Kevin commented on the post, THE TRUTH ABOUT HUMAN BEINGS: HOW IT ALL WORKS 6 years, 1 month ago
Fair enough. The grand design of our universe. Everything happens for a reason as they say.
Kevin commented on the post, THE TRUTH ABOUT HUMAN BEINGS: HOW IT ALL WORKS 6 years, 1 month ago
For me the biggest concept I see is the misgudiance of religion used to dumb down society and keep them in check. Would love to see a post on gold and its significance. Always wondered why it was so sought after […]
Kevin commented on the post, The Wisdom of the Universe – Here's Why Some Evil Deeds Go Unpunished 6 years, 1 month ago
What a great post. Answers alot of questions that I have trouble explaining when people ask why do bd things happen. Leave it to Obara to make it clear as day.
Thank you
Kevin commented on the post, QUIZ: How Spiritually Awake Are YOU? 6 years, 3 months ago
I scored as Hot as well. From studying the teachings of Obara those questions become easy to answer.