Often times in the middle of the night, or sometimes during the day, you may experience a feeling that is indescribable. Such feeling may be a loss of hearing for almost a second or two, the feeling as if someone threw a punch at you and missed, and just the wind of it caught you and you are left slightly winded. Or at nights, one may experience “duppy hold down” or what is mistakenly referred to by the scientific world as ‘Sleep Paralysis,’ read here. Unbeknownst to you who may have experienced this, many times these are spiritual attacks. Mind you, not all the time, but these are some of the ways that spiritual attacks come in, especially to those who are very spiritually in tuned. Let me explain what this last sentence means:
Those who are highly spiritually attuned (doesn’t mean that they’re practicing spiritualists, but they may be “sensors” or people with “extrasensory perceptions” even unbeknownst to them) are the ones who will most often experience “duppy hol’ down” aka Sleep Paralysis, which there are many reasons for this happening, one of which is a spiritual attack.
There was a time when I was younger spiritually, when I was made victim of a very wicked woman’s obeah. I had no knowledge that I had offended this woman, God had just called me into the fold of his arms, and I began to go to church. The woman was a Jamaican woman and she had set up her church in a small space somewhere behind her business place. These were terrible times for me as it was a time when the wicked baby father had left and I was alone with 4 young children and no support. I had no idea that I was about to step into a new phase of my life, and so the challenge that this woman would give me, would be another test to bring me to where I was being led to.
There was one night while I was sleeping, I experienced “duppy hol’ down” which is such a bad feeling. It makes you feel as if you’re going to die in your sleep. You are aware of your surroundings, can hear everything what is happening, but you just cannot move, speak, or open your eyes. Sometimes you may even hear noises while you are struggling to come back to your body, and upon waking up, you may realize that the noises that you heard while struggling to wake up, were not within this realm. So on this particular night, this woman had sent 3 spirits into the house.
They all came to kill my enemy, (the use of the term “my enemy” is intentional, because it refers to me and it is negative, I will write my enemy instead, therefore throwing the negative to my enemy and not to myself, you should follow this as well, remember word, sound, power). One was a little boy, who looked about 12 years old, but he had small breasts. The other was a woman dressed as a bride with gnarly hands and an ugly face. And the third was a man dressed in black, he had no face. As I struggled to come into my body, I saw them in my mind’s eye, and of course being Christian at the time, and only being able to speak in my mind as I couldn’t move my lips, I could hear myself in my mind shout “the blood of Jesus!” to which they laughed.
I called upon every angel I knew and upon all the names of my ancestors, yet still I could not wake up or come back to myself. In all of this, I heard a gentle voice whisper in my right ear, “Don’t fight. Don’t struggle, just relax. The best thing to do is relax.”
I must say it was hard to listen to that voice when one felt as if they were going to die within that moment. It was like telling someone not to pee their pants when faced by a gun and the gunman ready to shoot, some reactions are just automatic! But I eventually calmed and woke up. Something spoke again to me and told me to grab salt. I ran to the kitchen, the time was 3:25 A.M. in the morning (this hour is specific to certain entities of diabolical ways). I followed the rest of the instructions being told to me, by throwing the salt (among other things) throughout the house. It was the dead of winter, but the house was so hot because of the malevolent energies that had entered. I prayed and scattered them all. I experienced this several other times before eventually, the woman came to my dreams and confessed of all she had been doing to me. She did so only because I battled her in the world of spirit, and won.
So today, I want to assist you in protecting yourself when faced with forces unknown that you have no idea how to deal with. There are many things that I cannot share, and not because I do not want to, but because spiritually, you may not be able to handle it, and of course this is the internet and a blog, so I will be as topical as I can.
10 Ways to Protect Yourself From Enemies
- Keep a clean home. This includes closets, drawers, and spaces not so readily seen by all eyes. What this does is encourage good energies to reside or visit you, so that if there is an attack, there would have been good spirits already there to assist you, and this is through cleanliness. This is important, as simple as it sounds. If your house is dirty, not even your own ancestors will want to tarry there.
- Cook as much with garlic or keep cloves of garlic in a white saucer around the house. This staves off negative energies and malevolent spirits, (mind you it does not dissolve or drive away wicked obeah but it may alert you that negatives or negative things are coming if the smell of the garlic suddenly becomes very high in the house).
- Place a stick of match, unused, in your hair, if you do not have hair, then in your pocket, leave it there or replace whenever you change your cloth, fire is a mystery! – Just be careful of putting yourself close to any open fire!
- Honour your ancestors, they will help you overcome your enemies, acknowledge them, call their names – If you do not have it already, keep or put a spiritual altar up in your home. Keep it clean and attend to it.
- Keep prayerful! For enemies pray with a a piece of cinnamon stick in your mouth, and keep fresh flowers in your house. – The Christian psalms are quite effective as they are incantations or words of power used often and daily by Christians and others. Psalms 91 (this is very effective during/after a “duppy hol’ down” experience), Psalms 23 and 27, 24 and 68. There are other psalms that I can put here but they are to be said a certain way and time. Remember prayer is a GREAT key and it doesn’t have to be a psalms, but one that you can put together with
- An animal is always good to keep in your home, not only for protection in the physical but also in the spiritual. – The rule is to be kind to the animal, never maltreat it. They can save your life or give you the warning for you to go and seek spiritual help.
- A jar of salt can be kept on your spiritual altar or behind your door, covered. – Be mindful, salt can heal or salt can devastate, so do not allow it to spill. However, having a jar of salt on your spiritual altar can drive away evil spirits all on it’s own just by being there (not talking about the one in your kitchen cupboard), if it’s on your spiritual altar, look at it as a tool you have given your ancestors to use on your behalf.
- Keep Jamaican White Rum in your house – One day I will do a whole post on this and it’s qualities.
- If it’s possible for you to get tamarind switch, keep this at home also! – I will explain this in the rum post.
- This one is the ultimate one and perhaps the MOST important. From once you know that you have never spiritually offended another (as in doing bad obeah against someone, betraying or setting up anybody, speaking ill or devising wicked plans against someone who has not offended you), once you know that you are innocent of offending another, whether physically or spiritually, then know that your defense is already SURE.
My people hold on to strength and faith, because the people of this world, most of them are no good. Bob Marley says in his song;
Some will hate you, pretend they love you now,
Then behind they try to eliminate you.
But who Jah bless, no one curse;
Thank God, we’re past the worse.
Hypocrites and parasites
Will come up and take a bite.
And if your night should turn to day,
A lot of people would run away.
You must stay in tune with your spirituality, yuh haffi stay strong pon de battle field and never let down your guard!
Just remember, never offend, if you stick by this, then, your defense is sure, remember Obara Meji told you that! It may take a time for you to see God play his hand, but from once you are innocent, he will, he certainly will!
Obara Meji
All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…Obara Meji!
There are no disappointments in life only lessons learned!
My name is CM and I have experienced this a few times about it 10 years ago. I also had what they diagnosed as a micro stroke but I think it was a psychic attack or a spiritual attack as you call it. I truly need some guidance and this really helped but I would like to be in touch with you because I think I have serious entities and need clearing. I’ll tell you more about it when we connect but I appreciate your sharing and would like to learn more from you and consult with you about my… Read more »
Hi Obara, I had been having dreams where I saw a person with a suitcase at my door another time I heard a knock on the door in my dream and woke up..it was 3 a.m.in another instance I heard a voice waking from dream telling me to “wake up ” on checking time it was 3 a.m again.Antother dream i saw myself in a lift.It was going down to 5th floor.White old people alighted and and old white lady got in.i pressed G for ground floor but it went up to 99th floor she got off and told me… Read more »
Thank you Mum for the good intuition.God bless you.
Hello, I have a quick question pertaining to placing a stick of match, unused, in your hair, if you do not have hair, then in your pocket, leave it there or replace whenever you change your cloth, fire is a mystery! Can that match stick be lite after your done using it? And if it’s place in your hair can you reuse it a few times?
hello, wow this is an awesome post Teacher Obara, I too had this very same experience twice in my life and I was left frightened and terrified, I even woke up recently with a bloodshot looking mark on my hand and my leg and my mother told me that is duppy touch me, so I have recently started to protect my room more, wow life is stranger than fiction!
Madam Obara,
Thank you for this fantastic enlightening blog. I really appreciate the platform. I am new here. In relation to the post above, what if one had wronged another a few years ago by way of deceit. A real big lie that caused the other to act upon it. Could it be a hindrance of some sort. What if the one has asked God for forgiveness numerous times even believing one has been forgiven. Is that enough to wipe out the karmic reaction?
Thanking you in anticipation Obara
Hi Cynthia welcome! Clearing our karmic debt here on earth most often is not even done to the person you have wronged. A person can wrong his mother and go to jail for killing a dog, or get shot accidentally, or become spiritually enlightened and begin doing great charity work. We have no idea of how the universe operates. I am a great believer in prayer, I believe we all should pray, you do not to be Christian or Muslim or even believe in any God (you will awaken to your own truth someday, lets never judge anyone) or deity… Read more »
How do I get know more about the use if the psalm in prayers
Good morning Ms. Obara, I am forever grateful for your insights. I have learned a lot and am praying more than before. I am more careful of my daily interactions. I pray that God will bless you always. Feeling appreciated.
Stay blessed,
Literally the 1st 5 paragraphs what happens to me at night and I used do the same “I plea the blood of Jesus” in my mind and they laugh with the thing holding me down. Literally everything you wrote even about the time and dreaming of the person confessing happened to me to.
Why are you speaking to my life?!?! Jesus people wicked bad bad bad!
OM- I am reading this and on my small altar I have a small glass of water and 1 shot glasses of water rum and another with salt- constantly burning a candle
Applauded yourself Lincoln
i have read though that putting salt on your altar that spirits wont come around.. So I have read conflicting stories on using salt
Lincoln, dats not true
thats why I still have the salt there
Obara , I have a question. Sometimes I will wake up in the middle of the night feeling as if someone is choking me and it leaves me startled and trying to slow my heart rate down. Could this be a form of spiritual attack?
Yes Mikelle, it may be a planned attack or a malevolent entity. If it is constant, then it may be sent
Much appreciated Obara!
Thank you…..I am but innocent so my way will be sure.
Thank you Obara. This post came right on time!
Thank you!!!
I glad to have you Bk and glad far these important tip