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It’s Not an Easy Road – The Life of a Spiritualist

In the mornings when I get up, after cleansing myself, going to my shrine where I pray and meditate, I then face the computer, wondering what to write today. As I have told you all often, I am very spontaneous, so I do not plan, I just do what comes to mind. This works for me, however I do admire planners, they have the good quality of patience.

When I open the laptop and go into the admin panel of the site, still not knowing what to write, I would most often then hear a soft presence of a voice giving me a topic (soft presence of voice, is the only description which comes to me when trying to tell you that it is a voice, yet no audio), it is just the weirdest thing (well, not really) I understand it. It feels as if I have companions over my shoulder every morning telling me what to write (which I do), dictating as I tap out the letters on the key board one by one. This morning, I was told to write about The Life Of A Spiritualist, and to title it as written above in the titled section of the post.

When I was a young girl in Jamaica, I was with my mother one day on our way home from her work place where I had gone to meet her after school. She worked at the University Of The West Indies Hospital. While waiting for my mother who had ran into the market for a quick second before the bus was due to arrive, this was in Kingston a place called Papine, she warned me to stay where I was and not to talk to strangers, I heard a woman singing and playing the tambourine.

The song was a Christian Chorus, one I had never heard before (as I went to a Posh (stush) church, which uptown Jamaicans went to, although I wasn’t uptown Jamaican) and one that I have never forgotten. The woman was a short black skinned woman with plain features, she was dressed in pristine  white. Her head also wrapped in white. She was what Jamaican people called Poco or revivalist. Which are people who are members of a spiritual church in Jamaica called Zion/Revival. Very powerful people in days gone by, I do not know about these nowadays ones!

Many of these churches offered healing, warnings of  problems to come, and helped solve problems people were having and so people (through fear and ignorance) called many of these people Obeah man or woman. Obeah in Jamaica is a word used in our Jamaican dialect to suggest evil doers or doings. This is simply not so (not all Obeah workers in a negative evil way, or rather not all people called so do bad things, some are excellent healers and great spiritual teachers and helpers, Jamaicans refer to me as such also, I love the name), but the stigma remains, and this is mainly due to Christianity and their fear.

The song was:

Something in my heart

like a stream coming down

it makes me feel so happy

as happy as I can be

and when I think of Jesus

and what he has done for me

Something in my heart like a stream running down!

She kept repeating this song, with her strong voice and with the beating of the tambourine, which sounded like a drum, I guess owing to her skills. People had gathered around her. She has pencils tucked inside her head wrap, beside her ear, which suggested that she was was a reader/diviner and that she received messages. I did not know it at the time, but neither did I know that I would one day grow up to be like her, or do as she did, (wearing white and wrapping my head, even playing the tambourine, and attending a spiritual church as I use to do). In hindsight, I guess I was shown a glimpse of my future through the woman, as I looked on, fascinated by her strength of presence, the raw energy she let off, with her no nonsense facial expression, her body movement while playing the tambourine, her singing, and what she was about to say to one particular person who was in the crowd.

People had gathered, but no one helped her sing, she did not need it, she was like a chorus unto her self, she was self assured and in the moment of her glory, honoring her God and pulling the energy of spirits which I am sure everybody felt. I was about eight years or nine years old back then, but I too felt it. The air was hot, not like the Jamaican heat we experienced everyday, a different kind of heat had come, non-physicals which the woman had invoked through song had come, and it felt as if the crowd there were larger than what it was.

All of a sudden she stopped singing and said, “There is someone in the crowd who is sick with their eyes and is just now coming from the hospital (the one where mama worked which was close by), step forward”.

Silence, and nobody moved.

She called out again,  “There is someone in the crowd who is sick with their eyes and is just now coming from the hospital , step forward”.

The same, no one moved. Eyes moved about the crowd to see who would stepped forward,the crowed was hushed, almost like a suspense drama on life time television, goosebumps filled my little arms, the suspense was too much!

Again she said, a little louder,  “There is someone in the crowd who is sick with their eyes and is just now coming from the hospital , step forward!.

Nothing, Zilch, Nada, no one responded.

She then (I guess ran out of patience, no one dared made a fool out of her) walked into the crowd and dragged a heavy set Black woman with blood red eyes, out of the crowd, the woman had a look of embarrassment on her face as she silently wept, the crowd including me sighed. Holding onto her hands, “madda” (mother), is what Jamaicans call people such as this mysterious woman) admonished the woman for not answering her call.

She asked the woman why didn’t she come forward, and told the woman that God sent her (Madda) to come out there for her. She told the woman, that she had been going to the Hospital for a long time, because of the eyes, and there was nothing the doctors could do, because the problem with the eyes was not medical, it was spiritual. As the Story was about to be unfolded, and everybody inched closer, including me,  to hear the rest of what ‘Madda” had to say, I felt my mother tugging on my arm, saying “Come on Obara, the bus is leaving!

My mother, who was spiritual herself, she knew a lot of the spiritual world and of medicines and cures, but because of the stigma such acts or knowledge brought forth upon a persons name in Judgmental, bible beating, ugly church hat wearing Jamaica, she stayed clear of churches like the one Madda attended and of people like Madda.

As she dragged my arm that day, dragging me away from Madda and her dealing/healing with the strange woman, little did my mother know that she was dragging the arm of a Future Madda, her daughter, which was me, Obara  “Madda” Meji (LOL).

The job that my mother refused to do, because of shame and fear, had fell hard upon my shoulders, and there was no escaping it. The road was going to be rough, and it was, I have written about my awakening many times here before, and how jarring it was, and I still have not told you all the half of it, but as I look at my life and the struggles I have gone through, and still at times going through, I am happy that God chose me or that I signed on for this kind of life.I am happy to be one who is there to assist and help connect and awakened those who need help along the way. I am one who people can come to when in doubt or experiencing fear, who people trust and look up to, and I am happy that I have chosen the right hand side of the street to walk. However It is not an easy road, the life of a spiritualist, is not an easy road.

When I started this journey, which I can positively say, I have always been on this journey, but when I became fully awake, and could now discern, read, divine, help people with things of a spiritual nature, it was very rough for me. Whenever people would come to me for readings, after I had read them and they left, I was drained of energy.  I would have to lay down and rest in between clients. During those times, I did not know that whatever burden, load they carried were relieved off them as they entered my home, and so I, being the spiritual sponge, had taken it up for them. It was a part of my job, unbeknownst to me. I had no one to guide me through my graduating years, Mr. Mitchel one of my mentors was by now stricken with the dreaded Alzheimer disease, (he did the work,but denied the spirits, because of his Christian beliefs), Mr. Pierre another one of my mentors, had made his transition, and Connie (My Padrino’s God daughter) had blocked me from seeing or contacting Padrino.

As a spiritualist, you take on the problems and burdens of clients. Whatever they are being plagued with, as they become a client of yours, their problem becomes your problem. If they are being attacked by demons, the demons now will attack you, because you  pose the threat of getting rid of them. Often times, they will leave the victim and begin terrorizing you the spiritualist instead, this has happened to me quite often enough. For example, please read here. This story is only one of many.

Once I was in church and we were all standing, singing and dancing when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my right leg, it went and came again, which made me wince in pain every time. Something told me to look over at a woman who was standing beside me, (she was one of my church “praise the Lord” enemies), and as I did she caught my eye, so I had to ask her if she was experiencing a pain in her right leg, she came over to me, (the place was noisy) and whispered that she had been experiencing the pain for about two weeks and the doctors found nothing wrong. The pain left the woman that day, but guess who left the church with it?

Another time I went with Mother Witch (the wicked woman I have written about on the site before) to battle some demon/duppies who were taking set on some people in Connecticut, Connecticut like Long Island is filled with Ghosts. After I came home, for two days, I was discombobulated, I did not know my right from my left. Mr. Mitchel had not lost it all as yet and I called him and he instructed me on what to do, telling me that the woman I went with did not dispatch the ghosts properly and so they were attacking me instead.

I thank him for the knowledge he gave me on how to handle the situation is still with me today, and I still use it.

Spiritual/Traditional people, those of us who signed up to come here to this world and to be the (Human) medium, the  bridge connecting those who have no memory of their former lives within the realm of spirits where they once lived or the earthly lives they lived before, for those of us, who are knowledgeable in the art of using roots,leaves and plants for healing, using the earth, soil, dirt for preventative measures, and the extraordinary use of water for all things upon the face of this earth, those of us who know how to use the spoken and unspoken words to open a spiritual door, turn the keys to locks, unable to be seen by the physical eyes, but the energy easily felt by anyone around, for those extraordinary people who can contact the ancestors, and angelic beings, elemental and nature spirits, who can dive to the bottom of the Ocean without being wet, and who can travel to the core of the earth and come back with messages, for all Seers and Prophets, Mediums, Diviners, Healers, for all these people, Spiritualist, Traditionalist, whether they walk the good or bad road, I Obara Meji, as a member of the elite (here elite means we who are set apart from the rest) set of human beings,can tell you, it is not an easy road.

The path which is taken when awakening begins is an arduous one. Although we all came into the world innately connected, the memory of who we are is left behind, far, far behind, only snippets of our former earthly lives comes through to some of us and of our spiritual selves we may get a glimpse at times during our travel into the dream world.

Here we are, people who have come to serve the world and bridge the gap, fill in the lines, servicing humanity.

If we are honest with ourselves, and If Jesus really did exist as the bible speaks of him, then he too was as I am and others like me, for he performed extraordinary works, and he had a very rough road. Jesus, the Obeah man of the bible! Christians, please stop clutching your pearls, I am only saying out loud what the Bible said, just not in so many words, and I mean no disrespect!

This means to know who we are, or when we have to wake up, there are many obstacles to cross before this journey can be completed, often times draining the physical body and wearing out the mind. If one is not strong during this process, they may not physically or mentally recover, read here. I had no idea that I would be a part of normal society as my awakening was maddening and that is putting it mildly.

I laugh at myself now as I write, but there were times during my awakening that I would attempt to go to the supermarket, someone was always with me, because I was very weak, my energy drained because of all the trips I had been taking to the realm of spirits, and because of all the non-physicals who wee with me as my teachers, their vibration is very high, and so being with me, while teaching me, they drained me of energy. As I would get to the doors of the market, I would run out, afraid to go in, looking around wildly, running back to the car, lol. I did not understand what I saw back then, and neither did those patient people who were with me, they never judged me. God is great, but now as I am older and much wiser, I know what I saw then, though unrecognizable to me,I saw the energy, raw and intense of everyone in the market. Those sick, those sad, and those who had lost the love they had or who had never loved before. I saw all the pain and sorrow of the world, and I ran!

God, your job is not an easy one, this I know for sure, lol.

Panic attacks and anxiety attacks was with me all the time, depression tried to be my best friend, but I fought it and won!

For the people who have endured what I have and even more, like my husband, who told me that at times for days he did not eat, had no clean water to drink, or even bath with, as a boy after his parents died, just a small child, he was made to sleep in what we call passage, or hall way of relatives house, on hard concrete, with flies and mosquitoes, no sheets or pillows, no one cared for him, and as he learned Ifa, he suffered almost like a slave to the people of his household and compound, yet he said to who he is now and for what he has learned in his life, for all his knowledge of Ifa and all the medicines and the vast knowledge that he has, he would do it all over again and so would I, although I beg God, please have mercy on me, should I return to this realm, and not let me go through what I did before. I shudder to remember it.

I do this blog for you all. I am your mentor, your guide, your source of reference, your light (one of them) to the world of the unknown. I offer myself freely to your questions and to your search, genuinely. In this world to find a genuine person, one will sweat hard. Who ever finds me, is supposed to, and who ever appreciates me, God bless you! I am here, loving, kind, helpful and willing, Do not suffer in your awakening as I did, lean on me!



Òní kò lè ba àná jẹ́, ọ̀la kò sì lè ba òní jẹ́, ṣùgbọ́n ìbàjẹ́ ọ̀la, ọwọ́ òní ló wà. /
Today can’t destroy yesterday and tomorrow can’t destroy today, but the destruction of tomorrow is in the hands of today…..Yoruba Proverb!

[Act wisely; don’t sacrifice the future for the present]

Everything comes when it must, and everything happens for a reason, do not hurry your life, what is destined for you, cannot escape you, just keep the faith, be patient and be prayerful, filled with compassion, kindness and respect for all, let these qualities be among your name, God will fill in the rest…..Obara Meji!

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love….Obara Meji

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji

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4 years ago

God blessings always

9 years ago

thank you so much obara because revivalism is my tradition


[…] had to come along with me, and the closest to that I could think of was Zion/revival, poco people, read here. The unseen world is so very interesting I think, for mere humans to be able to divine, see, look […]

9 years ago

Good evening my people, Obara me thank my God since I locate you and this website. Thank you for being here. It’s Election Day in Nigeria, so we all are pensive n praying for the outcome. Enjoy your evening all.

9 years ago

ododo oro bi isolenu lori, ko si eda to lewe ile aye ja. e je ka se eyi ti alese ka fi iyoku sile. Eledumare a fun wa lere. thanks Obara for the post.

9 years ago

Obara yuh a fambily eenuh. My spirit is always lifted when mi come here suh. Unuh nuh easy a bluurrrrsssnaught!!

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lmfaooooooo!!!!! Obara PLZZZZZ nuh killllll me offfff before time!!!!

Nunu seh good evening folks and disappear suh wi cyah seh we nah see har fi mark har absent. DWL!!! She tek big man fi fool Obara! Lmfaooooo! Nunu a nuh mi!!!

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Obara yuh have mi ova ya a deadeth! Mi a blush soon embarrassingly bad! ‘Tap it man… mine dem mistake mi tink mi belong to ketch man college! GRUNG! poor Ritchie nah wah cum back ya now! Nunu plz help! 😀

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lmfaooooo!!! Obara yuh is a set up! 😀 mi prips seh yuh call him royalty up a top and dat alone mek mi know seh him is a sweetie! 😀

He writes to you with compassion and a masculine tenderness. I like! Big up Richie!

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


A dem seh set good like ice inna freeza!

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara, that’s why I love your platform here caz sometimes we need each others strength to help with the “letting go” processes of life ….

Big up the fam here and the fam to come….

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obaraaaaaaaaa!!! And all mi other sweeties… mi sarry fi ben gone suh long. Fimi life nuh nawmal oooooo…. every minute a me dat a START FREAKIN OVA!! kmft…. so yet again, I had to start over and I have now embarked on a new journey and I’m just gonna ride this one out until it last, lol. Den unuh wudda shame fi know seh mi guh back to smaddy weh mi spirit done show mi seh neva aguh wuk fi mi but yet mi too nuff and a act desperate and guh tek up back and him shuda did ‘pit… Read more »

9 years ago

A pleasant weekend to my loves Obara & Ojubona. A pleasant weekend to allll my sisters and brothers of ESP and all silent readers and new faces. Obara this post left me so emotional. It’s not an easy road but a road worth enduring and I consider myself EXTREMELY blessed and grateful to have you and your knowledge in my corner. You’re an amazing writer to capture such emotions and tap it out. I pray that your spirit is forever covered and that your many gifts are protected by the universe so that you can continue to touch a soul… Read more »

lady of the Nile
9 years ago

Thank you; Thank you Mother Obara; I need your help to understand my gifts. I believe what you said. ” whoever finds me is supposed to”. Thank you; I am ONE too.

9 years ago

Lady of the Nile, blessings sweetie. It’s so nice seeing ya again. You’re always so poised.

9 years ago

Obama, much respect to you husband for the sacrifices he made and all he endured to study Ifa…may he continue to be blessed ….

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ase Ty! Persecution can also mold some of the most incredible souls. Your struggles were not in vain Ojubona! Respec’

9 years ago

Toy my sis I know you will roll in later….

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Big up our sweetie Toy! Love you sweet baby girl!

9 years ago

Obama I am young in the journey…I wanted to ask about me daily occurrences….

I get palpitations….no panic attacks….

I get haziness while reading now…get double vision….then will see a large fuzzy area….I zone out a bit then come back quickly….

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Wow Ty, I care to hear more about these new occurrences …. is it scary?

9 years ago

Obara I am glad you stop absorbing the energies of others and have learned how to clear it…

9 years ago

Iba mr. Pierre, iba mr. Mitchell, Iba Padrino…

9 years ago

Obara, I respect all the spiritualist like yourself, who chose to walk and practice in the light….your road is not easy and like you said only for a few elite…

9 years ago

Obara…prayers work….you back wid we….lol

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

LOL! Good obeahmentz Ty!!!!!! A good obeahmentz!!! Tell har wi nah let guh!- (Kartel!)

9 years ago

Mth, I know you have exams and papers and we praying for you….

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Large up to mi big sis and goodaz prefect MTH!! Deal wid dem exam and dem paper deh wicked eenuh! Nuh skin nuh teet wid dem Prefect M! A you get head girl eenuh! I love how you taking di foreign land by storm Sweetie! MUAH!

9 years ago

Yazzy the alchemist, I miss you….

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Missed you way more sis! Kisses!

9 years ago

Cami, my sis where are you?

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Cami Cam, you and I both need a flogging for our absence… hope you’re well mi sweetie. Nuh skull classes like me… mine mi send yuh bredda fi yuh!

9 years ago

Carpediem….so glad you roll in…please keep coming….

9 years ago

Hey Charlotte….I will definitely check out the book…

9 years ago

Caroline…just wow!….I learn something new here everyday….

Lolo water ….open invitation…yuck….

9 years ago

Hey Seaqueen…like you I am new to spirituality….glad to be in the company of my Esp family….

9 years ago

Good night everyone….had a long and busy day but had to run in….

Richard we glad to have you here….may Yeye Osun continue to bless you….we understand you welll….please keep chatting with us all

KB and teamkbori …big up….

Nunu, what’s up girl?

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty Up up up way up stay up lol ching ching…that always make me laugh. Night sunshine how are yu bredda YW n my nephews?

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Everyone doing good….

Brenda no come back but Trevor move in an take over the guard job…lol…

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Me either!! haha lol Night Caroline

Caroline British
Caroline British
9 years ago

I have a date with my bed soooon so goodnight all, and Obara Meji, I hope you’ll forgive me for going back into lurk mode :). Side note – Jesus was a water magi superstar. I notice most of his miracles involved water. Speaking of saliva, I happened to read today that saliva is the bodily fluid that most closely resembles semen. The implications of this are interesting – if you drool while sleeping, you invite succubus to take control of your body. The priest (from a Hindu background) who said this was talking about one of the ways you… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I can only imagine ur day lol

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Loooool until its sleep time for u.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

looool yes look like im the only one tonight without a date so im here…

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lol helloooooo how yu doing?!

9 years ago

Oludomare!!! look at this post! Obaraaaaaaaa yu si yu si wi need u?! People are here from every walk of life. Im glad when they comment, make u know we truly appreciate yu. Love you ES massive!

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

KB mi babyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! Miss yuh velly much mi sis! Many kisses and I’m so grateful to you for being ever so loyal here and faithful! Respect and big up di yute! Kisses!

9 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

♥♥♥♥♥Yazzy yaz♥♥♥♥♥

Charlotte Brown
Charlotte Brown
9 years ago

This is was heart-felt. I can imagine the struggle. I did not have such a hard time because I am a pastor/teacher gifted in the area of law and dispute resolution (Obatala-smile). I do not see or feel spirits although I do speak in tongues and have been in trance. Keep up your work. It has taken me a long time to not be conflicted because I am a practicing born again Christian. Jesus took up some dirt/clay spit on it and put it on the man’s eyes. Sounds like Madda hah! He also spoke to the oppressive and opposing… Read more »

9 years ago

Hi Charlotte i think thats a good idea. I will see if the book is offered onlone to download. Jesus was an obeah man! oh yes he was. Remember he command the legions to go into tge swine n dive off the cliff and so many more things.

9 years ago

Greeting Charlotte! Thanks for the recommendation. We shall get on it!

9 years ago

Good afternoon my darlings, especially you teach! I know you are feeling a bit weary with the absence of the regulars but i do want you to know your work does not go in vain. Past, present or future. My journey to embracing my spirituality started a few years ago, trying to find out who i was and what was my life’s purpose. There were many bumps along the road and i can finally say since I have found this site it has became a bit more clearer. I still haven’t quite figured it out yet but from Obara I… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Seaqueen

Queenie haiings love n light my dear

9 years ago
Reply to  Seaqueen

Queenieeeeeee!!!! missed you sweetie! Such amazing words.

Richard Pedraja
Richard Pedraja
9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you for the advised, really do. Lake you i been in many places i meet human misseries and ungreifullnes all over. That dont keep me for doing my job but it was the betrayell that stop me a litter bitt. All the ese ifa that i know always talk about that Obara is surrender of enemies not that they piers became enemies as well I Know now that is part of the of my destiny so i am more in peace. I do serve my ori at lest once a week. I did no know about the water, ESE.… Read more »

Caroline British
Caroline British
9 years ago

Hi Prof!

(^_^) @ the description of the mother.

Thank you for sharing this experience (this mini post will keep me going till Sunday when you blog again lol). I have heard about the baby magick practised by monks who specialise in seriously dark magick. The souls of these babies are bound as slaves and used to bring wealth. Poor souls. I am so pleased you were able to help them.

Richard Pedraja
Richard Pedraja
9 years ago

Hello Abure mi, i was research about egbe an came a cross you blog. I am Cuban and also Olororisha, but wat it strike me the most it is you name Obara meyi witch is the odu of my initiation to. I have to admited that I am really impress whit you specially in this post. So many thinks that you write are so familiar whit me that It feel lake a dejabu. I be in many places doing spiritual work and the drainness and the burden of carry other peoples problems with me it take a big toll in… Read more »

9 years ago

Evening Richard thanks for commenting. Hope to read more from you.

9 years ago

Richard, blessings. You are a sweetheart!

9 years ago

Good morning Obara and good morning to all the blogger I am sorry far my absent here I kn I miss out a lot. anyway I love your topic here I will get bk to you as soon as I finish my work

9 years ago
Reply to  joy

Hi Joy glad to see yu

9 years ago

Good morning Obara and all ES family. I wholeheartedly agree with Caroline British. Obara, you are a rarity in a world of millions. You not only teach all of us on ES but you inspire us.

9 years ago
Reply to  Carpediem

Hey Carpediem! Nice to meet yuh! Mi love see new faces eenuh! 😀 respect!

Caroline British
Caroline British
9 years ago

Speaking of evil…Prof, as a medium/psychic and doing a reading, have you ever witnessed anything similar to this below? “..I carefully chose my words to explain that there was a whole group of ancestors, recently passed within the last 100 years, who were so shattered, so broken, that they were being held in a comforting soothing darkness, like a womb of sorts. I explained that normally I “see” the faces, the bodies of the ancestors, and it is usually a joyous reunion. I was puzzled as to why I was not seeing their bodies as they had been in life.… Read more »

Caroline British
Caroline British
9 years ago

Smh@ how people treat you. I can believe this because I have heard worse! I recall this priest saying how people abuse him if he doesn’t reply quickly enough lol. Eventually he stopped teaching and communicating with people. He said they don’t respect kindness and see it as something to take advantage of :(, meanwhile they will happy pay through the nose for the services of fake priests. I don’t understand people either. “This blog will not be here forever! Gone are the Padrino’s of this world, the Mr. Mitchel’s, the Mr. Pierre.” I think about this everyday Obara Meji.… Read more »

Caroline British
Caroline British
9 years ago

Hi Nunu!

9 years ago

That was an awesome post Obara. As Kia said we sometimes want to ask questions but don’t know how to formulate them and for me, I usually get one bag a dreams but mi feel a way to ask, but we do appreciate you and your knowledge.

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Nunuuuuu hi missus lol

9 years ago

Good morning Obara and everyone. Thank you for this post. I hope you’re feeling better

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Nunulita mi sweetie pie sista from a neda mama… mi miss yuh!!!!!!!!!!

Big ups and mi always a bawl yuh out eenuh!

Caroline British
Caroline British
9 years ago

Good morning Prof and the EST family plus all the invisibles who walk with us. I always read but rarely post (I like remaining in the shadows lol) but I feel so strongly about something you said Obara Meji that I was moved to comment. I was talking to a younger fellow countryman (she however resides in the US) and she was expressing excitement and some trepidation about the spiritual journey that she has just embarked on. I was happy for her but in my heart of hearts, I was sad. Sad because for every 10 spiritual practitioners she will… Read more »

9 years ago

Yail up Caroline British!

9 years ago

Hail Caroline sad but what u said was true. Hopefully ur fren will meet good people on her path to em bracing her spirituality. Iam also glad to know Obara and sit at her table to learn all she is willing to share. For she is genuine n real.

9 years ago

Love yuh Caroline British! Missed you sweetie! When yuh roll in yuh just duss out di ting real good! Very sharp words sweetie. Blessings to you!

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