11:11 commented on the post, Everything That is to Happen Already Has, But You Can Change It. 4 months, 1 week ago
Thank you so much for this lesson Obara I’m grateful.
I learned so much, yet I still have so many questions. Life is truly deep!
“Been there, done that. I don’t fear anything”. I wonder what he *really* meant by that. Harmony seemed to be failing to learn from his past mistakes and kept repeating them despite warnings. To me, it seemed…[Read more]
11:11 commented on the post, Hijacking Consciousness? – How Social Media Affects Our Spiritual Growth 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Thank you so much Obara!
This resonated with me much more than I can express.
I have found myself deeply affected by disturbing news and tv movies/shows lately. Sometimes, the content I consume on social media would plague my mind and thoughts for hours if not days. I would be stressed without knowing why, until a deep reflection made me…[Read more] -
11:11 commented on the post, Why Some Spiritual Charms Work and Others Do Not 2 years ago
Thank you Obara. This is truly insightful. I had to read it twice. This message came to me at a time I really needed it. I prayed and fasted for something for months and truly believed I would get it- but I didn’t. Although it’s really painful, this message brought some sort of consolation to my heart.
Thanks again Obara. ❤️ Always a ple…[
11:11 commented on the post, Ever Feel Like You're Being Watched? Yes, There Are Spirits That Spy On Us 2 years, 9 months ago
Happy Belated Birthday Obara Meji.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.
Thank you for your time.
More strength and blessings to you.Something struck me about this article. I sometimes smell something “off” at a particular spot in my house, and I seem to be the only one who can. It’s a spot where nothing can hide so it makes no lo…[Read more]
11:11 changed their profile picture 3 years, 3 months ago
11:11 commented on the post, Spirit or My Own Thoughts? How You Hear From Spirit Without Realizing It 3 years, 3 months ago
I missed you so much Obara. Thank you for blessing us with your knowledge.
It has been a very eventful few months for me. This message came at a perfect time as I have just recently been trying to make a more conscious effort to relax and be one with myself.
Thanks again. -
11:11 commented on the post, World Prediction Comes True? Could This Be The Predicted Covid19 Sacrifice? 4 years, 8 months ago
Hello Nelly,
Thank you!I have never tried to go willingly. It’s something that just happens to me as I sleep. I didn’t understand why I was having these dreams until I started reading Obara’s posts, so I’m only just starting to try to pay more attention to these dreams.
It feels like actually being in school. Every dream is a differe…[Read more]
11:11 commented on the post, QUIZ: If You Spot These Animals, What Do They Mean Spiritually? 4 years, 9 months ago
Thank you so much Obara. I’ve killed a number of spiders :O
Certainly ends today
Thanks for all the information. I really appreciate you.
Love & light
11:11 commented on the post, QUIZ: If You Spot These Animals, What Do They Mean Spiritually? 4 years, 9 months ago
Thank you for this Obara Meji.
I scored 4/10, mostly because I was overthinking some questionsWhat about walking into spider webs that you can’t even see?? I had those happen to me a few times before and it just seems bad and hella suspicious
11:11 commented on the post, The Christ Consciousness Visits the Earth Today (Plus New World Prophecy) 4 years, 10 months ago
Unfortunately I didn’t ( 🙁 ) I prayed and went back to sleep. By the time I remembered, I felt it was too late to do the urine thing. However, my mind still goes back to the dream sometimes.
11:11 became a registered member 4 years, 10 months ago