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Everything That is to Happen Already Has, But You Can Change It.

There are times when people make silly jokes about diviners, saying “If they can see so much, why are they not rich?” I cringe whenever I hear this, because these are the things that makes me realize how limited and unwise humans are. Ok let me say some humans.

For a competent diviner to see very far he must be operating on a very high frequency far beyond human comprehension, and it is not for him or her to use this knowledge for wealth or power. It befuddles me to understand that humans still cannot comprehend that it is humility that opens the doors of Spirit.

One diviner may be able to see to a certain extent, but another will go beyond that, and still another will see between the nooks and crannies, and still another will see the hidden Cause that spans light years away and into the affairs of other Universes, and so on. One may see what the other has seen, but may struggle with interpretation, and the dreaded ego may urge them to embellish to make up for what they can not explain, and this is when the doors of Spirit begin to close.

I am a spiritualist and as such one of the many things I do is divine. A student of mine called me this morning with a dream she had in the mid-evening yesterday. It was so profound that I have been pondering it since, but the whole experience she had as a dream reminded of when I was becoming awake and the strange experiences I had within the Realms of Spirit.

It was very harsh and jarring for me. My enemy had gone through a certain hell (not Nigeria) while my consciousness expanded and grew. It was this remembrance that brought me back to an experience that I have written about here long ago, but have since evolved since that post into understanding why I saw or experienced what I did.

Cozy up with your nice warm cup of cocoa (or a beer) and snuggle underneath your warm blanket and get into this.


One night, my Non-Physical Masters had taken me out of my body.

The lift was subtle. I found myself walking through something that looked like a plain, a desert somewhat. No trees, no grass, just dry dirt, rocks and stones. The weather would be like the subsaharan desert of Africa, and the sun was high and bright in the sky.

As usual, there are two me’s in this dream. There is the invisible conscious me that I can not see, and then there is the visible “me”, the actor. I (the consciousness) am watching me (the body) walk very fast with the urgent intention of getting home. For some reason I felt that I had to get back into my body before a certain hour.

All of a sudden, a man with a limp limped his way over to me.

Hello young lady,” he greeted me telepathically. “Where are you hurrying to?

I told him I was hurrying home (back to my body) and he asked if he could walk with me a short distance. I accepted and said yes. He then asked me:

Do you want to know how I got here?

I said yes and by “here” I suppose he meant in this Spirit Realm where he now resides, and where I seemed to be visiting (though anxious to leave). He then went on to tell me this story…

I met a girl I liked one day and I asked her on a date. So we decided to meet up on top of the hill,” (I wasn’t sure what he meant by “on top the hill”) “but when I went to meet her, her brothers had come along with her, because apparently she was underage which I did not know. Then they used cutlasses and chopped me up really badly and that’s how I got here.”

He stopped walking, and I stopped too, and he said “It was nice meeting you. Thank you for letting me walk and talk with you. I can not go any further. But if you should ever need me please call for me. My name is Harmony”.

And it was at that moment that I found myself back in my body.

Now, it was to be about a year after that I was introduced to a woman and I became her spiritualist, divining for her regularly, and we grew close. She had a baby’s father that had been deported to another country. He was about to come back to the States through whatever means she opened for him, but she had me divine for her asking, “When he comes back, will he behave himself and not cheat on me as he did before?

The Spirit had taken possession of my body, a particularly obscure and mysterious Being, and told her in a sly drawl, “If he ever did that, he will find himself back in the country that he came from in a wooden box with both feet cut off and buried beside him.”

Shocking. But the woman, satisfied by this, stamped her approval and said “Nuh true!” (it’s true).

The boyfriend eventually came back to America and all was well with the couple for a while. But when I met him, the chilling message returned one night. I called the house for the woman and the boyfriend answered the phone, telling me that she was not available. But just before he hung up I stopped him.

Wait! They are going to kill you. Somebody will call you suddenly to leave your house. Do not go! Please stay inside for at least a week!”

The boyfriend simply laughed and said, “Been there. Done that. I don’t fear anything.

Before the end of that week, he went out with a friend who had called him in the middle of the night to go out.. He was the passenger in the car and waited while the friend went to buy liquor from the liquor store. At that time, someone walked up to him and pumped eight shots into his chest. He died at the hospital five hours after. The doctors had removed both of his legs in a futile attempt to save his life, but his body was sent back to his country with his amputated legs buried with him in the coffin.

It was to be about 3 years after his death, his girlfriend and I were having lunch and she sighed heavily.

Lord, I wonder what Harmony is doing right now…” she said.

I stopped. “Harmony? Who’s Harmony?”.

She said “My late boyfriend. Anybody who knew him from Primary school knows him by that nameHarmony.”

The name sparked a memory in me but I did not connect it immediately, but when I did, I was shocked. I had met Harmony in the Spirit World years before I had ever known him in physical reality, and when I did meet him, I had never known him by this name no one called him that

It took me a while to realize that I had met him in the Spirit World before I had met him in the physical world, and the story that he told me about how he got there (in the Spirit World) was similar to how he left in this reality. Because, later, they had found out that he was dating the sister of one of his enemies and the enemy was very upset about it as he was known as a “Gyaliss” (a womanizer).

So the Spirit that gave the message also saw his future and knew that he would cheat, and this would be the outcome.

In life, there are a bunch of possibilities before each and every one of us, and there are many ways to change the outcome of a situation or of a choice, because the past, present, and future are all within reach for us. However, bad choices bring about bad consequences, but we can not blame the Universe for that, because in the story, she knew cheating was a problem. He was deported initially because of a scam he took part of (which is yet another form of cheating, is it not?) and it was this same characteristic trait that took him out of our world.

The advantage that humans have is that every situation can be changed.

When the Spirit gave the message to the girlfriend, it was not a future set in stone. It was only a possibility. It was left to the girlfriend to accept or reject this suggestion.

You all need to know that spirits can use words to inject venom into the foolish and the gullible. Reject it! Demeaning or negative words should be instantly rejected, even if said in jest (see post on how Negative Forces use Human Bodies).

As hard as it may be for you to fathom all things are happening in this moment, what is come already has. This is why if a person is to be sick, they can dream the illness before it occurs or somebody can have the vision for them, but why? So that It can be changed and the sickness not come.

Everything must occur first in the spiritual before it can ever occur in the physical. But many people still live life as though it is just “happening” to them. All of life is a shuffling of suggestions. We live only those things that we accept as true. If a person accepts that they can die from a particular illness, then they decrease the odds of their recovery. If they believe this to the extent that they suffer from anxiety and fear, then recovery is even less of a possibility because they do not accept it.

But this is more than just saying this or that will never happen, because once the suggestion has been given to you, if it frightens you, or makes you nervous in anyway, it has been accepted as possible.

Now the boyfriend said to me, “I don’t fear anything“. He was nonchalant about his own life and well being

The Masters had shown him to me and had allowed me to hear his story knowing that I would meet him in the future and he would have been given a chance to change his fate.

But now remember, I had met him before in the realm of spirit, so one would think that he was already dead (read this post, “The Living Dead: How the Spirit is Judged While Still Being Alive“).

So… did he meet me in the future so that I could be able to help him change his destiny?

Because remember, I had not yet met him nor her at the time of this dream. Or was it the divination that she had with me where the Spirit subtly gave her a choice and a test, because it was said, “If he ever does that again…” which implies that his demise was contingent on his loyalty to her? Was the power in her hands? If I had never seen that dream, would the outcome have occurred anyway?

All timelines are working along the same pathways, yet the Creator is merciful to us for us to change what is not conducive to our lives or our paths.

There is a huge secret that most humans have not figured out as yet. The present time, the now, teaches us about tomorrow but often time we worry about tomorrow and for many, tomorrow will never come. Tap into all possibilities that will bring you the best outcome. You have the power to do so. Be present so you can allow tomorrow to work better on your behalf.

Every situation can be changed, every problem has a solution. It matters not the case. We just have to attune to ourselves.

When you ask why the diviner is not wealthy though she claims that she can see very well, then she should use this gift to win the lotto, the diviner will chuckle. She knows that her wealth is in the understanding of life and all within, she knows that the ability to change her fate is a far greater wealth than anything money could buy.

There are times when we need to make better choices for ourselves in life, that which is conducive to the way we desire our life to go. Life is a bunch of a possibilities.

Seek to heighten your vibration so you can choose your way well!

Obara Meji

Everything that can be seen, can be changed. – Obara Meji

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2 months ago

Thank you Obara for this post and also for All the others once you wrote & share with us All.
Blessing to you Always..

3 months ago

Wow! This is so similar to the journey I had a week ago, thanks for opening my heart to this. We had our community masquerade festival a week ago and I’ve been journeying to the other realm due to the upcoming festival But the one that got my attention with what you posted now was my last journey 2days to the festival. I was very tired due to stress then I wished right in my dream that I would love to sit in a calm place with beautiful flowers and a flowing river and immediately a portal opened right in… Read more »

Daniel Nsa Oku
3 months ago

Empress, You are a rare gift. I’d love to talk to you. I need to change somethings.

3 months ago

Hi Obara, I just saw that you made this post; I didn’t receive the notification, and yesterday, I was wondering if you had posted anything yet. Now, I must start checking my spam folder or your website weekly. Nevertheless, I enjoyed this post because, as usual, there were so many nuggets in it. I agree wholeheartedly when you say, ” You all need to know that spirits can use words to inject venom into the foolish and the gullible. Reject it! Demeaning or negative words should be instantly rejected, even if said in jest.”  Because of your teaching that everything must occur… Read more »

3 months ago

Ma’am Obara, I truly cannot say how grateful I am for the event that, though sorrowful and regrettable, led me to your blog. Sometimes I wish I had the wisdom to seek divination then and see if I could have changed the outcome. I think about it a lot. This particular blog is very insightful and I chuckled a little because earlier today I finished reading a play which featured a man called “Everyman” who was very rich and wealthy and he abused that wealth. Eventually, Olodumare sent Iku to him and even at that point, he despised the Babalawo… Read more »

3 months ago

Thank you for this teaching.

I'm sire
I'm sire
4 months ago

I had a dream during one of the days my church did a 14days praying and fasting program. One night I was in the kitchen having a discussion with 2ladies I knew in the neighbourhood and a man walked in and shot me on the head with a gun . I saw blood and my brains scattered all over. Then I woke up angrily and prayed about it. When I told my pastor, he said it was just an attack to spoil a blessing that was coming and we prayed. And it made me believe, I have changed the outcome… Read more »

4 months ago

Good Day Obara, An in-depth topic on “Everything That is to Happen Already Has, But you can Change It” hits home as in my early twenties I have witnessed 1st hand the phenomenal power of Spirit intervention with a future of a person or situations. When it happened for “real” or should I say the dream manifested what the person dreamed about his death and it indeed happened within few days of his dream. I never ever took dreams/visions for granted from there on and; I will or still saying after 28 yrs that if he took those dreams that… Read more »

4 months ago

We are richly rewarded with your teachings. Thank you, Obara Meji.

Peace and Love.

4 months ago

Thank you so much for another insightful post. You are a light ma, and your teachings have truly illuminated my path. I must share the blessing that I have received through following your teachings. An impossible immigration situation that separated me from my family for over fifteen years was resolved recently and I have now joined my family. From your teachings, I learnt to pray differently from how I used to pray before, and also have faith without giving way to fear. I also learnt about my higher self. I applied all these teachings to improve my spiritual life and… Read more »

4 months ago

Nice read- I know one time you had a reading or mentioned premonition- I constantly have them in my life- I often feel very strange when it is happening as I know exactly what is going to happen next and a few times the names of people and/or other elements- I have no idea how to manifest it, it just happens. I guess that reinforces that everything happens in the spiritual world before the physical. I guess some of us dream it or travel that plane and recall it- I think most of us can do it but most just… Read more »

4 months ago

I would love a story on mythical creatures and UFO . why we dream of them and also encounter them . I think some entities are attached to us through our lineage . This might sound weird but in my dreams sometimes my physical form can’t manage and i have to transform into an animal form to fight . I remember in my earlier years i use to dream of egyptian and indian gods . Not sure why i was dreaming of such things but i strongly believe its has to do with my bloodline .

4 months ago

Great story. One must always seek for the spirit of wisdom. I was told a vision 3 years ago and was warned to keep it to myself. When the situation came up, the spirit of wisdom reminded me and I did as I was told. My life went in a positive direction. People need to pay attention to messages and not the messenger.

4 months ago

This is so profound. I’m loving these recent deeper topics. Thank you Obara, ma ❤️

4 months ago

I have learned a lot. Thanks Obara for this post.

4 months ago

Greetings Ọbara, this post spoke to me deeply as I have been worried and burdened by a certain issue, this is a reassurance that any situation can actually be changed, thank you for sharing this.

4 months ago

Thank you so much for this lesson Obara I’m grateful. I learned so much, yet I still have so many questions. Life is truly deep! “Been there, done that. I don’t fear anything”. I wonder what he *really* meant by that. Harmony seemed to be failing to learn from his past mistakes and kept repeating them despite warnings. To me, it seemed highly unlikely for his end to have been much different than it was. It is truly a tough pill to swallow to admit to ourselves that most of what we face as our reality are due to the… Read more »

Timothy Johnson Chizorom
Timothy Johnson Chizorom
4 months ago

Thanks for this timely information Obara. I woke up few hours ago and your thought came to my mind. I wonder why it seems you uninterested in my case?. Was thinking which way is best to approach you again and not get you upset?. I wonder why no spiritualist has been able to help me out of predicament?. I wonder why the more I look for solution, the more I get myself into more troubles. I wonder why inspite of been smart, connected and hardworking, i fet nothing but piles of debt and legal cases. Never achieved anything in life.

Last edited 4 months ago by Timothy Johnson Chizorom
Timothy Johnson Chizorom
Timothy Johnson Chizorom
3 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

It has taken me so much time to really figure out what to do with the information you have given me so far.
I guess my background and upbringing as a second generation Christian has made it difficult to follow your direction.
Your council is under consideration and will make a decision soon. Main while am conducting and making research on traditional religion. Thank you once again Obara.

Last edited 3 months ago by Timothy Johnson Chizorom
4 months ago

Thanks Ma for this wonderful enlightenment. I’m trying very hard to tap into the higher vibration and I do see things in my dreams. Recently I was gifted some cash in my dream although did not collect it but I was very broke and always praying to my creator for blessings. Another day I dreamt and this time the money was thrown at me, this was very visible as if it was in reality and within two days money entered my hand and it was so obvious that the money thrown to me had come. I still pray for good… Read more »

4 months ago

If you can, please throw more light on ways to heighten our vibration

4 months ago

As I grow older, I keep learning how deep this life is…

for sharing your experiences and wisdom, thank you!

4 months ago

Brings back the guy name peanut story you wrote about couple years back .peace and blessings obara …

4 months ago

A prime example of “who nuh hear, ago feel.” To answer your question, I definitely believe you were placed to warn Harmony, despite the energy of validation from his girlfriend saying, “ah tru” to his prophecy of death. The fact that you called her house, and he answered the phone, you were able to deliver the message straight and direct to him, Harmony’s stubborn character in addition to his deceitful habits caused his demise. Iba to Harmony wherever he is, and I pray he has finally learnt his lesson.” Stories like this makes my enemy sad, because only if he,… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Please do, I would love to hear more.

4 months ago

What a lesson,wheeew!
Doing everything in my being to vibrate higher daily in this dense place.
Alot of “adults” are operating from the place of a wounded child..
If we don’t or choose not to learn the lessons attached to our traumas which present themselves over and over in different forms, somtimes it’ll costs us our lives.

Love and light to you Mother Obara.

4 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Morning, OM ☺️

3 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Greetings, Obama. Does acts like masturbstion affect one’s ability to vibrate at a higher frequency? Can you make a post sheding more light on this? May the cosmic bless you and keep you blissful at all times, great one.

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