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Embracing Spirituality is a blog of a wide variety of spiritual topics and discussions, led by spiritualist, metaphysician, and traditionalist Obara Meji and her personal experiences. Born out of a desire to assist others in embracing their spirituality, and to lend our contribution to the ultimate goal of the evolution of mankind.
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The Spiritual Meaning Behind Birth, Abortion, and Miscarriages

There are so much things that mankind has no idea of. It is true that the answers are embedded within us, but how do we find them? The delivery rooms are busy daily with children being born to happy parents, (and some not so happy) however in today’s modern world, no one seems to wonder– what is this child bringing to my life? Or perhaps, what have you brought to your parents? To your lineage?

When a child is born into our world, the spirit that inhabits the child, has just “died” somewhere else. This is a vision I want you to hold within your mind. Climb up into the world of imagination and look with me as I draw you the picture…

Velma is on another plane or perhaps the same earth plane as us. Velma is 79 years old and she can feel her death coming near. She is okay with it, after all death is inevitable, but she had to admit, she was a bit nervous for the new experience. No, she is not ill, but she had a dreadful feeling within her and it has been nagging at her for three years now. Intuitively, she knew her time was coming nearer, and so she begins to set her affairs in order.

Sofia, another woman somewhere in the world, is pregnant. She is in her third trimester, and she can’t wait to give birth. This will be her third child and the doctors say she will have a girl. She feels good because the other two are boys, and they are very close to their father, so this girl will be a joy to the family.

79 year old Velma goes to sleep one night and gently, her spirit departs. On the other side of the world, or on another earth or this one where we are Sophia goes into labor and is rushed to the hospital. Velma’s consciousness leaves her body and the sliver cord (the invisible cord of existence that anchors the spirit to the body) is cut and Velma finds herself traveling fast through a tunnel toward a bright light.

Sophia is told to push by the doctors and nurses surrounding her and she feels the wriggling sensation of the baby wanting to get out. The head comes out while bright gleaming lights shine from above. The child is extracted from the womb and the umbilical cord is cut.

The baby takes in its first breath, lets out a cry, and Velma has been born again in a new body of Sophia’s baby.

Welcome. One cord was severed resulting in the death of Velma, while at the same time, another was severed when the new baby entered the world.

Are they the same cord? make your comments as to what you think.

Velma’s body lays lifeless on the bed for it to be found by her family. While the new Velma in another world, a new planet, another earth as this gurgling new born is ready to latch on to its mothers breast.

The baby has memory of Velma, its previous life, but it is also curious of this heaven it just entered. Who are all these people, where is my old body, why can’t I see myself, only hear my thoughts Velma’s consciousness wonders as it sits in the new baby’s body drinking milk. However it has no speech and so it lulls itself into the comfort of its mom, while Dad hands out cigars in the hall way and the celebration has began,

In Velma’s old world, the mourning has begun and Velma is missed. On the bed she looks dead, but somewhere invisible and unknown to her family, Velma has began a new life, as a new born, while still at the age of 79.

Every child that is born, that arrives into our world, is a gift. You might often hear people say, “Life is a gift!”, but other than this just being nice words, it is a spiritual truth!

Every birth into this world has brought something to its family, whether it is to its mother, father or the lineage itself. It can be malevolent, which no one wants to hear, or it can be benevolent. Now the malevolent part of it may be that there has to be an eruption of some sort that can align the family once more with their spiritual lineage.

Malevolence can often times be the glue that fixes things or brings them together. Diamonds are often found in the rough.

Some children bring a “destructive” energy into its family at birth. For example, as soon as it is born, the parents divorce or go their separate ways. But this separation may save either the mother or father from something, or propel them onto their next course in life. Some relationships come together simply for the purpose of bringing such a child into the world, and dissolve as soon as the deed is done.

Or sometimes while the child is in the family, other things start falling apart. The mother may lose her job or her apartment, financial troubles, etc.

However, in this destruction, a new construction sets to begin. Like toppling over an old system to build a new.

However it works out in the end for the parents has to do with how they deal with the experiences they face. Unfortunately, many fail in the face of challenge. In this case, the child has come in as a judge or as a test to the spirit of its parents. Some act needed to be cleaned up, and they had to fall in order to get up, if they can find how to.

As you know, I am a Medium. A Channeler, for often times “Mediums” in the minds of many implies communication with the so-called “dead”. That is not what I am. My Mediumship is a connection to the outerverses, so I am in constant communication with everything. From a stone, to a tree, to the wind, to each one of you reading this… it is a vibrational attunement. So while writing this post, the Spirit came in and finished it. Here is what they said:

Each child born into a family comes from the same soul group, and so while some of the group is in physical form living on Earth living a challenging life, a group member from within the invisible world will volunteer to come in to assist in steering the way better for the family. A husband and a wife, a boyfriend and a girlfriend, who has produced a child is actually producing notes, a script, a book, that will assist in their journey through life.

Five children can be five different books, each one bringing substance to the family, and not all destinies are written to be walked on the “good” or “positive” side of life.

Some destructive elements such as deception can be added to a persons life for them to complete their mission, and some children will bring that energy in. For from where they are coming from, they can see that without these (negative) elements added to the mortal mother or father’s way, their completion of their walk within the Earth’s atmosphere or realm will not be. To be too good is not always conducive to your journey.

Each child that comes in is a gift. However, there are beings that jumps into the mother’s womb that never sees light, and this is perhaps a miscarriage or abortion.

If the child does not come, either by miscarriage or abortion, it is not by happenstance, or by what some see as a cruelty of abortion. The being that inhabits the mother’s womb knows it fate already, but has jumped into her for many reasons. Sometimes the reason is to fix what doctors may not see within her body, and then return back to its realm. It may come back again to the same parent or through the children that parent will have who will then give birth, or it may stay in the spiritual world guiding or influencing the family.

Other times, the pregnancy occurs to encourage the womb that it can bear fruit. So the stimulation of the child coming in and then being miscarried, sets the way for future children to come and be born. The reasons are many and not for humans to know entirely. When a child is born it should be celebrated. However, not all births should be celebrated loudly. Neither should all pregnancies.

The mother has the intuitive feeling of what should occur while she is pregnant. Here is hoping she pays attention.

Humans take the idea of pregnancy or of having children as a joyous occasion for some, and for others, an unpleasant one, it depends on the circumstances. But every child that comes in to this world has died, transitioned, or has passed through a rough path from another reality. And when the child enters this reality, regardless of the circumstances surrounding its birth, it is to be celebrated in a way that acknowledges that the Universe has decided to send help. Every child is help sent from beyond our world.

For they bring knowledge from the outer world and will contribute, regardless of malevolence or benevolence to the Earth’s existence and to the citizens of the world. Regardless if it grows to be a lunatic or a beggar, its energy has assisted with human consciousness. And this is a huge prize because without progressive energy emanating form these beings constantly coming in, the earth consciousness would be vibrating as low as dying embers burning from a wood flame.

You should also know that there is no mark against the woman who chooses abortion. Although it sounds contrary, every act of abortion is determined by the spirit of the incoming child before the pregnancy ever occurred. The spirit is the one that decides not to come to the world, not the host (the mother).

But the world will only understand the material and the temporal and not the spiritual.

Examine your child or children and see what each of them has brought to your life. Examine yourself and see what have you brought to your parents and your family lineage (read this post). What have you come to change? To restore? To begin?

For those who will say they dont know their parents, or they were given away when they were born, know that you are among the oldest souls and have come in to do wonders with your life, regardless if you believe you have not contributed anything.

The roughest life from birth, the abandoned ones, the mistreated ones, the abused ones, the lonely ones, come into the world with wings invisible to mortal men.

“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. And though they are with you, they belong not to you.

You may give them your love, but not your thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls. For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow (generation), which you cannot visit. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backwards, nor does it tarry with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children, as living arrows, are sent forth.”

Kahlil Gibran (1883 – 1926) – The Prophet

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        16 days ago

        Finally found a fix…. Your topic had 2 main area which made me to come my thought process: > The story with Velma and the birth of Sophia baby would be yes re: silver cord” being the same. The mere point that Velma consciousness remembered the 79 yrs of previous life but only hearing herself is illustrating her connection of the past and adapting to this transferring life experience. > The part where you mentioned abortion/miscarriage I would think then the silver cord is not the same. That scenario creates a distinct purpose. Meaning the birth symbolism is the connection… Read more »

        15 days ago
        Reply to  Obara Meji

        Thank you Obara. Question: what’s the reason for the “carrier” end up developing depression/post traumatic disorder during the pregnancy or after birth stage?

        1 month ago

        Obara please we are waiting for answers to the question.

        1 month ago
        Reply to  Obara Meji


        1 month ago

        Lovely greetings ma’am, One cord is severed and Velma of 79 dies, one cord is cut and she’s reborn. I think just as silver cord ran its course for that body, so did the umbilical cord run its course after birthing. It has to be cut so that the silver cord can reattach for a fresh course. Although the memories remain, because the silver cord does not suffer physical death/destruction. I stand to be corrected though. I see it as same cord, with one physical for nutritional sustenance of the baby, and the silver one non physical for spiritual sustenance… Read more »

        Jean Maurice
        Jean Maurice
        1 month ago

        Thank you Mama Obara. In my understanding the cord is spiritually the same. This is a new approach I am exploring here. I knew about incarnation and reincarnation where a soul leaves the body and will come back later after some years. This one looks like a direct trans immigration without transitioning and appearing before the jury to assess the soul mission in presence of our guides,… it is a one life time happening in two different bodies. I got your comments on the last post and I will send you an e mail soon. May The Almighty bless you… Read more »

        Ada johnbull
        Ada johnbull
        1 month ago

        Thank you for sharing mama, more oil and anointing for you. Amen

        Flying Ram
        1 month ago

        Greetings Obara and ES community, In my opinion, they are two different cords with their own functions: as you said “the silver cord anchors the spirit to the body” , the ombilical cord on the other hand delivers vital nutrients from mother to baby. A medium told me during a reading few years ago that my sister came forth and said that I do not know her but she chose not to reincarnate with me in this world. After the reading, I remembered my mom telling me she got pregnant right after giving birth to my younger brother, but she… Read more »

        Flying Ram
        1 month ago
        Reply to  Obara Meji

        Right. I’ve heard/read things about the spiritual aspect of it, something I’m yet to understand. I’m looking forward to your comment.

        1 month ago

        Thank you Obara Meji yet for another mysterious insight on “LIFE” However I guess I am taking one brick @ a time. To answer your question if Velma 79 + the new baby born from Sofia are the same cord my analysis are the “Spirit” is but not the flesh the DNA though they are from the same family group. I stand to be corrected. Furthermore, once you experience a transitioning person more closely you will see that they are fearless in those last moments. Seeming to see or know something that we the masses don’t dont. How I wish… Read more »

        1 month ago

        Obara i was unable to sign in to zoom and it pained me for not being able to join the teleconference.

        Back to the question, the two cords are not the same. When Velma’s cord was severed her spirit is now free and has no attachment with the old body and therefore finds itself a new life by entering into Sophia’s womb to be born.
        In the process of being born she is also being tied to the mother by another cord which have to severed to allow her to be able set out on her own path.

        Last edited 1 month ago by Beeby
        1 month ago

        You are indeed a chosen one. I love to read from you. It feels like we are one big family.There is reincarnation because I often used to tell My dad that I was his grand mother. She was a beautiful and a business woman.i resonated with the things my dad told me. I believe that the silver cord is different even if you reincarnate to have a new human experience. I know I am an old soul because as a young age without anyone telling me I used to say that life was a dream.

        Timothy Johnson Chizorom
        Timothy Johnson Chizorom
        1 month ago

        Good day Obara. I have so many important issues to discuss with you about event if my life. I tried reaching you on WhatsApp without success.

        Curious Mind
        Curious Mind
        1 month ago

        I think the cord being cut symbolizes the severance of the spirit from the previous life/reality. Because before it probably acted as a bridge for the spirit to come in. I know that in some cultures they do not sever the umbilical cord right away they allow it to fall off by itself. Could it be that they do this so that the spirit has a better journey/ or gets situated more easily into its new body?

        Ada johnbull
        Ada johnbull
        1 month ago
        Reply to  Curious Mind

        My thoughts as well,

        1 month ago

        Are they the same cord? make your comments as to what you think. Hi obara, and everyone on the blog. Before our spirit comes to this plane can we sign on to more than one mission? Velma spirit went straight into the newborn baby, so would it be the same cord, I would say yes.

        1 month ago
        Reply to  Obara Meji

        Ok, Love you too!

        1 month ago

        Hi Obara, This post came at just the right time. Tomorrow, my mother would have been 69 years old, and I’ve been thinking about her a lot, wondering how she’s doing.Reading your post brought me to tears but made me think deeply about life, death, and each soul’s journey. How you described Velma’s spirit as being reborn as Sofia’s baby was fascinating and gave me a new perspective on birth and death. I love the idea that every child brings something unique to their family, whether good or challenging. It reminds me that everyone has a special role in their… Read more »

        1 month ago

        Hi Obara, This post came at just the right time. Tomorrow, my mother would have been 69 years old, and I’ve been thinking about her a lot, wondering how she’s doing.  Reading your post brought me to tears but made me think deeply about life, death, and each soul’s journey. How you described Velma’s spirit as being reborn as Sofia’s baby was fascinating and gave me a new perspective on birth and death. I love the idea that every child brings something unique to their family, whether good or challenging. It reminds me that everyone has a special role… Read more »

        1 month ago

        Knowledge they say is power,deep.thank u for sharing your knowledge with us.

        1 month ago

        Love this post, very insightful. You made mentioned of every children has a mission to each families that conceive them right? My question how can ones know about his/her own mission to the families? I kept calling my soul every day during meditation/Active imagination but I haven’t got answer yet.

        1 month ago

        “However, in this destruction, a new construction sets to begin, like toppling over an old system to build a new” I think that it’s the same cord that was severed for someone to exit the world is the same cord that was cut from mother to child at birth. Ma Obara, thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge, remain always blessed with your family. I await your response and others too I’m also grateful for this post, it has lifted a great deal of burden from my soul, I’m very grateful for what I gathered here. Thank you, thank… Read more »

        1 month ago

        Congenital heart defect

        1 month ago

        It hurts me so much that the child I brought forth suffered a severe continental defect and died. But that child brought me wealth beyond my imagination. I strongly desire another child but have been unable to conceive since then. It hurts me so much

        1 month ago

        Such a great read. Thank you for sharing Obara. I have a question. The spirit leaves one plane and enters another through birth. You said the baby can still remember the old life. At what point does the baby completely forget the previous life?

        1 month ago
        Reply to  Obara Meji

        Thank you, Obara.

        1 month ago
        Reply to  Obara Meji

        Does it ever get to a point where we don’t leave one world and born into the other? And we join our spiritual family in the spiritual world?

        Or should I ask. When does that part stop and we officially join the spiritual world?

        1 month ago

        Such an insightful read…life is deeper than we see.

        1 month ago

        Oh Wow.. This was an amazing read. I was just talking to my daughters this week about the same thing. Saying to them that when someone in the world dies then a baby is being born and vs vera when a baby is born someone died. Life is a cycle. I really like how you went in on this topic and express to us and made it clear that there is no mark against the woman who chooses abortion. Thank you for making that very clear. A lot of churches preach against this. But to answer your question up above… Read more »

        1 month ago
        Reply to  Obara Meji

        Your Welcome Obara. No, Nuff Love to you Obara back.
        When you write, it like, Please don’t stop. It like a good cook food. Your sure a Blessing to us ALL Obara. Thank again
        Love you Always.

        Erica Johnson
        1 month ago

        Very enlightening post. For me, it shows the delicate and enduring dance of life and death. It also shows the same dance between light and dark. They each support and depend on each other to keep our souls in constant, dynamic, rotation. I have a great appreciation for this knowledge because it truly gives ” hope” vibes. There will always be hope for the soul; there will always be the assurance that evolution is ours and that we will be all victorious in clearing karmic debt and ascending no matter what….as we cycle through ups and downs. Always so very… Read more »

        1 month ago

        Nice post!- Always would read about that Souls would pick their parents and the way the enter this realm. Do you think we can all access our past lives? I seen some crazy videos of young kids recalling theirs – Amazing details .
        Saw one where the baby was hold her great grandmother pic and pointing at herself, signaling to her mom that the picture was oh her. If I find it again I will forward it.

        Blessed Love

        1 month ago
        Reply to  Obara Meji

        How about when you have time again Obara . You can write a post on that. How we human can learn how to access to all the information that has to do with all our past lives. That would be very interesting to learn or know.

        You know we all love your work the true, real students.

        Last edited 1 month ago by Tamra Lindsay-Lewis
        1 month ago
        Reply to  TCanada

        Sure, Obara I wish you can write on this topic too,

        1 month ago
        Reply to  Obara Meji

        I was on vacation my Sister wasn’t here . I am just catching up and saw it . Sorry I missed it

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