I do this blog for you all. I am your mentor, your guide, your source of reference, your light (one of them) to the world of the unknown. I offer myself freely to your questions and to your search, genuinely. You are fools if you do not take the opportunity granted unto you, all of you, because in this world to find a genuine person, one will sweat hard. Who ever finds me, is supposed to, and who ever appreciates me, God bless you! I am here, loving, kind, helpful and willing, Do not suffer in your awakening as I did, lean on me!
Good Day Obara Thank you for your selflessness extending yourself to us unendingly always putting us first assisting us in our awakening. For the longest I knew my cup was to be filled. Light & Love
Love and light, thank you
Thank u for offering ur self to us to lean on,u are the best
We love you too Obara! I always try to include you in my prayers when I’m thanking God for my teachers, of which you are one. Sometimes, there are so many little questions going through my mind, I’m not even sure what to ask or I don’t want to bother you with every single little silly thing. But it’s good to know that you are there and willing to be so giving of yourself to be a guide to us. Even if we aren’t online everyday, you must know we appreciate you and we learn from you as we were… Read more »
Obara Obara Obara we love you. I love this blog and you have taught me so much. I love my family here. Love and light
Thank you so much for all you do every day. Knowing you are there gives such comfort and support.
We are here for you too, don’t let silence discourage you sweet Obara.
Yes we do initiations all the time, and if during the rip a person wants initiation then it can be done, they may have to stay on some extra days however. Anytime, any month is ok for initiation, and there is no festival for the initiation, it just is a very festive occasion
Will you be performing initiations during your University in March 2016 or should one prepare to stay a longer period of time? What is the best time to do the initiation? For example, during the time of a festival or not. Is there a preferred month?
Hello KB, yes I saw some of your comments. I have never been involved with the computer blogs. I do not do facebook although I have a page–it was for my election. But I do visit this site daily but do not often comment. It would be nice to dialogue. Good night to you KB.
Thanks Obara. Amazing, I am teaching a class of teenagers and young adults tomorrow on Sexuality and Spirituality the subject that I received a fellowship for a doctor in ministry (I did not complete). Anyway, earlier today I told the pastor that I was going to deal with sexual abuse and spirituality – low and behold I stumbled onto Incubus/Succubus on your website. I have been reading many of your sexuality and spirituality posts for the last 4 hours. Love, Charlotte
Good night Charlotte yes there are many interesting post on the blog discussing ur sexuality n spirituality class. I too enjoy reading some of the oldeer post.
Good night ES massive sooo many brothers n sisters along for this journey with Obara. I am blessed to be apart of this family.
giv thx
Always nice to see you Charlotte, Welcome; it takes ten days for initiation, whether it be Ifa or Orisha. Every compound have their own way in the exuberance of the whole festivity, but it is a very high energy occasion where many people are on the compound, no one sleeps except you the baby, and I the mother (if you initiate with me) who is giving birth to you. So if for instance you are receiving Osun (the initiation process, I cannot spell out publicly), then Osun is in labor and so am I, if I am the one to… Read more »
and you will mi bredda, mi see yuh FB page, yuh extremely handsome man, yuh jine de good looking line when God did ah gi whey looks man!
PS- Is that a picture of you? If not, would you like to post yourself.
You are a wonderful teacher. Unafraid, honest, scholarly, and willing. Thank you for your offer to teach us in this forum. I have always enjoyed the classroom but you have made this internet dialogue workable. Can you outline the phases of initiation? What is the first step. Does everyone have the same timeline, for example 10-12 days. How do you know if you have the gift or have been chosen to read Odu or use cowrie shells. Thank you.
Mi deh yah. a nex day fi get it right , yes…
Good day; another thought provoking article; this is what a true teacher does teach her children only the real ones do it with love . blessings to all.
Aboyade, yuh know mi mind run pon yuh, how yuh do!
Greetings Iya Obara Meji… My Ori hears you…loud and clear!
Hailing a carpediem, Shana and TeeA
Mek mi drop a story wid unno… Before mi start under the tutelage of Obara, me did fraidy fraidy…. Di other nite I had a dream where dis woman wid no legs a float inna blue and black cloak….she come and a try frighten me….all a make scary face off a me….me look pon her good…den say to her, “my girl, mi no fraid, so you haffi try harder” ….so she do some more weird faces, noises, and poses…me den just say to her, ” if you no have no message for me or if you not from the light,… Read more »
Loool mek dem kno Ty yu nuh fraidy fraidy an will run dem wid light inside a yu.
I really do appreciate you!
Ori apere, Ori laba bo,aba fi orisa sile nigbati ori gbeni nibo ni orisa wa. thanks Obara for post.
Dear Obara, I am so thankful for you and this blog. In the last few months I have learned so much from you. You have been a blessing and a lifesaver for me. May God bless you and your family always.
oh yes, the very expensive jeweled crown, lol, I am very serious however!
Oh yes it would be….
Thank you Obara, this is so helpful…muah…
The headaches and body vibrations have started…also get light headed and nuff time haffi hold on so mi no drop…lol
I love the visual wid your cape…only thing is i add a crown on your head…lol
@Ty soon you will feel your bed vibrating and your body also, and you may get headaches in the crown of you head, your mole as we call it, more of a dull heavy feeling, this is your crown chakra opening up, it is the last to open up and make you fully aware,but the feeling is intense, have no fear, Obara is here!, (imagine mi wid mi super woman cape, akimbo, cape blowing in the wind!) Tan ta da dahhhh!
Hey Everyone, Cher, love yuh my sister, Car, welcome, Ty, love yuh cyaan done!!
Ty, your third eye is open, but needs focusing, its like turning on the television with no antenna, and its grainy until you put antenna and get it into focus, its happening but just relax, it will clear soon.
The palpitation is your vibration raising, eat or suck on ice, awakening can have hard effects on the body, and mind, calm down you are ok!
I love you my sister!!
Hey Car, we glad you are here…please keep blogging and learning with us…
Thank you Obara i have learnt a lot from you over these short few days. You are a blessing to me and i know i was led to you by the spirit.Thank you.
Obara, i am having occasional double vision, hazy vision with a large spot in the middle….lasts for a few seconds…what is this?
I had my eyes checked recently and they are good, actually have improved vision…lol
Guh deh Ty!!! mi a dance n kin teet loool yu soon full wake. My head often feel full n pressure near the crown. Yu know im really start ask Obara more question. Just here a think is damn headache…
Wow, KB. I feel the same pressure you’re talking about right up there in my mole area too. Also, I have been recovering with a really bad case of flu and bronchitis a little more than a week ago, but ever since I’ve been feeling better (within the last week or so) I’ve been feeling weird vibrations in my legs and moments of brief dizziness where it seems like I can feel the world spinning. Have no idea if the two are related, but I just thought it was unusual and weird. Anyway, the “spinning” has since stopped. But the… Read more »
Morning everyone…
Obara thanks for everything…
Esp family and crew big up….
Big all the teams, entourages, oris, and egun…
Greetings to everyone!
My dear Obara!!!! I am so thankful for knowing you. Love your down to earth personality and your great wisdom and teaching skills. You are truly amazing, Blessings in abundance to you and your entire family, may peace, joy and happiness always surrounds you. Love you lots.