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Hijacking Consciousness? – How Social Media Affects Our Spiritual Growth

In today’s world you’ll find many people, even very young people, describing themselves as “spiritual“, whether they follow a particular religion, philosophy, occult, mysticism, tradition, or simply do morning meditations. Being “spiritual” is no longer seen as weird, scary, or malevolent as it was perceived a few years ago. I believe this is a good thing because we are currently going through a Shift and have been for some time now, and people are waking up to that fact, and the great change in the lives of the citizens of the world is very apparent and hard to deny.

But what is interesting is that as soon as the wave of a Spiritual World started to come in, and the world begins to become more and more spiritualized, social media also enters the scene, playing a huge role in the worldwide Awakening.

It is as if one has something greatly to do with the other. However, it makes me wonder because I was always very cautious at the beginning of this newfound way of expression, connecting with the world, and voluntary lack of privacy. At first something did not seem right to me… I became curious and cautious.

Everything about social media and the internet is designed to create overwhelm and cause confusion. We have access to a bottomless rabbit hole of information and after going down that rabbit hole, humans are left shells of themselves, usually coming away with some emotion or thought that has been “influenced” to them.

And on top of that, more and more people are losing touch with reality.

For you see… the mind is what I call a ‘blank canvas’ no matter how learned or skilled one might believe they are. We all get influenced all the time. It has been two weeks since I have made a blog post, which I normally try to post once per week, but I must confess that Netflix had me hooked on some series that I began to binge-watch. Some months ago, I had gone through some tests of life that I had been trying to overcome, and although I have a plethora of work to do, I found that I yearned to wake up just to get lost in my Netflix series, and this was a distraction from my work.

Let me tell you how important this is.

We are all on a mission here on this Earth Plane. Fortunately, for me, I have realized some of my purpose here. There is not a minute for me to spare being distracted by anything not concerning my work. Some people will argue that the brain calls for entertainment, and yes it does, but for a person like me who is focused, to be distracted by some television series, tells me that there is a Force that is in our world that is not conducive to our spiritual progress and advancement.

Maybe I was hooked in order to realize that something is wrong?

Being “hooked” on something will allow you to vibrate on a lower frequency. The goal to advancing in your spiritual growth is self-mastery, a power most humans do not yet possess. Nothing is supposed to “master” you, you ought to be masters of yourselves.

As an example, a person vibrates lower when they have a taste of chocolate and fall in love with the taste, and soon after they seek to have another taste of this chocolate, and another, and another. They are in love with the pleasure they receive on their palate. Because of the intensity of this pleasure, they ignore the intruding thoughts of how unhealthy the chocolate might be to their bodies. If this person was vibrating on a level 10, for example, before they were initiated and locked into the chocolate world, if this person was evolving everyday before, the need to relive the pleasure of chocolate drops the advancing of their vibration and the expansion of their consciousness.

So where their spiritual value, their knowledge, their understanding, and gradual awakening, would have been a level 20 at the end of the year, they are instead stuck at a level 10 or below. They have difficulty hearing from the Spiritual Worlds, difficulty seeing beyond this world, because they had become hypnotized by the chocolate’s pleasure.

They can not even remember their dreams, sometimes! Yes, chasing the sensational pleasure of chocolate (well, the power the material world has over the mind) can contribute to not being able to remember your dreams. Why? Because of a growing disconnect between man and spirit. It is like dangling a carrot in front a rabbit. The rabbit is easy to be trapped because his only desire is to catch the carrot!

If something has the power to distract you or “hook” you, then that thing has “mastered” you. You have become a slave to it. For most people now must scroll through social media, absorbing their daily dose of chocolate, because of the pleasure it provides. Others must post daily on their socials because if they do not, then they will lose their place in the algorithm.

What is the algorithm? My interpretation is, it is a plantation, a digital world plantation. Keep up the pace or be punished?

Behind the pleasure, what is truly at play when we engage in the illusory world of social media?

Our power of concentration, a power required to connect with the Invisible World and the spiritual aspect of our being, is hijacked so that it is weak and powerless. The villain is not social media, itself, but the fact that its very structure, its very mode to survival is dependent on addiction; the choice to surrender power over the self, the choice to surrender the mastership of the spirit. And this is our voluntary choice. It is like becoming sheeps to an Invisible Shephard.

How will a world vibrating on a lower frequency survive the Spiritualization of the coming New Age? Perhaps this is why it was designed? To leave the majority of humans behind as the world rises in spiritual evolution. Noah couldn’t bring the entire animal world onto the Ark, but only 2 of every kind. It is like the world is on a new Noah’s Ark, but many will be left behind, so you distract them while the boat sail off the harbor! Gone into the New World the few, and the majority left in oblivion.

Nowadays, in our world of views and likes, something greater than us is chuckling at us, laughing while they watch us like the Truman show make fools of ourselves. Is this thing Physical or Non-physical? Government or God? Benevolent or Malevolent?

When I was going through my Awakening, one of the tests that I was put through, at the time I didn’t know it was a test, was racing thoughts. I would not wish this on my worst enemy… (well, okay, maybe some of my enemies. But then I would ask God to make it stop, what can I say? I have a soft heart  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).

But the racing thoughts was very disquieting for me, because what my Invisible Masters wanted me to do was to be able to slow the thoughts down so that I could have a free mind and be able to concentrate. But I had no idea that this was a test and so to me, it was maddening because my mind could not stay still.

But also like some of you, there were times when I would wake up and search Instagram, even before morning came, I would wake up and use the bathroom, come back and check Instagram. Until I caught myself, but I realize that I had to realize the consequence of this thing or else how could I understand its true nature?

We are all connected to the outer worlds. Beings of all kinds speaks to us, the problem is that many people are not able to hear or interpret, and social media is assisting in this worldwide spiritual deafness and blindness.

The influx of conflicting information social media offers to us is like 10,000 voices speaking in one’s mind at the same time, each saying different things, like the racing thoughts my enemy used to have. Yet, you, who are engrossed in the “social world” can not decipher what is true and what is untrue. The “real” and the “unreal” become merged and one and the same.

People are given a false sense of reality with people using social media as their source of understanding the world around them. The creation of “influencers” (although the concept had always existed, but has now spread like wildfire) are not for the mere purpose of helping companies and organizations sell products, but to assist an Invisible power in subduing the sovereign part of man– his spirit. But they have no idea that they are being influenced to influence! The reward to the greedy rabbit is the carrot.

So long as one dulls the ability to “listen within”, all decisions and actions taken will be guided and directed by other forces.

The spirit exercises its power through the human mind. But with a mind filled with distractions, implanted thoughts, desires, and emotions, the spirit is subdued.

The mind is important to spirituality, although the mind is not a tangible thing, but something that we have access to. It allows us to think, have thoughts, ponder, imagine, and gives us access to the Spiritual World. However, if it is corroded with things that can block our way or our consciousness, our understanding of things beyond ourselves by receiving too much information then we, human beings, become unaligned with our conscious state. Derailed like a train from its tracks.

What is trying to distract the minds of the 21st Century? And to what end?

Yes, I know social media is a way for many to make money, but again to what end? Money has always been the thing to dangle before the eyes of men for them to bow to a reality that is not theirs. Something to dazzle the eyes, and entice the dreaming mind, but is the distraction of your evolution worth it?

I am not being hypocritical nor trying to debase social media and anyone that uses it (myself included). In fact, none of this is to say not to use social media, but to guard your minds and the control you unknowingly give to social media over you, and what you are doing to your consciousness. My job is to highlight the spiritual aspects of anything I write about and how it affects mankind and his evolution.

The New Earth is the advancement into the Age of Technology, which they call the “Age of Aquarius”. However, it seems as if the mythological Ark can not carry all the world’s citizens with it. So, as we ascend toward the New Earth, others, who, themselves, are the Minds that has been creating these new technologies, tap from the energy of the New World that is to come. But those who simply exist in this new technological world, trying to find how to survive in it, are left behind. They are not among the Future Minds that will generally populate the planet.

But they have no idea that a ship is even docked at the harbor or ready to assail them somewhere. Instead, we have been given a shiny new toy to play with and that’s all we’re distracted with!

If you ever wondered why I continue to write blogs, instead of simply making a quick TikTok video on these topics, it is because it is my hope that my bloggers shall be among those who aboard that ship.

I love you all,

Obara Meji

PS: I extend a special greetings to all who have been here with me for all 13 years, and also for the newcomers who have subscribed and have been with me steadily, may God preserve you and may we all get to see, in our lifetime, the New Earth.

PPS: When ever I refer to the Christian Bible, it is because I used to practice Christianity so I know the book very well. There is a part in Ephesians that says, “For we fight not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12).

Citizens of the world must realize that they are always under psychic attack. This is not juju. This is not obeah. These are Forces that aim to attack citizens of the world, mind, body, and spirit through many mediums. We must protect ourselves. Since this topic is on social media, we must protect our minds and those of our children, that the energy that emits from the content of these platforms does not transfer to us by just seeing them or hearing them. These things are possible. And so energies can transfer and disrupt our daily lives and even our nightly rest. Again, I am not saying the social platforms are bad, but as with everything, we must approach with wisdom and caution.

This is why I always tell you all to place water under your bed or on your night table before you fall asleep, so that dark forces are not able to penetrate. The water will help this.

If you are on your spiritual path, avoid indulging in disturbing content as much as possible, especially if you are pregnant. Avoid lending a listening ear to disturbing stories, news, or anything that will draw an unsettling image in your mind. This includes health, for it is through the mind that humans suffer.

Invest in baths and spiritual cleansing. For the world we currently live in now is not a good and safe place.

“Purify your soul from all undue hope and fear about Earthly things. Mortify the body. Deny self-affections as well as appetites, and the inner eye will begin to exercise its clear and solemn vision…”


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2 months ago

Waooooo waooooo waoo….you nailed this ma. God bless your wisdom. As for my case, I knew very well that this have being affecting my growth and I have always been finding ways to get out of this social madness, but all efforts proves abortive. Thanks for more enlightenments.

Benjamin Franklyn Jr.
3 months ago

I LOVE THIS POST. I decided to stop commenting on this great blog due to some personal reasons even though I have always read all the posts here. My spirit told me to comment today. My spirit lead me here today. I have been disturbed and distracted by some certain things but this post reminded me of who i am, how far I have come and how far am willing to go. I’m not a Christian but I love how you made sure even Christians will understand and accept this post because this is probably one of the most important… Read more »

3 months ago

All FACTS. I use to love horror movies specifically as a child into adulthood,anything suspenseful or with a chase.. I realized how it negatively impacted my subconscious over the years and since my awakening I have stopped. I’ve cleaned up my social media following, so I can see mostly positive and enlightening food for the brain..but you know social media always with the “suggestions” trying to switch up my vibration. I try to be very intentional with the things I consume because I’ve experienced the downside to not being mindful.
Thank you always for your wisdom and light.

I'm sire
I'm sire
3 months ago

Here we go again, an insight that reveals deep truth and knowledge. Thanks so much mam and more grace. I love you so very much. For real, you’re helping to build lives. ❤️❤️❤️

3 months ago

Thank you mama for always teaching us,this topic abt social media is so true. I can relate to it myself I find myself sinking away in sorrow cos of wat I read and listen to,sometimes I can’t sleep cos the news is ringing in my head and even at that I want to go back to see wat happen next.the energy is really strong.thank u for dis and light

3 months ago

Hi Obara and everyone on the blog. You are so right. I will start humming a song and then I have to wonder if the song came in my mind naturally or did I hear the song from tiktok. It is very creepy how social media slowly creeps into your subconscious.

3 months ago

Thank you so much Obara!

This resonated with me much more than I can express.
I have found myself deeply affected by disturbing news and tv movies/shows lately. Sometimes, the content I consume on social media would plague my mind and thoughts for hours if not days. I would be stressed without knowing why, until a deep reflection made me realize a great part of it was stemming from some of the content I was consuming online.

Thanks again for this message. It came at a time I really needed it.

More blessings and grace to you.

3 months ago

Greetings, Obara. Amen to your prayers.

The Earth shift requires discipline, focus, and an listening to your inner teacher ( the real influencer) and an abundance of dancing with the mystery of life. 

I for one am grateful for the daily practice of meditation.

Thank you for the timely reminder once again and the layered messages they contain.

Peace and blessings.

3 months ago

Obara, this is a wonderful post! As always, thank you for sharing these insights. This topic really rings true and especially now in the age of AI. In the recent past, we had a hard time telling who (catfish) or what was a lie. Imagine how hard it will be now to tell a simple truth from a lie- every big tech company is launching their AI for pictures and texts and videos, etc. It will take a discerning mind and a keen eye for one to know when to call the ropes. Each time I open twitter, I see… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I love you too, Obara. Need to start practicing those dance moves. As they say, “stay ready so you don’t have to get ready” Lol!

3 months ago

This is so real, i recently cut off social media since july this year because i was very sensitive to notice it control my thoughts, i was steady seeking validation, comparing myself to others and it made me feel sick and unsure of myself or who i truly was.

3 months ago

Hi Obara, as usual, I had a blast reading this blog! When you said, “Being ‘hooked’ on something will allow you to vibrate on a lower frequency. The goal to advancing in your spiritual growth is self-mastery, a power most humans do not yet possess. Nothing is supposed to ‘master’ you; you ought to be masters of yourselves,” I felt called out. I mean, I’m out here bingeing Netflix like it’s my job, especially those Chinese dramas—they’re addictive! But reading those subtitles is a workout for my brain because I don’t understand a single word coming out of their mouths.… Read more »

3 months ago

Thank you for this eye opener. We need profound teaching such as this in times like these.
I particularly love your last point about your preference to continue writing blogs, rather than TikTok videos. I have not been brave enough to voice out this view.

3 months ago

Thanks much for sharing! I look forward and frequently check in for the Spiritual wisdom u share I deeply appreciate it ….love and honor every time!!

3 months ago

Thank you so much ma for this wonderful discussion, social media is a vice and can be very deceitful. The problem with it is too much. I took time thinking about it after I read your blogg. I found out that it’s taking my time and it’s a lot of distraction, before then, I noticed that I’m not progressing as I would have wanted in spirituality because I spend a lot of my time browsing the Internet. Like getting hooked on chocolate lol. As I thought about your write up,it has dawned on me that I’ve got to slow down… Read more »

3 months ago

Thank you Ma’am for this great piece, l gave social media a wide berth when I realized whatever story I come across and i feel strongly about, I start dreaming about it or something like that, especially the negative ones will start happening by instalment to my enemy.
Like every thing else in this world, moderation is the key, with deliberate consciousness to know when not to go overboard.
God bless you Ma.

3 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you very much, Ma. Just read and digested the pps. God bless you and yours. Amen

3 months ago

Hi Obara! New Subscriber here. I just wanted to thank you for sharing insight on this topic because I have been experiencing an inner battle about this very topic for years. With social media, I began noticing that I was picking up on too much when I’d scroll. Sometimes just seeing someone’s picture would cause me to have dreams about that person. I noticed that scrolling on social media caused me to feel energetically drained and when people would like my posts I could “feel” the notification. It was a lot for me. I’ve finally just accepted that in this… Read more »

3 months ago

Nice post Obara! You always know what to write.
I was thinking to myself recently that I need to take a break from social media because it’s becoming a crutch for me , as Ive noticed I use it to escape my thoughts and stress.

I actually think a lot of people use it as a means of an escape because everyday life has gotten tough for some.

3 months ago

Nice content Ma , all yiur post has been helpful and informative to me

PD savage
PD savage
3 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Fi true my fren vybz kartel come like it’s a new version of him but not the ones are use to the mn on too deh pon the baggage mn ting like when him did deh a road an a seh gaza

PD savage
PD savage
3 months ago
Reply to  PD savage

Sorry it no too type good mi mean the man no deh pon the baga fren time like wid pop Caan a Tommy Lee dem it’s like a lone wolf style

3 months ago

Thanks for the post. I don’t really engage in social media. I don’t have Facebook tik tok Snapchat . I only have instagram and I try not to check it daily.
Blessed Love

3 months ago

Aaahh, Obara, ma. Thank you for this, and I am extremely pleased that you decided to write about this! Much love

3 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

100% correct. In fact just last night before I even received a notification of the new post I was thinking to myself that I need to start meditating to whiten my mind because the social media I consume is too loud.

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