ma. Thank you for all your efforts to enlighten and bring hope to all.
OTS commented on the post, When Spiritual People Are Called To Power – The Reality of the Awakening 2 years, 3 months ago
Thank you for bringing so much hope and encouragement to those of us that read this blog, both far and wide and to everyone struggling with the awakening process who do not understand why the tough experiences are occurring in their lives. Sometimes, it’s about being still and hearing that calming voice that says it will all be okay.
OTS commented on the post, Spiritual Blockages in Your Way and How to Remove Them 2 years, 3 months ago
Great post as always Ma.
I just have a thought.
On the aspect of fear, looking at it from a different angle, perhaps fear is neither good or bad, just 2 different faces on the same coin, in-order to create balance. So, on one side, fear is malevolent, on the other side, it can be benevolent, because as was said in the post, once you face your…[Read more] -
OTS commented on the post, Wedding to Funeral? Here's a List of Life's Celebrations… and the Tragedies That Follow Them 2 years, 6 months ago
I agree with Benjamin Franklyn, there’s something about this post that really stands out. It captivated in a very unique way. A very powerful piece. The ying + yang effect, the power of duality is at the core of the human experience. Thank you Ma for a great post as always.
OTS commented on the post, THE MYSTERY OF HOW AN ORACLE SPEAKS (3 WAYS) 4 years, 8 months ago
Greetings Ma, very informative piece. It’s important to find a good diviner that one also trusts to deliver the message given. Before embarking on getting
Reading done, one must first ask their Ori to guide them to the right diviner. -
OTS commented on the post, 6 METAPHYSICAL FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW 4 years, 8 months ago
Woooow, awesome post. I’m also loving the interactive comments from everyone, very informative and a real eye-opener.
Ma, you did a great job describing the place of judgement, really caught my imagination.
The part about time not existing got me thinking, it’s probably one of the reasons why I do not like celebrating my birthday. One is reminded…[Read more] -
OTS commented on the post, The Secret Power of Urine and How to Use It 4 years, 8 months ago
Oh wow- great post. I never heard about the power of urine and it’s uses. It’s amazing the amount of energy that flows through our bodily fluids. I see why we’re told to watch what we consume in our bodies as that can affect the power within our bodies.
OTS posted a new activity comment 4 years, 8 months ago
As I was re-reading this post- a saying came into my head “we are not who we say we are”. So I googled it, and was checking out the results I got from google. I came across a page that looked interesting and it was talking about how today being the 8th August is the activation of what is know as the Lion’s gate portal
“considered a gateway into…[
OTS commented on the post, The Grim Reality of Spiritual Growth and What Happens 4 years, 9 months ago
I concur with Ori that said “This is so deep”. Wow, thank you Ma for such an excellent excellent piece. Everything you laid out is spot on. You are truly a gem.
I think it’s fair to say that most of us who read this blog all have had similar experiences, hence our journey which led us to you through the blog. In fact, as I read the piece, the…[Read more] -
OTS commented on the post, Don't Sleep In The Dark – Why You Shouldn't and the Meaning of the Hours 5 years, 7 months ago
Thank you Ma for the in-depth insight into day and night. Our elders have told us about these night-time hours, but it’s never been broken down clearly the way you have. Many many thanks for that.
It’s interesting, for as young as I can remember, I do not sleep in darkness. I can’t sleep at all if it’s dark. My eyes would be wide open. I need…[Read more]
OTS commented on the post, AUDIO: EP. 1 – WAKING TO YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS (TRIAL) 5 years, 8 months ago
Awww, what a brilliant podcast, thoroughly enjoyed it. All topics discussed were well explained. Ma, I would like to be part of a group discussion when next there’s another session.
Your light will continue to shine brighter. We love and appreciate you. -
OTS commented on the post, THE SPIRIT AND PURPOSE BEHIND MONEY (AND WHY YOU SHOULD GIVE IT AWAY) 5 years, 9 months ago
Thank you Ma for all your love and support for mankind. More love and light to you in this lifetime and beyond.
OTS commented on the post, THE SPIRIT AND PURPOSE BEHIND MONEY (AND WHY YOU SHOULD GIVE IT AWAY) 5 years, 9 months ago
Ma, this post came in a timely manner. Recently I had a dream that I was in a church, even though I no longer attend church in real life. In the dream I had a £20 note on me and as it was time for everyone to give their donation, I decided not to give the money to the church and I held on to it. I took the dream to mean that I should give an…[Read more]
OTS commented on the post, The Lessons You Might Have Missed in Life 5 years, 9 months ago
Ma, what a wonderful message and a timely reminder that everything we go through is a lesson and we must use our spiritual understanding to find out the truth
OTS commented on the post, ISESE L'AGBA O! – TRADITION CELEBRATION DAY 6 years, 5 months ago
Love, light, peace and blessings to everyone.
Ma, I love when you speak about the Yoruba tradition of Ifa/Orisa. I know you have so much to share with us. Thank you. -
OTS commented on the post, THE TRUTH ABOUT HUMAN BEINGS: HOW IT ALL WORKS 6 years, 6 months ago
Yeah Mike- I agree with you that the huge concept was that we are all one. We’re all connected as one big entity.
OTS commented on the post, THE TRUTH ABOUT HUMAN BEINGS: HOW IT ALL WORKS 6 years, 6 months ago
This is a very deeeeep topic. I’ve re-read and re-read and I get it- maybe not deeply enough. But I plan on learning more on the topic. Even the comments from IB, Lincoln and Mike increased my understanding to […]
OTS commented on the post, QUIZ: How Spiritually Awake Are YOU? 6 years, 8 months ago
Hello Ma and ES family. We’re all very blessed to be on this great journey of life and being able to learn from our brilliant teacher Obara and from each other.
Great quiz Ma- the description of hot and […]