Obeah is something that is real and woe be to the ones who constantly say they do not believe. To me, this is either ignorance (which can not be faulted) or a psychological attempt to block out all negative possibilities. The thing is, the realness of Obeah should never be taken for granted because many people’s lives are affected by wicked hands who have the ability to manipulate energy. This really is what Obeah is, good or bad, the manipulation of energy which is very possible.
There was a time when I traveled with some people. We were going on a spiritual journey. Little did I know that we were heading into a great spiritual war, which was planned against me by someone I thought I could trust. The signs were all around, but I with all my wisdom ignored them.
I did not deliberately ignore them, but I was too caught up in my upcoming trip that I did not pay attention, or rather was not present in my life (as I teach you all to do). Because I would not believe that this person would ever do what he did (and in my mind I wondered what would be the purpose? foolish question because I have been Obeahed before, “just because” and that’s it, lol). I would find out in time that the purpose was because of the people I was traveling with. They were looked at as potential money and a connection to the US for this person. The person had checked their oracle and had seen that I would change from them very soon, and if I went, where would his replacement come from? So he plotted way before we came to his side and my loyalty to him allowed me to question my spirits, while they used everyday to show me that all was not well.
In this post I will give you examples of how nature shows us signs as in the signs it showed me, and also examples of other people I have treated before. I am being very vulnerable for criticism by recounting some of my story here to you all so openly, but I have always shared my stories openly with you. I believe that I go through things, survive them, so that I am able to teach you from my own experience, so this is no different.
Before the trip, there was an abundance of confusion. At the airport we were in check in for about an hour and a half, throwing away most of our stuff. This had never happened before in all my travels to west Africa and it has been years since I have been coming here. The plane almost left us, we had to run to catch it, half of the party had already boarded, they stayed to themselves all along which seemed quite strange to me, and as I ran to the plane my feet felt as if I was carrying lead on each of them. Something did not want me to go. On the plane the half of the party that had already boarded sat together, while the other half including me, sat across from them and a row behind, with one of my half having to change seats and sit alone up front. This unplanned seating arrangement was a big sign, the separation from the beginning and the added one spontaneously. The universe was showing the signs, I saw it and understood, but I had already told the person we were going to from before we left to feed Orisha Èṣù, so that all confusion would be quelled. But I had no idea that it was he who was doing the obeah to create the confusion in the first place.
While there on his compound, upon first arrival, I took him aside and asked if Èṣù had been fed, he assured me yes. Èṣù, is the Yoruba divinity which can be called the world police, or the trickster. In Yoruba philosophy, he must be propitiated first before any ritual can be performed, if he is not, then all hell can break lose, like a child throwing tantrum. However, it was not only the lack of feeding of Èṣù the man did, he actually created the witchcraft to cause confusion, hate, quarrel, and more. The biggest signs on this trip of his cruel work was when one of the women complained to me that red ants had taken over her food and clothing. Instantly I knew what it was, (still yet, I did not know that it was him who was doing this). I went to tell him about the red ants and told him that this was indicative of war, contention, quarrel, to which he agreed, and I remember asking him again, “did you feed Èṣù?” Again he assured me, and I wanted to at that moment say, let us feed him again, because to my mind and with all the signs I was seeing, Èṣù was not fed, or he wanted more somehow. I went and told the young lady that the red ants was a sign of contention, but as I was assured by the man that Èṣù was fed, (although I began to doubt him, I did not say this to her) all would be ok. That same night the lady and myself almost argued, (and in days to come the arguments continued to the point of me being disrespected while the man locked his office door and stayed inside, never once trying to come out and ask about the problem) over the silliest of things, something I was trying to resolve for her, made me the target of her anger. From that very same night I gained five enemies unbeknownst to me and them who were victims themselves in a very selfish and vicious game of dirty Obeah, spun by an illiterate idiot in his search for money and power and blinded by his hatred for me, because I was about to find out the scam he had pulled on me and be done with him once and for all, his oracle informed him of what was to come so he plotted first. What he did not know is that, the Universe is my teacher and as such, they knew what I would go through, but they also knew the end result, and God does have favourites, rest assured.
There was a time when I did a job for a young man. He had a very tough court case, to which he was innocent, I checked to be sure. The case was tough because he had very strong enemies who wanted to see him imprisoned (a scorned woman and her family) and they had spent a lot to assure this would happen. Of course the Obeah caught him and and a conspiracy charge was laid upon him, which promised him 10 years of Federal time. Now my job was not to interfere with the judicial system, but to remove to Obeah which was the reason he landed in this predicament. If I was successful, then the wheels of justice would turn in his favour. The job took me six months to accomplish, with me working very hard, as the Obeah man or woman who did the work for them knew their stuff. There was a time when I was supposed to send him some very powerful medicine. When sending anything spiritual across the Atlantic Ocean or the Caribbean ocean by air, the priest or priestess must be very knowledgable or the power of the ocean can destroy the power of the medicine and make it weak or ineffective (this is just a little wisdom on the side for all the Obeah men and women who read this blog, oonuh refer people to me at times and to that I say thank oonuh, lol). I did all the rites and rituals for the medicine, and was sure that the powerful energy of the Ocean would not affect it while the DHL plane flew it across. I called him and told him the medicine had been sent off. He called me that same evening and told me that three birds had landed on his roof. The minute he told me this, I knew that these 3 birds were not just 3 birds. They were antagonists. Malevolent beings who had come to stop the progress of the court case, leaving him vulnerable for the 10 years promised.
I had to do something I normally would not have, and that was to teach him how to now appease these beings disguised as birds. They had gotten payment for the job they were doing and so I had to find the counter offer in order for them to leave and abandon the job they were sent on. He did the appeasement as he was told, and it took 3 days for the “birds” to leave his roof.
He won his case.
In this story, the number 3 is important, and also the birds (type of animal) actin as malevolent agents, sends a very negative spiritual message, or bad message as we say here in Africa. The number 3 is the number for ritual and when sacrifices are performed, the opening and closing of each incantation are pronounced 3 times. Also, this was a court case. The birds with wings that fly represented freedom, but in this case, they did not want this for this gentleman, and so for three days stood on his roof for 3 days without going anywhere.
Now let me go back to the first story. One of the women who made the trip with me had to come from another country to join me so that we could travel together to West Africa. On her way to me, she got lost two times. The train took her in an opposite direction of coming to me while I waited at the train station for hours. This was also another very big sign that something was wrong and even when she arrived at the train station, she took the wrong exit and had to end up taking a taxi to meet me at the same train station where she already was, almost impossible. So for her to get to me was one bunch of confusion.
A GREAT sign of obeah when it is around is confusion that knows no bounds.
When she finally arrived at my house, everything bad that was supposed to happen did. The whole house turned upside down with quarrels, things missing, etc.
So here in the first story we see all the signs which I believed were given to me by my spiritual elders because of what they knew was happening, so this tells me now that all the time when all things were happening it was a battle between what was sent to create confusion and my own spiritual guides who wanted me to be alert and see what was happening in front of me.
Remember when the normal becomes abnormal, evil is at work.
Obeah Signs From the Stories I Gave
1- The confusion, not only at the airport which I wrote in the story above, along will the seating arrangements which was not planned as how it went, but was meant to show me that there would be a separation very soon.
2-Red Ants. This was the most important and obvious message in this entire story. It was when the red ants showed up that I realized that something very bad was at play.
3- During the stay, I and some others had decided to take a trip on the road, and while driving, the wheel of my car flew off on the expressway and went over the bridge. This was not only a sign, but this was actually a work meant to kill but was foiled by the Universe. This same experience was to happen again 3 other times, with the last time our car swerved in front of a truck.
4- The birds that landed on the young mans roof as soon as the medicines were to arrive. The medicine was coming via airplane. The plane itself mimics the birds. Their motive for being there was to stop the arrival of the package which was to free the young man of the obeah he was under. I thank God that he was mindful enough to report seeing them to me so that quick actions could have been taken.
Signs of Obeah which are very visible but the untrained or uninformed won’t know
1- If you have an animal and the animal begins to act out of character. Animals are easy to pick up on things that are unnatural. Never ignore a barking dog. Especially if that dog is yours and there seems to be no reason why he’s barking. The cat will become easily afraid or annoyed when Obeah becomes present in a home or compound.
2- Red Ants, of course, for contention. While Black Ants, plenty, can show the coming of sickness or death.
3- When too many plates or glasses begin to break all of a sudden, don’t beat the child, look around, Obeah is close. But please note that the breakage is coming from your ancestral spirits wanting either to alert you or to cut down on the Obeah thrown.
4- Pay attention to food that keeps falling on to the floor. Your ancestors may have something they want to tell you. In this case try to get divination from someone competent.
5- Pay attention to abnormal headaches. Or a certain type of yawn, one that sounds like Opera. I will deal with this separately in another post.
Messengers of Obeah
1- Birds. Most in particular owls and vultures. Chickens also, especially if they begin dying in the yard. Know that it is not only Obeah, it’s a death strike. In other words, Obeah that comes to kill.
2- Dogs. This should be the number one messenger, but I put birds on top for a reason because many people do not pay attention to them as much.
3- Cats. This should be number two, but for the same reason as above, I made them number 3.
4- All insects, such and the red and black ants formerly mentioned. But this also includes crickets, extremely too many cockroaches big or small, unless yuh nasty… well…
5- Rats. Not mice, Rats. With abnormal behaviour. Abnormal behaviour would be showing no fear, or not hiding when they are in the house, or scurrying about during daylight hours.
6- Wasps. Either seeing the wasp itself or the nest. Big sign.
7- Too many flies. Big ones with red or green eyes, some will have a grayish colour to them. Look if they congregate in one place in particular most often. As you go to swat them, they disappear before your eyes. If you swat one, 10 more appear, and they make loud buzzing sounds.
8- Seeing a random bird. A strange exotic bird, one you’ve never seen before. I have to mention birds again because they are very BIG spiritual messengers, and their warnings are to be taken very seriously. The dranco most especially, and the owl. The white owl brings a death message which happens 3 days after it has been seen.
9- Spiders. Spiders and cobwebs are not good. It comes to block ways.
Note: These signs do not always have to be physically, but they can also appear in your dreams. There is more for me to tell you but this will be held for classes as I have not even began to teach you all the mysteries and wonders of Obeah and its signs and recognition.
Obara Meji
Tí ọ̀rọ̀ bá pẹ́, á dìtàn. /
When a matter tarries, it’ll eventually become history. Yoruba Proverb!
[Keep hope alive; no matter how long an issue endures, it will one day end]
I really needs talk to you janetglinton6@gmail.com
There was a time when I dreamed of snakes for weeks. Almost every night I had dreams of snakes. I have a feeling it was my family wishing wrong and negativity on my family and myself. I know for a fact that members in my family practice obeah. I also had a dead birds found on my property. There was one time that I found a dead cat and rat on my property as well on different times at different houses and in different states. I’m from Trinidad and I live in the States. How can I find out exactly… Read more »
Is a gecko also a sign of obeah?
I see cockroaches despite cleaning the house or spray insecticide in my house they just seem to come back.
Good night I’m seeing plenty black ants in my house since lately I can’t leave food nowhere
I need your help
Thank you for this wonderful information. Spiritual enlightenment is key in this world we live in.
I have experienced most of this.
Thanks for sharing .My both feet used to swell anytime in my hubby car then my belly like a 7 month woman Could you helped me on that
I am going though a a lot and dont matter what i do i fall help me i cant take much more of this
I need help
I feel my husband cast obeah on me and our marriage how do I know if my feelings are right
Hello, I have heard that Obeah killed my mother and I would like to know how is that possible. Firstly she started acting crazy and then she went to the hospital and the doctors could not find anything wrong with her..then she started becoming weak and sickly until she died. I just want to know what happened so I can get some closure.
Hello Motherless Daughter I am very sorry for your loss. I don’t have the answer to your question. But I recently experienced this same thing with a very close friend of mine. He first started behaving crazy, doing things and saying things he normally wouldn’t. And this was a perfectly healthy person in their 30’s with all their mental faculties. Then he started getting sick and being in and out of the hospital without any real explanations from the doctors. Then he got weaker and weaker and ended up in the hospital for about four weeks and he just recently… Read more »
I have a friend that has had the worst time bc someone keeps hurting her is there anyone I can contact to help her please she needs help
Hi. I am a teen from T&T and I believe my stepnother is hexing me but I am unsure. When i ate her food i became so sick and went to the hospital. They gave me medicine but even a year later i feel sick.Also, I believe she is doing it to my dad as well because he tried to leave her but he ends up “in love” and refuses. I believe I am suffering from depression now as well as anxiety and i had suicidal thought which is also unnatural for me. IDK what to do.
What about frogs and little toads in a mailbox . They just started appearing in our mailbox and everytime my mother chase them away they will be back after a few days. Also it has been hot here in Florida and dry so we can’t seem to figure out where these frogs are coming from . It’s always either 3 or 4 frogs in the mailbox
I read this. I have to tell you…Some of us are just born like this. Not all of us are evil. The ones of us that do harm gain a curse.
Greetings Obara Meji. I’m Obi man and can say that female cat was hiding its kitten that I have 1 year from me, when I arrived to pay for kitten and take it home. Also Obeah is present when lights are flickering and bulbs exploding. Sometimes it starts to eat up the house, like damaging grass, wooden walls and killing trees.
With respect
Good day, Obara! Did you ever get around to posting about yawns that sound like opera?
I ask because most of the time when I yawn I make a sound with a certain pitch (idk if it sounds like opera cause I can’t sing lol). Just one long vocal sound.
This post is the first time I’ve ever read about that and it’s possible meaning. Now I questioning everything!
Thanks, Obara Meji.
you welcome my dear
What a GREAT post, as usual. ES is one big page turner.
Obara, I am only recently trying to inform myself about Obeah as I had never heard of it before a friend of mine brought it to my attention after hearing my story. She had a feeling a man was trying to hex me – here’s the short version: Man I was with for years I found out was also with an ex whole time and tried to cut him off, and one night I was walking home and was beat, and raped by him. I found a dead rat in a plastic bag on my doorstep afterwards and then a… Read more »
Hi Sweedie, Welcome.
First of all, so sorry for your deal! Wow. He is an awful representation for Jamaicans, and God will give him what he deserves. But yes, the rat is a big indicator, especially how you found it on your doorstep. Of course I won’t go into the explanation here, but if you need to speak further about it, you can email me privately.
Thanks for contacting me and I pray that you will be healed from what you’ve been through with this horrible person.
Thanks Erica, HNY!
Thanks for this Obara…. Very informative I’ve been having all sorts of glass breaking in my home recently and plagued with headaches for days that not even cocadamol can’t shift!!
Can’t wait to learn more!! You’re a blessing and I pray for blessings abundantly for you!!
lol Obara you should’ve saved this for the class. lol I guess you’ll go more in detail. Looking forward to them btw. 🙂
Obara big up yuh self. It is well with you.
Obaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Morning morning all O you don’t see I’m calling you! You need to call me missy
KBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb, mi soon call yuhhhhh!
Mek sure eno….You visited me is all I will say here…
So Obara is there anything ominous about croaking lizards? What about bull frogs that tend to always want to come into your house but you always running it out the house like a lunatic?
Suppose you constantly waking up and see black and blue on you have no clue as to how you get it?
Yes lizards carry messages also, but not all the time, and the explanation of them are lengthy, also with Frogs but these will be in the classes, too intricate to explain here. The black and blue ah duppy pinch yuh, yuh never know, lol
Lawd Teach, mi juss si sey yu sey mi not calling and last night I said, I will call you today. I am just checking up on you.
Good Morning Obara. This is my first time asking a question stemming from onee of your post. (this is exciting) a. Usually i read the post and absorb your words, and then ask myself questions ,not wanting to bother u too much.i am so greatful that u are one of my teachers. I have two questions. I Am a lover of birds and see a variety on a daily basis in my yard. If i view the owl or the crow or vulture as creatures of true beauty and awe, how will i know if they are symbolizing negativity when… Read more »
Questions like these are exactly why I love interactions on the posts. It is through these question that others learn also, even myself, and I get to clarify things that needs clarification. Too often people (unbelievers, or ignorant to what Obeah is, meaning just not having a clue to that world) are victims of Obeah, which affects their lives but they do not know and so they suffer, thinking that it’s just their life.Now onto your questions 1- When you see a Vulture, (and I too am a lover of birds) regardless of how you see them, the fact that… Read more »
Thank u.
I agree; because of the knowledge I’ve gained in this short period, I’m now able to deal with the blows th at are thrown at me daily. God Mother I give thanks and praise to the most high for surfing the internet when I did. Trust me I was in a desperate situation when you appeared, sent by God himself to lead me through these troubled times.
See you soon
Lawd Japi, LAWKS head swell like big head pickney, lol
Obara sir, your post are very educational. I have learnt so much from it, Thanks and much power to you.
Shas, welcome, mi drop ah Grung at Obara sir, if yuh not Jamaican then let me translate, I laughed so hard when I saw obara sit, not at you my dear, but because I found it funny and in truth the name obara kind ah trong! But I love my feminity. Thanks for reading, keep coming
Bless up. My husband’s sister came to visit us for a week and the day before she left i noticed quite a number of big black flies inside the house bundling up at the window going up the stairs and another bundle at the kitchen window inside. they also has green eyes. Each time i swap one, many more surface.i was kind a baffled but i sensed that i was up against something. After she left, i washed my house with limes and salt with water. certainly you have answered many questions for me in your post and satisfies my… Read more »
Big up yuhself teacher, thank you for this post. You have answered some questions I had and with you wisdom, it is now putting the pieces together.
I can’t wait for your book(s) they’re going to be my life long text books. Nuff love and respect teach
Hi Ms. Obara I hope you are doing well. The other night I dreamt that I was attacked by snakes wrapped all around me. I managed to pull them off me. I know that dreaming snakes is a sign of an enemy.
Hi Natalie, this is more than one wicked. Enemies who are close and who have attacked, be careful
Thanks soon link
God Mother, you’re a Woman of great Wisdom, God Bless that night I stumbled on your blog; though I’ve never met you, you have taught me so much in a very short space of time. The signs of Obeah is all around me, the crows on my roof the noisy birds that have appeared at my window, large roaches that have appeared out of nowhere, spiders and webs not to mention the numerous wasps nest all around the house along with the stench of demons or malevolent spirits that only I can smell; these are just a few of a… Read more »
*Tears*Jipijaper, lawd God thank you so much for appreciating me,this worth more than gold; mi gone bawl yah sah!
I pray for my Fellow countrymen, family and friends that no harm come near them during Hurricane Matthew. I pray that the storm helps our Island by spiritually cleansing the bad environment-
Blessed love to those on the blog in JAHLAND…. Best country in the WORLD!!!
Matthew betta tun back guh look fi Mark, Luke and John, chat bout. Lincoln best country in de world, but the morals whey we grow wid gone to de dogs, de people dem ah gwan wid peer nastiness all kine ah parade ah keep dung deh nung, if yuh can undastan mi, mi shame like dawg fi mi sweet Jamaica
too much influence from the west in JAHLAND!!!! seem like the storm moving away so we good- maybe just some rain from the outer bands.
Morning Obara
Just come read this and remind me about the obeah course, I never follow up on the details with you. I am very interested.
Hi Imam sweetie, I changed the date because I was doing ten million tngs at once, and fight duppy in between, lol. I will announce the new date very soon
Hello again Obara, I have a question. What happens if someone who is supposed to do benevolent work such as an Ifa Babalawo uses their powers for bad. Will their punishment be extra harsh? Aren’t they afraid that the Orishas will turn against them?
Great question AISHA. Africans are extremely knowledgable,a knowledge that people in the west have never dreamed of. There is a great secret to their knowledge, and while I cannot say all, because I have been made privy to some exceptional things, that I will only share with worthy students and my children, I will say this, THEY STUDY NATURE AND UNDERSTAND IT VERY WELL. If someone were to tell me that Nature was God, I would not fight them. I say all this AISHA to tell you that they can Do and undo. let me give you an example, a… Read more »
Of AISHA the undo part, is doing the evil and then doing sacrifices to remove the stain from their hand, like how Pontius Pilate kill Jesus and wash him hand from the whole deal. He had the power to freem him according to the Christian bible but did not, instead he conceded to the will of the masses and ceremoniously washed his hands.Does this remove guilt or fault? Tek man fi fool!
Lol……..lol….Lady u bad!
Ok, I think I have a better understanding now. They do evil and wipe away the consequences later. Or at least attempt to. I guess that is the arrogance of some humans thinking they can always get away with wickedness, even in the spirit world.
Your story brings these childhood memories to the fore:
The night we heard footsteps outside ongle fi si di johncrow a patrol di gate, the neighbour rebuke di johncrow an ‘im jus walk guh dung di road
13 days after….
The morning we woke up to find di 100lbs rottweiler dead, hanging on the fence by his paw, with chicken blood painted all around him on the wall
I’d like to hear more about how obeah is used to do good…
@IntellectualBhutu Thanks for that. Good question. Now because the word Obeah is synonymous with evil, it is hard to fathom the good from it, but let me explain a little, the rest of it I will leave for the class. Anyone who does spiritual work must know the good and the bad, it’s a matter of choice. But the choice for the one who practices bad, because of the malevolent beings they have invoked, it is always hard for them to switch over and start doing good, because they need to be feeding those demanding beings who loves human flesh… Read more »
Hi obara long time. Can re- tell story of moses versus the leviathan.
Scholastic ah long time mi done wid church enuh, you tell de story to we nuh, caws mi nuh memba dah one deh
lol. A ear yuh.
Interesting about the ants- The one healer who helped me when I was in high school in Jamaica came to my house and said the ants that where on my verandah was a sign we were being attacked. My house was always clean had no ants at all but they seem to have just popped up. Also have heard about the bird that they can be messengers of good or bad depending on the type of birds- Chirpy pretty birds were a good sign but owls, vultures etc were bad news. What’s the deal with breaking of glass, my mother… Read more »
Union Lincoln remind me to do a post on when things break, the spiritual meaning behind it. clap yuh madda.
Good day every one. Teach this is so painful to read but also filled with knowledge. To be betrayed by this person for money. The person knew how to feed Esu so you know he is a spiritual person then he sold you out just to get to America. Teach, I know you will get over this as you are an extremely strong person. I wish I had the knowledge years ago. I remembered when ants ate up all of my little daughter’s underwear and the ants wouldnt leave for nothing. No I can see the reason. I will forever… Read more »
MTH, how yuh not calling mi phone like before. Yuh get rich an switch? Yuh use to brutallize mi phone wid calling an braps yuh stop! Mi bedx oooooo!
Good morning or good afternoon as the case may be lol. Thank you so much for this post it is very eye opening. It seems that even if we are getting help to remove Obeah, we must still be proactive to help ourselves. I look forward to learning more in class.
Wow….Very real….I’ve learned to pay attention as well….Can you talk about spiritual cages and how to get out? So many people are blocked and have no clue…I could forward that blog to a lot of people….But I like what the previous commenter said…when the normal looks abnormal, Pay attention!
Hi Goddez, I agree with you many people are in bondage, the method to free the, is very intricate and cannot be explained here, but I will ocertainly write about it on a topical level. If I give the method the uninitiated could not handle it, woe to the ones who gives false information or information which could confuse people. Please gently remind me my dear.
Great post Obara. Before I found your blog two years ago, I would awake at 3 am every morning and your blog made me realize the ancestors were giving me a warning that someone was obeahing me. I took the the quote you emailed me “when the normal becomes abnormal, evil is at work” and started paying attention. Thank you.
Good morning obara very interesting