A few days ago I was sent an email from a young lady about her mother and what she went through and also how it affected the children. In the email, she had two questions: Who did this terrible thing to her mother? And what caused it?
She had read the Symptoms of Tying and Binding post and saw the signs in her mother and the result after the fact, but amid all this there were still some other things thrown into the mix. When I read her story, it brought me back to an unpleasant time in my life with the wicked baby father and all I went through with him and his evil woman. Like the girl in the email, I, too, watched my children’s father turn into a completely different man after being tied. It also brought me to the present and how a thief stole from me what he did not work for. I asked the young lady if I could share the email and I was given her permission.
The wicked baby father got involved with this awful woman while we were together and I had given him his first child (a son), and my second (the first being a baby girl with whom he met me with). He went to prison while I was pregnant. I did my prison visits, pulled all nighters on the bus going upstate to the maximum correctional facility until they moved him to a medium facility.
Traveling to him was not easy, especially for a pregnant young girl. I thought that when he came out we would have a good life together with our children and as a young couple build our lives together. I did everything for him to get an early release and he did when he moved closer to our town on a work release programme. He did only a year out of his time and was placed on probation for the rest of the time, but was also released early from probation. I stood with him through thick and thin. I was his life line, his strength through his struggles, the good partner, a good woman, someone he should have loved and cherished. But men (especially Jamaican man, hailments to de few good one dem, big up oonuh self, but oonuh bad nuh blood kleet) most of them just can not help but cheat, and my children’s father was no exception.
He was a handsome man. Average height, dark, and a really good dresser, stylish and clean, but most of all he had money. And we all know seh money mek some gal do anything. He told me a long time after all that had happened to us which eventually ended our relationship, that he only meant to sleep with the gal once. Take a read of what she told me when we finally spoke: read here, the fifth paragraph.
Now, this brings me to warn you all of something that got him into this situation. He had only hoped, according to him, to have a one time fling with the old hobbit (de wicked gal), but she thought otherwise. You can read more about what happened in the post linked above.
Below is the email sent to me. She attached pictures of the before and after looks of her mother and while I cannot share them, I must say, there is quite a change to the woman from head to toe, not to mention that it is obvious that she is no longer in the correct state of mind. I get a lot of emails daily, but this one really touched me because this type of obeah affected my enemy’s life (By now, you all know that when I write “my enemy” I mean me, but because it is a negative sentence, I throw it onto my enemies, you should also).
I am happy that my children are all grounded and have no “daddy” issues (I tried), but it still hurts slightly that because this woman interfered with this man’s destiny and tied him, he has turned his back on the children we had together. As we say in Jamaica, “Not a line or a letter or a fifty cent stamp,” in other words, no communication. They have since separated for a while now, but the effects of the Obeah is still in his life so much that he constantly asks me to help him. He was a rich man, but the obeah has made him dwindle down to hardly anything, so much that he has once had to ask his young daughter for money. My youngest girl, little Obara, who is wise for her age, often begs me to assist him. I told her that I will, but he will have to find his way to me. He has not as yet, but if he comes, I will. For a while, I was angry with him for his foolishness, his stupidity of allowing this woman to destroy us as a family, but now as I am Obara Meji, I thank her, but this is for another post.
When a selfish person decides to pull a family apart or even a couple apart, they do not think of the repercussions that will certainly follow. The heads (Ori) of the victims will fight on their behalf, and one day, even if it is a day before they die, they will see the justice of the Universe.
The story below has two scenarios of what could have happened to the young lady’s mother. I have my own opinion, which I will reveal in the comments, come with yours. But to the young woman, I say I am sorry for the pain you and your siblings went through at the hands of wicked people, and may God assist you all on your journey and through your battles. Young lady, teach your children from this experience. From this, be the best person you can be. She is your mother and she was under a spell, please forgive her and pray for her, we will pray for her also.
Hello Obara,
I want to give my mom’s story. I will also attach before and after photos.
She was a beautiful lady, lived a comfortable life, traveled a lot and was up to de time. Then we suddenly saw she got friendly to a guy who was well known by all of us (including herself) to be a thief. Everyone was in shock. She then started getting distanced from her family and friend. She displayed symptoms of a brain-washed victim. She turned enemy with everyone who cared about her and started acting like someone who is mentally unstable.
They had a private wedding. And since their union, she went on a downward spiral. She sold all her valuables gradually because neither of them wanted to be part of the “Babylon System”. So they were both unemployed. But she used to be a seller of merchandise before him. Eventually he made her sell all the furniture in the house and they took off to Guyana, where she was under the impression that she was going to make a nice life. They left with my bro, who is two years young than me, and my sister who was new born at the time (his daughter).
We NEVER heard from them after that, until a few months ago when I found my little sister on Facebook. She updated us yesterday and it sent shock-waves through the family. We are all at a bittersweet stage. She lives in a remote part of Guyana now, in an abandoned house that was left behind by its deceased owner. She endured 18 years of poverty and misery in that place with no contact with anyone back home. She now has 4 kids over there. Three of which were raised in orphanages and the elder one moved from house to house, living with different friends.
There are two possible culprits for her situation-The husband, and the lady who raised my other bro and I. My bro (the elder one over there) told me that when she first started tripping, she used to curse out that lady’s name a lot. And I remember from a little girl, there were constant disputes between this lady and her, over her house. But the disputes started after her husband came about.
Now in the new pics I received yesterday, I can see that she has a few keys attached to her hair, so I was thinking maybe this lady sent her off to get full control of the house. This lady took all measures necessary for my big bro to take over the house after my mom left. They over- threw her tenants. And neither of them wanted me to occupy the house along with him. He even gave me notice at some point lol. And now that we are in contact with my mom and our other siblings, he is willing to help financially but displays disapproval of any of them coming back home, especially my mom.
So I don’t know if she was cast away by this lady for the house, or if she was tied by this man, leading to such a downward spiral.
Please, your advice will be highly appreciated. If you have questions to better understand the situation, please feel free to ask.
Tí irọ́ bá tan iná, kò lè so èso rere.
Even if a lie glows (and blooms), it can’t yield good fruits……..Yoruba Proverbs!
[Integrity is crucial; whatever is founded on deceit won’t endure]
There are no disappointments in life only lessons learned!
All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…Obara Meji!
[…] I was told the most peculiar story by the Oluwo (a chief title for an accomplished Babalawo) at our compound. There is so much to know in this world, this is why I always refer to myself as […]
I like this anology Colette
Then Collette the key in her head may be her spirit indicating her problem and the root
Yes. Spiritually, the spell cast was one of loss. How the loss took effect was subject to opportunistic circumstances and her spiritual armour. In maintaining the keys in that position it suggest opening or closing of doors but more importantly possession. The spirit understands what was done, yet is unable to return to a state of sanity and peace. Her spirit is resisting the occupying of both the physical, as well as, spiritual house. To me, her spirit in someway is affecting the advancing of the people who sought to utterly destroy her because she still is fighting for possession… Read more »
This is so sad. I pray that the family will recover and unite. People just bad and wicked. Am happy that Y was able to find her mom and other siblings.
Forgiveness is the key to one’s growth and happiness.
Many suffer at the hands of the wicked but their day will come. Their end will be bitter.
WOW, what a story. I felt very sad reading. As my mom has lived a life on the streets with drugs because of having the wrong men in her life…Dont think it was as deep as obeah but I can relate to how the young lady must be feeling.
This blog is really opening my eyes. I will keep her in my prayers. <3
Intellectual Bhutu, mi
Like yuh scenarios dem to rat foot, hmmmmmmmmm! (Finger on cheek foot tapping ground)
I personally don’t know why people have to put down and destroy other people fi dem own gain.. before dem use di craft fi uplift dem self. It just goes to show seh dem is nuttin of value if dem cant bring up themselves, cuz dem deh same place enuh, and is somebody else they have to trample on to make themselves look “on top”.
Only God knows…
Congratulations on the Blog’s award, Obara!! I’m seeing the website on desktop version and mi seet! YES OBARAA!!!
Thank you le.tigre 😀
Di lady knew the mother was strong and successful, so she science har to a reprobate. This lady mek sure seh she find di worsess man in di community fi mash up di modda future, in other words, fi dun har an cause embarassment (it was important that the lady leave and not want to/cant come back). There could be something behind it (feelings cudda carry fi more dan house) that the daughter doesnt even know about. There must be a reason that the big son is in support of di evil weh a gwan. Dere muss be a reason… Read more »
The lady appears under a spell. Her spirit looks like it is fighting for control of the house…Why she still carry the keys in her head (Ori). Look like the son and woman a go. She need more than monetary help. The question is does anybody want to fight them for the house? Sometimes we must choose our battles. Getting together what is left of the family and care if the mother spiritually, and financially is most important now. Let the dead bury the dead and living deal with their own.
Evening, Colette. The vote down was in error, my apologies.
I also believe the keys in her hair are symbolic. Amazing where she chose to put them. I doubt the msn was her end and both of them may ave gotten “hit”.
No problem Cami. Yes, in her head she appears to maintain being the master of the house. This could provide spiritual resistance.
night Obara and peeps very sad however I am not much surprised anymore at the depths wicked people go to get what they want. They dont consider karma or Gods wrath or the harm they bring to others. Not even the baby is safe from these wretches. smdh Obara and sender thanks for sharing. This page teaches so many of us to be present in our lives. I want to ask what is meant by ” she has a few keys attached to her hair”? When you say ” This lady took all measures necessary for my big bro to take… Read more »
She wears keys in her hair K B, the sender brother and de wicked woman who is the grandmother on the brothers fathers side tek ova de house
Yes it sad Prospetity
Hello family. When you said you saw the pics Obara and the mom looked mentally unwell mi feel it bad. I don’t know what it is but it grieves my spirit when people become mentally unwell. We are walking a thin line between sanity and insanity. When problems come my way I pray first and foremost to remain sane. God go with the lady. Now to who did it? Sometimes when women are seeking love, they become easily manipulated by men. However, the man in question was known by all as a thief, so I don’t know if a woman… Read more »
Hi Erica
Hi Obara…. Eyes burning (waah sleep) but this blog is like a good page turner lol
Learning so much! Just read the one about “sex for deliverance” one day will email you a similar situation I had
But the strength of God was with me
Praying for this lady her siblings and her mom!! Wat ah struggle n nata bata shi guh thru fi suh long!! A family brought to ruins.. May God bring them closure and healing!!
I suspect the lady of doing the harm to the mother in the first place
True Carpediem
Good day Obara and ESP family. Dear reader, you are in my prayers and I am also happy that you found Obara’s website. People are wicked but we have to be present in our daily life. When it comes to envy, wicked people will do anything possible to keep us down so we have to learn not to share our business with others who are envious. Obara always say don’t care how well you do in life, keep it to ourself. Keep faith reader for that person who obeah your mother will get what’s coming to them. Blessings.
Dead wid laugh@guh dance! Me tuh MTH!
Teach mi wonda what joy/pleasure can anyone derive from holding back turning down anyone? Me, back in di days all I had on my mind was guh school, get mi nice jobs and guh dance. Mi neva care bout nutten wey nuh baddy have. Lawks people wicked bad!
Teach, just finished reading everything. I will go to the Chronixx interview next. LOL. Mi dedicate mi day off to reading and catching up… I so agree with you that the bad obeah man has a place on this earth. The analogy that I will use is this, it is easy to be celibate if no one wants you. There is no test, there is no restrain. However if there are people checking for you and you checking for them and you remain celibate then that is different. The obeah man has to eat and has to test you. How… Read more »
it is all about choices Mth, smh, people evil sah
Seriously I think this is more common than we think- people are devious, they want to live off people who have things. That’s why sometimes when you are making progress its best just to be humble and don’t hype because it draws enemies. Maybe one of the persons, woman or man did something to her mom but I believe nothing goes unpunished no matter how long it takes. we on this earth for an average of 70yr but the earth, universe has been here for billions so time often seem slow to us. I will have your mom in my… Read more »
Lincoln, yuh biblical?? Which average of 70 years, ah dat de bible see, which a load of crock, three score and ten fi life span, noooooo!. We create our own reality, so we choose when we die, so remove that mi bredda, nutten nuh guh suh!
lol I think the average life span today is 71 yrs- that’s where I got that lol- you too funny.
Much Love-
Teach, I love how you say the Obeah Man is guilty but not so much as the person who seeks him out for the job. Just like the hit man who offers a service, it is the person that contracts him for his service that is really at fault.
its the truth MTH, the Obeah man perhaps is here to test people who while on there journey should walk good or choose the correct road, but because of an innate wickedness they cannot walk good, so there has to be the person to contract and do the bad deed for them. Perhaps he will not even get any punishment in the realm of spirit, because in every dimension there has to be the tempter, the tester, the worker, the hitman, the evil doer, he has his place, he does. How will he have work there is no one to… Read more »
Teach dem good. Big M gave Little M a cell phone for Christmas. Every two second shi a text mi. Mi spend so much time talking to her that mi falling behind on a lot of things, but there was a period where I wasnt hearing from her. I am reading the posts and catch up. I will call you later.
ok mi dear, np
Let me just say to all and sundry, so many people lives have been destroyed by wicked people. The Obeah man is doing his job, do not blame him (I don’t), it is the human being that is even more evil. He or she is the one who brings the work the obeah man and pays him or her to do the wickedness, the obeah man will pay for his sins, but his payment will never be as harsh as the human hands that contracted him. So many peoples lives are affected by things such these or as the story… Read more »
the man wanted to manipulate the woman and the one who teed de house wanted a free house. She may have done the Obeah so that the woman found herself in a bad situation as with the thief, which eventually led her to abandon her children, house and land, or the thief did his obeah and because of how it manifested the woman lost her mind!
Such a sad story. I will pray for you and your family.
HNY, MTH, How Big and lickle M doing?
Greetings everyone. I havent read this as yet. I was on the other post trying to catch up but I will read this and get myself caught up. Happy New Year Teach. May this year be the best year for you. May all your dreams and aspirations come through. May you win more awards, may your school, books and all other business venture come to you with ease. Ase, Ase, Ase!