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World Prediction Comes True? Could This Be The Predicted Covid19 Sacrifice?

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  1. So I’ve been watching events in the United States unfold concerning the killing of George Floyd (May he be well received in the upper realms). It gave me shivers and made me think a lot about Ma’am Obara’s post titled “The Christ consciousness “ and now the prophecy from Spirit is making greater meaning to me and I understand better that Spirit is infinitely cryptic.
  2. Let me try my best to break this down from my physical, psychological and spiritual observations these passed couple of days.
  3. I will quote from Ma’am Obara’s post on “The Christ consciousness” and it says “ALSO DOWNLOADED TO ME FROM THE UNIVERSE WAS A MESSAGE THAT CAME IN TO THE LATEST POST. That message is that someone will die. This person has a celebrated life, or is known across the world. The person will be a sacrifice and the reason for this is because the minds of the world have been tuned into this pandemic, and so the adrenaline for everyone is high. In order to settle the human spirit back to its place, a sacrifice must be made. For a moment it will shift the focus from the pandemic and onto this shock, which will enable all humans to settle safely back within their bodies, entering a new phase of the Shift.
  4. I do not know who the person is, but if the person has done any wrong in their life, or has done any injustice to humanity, the person’s sacrifice for the world will elevate them to a great place within the Realms of Spirit.
  6. PHYSICALLY, I was expecting to hear a big named or rather popular person as spirit said “celebrated life, or is known across the world” but upon looking at things beneath the surface, Mr. Floyd might have not been celebrated or known across the world but presently he is for sure and it is gaining momentum as I write. The Minneapolis National Guard have mobilized 1700 strong for the first time in over 100 years.
  7. There are protests across the United States and around the world from London to Canada to Germany and more cities are gearing up to do the same. I saw a photo of the protest in Germany with all white people and just like it says in the prophecy. Mr. Floyd had criminal records that are now relegated completely and I have seen people being shushed and hushed on social media when they talk about his criminal past. The most obvious is the fact that the present offense that made the store attendant call the cops (the fake 20 dollar bill) is not even mentioned anymore. He has been elevated like the prophecy said.
  8. PSYCHOLOGICALLY this death has shifted the focus of the whole world from the pandemic to this shocking event and suddenly there isn’t fear of COVID-19, crowded places or a care towards social distancing, hand sanitizers and face masks (looters are now using the face mask to hide their identities). The whole world is talking, people are angry, voices are raised and being heard, the officer has been arrested and charged for murder, white people are screaming murder, the Amish that keep to themselves protested, in the US, police stations are being burned down, no officer in sight and the fire service cannot come around, squad cars being burned right in front of police and everyone is having one voice like this is the first time a black man has been killed by police.
  9. SPIRITUALLY the sacrifice is complete. Ma’am Obara’s post said “it is not the who but how” the person will die and Mr. Floyd was killed in a sacrificial position with hands cuffed behind him and his legs pinned and a knee on his neck. The scene looks exactly like an animal being slaughtered and the officer standing is like the observer watching to see the job done.
  10. On Instagram a music artist with the handle “iam_slimcase” said, and I quote “FAME AFTER DEATH…any positive blow wey I gats blow God let me blow am now that I am alive, not after I am dead. George, a sacrifice for the change in black history #blacklivesmatter”
  11. For those who will not understand this, it means “God let me achieve fame while I’m alive and not after I’m dead.” He might not be on this blog but the fact that he used the words “sacrifice and change” is significant. The universe is in charge and the consciousness of people is evolving according to the shift Ma’am Obara teaches us about.
  12. I have learned from this that I should dig deeper in trying to understand words from spirit. They are not literal in any little way and sometimes can only be understood when events unfold.
  13. The Shift is real and the new Earth is taking shape.

I woke up in the middle of the night to a video sent to my phone of George Floyd’s murder. In my haze of just waking up, my eyes squinted at the background brightness of my phone, as I watched a murder happen. It was heart wrenching for me as I saw the Officer kneel on that mans neck as he cried out “I can’t breathe” followed by a cry for his mother.

That touched me because if ever my enemy is in distress, I cry for my mother also, so I know the feeling. It concerned me that the officer doing the murdering, seemed so cold and nonchalant, the cruelty of what was happening was stunning.

No one can watch something like that and not be bothered and I was no exception. I do not watch the news and I avoid things that are negative in the world or my environment, as I am deeply affected by these things. I am a spiritualist, however, an advanced being and so I get my news from spirits. I rely on them to advise me, keep me informed, warn me and provide solutions for me, if ever a problem does arrive which may involve myself, those I know, or the world at large.

This has worked for me ever since I was roughly shaken awake and put into service, like a soldier, by the Universe. It has been a while now, and I have grown to accept who I am.

I am a medium, a spiritualist. This was the first gift given to me when they were teaching me. “They” being Beings from ethereal places I do not have words to describe. The “They” I speak of are generally called Spirits by me, and they accept this term, however they are even greater than that, but I am only allowed to understand them totally when I am in my ethereal self.

It is when I am this way that they carry me away to distant places and school me of what is and of what is to come. I am never allowed to recall these things when my spirit comes back to my body after a nights outing with them, but when the time comes for me to use the knowledge coded within me, they upload it, and I share to relevant persons.

I still work with these Spirit Beings who has been with me since birth and who woke me up and has taught me all that I know.

They were the ones who taught me that all Beings here on Earth are holographic projections, projecting themselves from another plane. They are the ones who told me of the Earth’s Shift, and of parallel universes that are so close to the earth it is like flipping the pages of a note book. They are the ones who took me to show me where the souls of aborted children were kept and showed me the ones working tirelessly to to get them rotated again.

They are the ones who explained that certain animals are guardians here among us with high intelligence, but disguised as animals or insects such as the Butterfly and the Praying Mantis and more. They are the ones who taught me that color as Humans see it is due to vibration of mist and collective consciousness which dictates how it is perceived. They are the ones who taught me that thought is faster than light and sound and that thought is what creates.

They are the ones who have taught me that humans are not suppose to get sick, and illnesses are all of the mind. They are the ones who have taught me that all, are still happening, all major events that humans see as things of the past are still happening, only that the frequency is at a speed where it cannot exist in this environment.

They are the ones who have sent me to Ifa and shifted the veil for me to know what Ifa really is, and that Africa is a holographic ship which assists the world. They are the ones to let me know that death does not exist, people only leave one body and one realm for another, but all are related to each other in groups and ranks.

These mighty beings have told/taught me so many things, and have brought me to so many places beyond this plane. They are the very same people who are with me during divination when I act as interpreter. They speak, I translate.

They have taught me so much and have even revealed to me who I am and who my children are. I say this so that you can understand that I do not see myself as anything other than a student and a traveler. I teach because I am taught. My obedience to Spirit is what has brought me to you and to my own self realization. What does this have to do with George Floyd and his unfortunate demise you may be wondering, since I begun the post with him.

Well, some people have been calling me about the prediction written in the Christ Consciousness post and in the What the Color Red Has to do with Corona Virus post and have been saying that they believe that George Floyd may have been the sacrifice the spirit spoke of.

One Blogger sent this email to me:

So I’ve been watching events in the United States unfold concerning the killing of George Floyd (May he be well received in the upper realms). It gave me shivers and made me think a lot about Ma’am Obara’s post titled “The Christ consciousness “ and now the prophecy from Spirit is making greater meaning to me and I understand better that Spirit is infinitely cryptic.
Let me try my best to break this down from my physical, psychological and spiritual observations these passed couple of days.
I will quote from Ma’am Obara’s post on “The Christ consciousness” and it says “ALSO DOWNLOADED TO ME FROM THE UNIVERSE WAS A MESSAGE THAT CAME IN TO THE LATEST POST. That message is that someone will die. This person has a celebrated life, or is known across the world. The person will be a sacrifice and the reason for this is because the minds of the world have been tuned into this pandemic, and so the adrenaline for everyone is high. In order to settle the human spirit back to its place, a sacrifice must be made. For a moment it will shift the focus from the pandemic and onto this shock, which will enable all humans to settle safely back within their bodies, entering a new phase of the Shift.
I do not know who the person is, but if the person has done any wrong in their life, or has done any injustice to humanity, the person’s sacrifice for the world will elevate them to a great place within the Realms of Spirit.
There are protests across the United States and around the world from London to Canada to Germany and more cities are gearing up to do the same. I saw a photo of the protest in Germany with all white people and just like it says in the prophecy. Mr. Floyd had criminal records that are now relegated completely and I have seen people being shushed and hushed on social media when they talk about his criminal past. The most obvious is the fact that the present offense that made the store attendant call the cops (the fake 20 dollar bill) is not even mentioned anymore. He has been elevated like the prophecy said.
PSYCHOLOGICALLY this death has shifted the focus of the whole world from the pandemic to this shocking event and suddenly there isn’t fear of COVID-19, crowded places or a care towards social distancing, hand sanitizers and face masks (looters are now using the face mask to hide their identities). The whole world is talking, people are angry, voices are raised and being heard, the officer has been arrested and charged for murder, white people are screaming murder, the Amish that keep to themselves protested, in the US, police stations are being burned down, no officer in sight and the fire service cannot come around, squad cars being burned right in front of police and everyone is having one voice like this is the first time a black man has been killed by police.
SPIRITUALLY the sacrifice is complete. Ma’am Obara’s post said “it is not the who but how” the person will die and Mr. Floyd was killed in a sacrificial position with hands cuffed behind him and his legs pinned and a knee on his neck. The scene looks exactly like an animal being slaughtered and the officer standing is like the observer watching to see the job done.
On Instagram a music artist with the handle “iam_slimcase” said, and I quote “FAME AFTER DEATH…any positive blow wey I gats blow God let me blow am now that I am alive, not after I am dead. George, a sacrifice for the change in black history #blacklivesmatter”
For those who will not understand this, it means “God let me achieve fame while I’m alive and not after I’m dead.” He might not be on this blog but the fact that he used the words “sacrifice and change” is significant. The universe is in charge and the consciousness of people is evolving according to the shift Ma’am Obara teaches us about.
I have learned from this that I should dig deeper in trying to understand words from spirit. They are not literal in any little way and sometimes can only be understood when events unfold.
The Shift is real and the new Earth is taking shape.

In the Christ Consciousness post it began with,

“This person has a celebrated life, or is known across the world’.

What is missing here is the word “will”

But is it missing?

I thought this would be a known person, celebrity or such. However spirits do not see the world as us. There are many who walk this earth, but are already dead. The death just has not caught up to them as yet. Things happens in the world of spirit first before it happens in the world of manifestation, this world. This man had already done his work, the world just had to wait for it to unfold before them.

In the post, the color of Corona, it said the ‘One person’s death especially would shake the world”.

It spoke of a powerful person, George is certainly powerful. I use present tense, although he has left the Earth, because of the impact he has left behind, his power showed up in his frame and also in the residuals he left behind

Based on the prediction in the aforementioned posts, however, I believe we can rest assured that George Floyd will find peace and welcome into his new life, where he will be crowned.

What do you all think?


Obara Meji

Wisdom is wealth. ~ Swahili

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Red/violet 777
4 years ago

Greetings Obara, I/we appreciate you and are very thankful it is very hard to find a genuine spiritualist like your self this I know for a fact. finding you blog was no mistake or coincidence. Thank you obara for taking the time out to teach us thank you for opening my eyes I now have a better understanding of a lot of things…. Hugggs I do this blog for you all. I am your mentor, your guide, your source of reference, your light (one of them) to the world of the unknown. I offer myself freely to your questions and… Read more »

4 years ago

Hello, I am wondering where I can send you a question, it does not let me on the tab you have for asking questions.

Benjamin Franklyn Jr.
4 years ago

I never wanted to comment on the post but my spirit kept telling me to write something regarding to the post you made. I’m not a Rebel, but I have to challenge the thinking. I read the post on George Floyd and as expected, people didn’t proved me wrong. I agree with the fact that the guy might have been used as sacrifice because i know the movement was spiritual because it takes spiritual force to pull people and bring the mob together to protest over an over exerggerated situation the way people did all over the world. There are… Read more »

4 years ago

Which of the thinking are you challenging? Is it the Black Lives Matter movement or the way and manner Mr. Floyd was killed in relationship to the prophecy from spirit? You asked he was killed by a black civilian, would there be a riot? Now i want to ask you; If he was killed by a black civilian on camera will it take days before that suspect is arrested? Will the case not be on and speedily tried by now? Will the police go and form a protective barrier at the black civilians home to ward of attacks from angry… Read more »

Benjamin Franklyn Jr.
4 years ago
Reply to  Kay

I already spent more an hour to type a reply to all your questions, then of a sudden everything erased so my quick reply to you at the moment since I can’t start all over again is, “Know what you don’t know. Get the knowledge that will overcome that IGNORANCE. Do research, read even topics that are usually outside your purview. Don’t become seduced by your world view. LEARN, UNLEARN and RELEARN. I didn’t ridiculed the black race. I’m against the mob. The same white superiors you talking about are the ones sponsoring and promoting the movement. Some of the… Read more »

4 years ago

This is a touchy issue. George Floyd’s death is bigger than race, it’s bigger than social class, it’s bigger than nationality, etc. It symbolizes a flawed system that abuses the people. Floyd reps the people and the policeman reps the system. Don’t get caught up in the specifics of it. Same thing that happened to Floyd could happen to any one of us and it doesn’t even have to be enforced by someone of the other race… It could be enforced by someone of the same race. Point is any situation can be spun to suit any agenda. We live… Read more »

Benjamin Franklyn Jr.
4 years ago
Reply to  mike

I disagree, his death is not bigger than any race or social class. His death is nothing in comparison to so many awful death in Africa especially Nigeria. I have seen worst. Police, Military in Nigeria is………

Though I agree with some of the point you made.
Thank you Mike.

4 years ago

This is quite an epistle for a quick reply and you would have answered my questions instead of going of topic. So i must say no Mr. Benjamin you do not think exactly like me. You’re throwing already known information around but failed to enlighten me by answering what i asked. As a serious thinker who portrays himself to know a lot, you’re to share that enlightenment by really answering instead of being subtly arrogant by saying do your research. Ma’am Obara will answer questions and not tell you to go do research and if it is information that’s not… Read more »

Benjamin Franklyn Jr.
4 years ago
Reply to  Kay

Hey Kay, I’m bothered by things of pressing concern not things of little magnitude so let me cut to the chase and answer just one question. The Police won’t form protective barrier at the black civilians home to ward of attacks from angry people because that’s how the system is designed. Perhaps, you didn’t read my last reply with the intent to understand but with the intent to reply me back that’s why you just couldn’t read between the lines. They are some things I can’t say obviously. The Black sold themselves short, history. Be royal in your own fashion:… Read more »

Benjamin Franklyn Jr.
4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

A wise man once said, you should never believe a thing simply because you want to believe it. I’m not asleep, i question Everything. I love you so much Ma’am but that doesn’t mean I will believe everything you say, is my nature, I tend to challenge a lot of things especially if it doesn’t sit well with me or when it doesn’t sit right with my spirit. One of the most difficult things for me when I start my journey to spirituality is trying Understand how it is done. I have never been the person that walks into the… Read more »

4 years ago

Your post is always probing into my subconscious,,,I love this!

4 years ago

Insightful post thanks.
Please I sent you a mail and I have not received any reply.
I have a question.
what becomes the fate of the police who murdered George if he is being elevated in his new live

4 years ago

Thank you for this enlightenment, my mentor Obara. I look forward to getting a reading from you sometime soon. Spirituality is Life. Thank you Rabbi.

4 years ago

I always look forward to your posts. Spirituality is deep! Thank you for giving us the awareness of spiritual things.

4 years ago

Resounding truth! The spirit never lies. Thank you again Obara. One of the things that really spoke to me in this article was the part about Spirit teaching you things you aren’t allowed to remember when you wake up until it’s time to use the information. Obara, the dreams I told you about of me being in a classroom still happen almost every night. I see the board and read what it says, but I can’t seem to remember anything I read when I wake up. I’m even aware of tests coming up and attendance. Last night, I dreamt of… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  11:11

Nope! You’re not crazy at all

4 years ago
Reply to  11:11

11:11 it’s awesome that you’ve been to school in the ethereal realm! That’s quite an honor!!! Can you go there willingly or is something that just happens to you as you sleep? How is being there?

4 years ago
Reply to  Nelly

Hello Nelly,
Thank you!

I have never tried to go willingly. It’s something that just happens to me as I sleep. I didn’t understand why I was having these dreams until I started reading Obara’s posts, so I’m only just starting to try to pay more attention to these dreams.

It feels like actually being in school. Every dream is a different experience (as with real life). What is strange is I don’t seem to remember what I learn (although what I’m learning all makes sense while I’m dreaming).

4 years ago

It is amazing to see your messages come to pass! I too was expecting a celebrity, but as you said – our perception and spirits perception of celebrity is different. Hope you are doing well and staying strong in these overwhelming times. Beautiful post.

4 years ago

Wow Miss Obara! Great post! I was going to message you a few days ago to ask what your take on George Floyd was because I too saw the correlation between him and your predictions on your recent posts. Thank you for confirming. This shift that’s happening is incredible. So many people were choosing to turn a blind eye to racism and remain oblivious to the fact that it’s still happening in America. Now due to the passing of George Floyd, a lot of those SAME people are educating themselves, protesting, and choosing to fight racism. It gives me hope… Read more »

4 years ago

Great post Ma’am, The protests are ongoing. The key ascribed to George Floyd is really powerful i must say. I’m in awe of the Universe and the powers controlling everything from the ethereal. This earth is really a magnificent experiment and since i began to see things the way they should, my jaw keeps dropping with each new enlightenment I encounter. It’s so easy to live in ignorance and keyed into the physical/human construct, but when spiritual awakening happens you just keep having wow moments. It’s a privilege to have a teacher of your caliber who makes these intriguing things… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks for answering Ma’am, Your answer to question one settled my curiosity…. I’m enlightened and speechless right now. To question 2 “if the person who aborted it later has a child, the child may carry the soul back to earth”, so does this mean the child could still carry another soul that’s not from the aborted one? If the person does not have a child later, will the aborted child’s soul remain in the place of possibility? When you say the same soul group, does this mean that the aborted child’s soul can come back maybe from the sister of… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you.

4 years ago

Hmmm, spirituality is really deep,thank u for dis massage.

Jojo queen
4 years ago

Wow all I can say is thank you . So on point, thanks for delivering the message teacher.

4 years ago

Yes I think George will find peace in the other world , May is soul RIP. George Floyd thank you for changing the world . (.Black lives matter).

4 years ago

All I can do is Smile ….. Kingdom is everything.

4 years ago

Obara you are the best! Thanks sender you were spot on. George Floyd! He will never be forgotten. Let us all pray for conviction of all 4 officers. Big up the young lady who video. May she keep an updated phone to capture any other cruel actions.

Red 7
4 years ago

Greetings obara, Another great post, Your prediction was spot on
In the post, the colour of Corona, it said the ‘One person’s death especially would shake the world”.
George Floyd‘a death has certainly done that.
Never have I seen people of from around the world protesting about the death of a black man killed by a white police office.

Red 7
4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hi obara, no rush I know your busy

4 years ago

Asé !

4 years ago

This post is so solid to the point. May George Floyd be decorated to the highest order, for he is certainly a sacrificial lamb in all of this pandemic, taking the crown from the Corona. Taking the attention, the vibration and knocking the attention seeker that been plaguing mankind with the virus off course. People from all walks of life expressing deep sorrow of the brutal murder in broad daylight and in a gruesome 8 minutes plus and showing solidarity and love without any regards for the pandemic. The message became clear, suddenly a Blackman life’s really matter regardless of… Read more »

4 years ago

Ase. Any haters who doubt this teacher are literally unable to see, hear and understand. I am in awe and this is why I have accepted you as my spiritual teacher: Your teachings from the Ancestors are righteous and true.

Thank you Obara Meji.

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Absolutely! And my name changed cause I got an account on here ❤ Any way to change it back, cause I like DivineLight. Thank you

4 years ago
Reply to  DivineLight

Figured it out!

4 years ago

Good job Obara Shocking. A few months
Ago a police man in Jamaica killed a taxi driver they could not catch him (the policeman) so they Went to his house And. killed his mother

4 years ago

Saw an Instagram post of police officers kneeling as the hearse passes by. George Floyd is definitely being treated like a President or Soldier in death, tho he should have just been an ordinary man in life:

4 years ago

Dear Readers! I dont know what to say more than what I have been saying for a long time that certain ethnicity of people have bestowed on themselves as slave masters of others- I dont think anything will change, I am an optimist but this is too embedded in the minds and culture of these folks especially in the USA this it will take generations to make a turn for the good. It is all about power or perceived power in my opinion because they fear the past evil they have done will return to them so they use institutional… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

The end game is always POWER.

4 years ago
Reply to  Lincoln

Asé Asé Asé Oooo

4 years ago

There is a lot of things that you have spoken in your blog that have come to pass. Since I found this forum it has been an inspiration and have unclog my mind and put me on a clearer path. Helping to understand that there are reason why things happen.. George Floyd might have been that sacrifice you have been speaking about( but as the blogger said I was looking for a celebrity) but George now is a celebrity and his name will live on forever he change the focus of the entire world and ppl all over now know… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Dah juice deh did haffi buss enuh becuz u did haffi come into this world.
To teach and enlighten us
Continue doing the good work
Love and light… thank you for all that u do becuz u could’ve been selfish with ur gift but you aren’t and I hope people stop taking u for granted and give you ur credit.
The world now is fix with mix emotions to set ur on the right path shifting the world’s focus

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Me reply and it nuh post… but I love when u respond to me it mek me feel happy like pickney pon weekend… big up the spirits I love and appreciate them too without them I wouldn’t know u… Big hugs to u Ms. Obara ur love and appreciate I know what ur blog have done for me. I ensure I check in for me becuz that’s the least I can do and your human so u deserve to know and feel wanted. Nuff watch the hate the fight that u enemy get inna life becuz a time ppl a… Read more »

4 years ago

Wow was my expression after reading your post today. Thank you Obara for your gift. The legacy of George Floyd will be long lasting and life altering.

4 years ago

When I read the Christ Consciousness, I thought wow who could this be at first I thought it was Kim Jong because at that time the rumors of his coma was circulating, a few weeks passed and I saw the video of George Floyd then shortly the protests and as the movement grew, it dawned to me this is the sacrifice that Obara spoke of. I was in awe. I am still in awe to see the depths of sight that Obara has proclaimed and to see this manifest this way into such a worldly movement no one is no… Read more »

4 years ago

I am inspired,thanks,i want to know more.

4 years ago
4 years ago

Of a true, i have come to conclusion that Obara is truly gifted and truly commune with spirits. I actually attest to this part of the the prediction;
((((being someone impactful who will save a race of people through his or her sacrificial death, which will settle humanity.)))).
More grace to you.

4 years ago

We are entering into a new era of consciousness…the shift has begun! Thank you Obara for awakening our minds to a new age!

May the Spirits continue to guide and lead you for the benefit of mankind and humanity

4 years ago

Since ive recieved this prediction via email ive seen events unfold one after the other. I said this is a very accurate prediction. Weve had more fires than anyone can ever imagine, illnesses, now this George Floyd’s killing. I was lookking for popular figure to die as was described by the prediction, but it makes sense that he became popular after he died and this says it all. Ive never seen anything like this in my life. No one is talking about Covid-19 no more. In fact folks are out there protesting as if theres no more pandemic! The spirit… Read more »

4 years ago

That blogger really broke it down well and is actually on to something. Well done blogger.

You mentioned about children being aborted & end up somewhere else. I always wanted to know if those souls were tricked and being held as captives? What is the punishment for human beings who push these abortion to be done especially if the carrier does not want to go through with it?

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