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10 Illnesses and Their Spiritual Causes (And How to Spiritually Diagnose Them)

Disclaimer: This post is not intended to discount science or any diagnosis given to patients by medical experts. It would be irresponsible for me to suggest not to seek physician if you have a medical problem. But behind all that is physical, the spiritual, too, must be observed.

As with everything there is a spiritual aspect to it, and this should never be discounted. As a matter of fact, if a problem arises, I would hope that every human would seek the spiritual meaning first before attempting to put a bandaid on the physical. As I have mentioned many times before, all things must occur within the spiritual before it manifests into the physical. The best thing about this is the fact that it gives the human time to mend or prevent the imminent danger.

Everything in our daily lives is like a tangible manifestation of an intangible script. But often times, there are glitches in the script, there are interference’s, and more often than not, there are certain challenges that are simply apart of the journey and must be experienced in order to enter the next phase.

Spirituality is the most important education one can give himself. For it is with this knowledge that what once seemed “ordinary” is now seen for what it is. You watch as the extremely generous and genuine person gives and gives until he is drained, experiences eczema and blisters on the fingers he uses to extend his kindness.

These reactions can come from any source and for many reasons, including spiritual attacks, spiritual awakenings, avoiding one’s “spiritual calling” [Read: Ignoring Your Spiritual Calling – The Consequences] emotions, etc. But where the real mystery lies is how and why these things manifest into common illnesses.

10 Illnesses That Are NOT Real

…and how to spiritually diagnose them

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This is a very sensitive topic because so many people are afflicted by it, but Cancer is a manifested disease caused by these spiritual factors:

  • Deeply Internalized Emotion – There are those who have deep internalized fears. Perhaps trauma that has never been spoken of or has not been healed. This emotion has been buried so deep that it is even difficult for those afflicted to find it. Thus, this emotion, which is now more than a wave of feeling, manifests itself into the Cancer disease. The emotion almost festers within the system and begins to grow because it needs release. The Cancer is the release the emotion needs, and as the emotion is a dark and heavy load, so, too, will it manifest in physical form.
  • Spiritual Attack – Cancer also stems from spiritual attack. Let me explain this. The attacker did not intend to cause Cancer in the victim, he intended to cause harm, sickness, or death to the victim. However, for those who suffer from the first explanation (those prone to internalizing emotions), the attack will manifest this way. What happens is that when a person spiritually attacks another, what they have done is contracted a spirit to carry out the work. The spirit, who is an Intelligent Being as a Force, will approach the victim and observe him. It searches for the victim’s weakness and attacks through that medium. So if the person is an extremely emotional being, has suffered trauma, prone to anxiety or prone to internalizing, then this is how the spirit “attacks” its victim, with Cancer being an emotionally triggered disease.

Any stage of Cancer can be healed. As what can progress, can also regress. This can be done by sending Light through the body (I will write on this topic one day).

My prayers go out to all who are afflicted by this disease. But just know that there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Illustrator: Sylvie Reuter

Depression is a force that has the ability to affect anyone. I can write a book on this particular illness because there was a time during my awakening when I suffered from this affliction. At first it was fear, fear of so many things. And then that fear that I never shared with anyone turned itself into depression. Fear and Depression are husband and wife, they go no where without each other. This affliction feels as though one is at the bottom of a deep dark well with no way out. This affliction is a spiritual Force by itself, not sent by anyone, but a Force that lives among humans on this Earth.

It is a spiritual force of doom. Yet it is a spiritual Force of Light.

But read closely…

People who often suffer from depression are people who are very spiritual. There are so many things that trigger depression, but the gloom itself, although maddening, is there to force the affected person to become Awake spiritually. Every conscious person who sees themself as a Conscious Being has gone through some death of depression.

You can look at depression as entering a Rabbit Hole. After Depression, the person would have entered an entirely new phase of their lives which is drastically different from where they were before, and who they were before. Depression is almost like a First Initiation into becoming You if you can overcome that hump and without pharmaceutical drugs. The reason to avoid those drugs is because it prolongs the illusion. It is the beginning of “unlearning” everything you’ve ever known, and unlearning is a horrific and frightening process.

The feeling may feel real, but it is not and trust me, I know, but as long as you can claw yourself out of that well, there is a Bright Light awaiting you.

Stomach Aches


Humans can look at your stomach as your second brain or mind. The stomach experiences almost every emotion the brain does. People who are spiritual or on becoming spiritual, ones who are tender to the world, i.e. compassionate, gentle receivers, empathetic, sensitive, etc. These people are those most likely to experience illness through the stomach. It is this center that holds emotion. However, like Cancer, there are many factors to stomach illnesses:

  • Energy Feelers – Those who pull the energy of others through their compassion. For these people, their “sensitive areas” (spiritually speaking) is the stomach. These will be the ones easiest to be afflicted by issues such as indigestion, IBS, acid reflux, etc. 75% of people who experience those that I have just explained are those who pull what does not belong to them. Even if the person does not actually feel compassion, they will still absorb the ailment of someone else (even if emotional) because the spirit of the person is one of compassion, regardless if the human actually feels the emotion.

Those whose spirit are from the Water are often afflicted with stomach ailments.

  • Spiritual Attack – As explained with Cancer, when spiritual attacks are sent, most often it is the stomach that is affected first because the stomach area is sensitive to everything that is spiritually malevolent. In the Zion Churches, members are taught to tie the waist with a particular cord so as to “balance” the person and protect the midsection from spiritual forces. The stomach is also the most common area of ailment for persons who have been placed in bondage through the spiritual act of tying and binding. For these people, they will experience terrible (often mysterious) stomach pains, such as stomach ulcers. My father was operated on 3 times because of this.


Image Source:

Boils, large, painful, pus-filled cysts. As a child growing up, I suffered from boils all the time. They were uncomfortably painful. Some years ago, I had 5 boils once! Each one was a twin. I realized afterwards that these boils manifested because I was under severe spiritual attack.

When people experience boils often, they are often told to change their diets, drink more water, avoid sugar. But I am here to tell you that while all of this may be true on a physical level, not all boils are boils.

This is how you know the ones that are not real:

  • They reoccur in the same place
  • They are unusually large
  • They tend to have more than one “head” at the same time
  • Before they grow large, they are extremely painful

And this is the kicker:

  • They appear on odd places of the body. For example: Shin, big toe, under the breast, hip, stomach, etc.
  • Medication, anti-biotic, warm water, etc. do not work or if it does, it takes a long time to work.
  • When it bursts, it pours. and can even have a stench

When these things happen, these are not real boils. They are manifestations of malevolent work or spiritual attack. What is happening is that when the attack is sent, it enters the body, most often during your sleep. When the attack enters the body, your body recognizes it as something foreign and malevolent. The body will then try to fight it and release it. This is most likely for those who are spiritually protected in some way.

Dental Pains/Infections

Dental pains is the transference of energy. We live in a world that is an illusion, so I have to say that while we are in this world of illusion, so these pains are definitely real… within the world of illusion. However, energy, as we know, transfers, and some people are sensitive to the plight, fight, or pain of others. Just as I mentioned above with stomach ailments. This can be received through the mouth and manifest as dental infections and tooth aches.

Skin Eczema

This is also an emotional illness. It is also from a place of internalizing emotions for most people, but what makes it different is that it happens to people who are just a little smarter than the rest. Those who experience skin eczema are those who are mainly from the water realm. But with those who experience this they are often at odds with water, despite the fact that the spirit is from the water, the water is “out-of-alignment” with the spirit in some way and for some reason.


Epilepsy is really Light (spirit) “running” through the body. It is almost as if someone has been hit internally with a Lightning bolt. In medical science, it is an affliction coming through the brain, but in spirituality, this person has a deep connection with the spiritual world they come from, except the connection goes “out of whack” at times within our realm and affects them this way. Some people develop epilepsy when they are grown, and this happens sometimes through trauma. When this happens, they have entered into an invisible force, like a time warp, and this is how it manifests in this world.

There are, however, plants and herbs that can be used to balance this person again and allow them to live a life without epilepsy.

Tourette Syndrome

This one is sensitive to me because if you are around me and see when spirit “racks” my body, a doctor may give (my enemy) this diagnosis. As I am a medium, signs and symptoms of this affliction are there.

Tourette Syndrome is simply spirit, or glitches of other realities that enters the body, allowing them certain utterances or body movements.

On the spiritual side,

this is a physical response to spirit literally passing through the body, or of the frequency of the spirit “coming too close” to the person, and the person (whose vibration is lower) reacting severely.

This person has a “spiritual opening” which allows Spirits to pass through them. If they were aligned, these people could become Mediums. The person is deeply connected to a Spirit Being or Beings.


This occurs when too many spiritual forces are around. It can make the person feel like they are carrying the world on their shoulders. The way to spiritually diagnose this from “normal” fatigue is when it comes on suddenly. It will most often come with a feeling of gloom. If a person knows how to wash themselves spiritually, then that force will go.

But often times, fatigue appears to give a message. If the message is received by the person, then the feeling will go as well.

The fatigue is caused by a dark force, but even though the Force is dark, it still wishes to pass a message to the human. If it does so successfully, the Being can receive “Light” or its own ascension. But the Force it carries becomes draining to the human who senses it.


Ah, headaches. One of the first spiritual signs of ascension is headache. This is often a dull ache, which affects the eye, especially the right eye. This is one of the first advancement in spirituality when these sorts of headaches appear. The headache that appears in the space between the eyes is when the “third eye” is opening. It is not necessarily painful, but feels like a dull ache, or load.

Headaches are often the sensing of a shift in energy, when something “unseen” has entered your space, or is passing through. To know that this is spiritual is when this occurs a little more often than usual and the pain itself can not be cured with pain killers (at least not all the time), but most likely can go away when you sleep and wake. But this is a wonderful way of sensing spirit energy, although it is uncomfortable.

What happens is that there is an imbalance, or “clash” of vibratory levels. The human is almost crushed under the vibration of the unseen entity or energy. Because of this, the human will feel the clash physically in places he is most sensitive.

I have promised you all to write about Alzheimers one day, and it definitely belongs on this list, but it is very intricate. It is a very sad affliction but very high spiritually. Those affected by it are those who came to this Earth to do a mighty work, but did not accomplish it.

I will leave this with you until I get the inspiration to write a full post on it, for it deserves full attention as a serious spiritual honor and spiritual woe.

Obara Meji

All that we are is the result of what we have thought “- The Buddha

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3 years ago

Hi Obara, I have been camping on this website ever since I stumbled upon it a few months ago – I do not believe it coincidence and I have taken time to internalise and reflect on a few things. My enemy has suffered skin eczema ever since I was 3-months old. The rashes and itchiness make me sick quite literally and figuratively and the discomfort it causes is too much. A year ago, just before my mama’s enemy died (I hope that’s correct), we had a chat and she revealed to me that at the time I was born, while… Read more »

4 years ago

Thank you for this post. I’d really like you to teach me how to send light through my body because for years my enemy has had symptoms of breast cancer. Medical doctors are confused with this case. It is a spiritual attack. Also could you do a post on Spiritual attacks on vehicles.

God bless

4 years ago

Hay ..Obara hope all is well with you and yours.
I would like your take on an overactive thyroid?
Do you think it’s real?

4 years ago

Did you guys see on sleek Jamaica (Instagram) that the North Korean Dictator is dead.

Sherese Bullock
Sherese Bullock
4 years ago

Alaafia Iya! Thanks so much for this information. Could you do one on diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure and hyper and hypo thyroid conditions.



4 years ago

I suffer from headaches and wanted to know what are the reasons base on the various experiences:- 1. Headaches to the point of vomiting which eases the tension of the pain especially in the left eye which feels like it’s straining. 2. Headaches to the point where if I use Florida water it doesn’t help but makes my head feel like it’s exploding and it lasts for days to the point of not being able to leave my room. 3. Other times, I would have to sap my head with rubbing alcohol and smell it which helps to ease the… Read more »

Violet 777
Violet 777
4 years ago

Happy Birthday Ma Meji

Big (((Huggs))to you on your special day.

wishing you long life, good health and prosperity…xxx

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Another great posts thank you for the gift I will be looking at where I can purchase the crystal from ASAP…

The crystal Is to be worn and placed in the house? Is that right?

4 years ago

Thank Ma Meji.

As I am new here on the site i am not familiar with how the classes go.Is it were you reside?The answer of it could be that I am eating or abusing my taboo could you expound on that for me some one and also the suggestion that I need Ifa to know what taboo I am violating as i dont know what’s “Ifa” first time hearing of this.

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Blessings to you Ma Meji

Thanks for explaining I will continue reading and I am sure learning a lot from you and all the other member bloggers.Blessings to all.

Precious Ekpenyong Eyo
Reply to  Obara Meji

How can I know my taboos. Happy birthday wonderful one Obara meji. The eye of the gods. It is precious. I’ve been trying to get through the site for the longest time and met the information that the site @ embracing spirituality was being fixed. I pray you live to have a hundred more birthdays and I await your response.

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Youn Lady may you live to see many more years.Have a blessed day.

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lol@ happy birthday young woman. Natasha you’re very funny.

A very happy birthday to you Ma’am Obara Meji.

Love and light!!!

4 years ago

Great Post Ma Meji.When I received the email on 10 illness and how to Spiritaually diagnose them i was interested in reading what i said.I must say for me everything made so much sense.As I am one who have been suffering from acid indigestion at times I dont know what to eat the excruciating pain I would experience that most recent whe I had an attack just before I received this mail.The spirit led me to rub my stomach with florida water one of my favorite and drank a tsp Asafaetida liquid in water.This I never drank such large dose.This… Read more »

Benjamin Franklyn Jr.
4 years ago

You gat to understand ma’am, Embracing Spirituality, didn’t just changed my life, it entered my soul, it entered my heart, it entered my being, my spirit. Even though I have only dedicated just less than two years to to this your great blog, it has been the greatest two years of my life. Keep teaching and Keep educating the family of Embracing Spirituality. There will always be dingbats and misguided people who will comments nonsense here but don’t succumb to it. They are people whose purpose here on Earth is to tarnish the image and reputation of good people and… Read more »

4 years ago

Thanks, Obara.

I recently had my first experience with someone having epilepsy. They developed it in their 40s, three in past 6 months. It was a bit eerie as they were walking and running etc.

It seemed really like something overtook them. They do NOT believe in any of this kind of talk though.

Hope everyone is keeping safe with this new Coronavirus.

Benjamin Franklyn Jr.
4 years ago

Don’t keep praying and telling everybody about your Nightmare. What you are doing with the continues prayer is within the element of fear. You are activating fear some where. You think you are praying everyday, every now and then but The forces of darkness have obtain what they want. Fear in you. DARKNESS STRIVE, they are strengthen were fear is found. Speak the word of God to any bad dream you have. Stop living in fear. Whatever your fear can be use against you. This is very important. This planet is the world of man, the physical REALM of EARTH… Read more »

Benjamin Franklyn Jr.
4 years ago

Great Post. I love this post. Relating to what you said about Cancer (The spirit, who is an Intelligent Being as a Force, will approach the victim and observe him. It searches for the victim’s weakness and attacks through that medium) You are definitely right, and that resonates with me. Let me share some knowledge on what you said, you don’t have to agree with me on everything. Someone needs to understand better more on ATTACK and understand what FEAR is. Attack start with 1. Fear element : It must be establish first before fear technique. 2. Fear technique: Within… Read more »

4 years ago

Wow very disheartening to know some readers have resorted to calling Obara names and curse at her because they have different views. This blog has enlightened many and its a personal BLOG so it represents a personal view of one’s spiritual journey through this physical world. I can say this definitively that Obara is 1000% an open person and will listen to all opinions no matter what they maybe, that’s one of the main reasons why I truly respect her because I believe in such. She is NOT dogmatic like most in the world are especially christians! she has been… Read more »

Benjamin Franklyn Jr.
4 years ago
Reply to  Lincoln

My reply was supposed to be – I couldn’t said better myself. But then I had a second thought. OBARA MEJI doesn’t need to go on break just because a DINGBAT made a comment. Embracing Spirituality is a Great Place to acquire EXTRAORDINARY KNOWLEDGE. OBARA is a great woman doing a great work. She can’t succumb to dingbats that have been misguided all their lives. Dingbats that are NAIVE. Some people just don’t like the truth, they refused to accept the truth, so they want others to do the same. Nice one Lincoln but Madam Obara shouldn’t go on break.… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Lincoln

Two thumbs up Lincoln, you killed it.

4 years ago

Greetings to Obara and the readers of this blog 🙂 This concept may be difficult for many of us to grasp but I encourage you to open your minds as this information will likely help you to save the lives of those you care for. I have seen and heard of many instances where people have been diagnosed with illnesses that were as a result of spiritual attacks. I will try to share a few with you below, some details will be changed to protect people’s privacy. A young lady employed at a popular company here in Jamaica got sick.… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  PhDiva

Bless you IB. Thanks for sharing. People perish for lack of proper knowledge. Whom ever cannot comprehend will not be forced.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kay

Thank you Kay 🙂

Who know better, will do better.

4 years ago

Literally all of this is false. There is a ton of evidence out there that points to these illnesses being real. It’s not caused by spirits. If you genuinely believe this, you are going to die or let someone else die.

4 years ago
Reply to  D

Hi D, Did you read the disclaimer on at the too of this post that says this is not intended to disprove science? You said this is all false with so much confidence. Do you have any means to prove that this post is false? Do you realize that you’re on a spirituality blog and that things you read here are beyond literal? If you cannot grasp what’s on here, it is better to ask and get enlightened instead of shooting it down. If you’re not here to learn then maybe this is not where you should be. Your comment… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

They cannot handle it Ma’am. I’ve come to realize that if you take some people on an astral journey they’ll still come back and say you used hypnosis in them or that you laced their tea with a drug that causes delirium and hallucinations. These things are hidden so much that your writing about is another Harry Potter story to a lot of people. Pls don’t get discouraged and keep doing your thing. Let them keep reincarnating until they wake up.

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Even with the shift that is currently ongoing, a lot of humans have still chosen to remain asleep. O ma se oooo

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

One who knows and knows that he knows… His horse of wisdom will reach the skies. One who knows, but doesn’t know that he knows… He is fast asleep, so you should wake him up! One who doesn’t know, but knows that he doesn’t know… His limping mule will eventually get him home. One who doesn’t know and doesn’t know that he doesn’t know… He will be eternally lost in his hopeless oblivion! 

Persian poem by Ibn Yamin

4 years ago
Reply to  D

Hello, Obara Meji clearly issuer a disclaimer at the beginning of this post which states that “This post is not intended to discount science or any diagnosis given to patients by medical experts. It would be irresponsible for me to suggest not to seek physician if you have a medical problem. But behind all that is physical, the spiritual, too, must be observed”. maybe it will do you a lot of good to read , digest and understand where the author is coming pertaining to the spiritual angle of sicknesses instead of just wanting to comment on a post simply… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes Ma’am they sold religion good. And it’s ironic that the same people who sold the religion with every means possible are the ones propagating everything that goes against their book.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ifatunmise

“Read, digest, understand” Ifatunmise you said it all. A lot of people read to respond.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kay

Thank you Kay, hopefully I pray ignorant people do not search for spiritual guidance and solution when it’s too late.

4 years ago
Reply to  D


4 years ago

Hi! Interesting read and thanks again!! You once said I should remind you about Iron defeciencies?? Perhaps and the cravings that come with it?

4 years ago

Thank you for this Obara. I have suffered with headaches for years but if recent have been getting them at weekends thru. My right eye, painkillers do t work. When speaking time my mother about this sometime ago she reminded des me she used to put 4711 cologne on my pillow when I was a child to get rid of it. I do in fact find that Florida water has the same effect for what you have clarified as spiritual headaches.

Much love


4 years ago

How do get over the headache when sense it spiritual?

4 years ago

Obara, what are your thoughts on hemorrhoids and growths within the groin, butt and reproductive area?

I’ve extracted several sebaceous cysts along my buttocks and even have a few tiny ones within my labia now. They’re harmless, but nevertheless, annoying. I even had a hernia removed from my stomach at 3 years old and a ovarian cyst at 17. My great grandmother told me through a reading that cysts/growths are something I need to be mindful of and I believe that its definitely deeper than hygiene and biology as to why they pop up.

Marisa Akers
Marisa Akers
4 years ago

I frequently have pain in my left eye,about a month plus I awoke to a vision in my left eye .My right eye open ,I was awake left closed on pillow I yelled for a pencil to write down letters I was seeing no one heard me.,it lasted for about 40 seconds.I am still thinking of what this vision could have ment.I have had seen dejavoo in pa St but never like this so intense.


4 years ago

How would one know if the headaches are spiritual attacks or spiritual awakening or spirits trying to connect with messages etc

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


4 years ago

Si Ms Obara…. Its me Randy again….what can I use or di around my house to BRUK this spirit of brukness off of me.

ME indebtv…. Me have some business opportunities and NEED MONEY to deal with things.

Please and Thanks


4 years ago

Thanks so much Ma for this interesting post,I come to realize I usually have almost all of what you listed below
Stomach cramps especially at my lower abdomen
Headaches, always weak
When I was 17 I noticed I had a lump I’m my right breast and up till now it hasn’t Grown larger it’s still the same size obviously not cancer for now since it hasn’t grown but still strange
I also have problems with my right ear

Would be glad if you can also do a post on how will can overcome these forces when we see signs


4 years ago

Thank you light and blessings. As a baby in Jamaica i had lots of boils my mother told me

4 years ago

The only thing on this I don’t suffer from is eczema, epilepsy and Tourette syndrome.

4 years ago

Greetings Iyanifa and all, I heard the Jamaican MP Dr. Peter Phillips is fighting colon cancer and I suspect it might be from a spiritual attack. I relate to all these ailments save for the boils. Especially the fatigue, the depression but I just ignore them because everyone seems tired and depressed lol. The headaches I used to get along with feeling like my head is spinning when I was involved with some truly evil people. I remember one time they directed me to fast and pray and one day while laying on my bed, I felt something very, very… Read more »

4 years ago

You deserves the best teacher award lol Its good to be here! I got lighten up a bit when I saw the mail I love that subtle vibration. I aways senses the needs of people so I gives a lot, but one thing I don’t understand that worries me is that it’s hard for me to receive help when I needs it and even the ones that comes are not genuine . Sometimes, my last money will fall on the ground for someone else to pick but hardly do I found money on the ground. Why is it so with… Read more »

4 years ago

Ok so the boils. I had a friend she was and still is dealing with this guy. He’s from Haiti and his now ex wife is Haitian as well and here in the US there’s a stigma with Haitians and doing voodoo. So when she told me that his wife (at the time) was working on her and that’s how she got the boil in her breast which was the size of a golf ball by the way. I can honestly say I didn’t believe her and this was about 4 – 5 years ago. She went to the doctor… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

You beat me from you reach space ship flying and u can minus the obeah and nails. But I can cook, clean, do hair, eyebrows, makeup, count and kill chickens, marketing, business strategize, and the bedroom skills I’ve completely mastered. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Oh and gardening I can do a little thing and sewing. (Mi grow wid mi granny) My spirit loves you. When the site was under construction mi did a mad TPC .. you have no idea. Even if I’ve read one of the post 6 times already I come back and read them again just to get comfort in… Read more »

4 years ago

Thank you Obara. I have to really read this info some more. And get to understand the way cancer was formed. my husband died from cancer 5 yrs. ago. Thank You

Red rose 777
4 years ago

Hi Obara (((((hugggggs)))Thanks for another great post …. you have confirmed a lot of things concerning my stomach and it being spiritual. I have two daughters which I had in my teens and have never been pregnant again both by C section. I’ve been diagnosed by one dr of having pco after seeing growths in the scan. A different doctor took my blood and said I don’t have pco as it’s not in my blood. I have in the past felt different feelings in my stomach, I also feel fatigue at times Blessings to you and yours … it’s my… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Red rose 777

Happy birthday! 😀

4 years ago
Reply to  Dreamer

Thanks @dreamer

Red rose 777
4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks obara for the birthday wishes, yes Aries like you. I will be here next week for your birthday to enjoy with you here on the blog…, x

Natalie Lawrence
Natalie Lawrence
4 years ago

Good day Ms. Obara,
Thank you for this post. I always wondered about what causes cancer. My dad died from it. The chronic pain was unbearable for him. My headaches always last for days. Thank God for the good ole Jamaican Rum it helps.

Nuff love and blessings

4 years ago

This is very revealing about things happening around us daily that we see as normal and it takes me dow memory lane as far back as childhood. My mom was this kind that will whoop your ass for being dirty or even playing too hard and sweating. I was always having baths at least twice daily and a lot of times more than twice especially as it’s usually hot here in Africa. The notion then was that dirty kids are the ones to have skin ailments. But as tidy as i was as a child i always had eczema, i… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks a lot Ma’am. Concise answers once again. You make someone want to ask a million questions lol. Oh i love to read, and especially when it has to do with spirituality. This is school for me so pls do part 2.

About wakes and funerals, i realized i just hate them, i hate to go and even long before understanding spirituality i just don’t go. I always find a reason not to go, even if it’s a family member and i never knew why.

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Well I love to read and I don’t want to punished because of their laziness.

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks a lot Ma’am. Concise answers once again. You make someone want to ask a million questions lol. Oh i love to read, and especially when it has to do with spirituality. This is school for me so pls do part 2.

I also have this dislike for wakes and funerals from long ago. It doesn’t matter if it’s family i just don’t go, and i find an excuse not to.

@PYFISH, you and me both lol.

4 years ago

The depression part described my own experience to a T. I went through a very difficult depressive state some years ago. Long story but when I came out of it, it felt like a ‘cleansing’. This is how I have always described it. I felt like a new person: happier, more grateful and with more clarity. My spiritual journey also started after this period; I began to question mainstream religion & started losing interest but it really felt like I had been freed from some bondage. After I lost a loved one a few years later, I went into depression… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Lilian

Wow Lilian. This was such a nice story. So reassuring. Thank you!

4 years ago
Reply to  Dreamer

Thank you Dreamer and Obara. Blessings to you and yours !

4 years ago

Thanks for this knowledge shared.

4 years ago

Well I have heard about many of these especially about cancer before. I find it very interesting as time goes on the increase in cancer occurrence is like saying one has the flu- Every time someone talk of someone being sick the first reply is what the have …cancer. I can’t believe cancer has become so rampant. Definitely has to do with some outside factors spiritually or man made chemicals indeed. I remember when I was around 12 I had boils and just like you said they were very large( my dad would try to squeeze them when i was… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

i use good old white rum when I get the headaches-

4 years ago

Thank u for this,sending my love.

4 years ago
Reply to  Omo

My Dear …. Please answer me on this….. Like there is spiritual reasons for illnesses. …. I know there is a spiritual reason for MONEY LACK. … PLEASE speak on this…… I NEED TO DEAL WITH THIS MONEY PROBLEM SPIRITUALLY.

4 years ago
Reply to  Randy

I will Ms Obara. …. I am clearing and preparing and searching for the answers to BREAK AND LOOSE THIS SPIRITUALLY.

Intellectual Bhutu
4 years ago

Greetings Obara! It is good that you have brought this to our awareness. How nonsensical it is for one to seek to separate the spiritual from the physical. This reasoning helps us to understand why “healthy” people die from cancer and an avid smoker lives a long life. “Cancer being an emotionally triggered disease” There is seemingly a correlation between the stress many women absorb and breast cancer. In so many cases these women are miserably single, stuck in an unhappy marriage or overly absorbed in work. What is the likely spiritual/emotional association with infertility among women, or even men?… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I know you must be talking about the Kennedys

Desmond Emmanuel
4 years ago

I have been trying to make use of your products but all in vein. I ordered one of your products but got refunded due to the item being sold out. Any help? Thank you for listening.

4 years ago

Obara you are a rare gem! The stomach paragraph hit me heavily. Lately mi belly nuh tan gud…the amount of ginger tea mi affi drink smh You remember I contacted you about that “3rd eye” opening. Wow that feels so very weird to me. It never hurts just feels like a weird breeze blowing on my head.
How does one help themselves from these ailments?

4 years ago

Ase’ Adupe❤️Luv and light

4 years ago

Thank you for this!
Blessings Always!

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