Last week, precisely on the 18th of October, I was speaking to one of my Goddaughters when a peculiar message came in. Normally, I would share certain messages only with those whom I mentor, but this message, I was moved to share publicly.
This year 2024 has been astoundingly harsh, and for many of you reading this, I am sure that in different areas of your own lives you have experienced some of this harshness that I speak about. If it is not you personally, then you witnessed others going through it. There is a reason for that.
There are particular Beings that have their seasons and reasons for visiting our Earth, and for creating havoc within the lives of its citizens. And believe it or not, it is the same Source we call God that has given these malevolent forces the power and permission to create the chaos they create in human life. However humans are so vile, it could be them that terrorizes these malevolent beings.
The times we are living in currently, everyone here I am sure can recognize that it is harder than years gone before. And again, it is for reasons of the Shift, the New Earth that we are coming into. However, this year, itself, seems to have broken off from old and ancient times and I now believe that 2024 has claimed the Earth’s Shift as its project for cleansing in a very negative way.
Now I need you to understand some things…
Human minds are trained to accept the word “negative” as something dark, dismal, and scary and all things depressing. However, if you want to mop your house with a bucket of soapy water, after mopping the floor several times and rinsing the mop, the water will appear dark, murky and dirty. But after several times, the water will eventually run clear and the mop will be clean.
What this means is that everything that is dark, dismal and negative has to be before things that are pure and clean can appear.
On October 18th, I was casually on the phone with my Goddaughter, someone I mentor and who is very dear to me. While speaking to her, my speech was interrupted by a broadcast that came through the Spiritual Airwaves to me, and utterance followed.
I say it like this because none of the message I will share with you were my words.
"17 days ago (from October 18th) malevolent forces have entered our world. These are of a particular type that does not normally come to our planet at any time...[Not that they have never been here before, but I will discuss this as I continue.]
"This is the time when marriages will break. This is the time when people will tell lies on others more so than ever before and in all areas of life. Everything negative that you can think of, will happen at this time. Some parents with children will meet certain and unusual disappointments. The Earth, itself, in several different places across the world will be broken...[This language means that some places will experience very bad Earthquakes where lives will be lost]
"This is a time for people to mind the things they say, for this is a time of High Frequency, and what will manifest quicker are the negative utterances faster than the positive. These Beings come from a constellation called ORPHEUS and they have come to wreak havoc over the Earth. Many who sit high and look low will fall and many who are not to have power will have. There is a new drug that is set to come that will be worst than any other that is on earth now. It is a synthetic drug that will cause a form of hallucination to take those who make use of it. This one will cause suicide rate to go up and this is all around the world. It will take ten years to take root in our world and will affect mainly very young people. These seeds will be laid before the end of this year... There is a cleansing happening and regardless of the fear that will come with some terrible things that some people or countries will face, it is, in fact, a cleansing. There is a message that in 31 days there will be a terrible disaster... either a plane crash, ship wreck, train wreck or some type of wreck through air, sea, or land. And these Forces will remain upon the Earth until the 21st of January 2025 when most of these Beings will withdraw from the Earth by November 25th, with 25 of them retreating, as it is 31 of them that have entered as of October 1st. These Beings are giants. Not possessing a body but 'giants' in the frequency that they carry, and what this means is that one of them equals a tsunami that can take out an entire country. That is how powerful they are."
There was also a message about the American presidential election, of which I hesitate to share. However, whomever sits in that seat, will be placed there by a particular power, but I will revisit this when the seat has been taken… if the Spirit allows.
The Messenger continued,
"In this time, people must take care of their bones and limbs. They must find a way to have more energy because these Beings on our land will sap the energy from Earth's citizens. Hospitals will see more broken bones and limbs during the period that these Beings visit this Earth, and it will be not only one or two places, but across the entire world.
Young people who have never had any bone problem or anything with the spine, will begin to develop these things."
The Messenger says, "Baths must be taken to protect individuals so that this energy does not affect them how it will affect other citizens" (so persons reading this are privy to this message-- invest in spiritual baths)
"Spray sweet perfume on your body, dark forces such as these do not like sweet smells.
Brand new white socks should be placed at your door. The reason for this is to protect your bones. Your feet. Your limbs. This shall be your passover."
There are many things that are happening within our world that many are not able to see.
If you are a person that is reading this post and you ride motorcycles, be careful of accident. Park the motorcycles until January 21st. Remember, the Beings that are on this Earth at this time are after the bones of man, because the bones are what makes man.
As of writing this, it brings to mind the Western tradition of the Halloween festival. Even though most people participate in the festival without a mind as to its meaning, the tradition does serve a spiritual purpose and the Forces that rule this period are appeased by the festivities, and the rituals are food or adrenaline for the Beings that roam during this time. In fact, the festival commemorates the sleep of human consciousness, and this is done through the ritualistic act of costume, the games of trickery, and the theme of fear.
But despite the pumpkin being the jack o’lantern that is displayed in windows, it comes to mind that the skeleton is also a symbol of Halloween, and to me, it coincides with the message passed about fractures and broken bones.
Let him who can understand, understand!
People… let me tell you. There are eyes behind your eyes, but they are not opened, and this is why the blind man sees the best. For he hears and all things move with sound. The last message from the Forces beyond our world was this, and may your eyes and ears be opened to understand and accept:
"Giants are apart of our Earth now, and Earth citizens will begin to see signs of them all over. By this, "see signs", it does not mean that you will see actual Giants (your closed eyes will). It means that their images will begin to invade your dreams and visions. This is the only way your closed eyes can relay the message to you. There are some Earthly structures that will collapse, and we will think that the architecture was faulty, or has fallen for some other reason. But no, this will be because of these Forces that are now roaming the Earth. Yes, they have been here. But in a place where we can only experience them in the dream state or if a person possesses a gift of clear sight. However, the veil is tearing away as we shift toward the New Earth. And even though you may not physically see them, they will wreak havoc in our world henceforth."
These words were brought to you by Forces outside of our Earth that sees and knows everything. I am blessed that I was chosen to convey these words to you. As usual, there was worry to share this because the hearts and minds of men are no good, and the mind is limited in understanding.
But to all those who seek to know, may you read and understand. For there are many things written here that vibrate more than the words you are reading.
I love you all,
Obara Meji
“The joys and pleasures of life, all that life can offer me, all these things do I receive gratefully…
Yet were I far more [reluctant] to part with my past pain and suffering than with those pleasant gifts of life,
For it is to my pain and suffering that I owe my wisdom.” – Unknown
Really thanks for this Obara! This helped me to understand more about what I’ve being seeing and feeling since October 9 when I entered a portal tru water in my dream and met with my greatgrandmothers, same day later in the evening at the meeting we usually have in my community with the oje’s I noticed we were not alone in that meeting i was vibrating at higher frequency from time to time while my right shoulder was shocking and beeping. Had to leave the meeting early and head home. Next day again i had a dream and saw 2… Read more »
You are welcome my dear
Hi Obara this is Scholastics have been following yout from 2017. Seeing this post its raising questions in my head about these giants. One night I went to sleep, I dreamt that my grandmother was in the kitchen and see lifted my hands. Immediately I sense something coming and ran out to meet it. What I encountered was a giant about 8 or more feet tall completing bones no skin or flesh. I had the giant in both palms and I awoken. When I awoken my chest was very swore especially my male breasts. I honestly taught a had breast… Read more »
So sorry to hear about your losses Scholastic, I had no idea you were still here. There was no pact made. This is a subject however I cannot speak of openly here or to you or anyone. Kudos to you for seeing her death 21 days before it actualize though, this means she was here on earth but her spirit had already transitioned. The linage, your linage is from a place, a very serious and powerful place I cannot discuss here or otherwise and as such some doors are left open. She was a revivalist, as such she should have… Read more »
Wow Obara. WOW!. Thank you, this gave me closure.
I miss my Grandmother so much Obara, it really hurts. She grew me from I was 4 years old after my mom went to England. She was the mother I knew even before she had passed she had broke her legs and hand from a stange fall and was in a wheelchair. that didn’t stop her from helping me with whatever she could I’m now 26 years old. What hurt even more is that her death was spiritually influenced in which is she was taken before her time and while she was in the hospital days before she died she… Read more »
I’m so blessed to be part of this spiritual community
Thanks for being here Uche
Thank you so much for being a great teacher and a good mentor to many of us here. I pray God bless you abundantly and reward you for your good deeds. I just want to jump on The Presidential election you mentioned. For some months now(I believe more than 8) I have been having visions or something I believe to be clairaudience about Trump coming top, i have been seeing him in some very high places in spirit realms, he possesses a very high spirit. Uhm, I have also had some that Trump will be the last US president(I really… Read more »
A spiritual Hospital, wow! This is good Olawale, I will reserve my thoughts in the election.
Be blessed
Greetings, Olawale.
Anytime I read or hear about the end of the world. This quote usually puts things into perspective.
“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the rest of the world calls a butterfly.”—Lao Tse
Wishing you infinite peace and love.
Wale, my name sake, you are blessed. From your comment here, I think I get it so well. There’s no end, it’s all infinite, another phase begins. How you lives it here determines your continuation, hmm.
I send you love and light my name sake
Thank you Wale
Lovely Wale, thank yoi
Thank you my darling Olawale, I like you. The world as we know it will never end, however we are shifting realities. The old world ended 2019. The new world is beginning to rise but is not complete but we are in its waters.
Yes, there is something special about our new prsesidwnt. The Umiverse is at work, sadly I cannot discuss it broadly and openly here.
Keep true to spirit and you will grow!
Peace and love my dear.
Thanks for the information Obara.. You have been a great source of uncommon information to us.
You are welcome
Thank you Obara for this message and also the warnings at this time.
Yes, a lot accident are happening more, especially in my area…. ( car, bike).
Wow, when you said this. “There are eyes behind your eyes, but they are not opened, and this is why the blind man sees the best. For he hears and all things move with sound”.
It was so deep and so true. I have already told you this before. I really like and enjoy your writing. Thank you again Obara…
Good day, Obara. Thank you for sharing this. I have found myself in the past year praying for a cleansing(earth recycling) because I was getting drained by the wickedness around the world, especially in my home country. I just did not expect this kind of cleansing. As for the bones… I have noticed my active 8yrs old complain about his legs after his normal gymnastics he does around the house. I’m always like… how can a young child be having pains. We definitely need to do something about this. I really appreciate this revelation… We will do what needs to… Read more »
Thank you Obara. I told someone in a conversation, before this post that there are negative spirits around recently, I gets provoked and reacts to things that I normally don’t get bothered about.
Hey Bbeey
Greetings teacher, thank you as always for sharing. Happy I saw this post explains alot because I knew something was off, I also saw flooding. I have a Question doh teacher I hope u see it, So the U.S.A seat the beings behind the power can they be seen as tricksters?, I feel like they like to work in the shadows.
There are some things I cannot say here Jojo
Ok teacher i understand.
Greetings Miss obara. Thank you so much for this post! ALL month my mind has been telling me to incorporate more calcium and vitamin d into my family’s diet. I just told my husband last week that I want our son to have strong bones because he’s so rough and I don’t want him to get hurt. I even went out and bought new vitamins with more calcium for everybody. I didn’t understand where this random urge for bone health was coming from but now I know. So I’m definitely going to buy white socks this weekend and pin them… Read more »
Hold your head ne thank your spirits, they have been speaking to you and guiding you
Lately, I’ve been having lucid dreams that I cannot shake!
A few weeks before the popstar Liam Payne transitioned, I dreamt of his baby mama and child. I don’t know why. I don’t listen to his music; I’m not part of his demograph, but the dream was very urgent
Obara, thank you for sharing this massage, I can relate to this as this vision has started to manifest. Just recently 2weeks ago on the 12th of October, My mothers prayer group lost a key member to a car accident that broke only the bones in his left arm to pieces. Despite the restructuring surgery he underwent at the orthopedic hospital immediately after the incident, he did not survive. no other part of his body was affected only his arm, still he pass on. let me also add that they prayer group was forewarned that day of an accident by… Read more »
Thank you for sharing this with us Jessica. May he ascent into light continuum. The messages here are to be considered and not to be taken lightly
Good Day Obara, Thank you for sharing the message to us as conveyed by the Spirit. May your well never runs dry as you continue to provide heads up to us and our family’s lives to stay abreast of what is happening in the realms. Words of appreciation alone can never be enough to express my indebtedness to your gifts and selflessness. May you continue always to stay blessed as to yours as well.
Thank you as well Zenelem, blessings
Thank you, Obara.
Peace and Love.
Sentiments returned Wale
Thank you for being a vessel and for sharing this message with us, Obara. It certainly does feel like something in the “air” has changed or is different than it was before. Dreams are appearing more it seems and in fact this morning (not sure if related) I remembered a part of my dream. The surrounding in our neighbourhood is a little wooded with trees but in the dream I saw a larger-than-usual monkey leaping up a larger-than-usual tree outside the house. In my tradition we say there are no coincidences so what a timely message! “Let him who can… Read more »
Thank you for sharing Juliet, blessings!
Dear Obara , it’s no coincidence that your messages drops at the exact time it’s needed. Thank you! May you live a long healthy love to keep being a light bearer.
Ase Mystique
Thanks so much Ma for this precious messages it’s a great privilege to hear it at this time, may we be saved. I wonder if cleansing ourselves regularly will also help.
Yes Ifee I think so
Thanks a million dearest Obara you are a God sent, I love you
I love you too my dear
Thanks to you Obara and forces that have relayed this message.
Any ideas for spiritual baths?
This post also reminds me of a dream I had several months ago where I saw two giants coming out of the ocean and I was showing everyone and telling them they are real but nobody was paying attention.
Wow, kudos to you
For a nice cleansing bath you can simply bathe with salt and lemon slices, maybe add one egg and one bulb of garlic, and perhaps peppermint teabags, if you can get them.
Then throw them all away after you are done.
Thank you Tritonic!
Thanks you so much
You are welcome
Ase’ Momma Obara. Thank you and the forces for this warning. I will heed it and protect my family and home. Love you, Obara.
Can we wear the white sock to bed also while putting it at the door
Obey your head, if it tell you to do it, go ahead
Thank you
Give thanks to the forces who passed on these messages, and thanks to you, Obara, for delivering it to us, Aśe.
You are welcome D’jaunae
Peace be unto you ma”am… I had this exact dream this morning but I wasn’t sure what it was and I got really scared in the dream and I woke up. I saw a very giant structure of a woman at the same time it wasn’t really looking like human it was so very tall and wide but not too wide but taller than an electricity pole. Then from head to the rib was painted in different colors while I can’t possibly explain what the rest of the body look like. Then this night I saw this your write up… Read more »
Yes my dear, they are here. The fact that you saw her, means there is something special about you.
Thanks for sharing. Waoo and I have a coming trip. May the forces of the light be with me. what kind of bath we can take? sweet ones too.
By the power of God the source your trip will be fine I pray
Thanks for the heads up !
Blessed Love
Hey Lincoln
Thank you so much ma for this great message before hand , God bless you
You are welcome Cartel