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There are so many things that are unexplainable to human beings. This is because of limitations. By ‘limitations’ I mean their ability to understand things they are not used to or have never seen. I can most assuredly tell you that whatever I write here as “facts”, although you may not have read about this anywhere – what you are about to read, is what I know for sure. 

Thinking about death can be daunting to most people who fear it (which is almost everyone). This is understandable. It is acceptable to fear the unknown. Recently I spoke to a spiritual elder here in Nigeria and asked him the question:

“What happens when a person dies?”

He responded: “When the spirit is released from the body, it finds another body to enter immediately. Or it will search for a pregnant woman and jump into her to be born again. This,” he says, “Is the reason the baby will kick inside the stomach… when a new spirit has entered it.”

I, however, was taught something completely different, and I have even been taken to the place I am about to describe to you right now. What I know and am about to share, is taken from my personal experience and what I have been taught by very powerful non-physical beings.

6 Metaphysical Facts You Should Know

1. After Death, Every Being Of Light Stands Before Judgement
Image Source:

Before all Christians begin shouting Hallelujah, let me clarify that the Judgement I speak of is not what the Bible describes.

It is a Universal Law that every human experience be recorded before a Council Panel within the realms of Time and Space. So this is what happens when the body has been shed. The being that inhabited the body before is now released from it’s suit, and if that “death” was traumatic such as a car accident or gunshot wound, some spirits will want to run back to their physical home or find a familiar person, so as to not accept what has just happened. While others, will see their bodies and turn away from it without a care. Those that have an easier transition are the ones who expected death to come. 

Now that I have gotten that out of the way, let me get to the part about Judgement. Somewhere within the realms, stands a very dark room with blue lights emanating from what would seem like an endless ceiling where the source of the light can not be seen.

First, the Being will be “washed” and prepped. This washing and prepping is not done as how it is done here in the physical world, where you may literally visualize someone being washed and prepped. Every Being that has been released from the physical body has to pass through water to get to – let’s call this place a “station” – a temporary place which is on the way to a journey to come.

In this station, the Being almost becomes one with water. I don’t know how to explain it in English words, but I can see it clearly in my visuals because I’ve been there… but if you can imagine a single drop of water that is among the flow of water, this is how the Being feels… as if it is apart of it rather than simply touching it.

The Being, in conscious form as Light, most often would have manifested itself as it how it looked in the form it has just left. That Being is then placed in a room that is all white, and it also will be dressed in white (Note: Since the Being has just “died” it will then carry over the form it has just left, since that reality is still freshly apart of it, but eventually it will learn how to maneuver itself with or without form).

The Beings are separated. Some will go into a larger room, others into a smaller room. This is what I mean by “prepped”. All Beings go through a process as they await Judgement.

From the time of release to the time of Judgement, all of this takes 45 days of human time (Please note the multiples of 3s within this number. Mathematics has everything to do with the Universe and it’s make up). In all actuality, humans must celebrate the death of a person 45 days AFTER they have been released, and it must be a celebration, not a mourning.

When Judgement arrives, they are then taken into a room along with their Spirit Guides, all of whom it now has the ability to see. The Being will now stand before a Crescent shaped table made of steel or some sort of material that resembles steel. At this table sits hooded beings (Note: In some realities, the beings are hooded, and in other realities they are not. But in all realities, their faces are not shown). Behind these beings, is what seems like a projection… a screen with no corners or borders.

All conversations are telepathic. The life of the Being that stands before the Council, now begins to play on that screen, from birth up until the time of release.

When the – let’s call it a “movie” – gets to age 3, and the child maybe falls over a chair or touches a hot stove, the projection is paused. Because who will be questioned first is their Head Guide. This Head Guide must answer the question: “Why didn’t you tell the child not to touch the hot stove?”

In response, the Head Guide will answer: “I did… but he did not listen to me.” This response proves the child’s free will.

(*By the way, I was shocked to find the image above from the movie Star Wars depicting something quite similar to what I am describing to you here).

The projection then continues. The Guides, especially the Head, with every mistake or error of the Being, is questioned by the Council. The other Guides who stand with the Being are not questioned because their elevation into Light Continuum depends on how the Head Guides fares during the inquisition.

While the Head Guide is being questioned, then the Council will ask the Being: “Why didn’t you listen?” To this he must respond in kind.

All of this questioning has to do with if the Being is allowed to join his Soul Family, return to Earth, elevate to join the Council, or to be ranked elsewhere. This is all decided on whether or not this Being has completed his mission successfully.

No Hell (as in Fire and Fury) awaits this Being. The only “Hell” in this case is if that Being has to return, yet again, to Earth to live the same life all over again.

2. All Beings Wear Suits
Image Source: Daily Express

We are a part of the “Beings” labeled as humans. Of course, there are other Beings that reside in other worlds, in realms that we are not privy to see and know. There have been many stories of Sightings… people seeing what they call Extraterrestrial or Alien Beings. The descriptions of some of them are that they look like reptilians, or they have grey colored skin, some look like fish, while others have elongated or oddly shaped heads or even extra limbs.

But in truth… ALL Beings wear a suit (including human beings) in order to have the ability to visit a planet. Just as how an Extraterrestrial visits the Earth, you must know that we, too, are also only visitors to the Earth as well. And this “human body” or suit, is what is needed so that we are able to exist in Earth’s environment.

For example, imagine the Moon’s inhabitants having the mindset of human beings. Then what do you suppose their description of Human beings would be? Imagine the Astronauts and the suits that they must wear in order to visit the moon. The Moon’s inhabitants will then tell tales of Alien Beings from Earth who have large heads with another head inside that head, white bodies, and the ability to float. They would describe our Earthly vehicle as a strangely shaped craft, just as how we, humans, describe Aliens and their Space Crafts.

This is not what they truly look like, but in order to sustain our environment, they must dress accordingly.

What is funny is that the suits they wear, that most of us call ugly, is actually their perception of a human being. LOL.

3. Time is the Cause of Death
Image Source:

There is no such thing as time. Not within our Universe or any other dimension. I have written before that we are all living simultaneous lives, in different places, and “time periods”. In other words, I am Obara Meji here writing this post. But in another reality, I am a Nurse, perhaps, or a Lawyer elsewhere. These are not past lives. They are all happening at the same time. Monday does not exist, neither does Tuesday, and tomorrow is promised to no one. Have you yet seen “tomorrow“? The concept of tomorrow continues to lengthen out. It has no beginning nor end.

It is the human being who has grasped and accepted the reality of “time”, and this acceptance allows him to age, which inevitably leads to death.

If human beings could change their minds, not believing in or accepting the idea of time… no one would die. Life would simply continue. If we aged at all, it would be achingly slowly.

This all means that there is no such thing as “Time travel”. We do this all the time through our minds, except it is not “time” we travel through – it is realities.

Remind me to write more in depth about this one day! It is a deep topic and one that is very important to understand.

4. Human Beings Were First Aquatic Beings

Earth life, and other forms of life, are all about one thing: Evolution. Despite what science has told us, human beings did not evolve from monkeys. Instead, humans were first Aquatic Beings. Our hands, fingers, feet and toes are reminiscent of what the Earth’s main form of inhabitants once were.

The reason we were once Aquatic Beings is because naturally, the Earth is an Aquatic planet, being made up of mostly water (more than what we know), and in order to inhabit it, like fish, we needed a suit to allow us to do so. The Earth itself, being alive, gave way for Mass for it to be inhabited by human beings.

Humans being Aquatic was a lower form of ourself. Although there are other Aquatic realms with higher intelligence.

5. There are Countries and Bodies of Water that Human Beings Can Not See

Within the ocean itself, there are different bodies of water that function in different ways but are separated by dimensions. On Earth, we know of salt water and fresh water, but there are other types of water that we don’t have access to but exist nevertheless. These types of water function differently.

For example, some function through different frequencies and vibrations that can even affect the oceans body, as they are apart of the ocean realm itself. These bodies of water also breed different lifeforms or aquatic creatures that we have no idea exist. Some of these waters can change a person’s skin color to blue or green, and there are others that can change a person’s voice to sound almost like swallowing helium.

Along with other bodies of water are many other countries and continents that exist among us. However, because of how they are geographically located inter-dimensionally, we are not able to see them and they are not able to see us.

This means that there are an innumerable amount of life forms that exist on Earth.

However, there is something known as an “interdimensional jump” and this can affect us depending on the frequency or vibration that we operate under, which can allow us to enter these spaces that are apart of Earth but are unknown to us.

6. Aquarians Are Destined for Riches… but Only Before Age 40
Image Source: Age of Aquarius Podcast

This information was given to me by my non-physical beings, and information like this was given to me for all signs of the zodiac, all of which I have never revealed. Aquarians are symbolized by the Water Bearer and they are an Air Sign. This might mean a lot to Astrologers, of which I am not, I am a spiritualist. But the energy that springs from Aquarians is that they are the odd sign within the Universe, and wealth belongs to them.

For some reason, most of them have this feeling, like a knowing within them, but what they do not know is that there is an age limit (due to the humans acceptance of time), and this is the age of 40. The number 40 is the number 4. This represents the 4 cardinal points which has everything to do with the Aquarian.

Their spiritual and elemental value has circled the Earth’s atmosphere before they get to this age, searching for what belongs to them. This is spiritual language which I am not able to explain, just know that if you are an Aquarian, and you have not gotten to the age of 40, do not allow your opportunity of wealth to pass you by.

Obara Meji

Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian, anymore than standing in your garage makes you a car – Billy Sunday

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Fagbemi Adedotun
3 years ago

I am an Aquarian but I can’t just seem to figure this out

Inna Smith
Inna Smith
6 years ago

I have a lot of significant Aquarius placements in my birth chart, so I find the last fact to be so interesting. We really are the “odd” ones within the universe, but came back around to bring a lot of enlightenment to the world.

Is there anyway you can go more into detail about that, Obara? Concerning our mission and the attainment of riches?
Thank you for this!

Inna Smith
Inna Smith
6 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

You’re having twins? WOW! That’s a true blessing!

I pray to the ancestors that your pregnancy and the building of your home continues to go smoothly and that it may be a blessing to and your family.

Even with so much going on in your life right now, you still sound so focused and motivated. I find that to be characteristic of many of the Jamaicans I have met in my life. Love that about y’all and so much more!

Water baby
Water baby
6 years ago

I find you posts interesting.

6 years ago

Wait – I’m confused. If time does not exist, and all time periods are still existing simultaneously, then does that mean that all those who supposedly “died” from, say, the 1600s… are somehow still existing? If so, what about the idea of no death and light continuum? If the spirit completes it’s journey and goes on to judgement and possibly a higher plane, then that spirit no longer exists on Earth… so what happened to the spirits of those that “died” in the 1600s if they’re still existing? Is the spirit still on Earth or elsewhere? I hope I made… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Wow wow wow… I don’t even know where to start. First of all, this statement: “Ghost and duppies are essences of the one who have been released. If anyone has ever been privy to seeing a ghost, most often they do not show there whole bodies, you will only see them in partial form and dare I tell you that they also are projections of them selves.” Yes, this is exactly how I imagined it. The idea of ghosts being projections is actually easier to grasp than the idea of humans being projections, though I believe that also. So here… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  WisdomandWater

Hi Kay. I would say the difference, to me, between a human and a ghost (if they are both projections) is that the ghost is directly interacting in this plane of existence whereas the human is doing it indirectly through their suit (the human body).

6 years ago

This was a great and enlightening post Obara. Sorry for the absence.

What I would like to know is in the event I am sent back to re-live my life then how would my decision making go? Am I granted some of my past memories to aid my decision making or is it up to the discretion of my spirit guides?

Also, what would happen to a spirit guide that did a poor job?

6 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks for clearing that up Obara. I got it now.

6 years ago

Hi OM, There are many truths in which the full extent cannot be realised unless personal experience has brought it home. I must give credits where its belong. I am grateful to be able to speak with some one with such immense wisdom. This is very interesting and as an aquarian over 50 I want to break the age 40 limitation barrier, we are unconventionals not just weirds walking around with doomed at 40 tags on my forehead. Its really funny, ive just removed a weird looking skin tag from my forehead with a bit of dental floss. Once there’s… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Dellie

“we are unconventionals not just weirds walking around with doomed at 40 tags on my forehead.” Lmao. That was funny.

6 years ago

I’m so happy to see an increase in posts and engagement. I sent a few people your way to encourage you to keep going and I hope they will do the same.

6 years ago

Woooow, awesome post. I’m also loving the interactive comments from everyone, very informative and a real eye-opener. Ma, you did a great job describing the place of judgement, really caught my imagination. The part about time not existing got me thinking, it’s probably one of the reasons why I do not like celebrating my birthday. One is reminded that they’re a year older, which in turn fuels the belief that our existence is as a result of time. I agree with you, the acceptance of such truth is what leads to death. You mentioned in a reply that since you… Read more »

6 years ago

Morning morning Obara and ES! Ummm elder I don’t think I like this explanation. So EVERY time the baby kick is a new spirit? What if your baby an avid kicker that’s alot of spirits. Then how about for the non moving babies, no spirits. Obara I can understand your description of when someone dies better. Like Cami said you have being giving us this description of this judgement hall for years. I have tried sharing this with another and nope they give me the look of HUH? I said never again. Obara do you think someone who openly can… Read more »

6 years ago

Good morning, Ivory. I can see where you’re going, but It seems as if you are challenging what’s written here. From what perspectives are you speaking on? That of Ifa or Christianity?

“Must we believe everything we hear from a non physical just because they are aliens or spirits?” and along with the toddler comment below.

“Pickney say to mumma mek you mouth so long, mumma say to pickney you a grow you will know”

6 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Hi CAMI, Religion in any form is not the same as spirituality. Some people need religion to understand themselves better. Will I allow my children to go to church? The answer is yes.Why because Jesus never had the intention of starting Christianity,but in churches children can develop their spirituality and learn good morals. The goal of spirituality is love.Love for oneself ,love for our neighbors and most importantly love for God. According to Obara,all religions are valid. I have personally done an IFA reading.There is nothing wrong with IFA.As a matter of fact,IFA is scientific. Showing affinity to one religions… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Ivory

“Religion in any form is not the same as spirituality.” I am well aware of this, for I subscribe to none. Spiritually far exceeds the simplicity of “Love”. Coexistence is what spirituality is about,while religion creates divisions. Some of us can master it and some of us cannot…I cannot given my dislike for some beings (honesty is one of my strong points and weakness). Obara does use a closing, signature quote (in-part)…that “…all religion is valid…” because her intentions isn’t to create flocks of followers, for that is the purpose of religions. Hence, the difference between it and spirituality. Obara’s… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Hi Cami, About your name in cap lock,it wasn’t intentional,Your name seems to be popular to my i-pad so it was easy for auto suggestion. About the kindergarten teacher volunteering to teach at that level isn’t very important. What is important is her commitment and dedication to her work(her/his personality) The kindergarten teacher’s work isn’t less important than any other teacher’s. In the school system,you have the primary, the secondary and the tertiary educational system. The various levels requires specialized skills and training. There is a saying that”To catch a monkey you have to behave like one” That doesn’t mean… Read more »

6 years ago

“What happens when a person dies?” He responded: “When the spirit is released from the body, it finds another body to enter immediately. Or it will search for a pregnant woman and jump into her to be born again. This,” he says, “Is the reason the baby will kick inside the stomach… when a new spirit has entered it.” This response by your elder is quite different from what I have read and what I have understood. There are many non physicals and numerous advanced souls in the spiritual world. Many gifted individuals are privilege to make contacts with them… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Ivory

I think I have the insight now,why messages from the spiritual world get confusing or misunderstood. And sometimes appear not to be true. Apart from the problem of language and vocabulary,there is also the issue of the law of like minds(I just invented that law).Birds of the same feather flock together. There is a saying that “when the student is ready,the master will appear” What this also means is that depending on the spiritual development (spiritual readiness/capacity) of the seeker,a suitable guide/instructor/teacher/and experience will be presented. For example if a toddler ask the parents where babies come from,the parents…if they… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hi Obara, I knew I would be misunderstood but that is OK is a process of learning. The language and vocabulary I mention,is on the part of the receiver,when he/she then tries to relay what ever message received from the spirit world to humans. Their might be so many things felt that can not be put to words. “If I am understanding you correctly, you are saying that depending on a human’s level of spiritual enlightenment or intellect, the Spirit Guide that is assigned to him will match the human in understanding? In other words, if John is a fool,… Read more »

6 years ago

I would like to know if wealth/riches acquired by an Aquarian before 40years can be sustained after 40,since after 40 is not so favorable in making wealth/riches? I believe if one is to make wealth that young they have to be given some specialized talents like sports,music and entertainment,of which most people in this profession are not necessarily Aquarians and they make it quite young. I being a Sagittarius, I have encountered some few Aquarians and they all seem to have similar characteristic. Some of their weakness is that they let go of so many useful opportunities, it is almost… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

There is a saying,a fool at 40 is a fool for life.Meaning 40 seems to be the golden age.
I bet if the same man was told the same revelation at 23 ,he wouldn’t have developed the mind to accept it then. Through series of life stress and challenges, he was made ready to face his fears of success. He just didn’t want the burden of success but anyway he did it as an experiment just to prove himself wrong. Aquarians are really weird.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ivory

Hello Ivory. For someone who questions so much you speak very matter of factly. Can I ask where you got that ” most people in this profession are not necessarily aquarians”. Where are you getting your facts from? I’m not saying they are but I know well enough not to say they are not, as I dont know, just as you dont. If your questions are sincere you needto find another way to ask them as they come across as sarcastic and somewhat rude…

6 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

Hi Kevin,
Is good we focus on the intention behind the message and also the message and not the messenger.
I never had any intention of being sarcastic while on the question about Aquarius.
Just like in a classroom situation,there some students who are assertive and that does not mean they know it all.
I being a Sagittarius have my own weakness and they are many.
When Obara makes a post on the zodiac signs you will find out more.

6 years ago

1st time commenter, long time peeper here… I would like to open up by saying thank you so much for this post and most importantly this blog! Mama Obara, (I’m southern, so this is a term of endearment:)) this post raises soo many questions, yet fall in line with your other posts so well. Like: 1. The different aquatic worlds. You’ve written about water people and the instance of a person visiting their people when they were “lost” on earth. If you can have a different dimension in a river (per the post) just imagine what is possible in the… Read more »

6 years ago

Good night. Be back tomorrow night. Love you OM.

6 years ago

Thank you Obera, for this inspiring lesson I am looking in myself trying to understand it it is an eye opener for me

Intellectual Bhutu
6 years ago

Obara! For those of us who have been exposed to the classified information you present on this blog, our concept of life can never be the same. Awakened concepts of time, death and life brings a much greater clarity to this human experience. The only drawback is that it becomes a bit of a challenge to coexist with those who are still sleeping. Your presentation of judgement is really good. I can just imagine how the guides annoyed when wi get defiant sometimes lol. Thank you, I’ll try to be more attentive and responsive to their guidance. I’d love to… Read more »

6 years ago

Good evening. Obara! From the time I’ve been on your site and learned about the hall of justice – I’ve never seen it any other way, but your way. I wish I could share it with others, but I find it best to not share with nonbelievers. When people pass, I picture them waiting in the hall. I am a 100 % a believer in reincarnation. Although, I hope never to return to this realm of humans…I am not a fan. Time. I am a big believer that time is the master of all things, for this…I am against the… Read more »

6 years ago

Dear Obara, another fabulous read, thank you. I have a couple of questions: 1. What does the “washing and prepping” of the Being consist of, who conducts it, and 2. Why is it only now, that said Being is able to see the Spirit Guides even though they have been with them while in body, 24/7 from birth to death. As I type this, I wonder if, because the body is now shed and “dead” the Being, until it is determined where it will be traveling next, is at that time no longer in need of those guides, and they… Read more »

6 years ago

NAH SAH – I have too much to talk about on this one- We need a online live convo for this but here is a few points – Maybe this will open a few discussions– 1))) The soul: versus our human body:: I once spoke to Obara about death of a couple people close to me 2 yrs ago. One was a 13 y/o girl who died unexpectedly and Obara told me she was an ELDER- It was in this one convo I realized that if someone was 13 y/o but an ELDER logically our SOUL has nothing to do… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Live discussion would be great. Ping me if it ago gwan. I had a strange event regarding time that I am dying to share. If we going to huddle then I’ll save it for then.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lincoln

Hey Lincoln. Deja vu and I are “friends”. Had one last week regarding a paper work that a coworker was handing to me. The very first time I took a deja vu seriously and really notice of what was happening to me was when I was walking along the side of Prospect park (HEY Former Sister-in-law…lol G!) I was walking, then I stopped dead in my tracks because I knew, for a fact, that I took those steps in front of me before. My companion was shocked and asked me what’s the matter. I remember asking her “why we a… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Yes Cami – I had a craziest DEJA VU when I was 17 on christmas night- I was driving with my friend and we were like 3 cars from a stop light in the line and when the light turned green I didn’t go- I felt as if I dreamt this exact moment before- my friend looked at me and said hey why you not driving I didn’t reply– I drove off and then 3 roads down the car that was in front of us at the light turned left and hit a bicyclist -exact same road we were turning… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Lincoln

No Lincoln! It’s not you “…feel like…” you have protective spirits. Pay attention to delays as well. I will get ready to drive out of my yard, but end up going back into the house all 3 times and when I get into the house what I went for wasn’t relevant or it isn’t there, but in the bloody car LOLOL. I simply take my time because it’s the spirits delaying me. I’ve missed quite a few car accidents due to these delays.

Cynthia Jay
Cynthia Jay
6 years ago

Hi Madam Obara, this is yet another great post ! Very enlightening! I didn’t want it to end as I neared the bottom of the post. I was hoping for more as each point drew me in deeper. Everything you highlighted, I have felt for a long time, is true. I understand that there is no time. However, are you a proponent of living in the present moment and grounding your being from there? Is living in the now the same as acknowledging no time? I would also love to know the spiritual secrets of all the Star signs (especially… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

lolol….Taurus to the max! My mother gave birth to 3 (2 in one month, 1 in May), plus I was born on the same month and day as my two paternal aunts (We don’t communicate). I don’t think we lucky in love at all.

6 years ago
Reply to  Cami

P.S. Mother is an Aries.

6 years ago

Another great one

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