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Some time ago, I had written some stories here on Embracing Spirituality titled Beyond this World. I had written on two scenarios on the death experience, one where Lolly had died unexpectedly and ended up becoming an earthbound spirit, tied to the earth by the daughter she suddenly left behind and one where Jonah an old man who wished for death,wanting to go join his beloved wife. I opted to teach about the death experience as I was taught by my non-physicals, except I wanted to do so in story telling form because I believed it would have been easier for you all to understand. I am not saying that anyone here is intellectually challenged, you all are some very bright people, but one must admit that things that are beyond our knowledge are at times difficult to express to the unawakened and also difficult to receive, especially when indoctrinated or soiled by man made religion. Some people have scientific minds and can only understand what “adds” up to them, not wanting to believe that there are things that defies logic. And there are those who are under the strong influence of religion, Christianity and Islam to name a few, who would nail you up side ah Jesus if what your teaching says nothing about their beloved Christ or their much venerated Mohammed. The human mind has limitations, or rather limitations to the unconscious, the ones who are awake, depending on their state of development, can comprehend to some degree things that others would not be able to. If you are somehow drawn to this site and to me Obara Meji, this sets you apart from others. because only those on a path to consciousness or  awakening or those who are awakened and on their journey can read this blog and become attune to its energy stemming from what is written here albeit relatable to whomever.

Here is the introduction to the stories I wrote back then, notice, I said that it depended on the bloggers reaction to the stories which would prompt me to write more. I stopped writing as the reaction was disappointing,  (Blogger Kevin Where were you back then!!?) and I felt foolish in sharing so much of me, of my knowledge, and so I took the stories down, copyrighted (although everything here is copyrighted) them and now I have placed them into a book I am working on. I felt as if the bloggers were not interested in the stories I wanted to share, and on top ah it mi easy fi shame, and so shame mek mi move it. I berated myself when I moved it, and then in my mind, I told myself that it was your lost for not reacting to this wisdom that was being shared with you, mi come in like pickney sometimes ei nuh. That comforted me in a way (inna mi head mi long out mi tongue afta oonuh and sey ah bayy!) and gave me the courage to trod on. There are so many things I wan to share with you all, so many good things of the Universe, of God, Of Spirits, of many different beings, but the audience is not here, and this makes my spirit at times feel so down. Here I am willing to share, but where are the students? Jamaican old people use to say “wanty wanty cyaan get it, and getty getty nuh want it”. There will come a time when I have stopped blogging (too busy ah tour Europe, and Africa) and you will all say, I miss Obara, oonuh mark mi words.


The Introduction (a piece of it,back when I wrote the story, oonuh si how mi did timid fi write it) to the story titled Beyond this World;


I have decided to give you a series of stories, which will give you a glimpse of life beyond, also I will give you stories of Life from within the realms, this is depending on your reaction to these stories I will be writing. Here I have written two stories for you, of examples of some who have made their transition. Bare in mind that everybody’s experience is different, I may give several stories as time goes by, I might. I am unsure if this is the correct thing I am doing, but from your comments I will know if I should continue.

I would like to share these stories with you;


An excerpt from the story, Lolly and her friend Lucille;


She looked around the darkness and wondered what was this, then she heard a very deep voice, a woman’s voice perhaps, and she looked around to see where it was coming from, because it seemed as if she was standing into a dark alley of some sort, and while she felt no wind, Lucille was cold.

“You cannot go with you mother dearie”, said the voice

Lucille looked around to see who spoke, she saw no one. “Show yourself she commanded”, and immediately she saw her Grand mother, her mother’s mother.

Lucille had never met her, she had made her transition before Lucile was born, but there were pictures all around the house of her, and Lucile stared as she saw her, not knowing what to say.

She stood still, while the woman who looked like the pictures Lucille had seen growing up stared at her, then she spoke.

“Lucille, you cannot walk the road of your mother tonight, you cannot see her. She has gone to find her peace, you have allowed yourself to be trapped in chaos, you were stubborn as you lived and you chose to be the same way as you left. Go back to where you were before you came across and then you may be able to start your journey over again”

Lucille, wondered about the journey she spoke of, and her Grandmother answered right away, “the place where you slumped your life away, go there, see if the river people will come back to take you across, It will not be an easy ride, but it is a journey you must take in order to begin again”.

Lucille asked her “how do I get there?

“Same as how you got here”, the grandmother answered and then she left. With her went the cold. Lucille did not understand, but she had tried to wish herself back to the spot where she last was alive, but the thought of going back there was hard, not because of the death experience, no, she had felt no remorse of dying, of leaving that world, only that it was the house where she was born, it had happened.. She had died at home, and she could not deny the mental horror at seeing her parents happy at her demise, because she was such a bad daughter, that was the pain.


Lolly remembered her own tragedy, but it was too deep to think about. It was right at this very intersection it happened, and from then Lolly had refused to leave, it was on the very same street where Lolly’s house was, just a bit down the road, a hit and run. That was it, and Lolly had left her body immediately, frightened, shakened and desperate to get back to Sara. She had seen the crowd and had wondered what happened, she knew the car had struck her, but as she looked at her self that day, she saw no bruises, no scratches, no blood, she felt fine, just a little disorientated. She had walked over to see if the driver had died, and found herself looking at her body all twisted up in the middle of the street, and people crying, saying that she was dead.

Lolly looked around and saw three men and a woman, they all came to her and told her to come, but Lolly had ran home to see Sara, who was home alone waiting for Lolly to return home, to finish making soup. Lolly found that she could not get into the house, and then she knew that it was true, she had died. Lolly felt alone, and when the strange people beckoned to her, she begged to be left alone, she had shouted for them to go away,  they stared at her, not saying a thing and so Lolly ran, and hid until Lucille found her.

It had been a year, and Lolly was tired but she had to stay, she could not abandon Sara. Lucille said that they were trapped, but Lolly did not allow herself to think that. Sara, was her reason for staying, Sara!


Another Excerpt of the story, Johnah and Kathleen;

It was to be a week later that Katherine left, checked out, moved away, died.  Death had chosen to take her in her sleep. It was very painful for Jonah. The church and the sisters there were the ones who did all the funeral arrangements, because Jonah could not bring himself to do anything. He never shed a tear, but the pain was so deep, he did not speak for a week. The pastor had come by every evening and a few church sisters, who would bring food and clean the house and sit with him. He was numb to their presence and they understood, nevertheless, they came every day until they stopped. Well not altogether once per week sister Rose and Sister Hannah would come over and cook a weeks meal and clean the house, it was sister Hanna who had told him one day after he told them that he was ok, that it was Kathleen who had made them promise to be there for him with the cooking and cleaning should she leave before him. They had promised, and so they begged him to allow them to fulfill her wishes.

How could Jonah deny his sweet Kathleen anything, so he said nothing and the women continued. Jonah waited to die, he waited and waited year after year. Nothing. He knew that the time would soon come, after all, he was almost ninety with a pacemaker. Nothing. He thought for a long time that Kathleen would have come to look for him in a dream, she never did, no sign of her. Once n a while Jonah would smell her perfume, a lavender one she had loved to wear, and sometime Jonah had smelled it, it was comforting.

Jonah felt good this morning as he woke, free from the pain he felt every morning, his old bones protesting and quarrelling  as he would try to get up, yet this morning was different, he felt no pain, his bones had finally made peace with each other, he joked with himself. He stretched out his hands, no pain, he moved his legs, nothing, Jonah smiled. It seemed today would be a good day. Jonah sat up in the bed, the sun was streaming through the window, its warmth was comforting, he needed a cup of tea he thought to himself, and so he made an effort to get up, still worried in the back of his mind of the pain he would feel. Jonah found that he could get up effortlessly, and he marvelled at his agility and new found body, free from pain which had plagued him for years.

As he stood up, he stretched and even that was easy, and he chuckled at the thought. Then he heard something, a tap or some sort coming from his right of his room and he looked around and saw shadows which seemed like people to the right of him. “What the hell!, was the thought which Jonah had, but he was unsure of what he was seeing. The sun had taken over the whole room, and he could hardly see what was exactly to the right of him so he used his hand as an awning over his eyes so that he could see a bit more clearly and as he did he called out, “who is it?, “Who are You?, as he said this, the Sun withdrew some of its brightness it seems and then he saw them.

A group of people stepped forward  together and they all stared at him. Jonah, stared back at them, he did not know what to think or say, he thought to himself, well I must be dreaming. I knew it was too good to be true, waking up to no body pain. He wanted to wake up, enough of this now, he thought, and he willed himself to wake up from this dream, and these bunch of good for nothing weirdos standing in his room invading his privacy, what the hell kind of dream was this.

Silence, nothing! No movement, no words nothing! Jonah felt foolish, not scared, but foolish. “what is this he thought and so he opened his mouth to say something. As he did so , a short, swarthy looking man, who held a cane and who was in front of the others stepped forward and said “Welcome Jonah”, with a smile.

Jonah looked at him, this man in a white mafia looking outfit, Fedora hat and all and wanted to tell him to get the hell out of his house, he resembled a fellow who was in the army with Jonah. At 98 years old Jonah was a fiery old man who still kept a rifle under his bed. He was an old soldier and he still had some spark left to him, and he was willing to use it, to his last breath. Jonah, willed himself to wake up, telling himself that this was due to the week old soup he drank before going to bed last night, this was all a dream.

“It is no use Jonah”, said Mr. Mafia Guy. “Your life as you know it is no more”, he continued

Jonah, tried to understand what this fellow was saying and he wondered again was this a dream, he looked beyond the man as he continued to speak, because if he really was dead then where was Kathleen, he thought and he sought to asked the question.

Again Jonah opened his mouth to talk, but John Gotti look alike, spoke on, “Kathleen is fine, but not where you can see her now Jonah, as it is not the time”, Jonah thought  to himself “but who are all these people?, and the man answered, they were your helpers while you visited earth, while you lived there. “So this is death”, thought Jonah, “what the hell was the fuss about” he wondered

This guy was some mind reader thought Jonah, but why could he not speak, Jonah asked himself, again Mr know it all answered, “you can speak Jonah and you are speaking, the fact that you not hearing your voice or noise does not mean you are not speaking, however it will all come back to you very soon, let us go”.

I would like to share this video with you, it is quite a fascinating story of this woman Near Death Experience. She says at some point that when she saw her body laying on the table, it was nothing to her, she did not care about it one bit. This people is very true, the only time the spirit reacts to their death the minute they leave the body is when it happens suddenly as in the case of Lolly, and this is only for some. Most do not react this way at all. Be mindfull that their reality continues, only without a body and everything intensifies. They know and understand every language and are capable of incredible things, while outside the body, such as your sleeping state where at times you see your self flying ofr as a great warrior.

If I had gotten good reactions from these stories, you would have learnt a lot, but let me wait until I write a book, and maybe my efforts would be appreciated then.


Ìrèké ò ní’bùdó; ibi gbogbo ló gba alágbára /
Sugarcane has no specific place of refuge; every situation suits a hard worker just fine…..Yoruba Proverb!

[Diligence pays]

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…..Obara Meji!

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned…..Obara Meji

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8 years ago

A book would be an amazing thing. Looking forward !

8 years ago

It makes me really happy to know that yout are putting that book together.

8 years ago
Reply to  SA-FO

P.s I don’t comment much because I feel like I don’t have much to share and there are already bonds formed here so I just read and appreciate what’s written, thumbs up contributions and wait again for another blog. I feel like there are many readers like me. The audience is there. I’m sure of this. It may not be the number you deserve (trust me, cable TV need fi see yuh) but from what I’ve seen here over the past two years is the QUALITY of reader submissions and comments. That is what matters.

8 years ago
Reply to  SA-FO

I remeber that post and have it saved in my email 🙂 I know the regulars here are so sweet and loving. I can be a little loner at times. I will make my prescence known here more because I can just feel how down you are in some parts of the post and I don’t like it :(. I have so much appreciation for all the information you share here and as mi seh I am very very happy that you have that book pending. It is a long time coming. Since finding your blog my perspective on life… Read more »

8 years ago

Obara my dear, you better stop allow the enemy voices tell you rubbish bout stop blogging, helping, teaching…. Don’t let me find yuh to knock back the sense in you…. Oooooo….. You can’t leave your sheep wondering aimlessly. As for this post, it is intriguing. Each story have a life of attachment. Lucille family never cared but rejoice upon her passing and it never bothered her as she finally got to escape that horror life. Lolly seemed to be attached to Sara who sounds like her guardian who genuinely cared for her. Due to that respect and love lily seems… Read more »

8 years ago

Ms. Obara I look forward to your posts every week. You have helped me and opened my eyes to alot of things. Keep up the good fight! I pray that
God will give you strength to continue this journey. Had it not being for your blog. I wouldn’t find you. I appreciate you. Guidance and blessings.

8 years ago

God Mother, these stories are real and scary, I get chills as I read. I wanted to stop but find myself so intrigued to know what will happen next, I’m forced to continue. I’m relatively new to your blogs, I don’t always comment but in reading your last post I see where it’s important for me to do so. Please continue with the stories, as they will prepare us as we move on to our new dimensions. The graphic illustrations really makes my thoughts go deeper into the realm of spirituality, it’s an awesome feeling.

8 years ago

Dear Obara, thank you for sharing these stories on the blog. You definitely make me think about so many things that I would not normally think about until I discovered your blog. I always tell you that your blog became a lifesaver and that is why I always try to peep in daily and am sometimes late in commenting.
You have and continually make me become spiritually wise with your blog. Thank you. Blessings!

8 years ago

Teach, respect and big. ES family respect. I hurt so badly when you speak about the things you have gone thru. This husband of yours will never live to see suffer. When I was reading, the Anthony B song, “Nobody wants to plant the corn’. This man wants to claim what is yours, tell him to seize an sekkle cause a nuh who laugh first laugh best. He is letting you cry and be sad, but the universe will repay him. I do not get men who live off women. Any man that gets comfortable taking a woman’s things is… Read more »

8 years ago

Obara please stop talking about leaving us- Maybe I am being selfish (though I am the furthest person from selfishness) but your words settle my mind many of days-
Told you about my life and many days I awake with little energy for it but I often read your words and get some energy from it to tell myself it will be ok by some means somehow–

Blessed love

8 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I believe as we once spoke about people seeing our LIGHT and try to OUT it- One of my best friends would always say if you dont have enemies that mean you not doing right — Enemies comes with being good and successful. I got so many enemies because they want to be like my light even when they have 10000 times more material than I. Just lick and go through my sister we are Warriors we might lose some battles but we nah lose no war— You are real bad gal a true dem no know lol and I… Read more »

8 years ago

I read it the first time and loved it. I dont always comment because im still very young in my awakening and dont want to sound dumb. This blog and the experiences ive had with you Obara have made me comfortable with my life after this death. I thank you for helping me ouy of my slumber.

8 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

Take the risk! What I mean by that is ask the questions you think are dumb, we all here to learn, Obara can tell you I’ve asked some foolishness lol. But what you think is a dumb probably isn’t.

8 years ago

This is very comforting to me. Ive always feared death. Im glad to know that life does go on and we either get to elevate in the sprit world or reincarnate if our purpose here wasnt fulfilled. I am happy about what you said in another blog (i cannot remember which one) that if we reincarnate we are always joined to the same family spirit wise whether we are born a different race or not. This is very comforting indeed. Thank you P.S I also agree with Kevin to keep the teachings going whether you get a big response or… Read more »

8 years ago

Good morning Obara n to all the blogger wow very interesting stories

8 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

You always have my full attention.

8 years ago

I believe Obara that you are reaching those who are to be reached and I pray you continue to do what you do. Finding you and your blog was like finding a missing piece to my life that I didn’t even know was missing and I’d like to think I’m pretty knowledgeable on these things. That being said I hope you don’t let lack of reaction keep you from continuing to hold the hand of those who want and need your support through their journey.

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