In this post I will attempt to show you (real students) how the practical part of spirituality, healing, cleansing or clearing works – or manifests. I always find it best to teach in story form such as with the the story of Frankie and Mawga Dog, (read here). However, with this post I will give a few scenarios and an exercise for your better understanding. If you have been reading my blog and learning anything at all then the exercise should not be too difficult. This blog is a school of life. For those who are willing to participate, do so, because there will be more to learn as we get deep into the conversations of what so many do not know or what so many have no idea of.
I implore you to try the exercise if you are a student of spirituality or a person who has ever thought of or has already sought the help of a spiritualist.
Some time ago a dear client of mine had been having some issues. With me as her support, she conquered her enemy. However, she still struggled financially, trying to rise up after the enemy’s attempts. She is in no way suffering, but things that she wanted to do in order to get her life back on track seemed far off after being attacked spiritually.
I had done divination for her and told her that her destiny had it written that she was to be financially rich (there are many kinds of riches and many ways to get there). She had been making attempts with her work to make some money, but most of her approach seemed to fail. She saw some signs and would text me about them, telling me that she noticed that whenever she was about to make a deal, these signs would show themselves to her. When I checked, I saw that the enemy was again pursuing her.
I was not worried as I dialed her number to tell her while still before my oracle, because I had seen the solution and was ready to prepare it, but as she picked up the phone and I told her, she went off the rails. She screamed and hollered. It was very disturbing and quite disheartening for me to hear. She threw a tantrum. I insisted that she calm down and she responded to the threat of the enemy rising again.
“When will they stop? I want my life back!” She cried. This was in between heart wrenching tears. But I had simply told her that “they“, the enemies, will never stop. Such is the will of life.
When I ended the call, I began to realise that truly, many people did not understand spirituality and how it worked. Enemies are boundless. You conquer one, and another will replace him.
This woman’s destiny lied in wealth, but her current circumstance made this difficult to believe. There is no person who has great power or wealth that has no enemies. The climb to become “somebody” is paved with problems, sorrows, tears, pain and woes. Even if you are “nobody” in your eyes, you’re one step ahead of someone else, and that, to them, should not be. Thus, an enemy has been made. If you were not great or destined for it, the need for enemies is pointless. Consider them somewhat of a revelation that you are no ordinary person. Conquer them and continue your journey to discovering why they appeared in the first place.
Although disappointed, I understood the woman’s reaction and so I went ahead and did the solution to free her from yet another blockage. The next morning she dreamt of herself riding a beautiful horse. It was the dream of freedom.
If you can think for yourself for just a moment, you can decipher this woman’s “problem”. Remember that the oracle said her destiny is wealth. But at the moment, she had no money at all. At every turn she found a blockage, I would prepare a solution to remove it, and she can move a little further freely just before another blockage appears. Why?
If you haven’t figured it out already, the reason for it is because she is indeed destined to be rich, but to get there, she must clear the road. How? The spiritual solutions she seeks. For every blockage comes a solution, and for every solution, the path becomes clearer and the destiny achieved.
White and Black are shades of life. From them if we are able to see, we will make out colors, these colors are our pathway, our life plan in plain view. I speak in metaphors, I pray you get it.
How Practical Spirituality Works:
If you have a problem and you seek a competent spiritualist for assistance and they do what they can to clear you, reassuring you that all will be well from now on, this does not mean that struggles will never come at you again. That is a power that does not belong to the human being. Challenges are inevitable.
However, if the work was to remove the struggling and let your life become a little easier, you may find that things begin to move, but you may have it in your mind that you are supposed to become a millionaire by tomorrow morning (some people are like this) but this may not be written in your destiny. Wealth may be there, but the time is what you may not know.
So although what the spiritualist did has worked wonders because you are now able to move your market, if you find that you are just able to pay bills and nothing else, there may be many reasons for this that may have nothing to do with obeah or enemies although there is one lurking in every corner.
Your written destiny may have a clause within it unbeknownst to you. In that clause you must meet some hardship in order to keep you humble, perhaps you have a great work to do on the realm, but a lot of money will change the meekness within your spirit therefore taking you off your life’s course.
It is the persons Ori (the head or inner consciousness) that allows for his suffering in the first place. It is up to our Ori in assisting us to find our path when we come to this chaotic world. So if we ought to find ourselves, our power, our destiny, if we ought to be great or have some influence on a group of people even our own family, our own spirit will allow the obeah to take effect. They will let the enemy through the gate, they will even thwart the enemy to fight us. Your wails and anger may be painful, but it will lead you to seek answers, and the seeking of assistance is the start of an entirely new beginning, the beginning of your path. All the battle takes is a little endurance.
So if it were told to you that you were to fall and break your leg, but the spiritualist did something to remove that, you may still twist your ankle, or even hurt your toe. This is apart of your destiny and must be played out regardless of the spiritualist’s intervention. He only got to intervene because your guides allowed it and sent you to seek solution. Do you complain of a sprained ankle or stubbing your toe as opposed to a broken leg?
Even if someone has sent death after you, but you found solution and was assured that you will live, death will still challenge you, it will. Death walks with a certain number and what this means is that that energy is allowed to keep trying until that number is reached. If he is unsuccessful upon the last try, then he must leave unless sent on errand again.
What you must understand is that spiritual intervention changes the impact of a blow. The spiritualist is allowed to intercede, but the malevolent energy still has a job to do, although the spiritualist has altered how the job is carried out.
Yet this is not always the case. Some things in life are unalterable and some things are. In cases where it is written within your destiny for you to experience these things, you will find the above explanation to be so. However, there are times when someone can simply walk into a bad energy, or pick up a trap laid for someone else, this happens daily to many.
These things, if we are able to detect that something has really gone wrong and seek help, will be moved away by the knowledgeable elder and you will not experience its after effects. One is written within your destiny for you to find your path and another is simply energy you walked into that did not belong to you. The one with it written in his destiny MUST experience the after affect even after it is cleared, because this is shaping and molding who you ought to become, apart of your life programming. The other is something that interferes with your life throwing everything off balance, like a virus to a computer; but if care is taken, there will be no after shocks.
There are a number of ways for spiritual work to manifest and understanding this is crucial. Unfortunately, good things often come cloaked. Try finding them in the exercise below.
The Exercise:
Try answering the questions in the comments first before clicking “Reveal Answer”. Based on the post, try to solve the problem below on your own as it will help you solve mysteries of your own life. Challenge yourself.
1) When a young lady faces hardships, she often wails and laments. She wonders why must these things happen to her? She wishes death would just take her away, that is the only way out of this difficulty. She seeks spiritual help as she has heard that this option can help her life. However, through divination she is told something she hadn’t expected: Her prayer had been answered. She was marked for an early death. In her distress, she sent out a signal and the Universe heard. Her family had come for her.
She asked the diviner if anything could be done to stop this? Because while she really did cry often for death, in reality she was not ready to die, but had only felt so when life’s stress became too unbearable. She was schooled by the diviner that her tears and heart wrenching cry had spun the universe to allow her spiritual family to assist her in removing her and should sending them away work, she should be careful whenever she became upset or tired of her life again. She was told when to return to the diviner for work to be done so that she would be allowed to stay on this earth.
She returned and the work was done successfully. She felt free and safe.
However, several weeks later she experienced two car accidents. Terrified, she called the diviner, wondering if the spiritual work had even worked at all!
Question A): If the diviner had done work to remove the looming death from the young lady, why did she still experience two car accidents? Did the diviner make a mistake? Was he not competent? Is the lady’s death still promised?
[su_spoiler title=”Reveal Answer” style=”fancy”]The spiritual work was indeed successful and the death had been removed. However, this does not mean that the death is no longer looming, the effect has just changed. Death was summoned and although the spiritualist removed it, something still had to happen, even if a life was not taken. How this manifested was in the form of a car accident, and the proof that the spiritual work was effective was that the young lady survived death’s attempts.[/su_spoiler]Question B): Why did death answer her prayers in distress but not others who have done the same?
[su_spoiler title=”Reveal Answer” style=”fancy”]Many people cry out for death, but there is difference between cries. Some people wish for death to invoke pity. Others wish for death but there’s small part of their brain that truly doesn’t mean it, despite what they cry for. But then others, such as the young girl, cry out for death from the depths of their soul during moments of heartache – these cries make an impact within the Universe. Also, there are often different spirits passing through our environment daily, and you never know the one that will capture your words and give it light.[/su_spoiler]Question C): Suppose several weeks later, the car accidents had not occurred at all, but the young lady discovered that her grandfather, a man who had loved her dearly, has passed away. Would this have been a mere coincidence? Or is it somehow connected to her own problem? What happened?
[su_spoiler title=”Reveal Answer” style=”fancy”]The death of the grandfather is connected to the young lady. The work manifested by way of sacrifice. What came for the young lady already assumed that it would return with the spirit of the girl, however the death was averted through spiritual work, and so the energy could not return without having done something. The grandfather’s spirit chose to be a sacrifice in order to save the young girl he loved dearly. The grandfather had already lived his time, and so the young lady was replaced. This is another way the work can manifest.[/su_spoiler]Bonus Question: Why did the accident happen more than once?
[su_spoiler title=”Reveal Answer” style=”fancy”]When death is sent for someone but it has been moved by a competent spiritualist, always remember that that energy HAS to attempt it’s mission for a certain number of times. If successful, the spiritual work could not avert it. It was either destined or the work was not handled correctly. However, if death is unsuccessful after having tried a certain number of times, it must go and it can NOT make any more attempts… unless it is sent on errand again. There are rules of the Universe. Remember this. [/su_spoiler]
Kì í rẹ ológbò, kó má lè ṣe ọdẹ eku. /
A cat cannot be so tired, that it won’t be able to hunt the mouse….Yoruba Proverbs!
All religion are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…Obara Meji
There are no disappointments in life only lessons learned!…….Obara Meji
“Great sins of the world occurs because of misplaced or lack of trust, to violate someones trust is to violate God, be the best human being you can be, let trust be one of the pillars of which your character is built on, honor yourself with this great compliment”!….Obara Meji!
The Yoruba’s say “Whoever deceives me is my enemy in this world, but one who rebukes me is my teacher”
Obara, Every time I read tour blogs theçy send me messages.when I say that i what saying is the spirits choose the right blog for me to read every single time I read it giving me a message abouty life. What I got from that whole blog is that I need to pay close attention to every negative thing that happens in my life in order to over come it and clear the pathway, and in order for me to over come the negative energy and move forward I have to fins the silver lining of each obstacle I meet… Read more »
I’m months late BUT !!!! I wanna and same way A. The diviner didn’t make a mistake. Death will still come for her because everyone has to die some day and although the divider thwarted her death it will still come knocking. She experienced the accidents because that was as a result of her death being thwarted. So instead of getting the death blow she would’ve gotten something else. It could also be a lesson for her to learn that calling down death on her isn’t something she doesn’t want with those two accidents. Could it also be that our… Read more »
Hmmm… Let me try to answer these: Answer A: The diviner probably did the work properly. The lady experienced two accidents because these accidents were just lesser accidents to teach her how to fend off untimely death. Answer B: Each individual’s ability to manifest depends on the state of mind they are naturally attuned with, no matter if they are conscious or unconscious of this. This lady is a natural worryer and thus her ability to manifest her fears are greatly magnified in times of stress. It may not happen to others because they may not gravitate naturally to the… Read more »
Thanks for participating Mike, I think you did well.
I really appreciate you and your teachings. This particular lecture has really strengthen me and keep my faith high. It simply means challenges are inevitable in life. God bless you.
God bless you too Temmy
Not sure I understand the answer to B. If you are in effect ‘joking’ when you pray for death, then you won’t get it? But if you do sincerely want to die, it will come to you soon, depending on which spirit you pray to or which happens to be around? I really have struggled with this as I used to get quite frustrated that “happy” people ah dead dry so, and me alive miserable and down in despair wanting to die. C. Could the work not manifest by way of an “enemy” of the girl being the one to… Read more »
A. The work may have been effective and the accidents happened to actually show her that it did work. Showing the reality of what could have been. This I think is also in answer to the bonus question as proof that it wasn’t a coincidence, one accident she may have been able to write off as unrelated but two could show that death was indeed ‘after’ her but the work had clipped the power of it. Death still promised to us all I would say. B. This is a question I have asked myself often tbh as I have sometimes… Read more »
Greetings to you Ma and the ES family. Woow- another fantastic life lesson. I cannot thank you enough. You are honestly one of the most truthful and spiritually gifted teachers I’ve come across. It was through facing a lot of emotional turmoil and closed doors- I went searching for answers and came across the ES blog. Literally- my spiritual helpers had enabled me to find you through the pain. I’ve come to realise that challenges and all that is deemed”bad” is what makes us strong and leads us to the path of our destiny and victory. Just to quote you… Read more »
Oh Oto thanks so much. Your appreciation makes me feel so good, I have been scarred by so many, all whom I have helped and all who have betrayed. God bless!
Question A) The fact she didn’t die in the accidents means the spiritual work was successful- My theory on why she still had accidents was to prove that the work was ultimately done. If nothing happened i guess you would still think ok I am alright but if you got a hit and didn’t hurt that’s more concrete proof in my opinion that work was successful. Question B) Alot of people cry for death especially when they are in anquish. I personally don’t believe if death is listening they would answer such request as the person is in a emotional… Read more »
Deh pon de madda lan mi bredrin. Glad you participated, good try!
STAY SAFE- they just held up my friend mother at gun point going into her house- Can’t deal with the Jahland criminas
Oh wow Lincoln, was this Jamaica? I am in Africa (Mother Land)
yes in Jamaica
Good day Es family! Lady O, weh yuh deh? I have a question to ask, plz n tonx…you stated death is given a certain number, meaning a certain amount of times to try and take someone’s life, correct? Who gives death this authority or certain number? Is it based upon the individual? Break it down fI mi….BTW, “I don’t wanna wait in vain…..” *singing* dwl
Queenie, I will NOT tell you, I taught this in the Obeah class, and YOU were there, so how come yuh nuh member, although if you do, do not bawl it out pon yah! (Staring down at you sternly with my teachers glasses on my nose bridge). Now let me go and make you a DUNCE cap, although YOU were ONE of my brightest students. Is which boy yuh si pon de school compound whey ah tek yuh off track. Ten lashes for you!
Yuh see how yuh stay..ah class MI up and I didn’t even get to take the obeah class last time. Now if I slip up on dreams then my 100 lashes are well deserved lol. I will save my question for the phone. That mean I can’t take the next round of obeah classes because I didn’t get the intro. Look like MI haffi go get private lessons. So tek back yuh dunce cap, plz and tonxs. If you ever see my notes you would be extremely proud lol
oh, ok, mi nah memba sey yuh nay dideh
Q1-Okay yes the diviner removed death however death still has to come try . It didn’t succeed because the spiritual work was completed successfully. Q2- Her tears! she cried out to God and the universe responded well. It is not her time for death as yet and there is more for her to accomplish in this realm. Q3- I’m not sure. Maybe the granddad life could take her place. Maybe it was destined as such. Bonu s death was Sent and c an try many times . It Cant Succeed Because The Spiritualist Removed It but It Can Try A… Read more »
Hi Obara long time mumz I pray you and your family are well. Death walks with a number, is it small or large, is it the same for every human?
Hey KB, I wondered where you were
night Obara i am present. Never too far
Good night Wow I am going to stop reading and say the hardest paRt for me is why does the path continue to have blockage. Why do more enemies persist? Even when you feel as Obara said have nothing and you are no one extremely important. I love to be of everyone’s radar. I feel this lady’s pain in my belly! Okay gone to finish read…
Question A If the diviner had done work to remove the looming death from the young lady, why did she still experience two car accidents? Did the diviner make a mistake? Was he not competent? Is the lady’s death still promised? The young lady would still experience the accidents as the attempts will be made. The diviner’s work was properly done cause she nuh dead. It is not “still promised”, however, in this case, the young lady has a part to play in ensuring that she avoids calling death upon herself. In Jamaica, there’s a saying that death comes in… Read more »
yuh well try, mi proud! mi love this and i laughed so hard
Death a work wid di number mi nuh know. But maybe is like seh dem guh pon di move a seh – whop! wah a how she nuh dead ? dem try again cause dem cya jus seh it never wurk….dem whoppy back an fling on a second accident jus fi mek sure seh when dem guh back dem can seh dem do dem number – but di obeah ooman too good.”……………….Well done, lmaoooooooo!
Lol glad me mek u laugh and proud… no sah dem ppl too good. But a real talk enuh Obara a so dem behave inna real life me always question y ppl do these things to ppl me cah understand them nuh cah invest in a fi dem life to make it better or a only bad dem pree from the mindset. I don’t know Rasta me cah understand y ppl do things make another person life a living hell.. my head above the water with all dem a try throw my way keep the faith and pressing on.. thanks… Read more »
oh, and thank you
Thank for this insight A) diviner had done his work it was within her destiny to dead so she living to tell the tales from two accidents proof that she is been protected. So no the diviner didn’t make a mistake, yes he was competent as he change the course of her destiny to die. Death comes with a number so if 2 is death number no she is not. B) They say tears is unknown laugh GE that only God understand and for the universe to answer there had to be dept or someone feeling real sorry for with… Read more »
Hey Can, thank your for participating. Some of your answers were real close and interesting!
Lawd MI off bad lol…mek MI go read again!!
Heyyyyy…why you reveal the answers so soon. I’m not reading until I write my piece. “White and black are shades of life.” My understanding of this quote is all humans were born creators. We take the black and white (experiences) and create or find solutions to life’s encumbrances. Thus building/mapping or creating our life’s plan. For example, in the book the African Unconscious the author speaks of the origin of human beings. Through travelling, shifting of the earth, and climate change the humans evolved and developed different physical traits, habits and skills in order to adapt to their environment. They… Read more »
Good Try Queenie, proud ah yuh!… This is why the disclaimer is there in bold letters before the reveal answers, I hope that all who participates will be honest enough NOT look before they try their own answers. What of the BONUS question, you did not answer that Queenie.
Thanks for your participation also!
Missed that one…soon come.
Based upon the reading I would have to say death either did not reach his number or was sent on another errand for this person. Testing her yet again. Maybe she didn’t realize the first accident was a sign…..mek MI go read ya now lol
Good Day Es Family Question A : As explained in the post above the energy surrounding her death still had to be satisfied, however due to the spiritual work, she was spared in those possible fatalities with just the experience of the accidents and not a fatal blow. The diviner was competent and had not made a mistake. In my opinion the young ladies spiritual growth is stagnant and this was used as a catalyst for growth. Instead of taking in the experience as a teachable moment she reverted back to emotions of entitlement and anger, instead of maintaining a… Read more »
Thank you Zatthu, I liked your answers, I like your thought process. Mi feel proud! You actually read the post, lol. More dan two cents!
Really O!! geeeee lol I am always reading your posts. I can them nuggets of wisdom.They are always timely and relate able. I always take in what you say even when you think i don’t lol
Now I am sure you do, lol
Excellent article mus…I jot down some answers to ur questions (on paper…MI ole skool) but I will come back and share them with everyone shortly….love and light royalty!
ok, my dear
I pray continued blessings for you and your children Teach…….. boy there is none like you, you really need to put your work in short story books and make some money off these great work. My God you write so well even a “toddler” like myself get it. I so appreciate you, sending you warm hugs and kisses. Abundance, abundance
Good morning Obara and ESP members, great, great article again as in every other you have written. WOW!!!!!! This piece just pretty much sums it up for me and gives me confirmation on things I have been experiencing for years in my life and talking about all week with different individuals. I quote you ” If we ought to find ourselves, our power, our destiny, if we ought to be great or have some influence on a group of people even our own family. Our own spirit will allow the obeah to take effect.” oh my God this is the… Read more »
Thanks so much Cher, these conversations ought to be had. we must wake up to our reality and realize that we are on a path, our lives is just not clothes, shoes and dreams of being who ever or what ever. With your mother, this is a great example of wishes and their manifestations, “be careful what we wish for”. I will write a post on how some of our “spoken” requests are answered, lending as to why I refer to myself as “My enemy” to anything negative I say or write about myself. I through the bad on my… Read more »
Thank you so very much my darling Obara!!! I am so grateful for meeting you and the many life lessons you have shared with us. I owe you a call very soon.
come back and read the post again in a few, I am adding some crucial things I left out.
Yes Professor wake up time…. I am so thankful I am in the awake batch, still have long ways to go but I am staying on the journey in the light.