Erica Johnson commented on the post, Your Ritualistic Guide and Spiritual Advice for 2025 2 weeks, 4 days ago
Family is family; tribe is tribe….I feel that I belong here. You have been a source of wisdom. Proverbs says that we should seek wisdom; I am a full time seeker. Happy turn of the calendar my love. I hope that we as a people can start to do better by ourselves and communities this year.Is a simple thing and simple wish. It nuh really hard fi do.…[Read more]
Erica Johnson commented on the post, Your Ritualistic Guide and Spiritual Advice for 2025 2 weeks, 4 days ago
Validation once again. Your words about being “too good” resonate so strong. Believe me when I tell you that I have wished to be a ” bad b*tch” twice in as many days. I am one of the few who can find no vile in my existence; true vile. Anything I’ve done which is devious has been done inadvertently; trust.
Anyway, your wisdom is again…[Read more]
Erica Johnson commented on the post, The Spiritual Meaning Behind Birth, Abortion, and Miscarriages 6 months, 1 week ago
Very enlightening post. For me, it shows the delicate and enduring dance of life and death. It also shows the same dance between light and dark. They each support and depend on each other to keep our souls in constant, dynamic, rotation. I have a great appreciation for this knowledge because it truly gives ” hope” vibes. There will always be hope…[Read more]
Erica Johnson commented on the post, The Obeah Man and His Wife, the Mermaid 7 months ago
Mi deh ya mi love. As you know, kinda raw but still thankful. And respectful of the Cosmos. We will all gather at the right time I guess. Much love
Erica Johnson commented on the post, The Obeah Man and His Wife, the Mermaid 7 months ago
Greetings SeaStar Toy.
Erica Johnson commented on the post, The Obeah Man and His Wife, the Mermaid 7 months ago
Actually, I have it backwards. He didn’t dry out. Him flood out
Erica Johnson commented on the post, 5 Ways of Adjusting the Rough Ride Into the New Earth 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Gratitude as always for your wisdom my sister. The journey is indeed rough and as you know, I am in a stage of deep questioning of the path and destination. I am still sure of one thing; the cosmos is dynamic and can never be stagnant. This means that I, as a child of the cosmos, need to flow with dynamism and faith. It is hard right now, but the…[Read more]
Erica Johnson commented on the post, Invisible Enemies of Progress – Who Are the Spirits of Stagnation? 11 months, 1 week ago
You mek mi a dig deeep sis. I have been trying to do the shadow work. I truly think that I have been working hard and that I have changed much about myself. But there is always room for improvement because our souls’ purpose is to connect with the infinite Source. So, yea..nuff work to do. Thank you for this truly insightful post. Forward still.…[Read more]
Erica Johnson commented on the post, Here's the Thing About Spirits and their Attraction to Liquor and Drunkards 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Fully understood and appreciated. I think that another aspect of this innerstanding is that of being surrounded by entities and absorbing their energies because your own aura is “weak”. Your chi is imbalanced. Best example is those who work in a hospital or mental institution. Someone like this who has an occasional drink can spiral out too. This…[Read more]
Erica Johnson commented on the post, Not All Your Thoughts Are Your Own – How Invisible Forces Use Human Bodies 12 months ago
WW III is the battle in our minds….good call on the social media weapon. Grateful as usual for your wise words and heads-up tips. Much love
Erica Johnson commented on the post, The Living Dead: How the Spirit is Judged While the Body Remains in the World 1 year ago
As usual…strong words of wisdom. So true that our people perish for lack of knowledge. I actually question why all this essential knowledge was hidden and then eventually stolen from us. Why was/is there so much gatekeeping over life saving info. I understand that not all people may be “deserving of or ready” for the info but who gets to decide…[Read more]
Erica Johnson commented on the post, The Unemotional Universe – The Mystery of Spiritual Defense 1 year ago
When you write/post, I am comforted. Each post carries a personal message for me that is validated through an experience I’ve had within hours of your posting. Read some words from Nicolo Machiavelli 2 hours ago ( before reading this post). The post also mirrors my thoughts while in meditation/introspection and prayer yesterday. I know something…[Read more]
Erica Johnson commented on the post, Why is The Energy of Jesus Christ Circulating The Close of 2023? 1 year, 1 month ago
What a time to be here in this dimension. It’s almost like we are entering a zero point; the cliched reset. There is really an urgency and many of us who try to sound the clarion call seem frantic and unhinged. Stay the course people. I told one old friend this same evening to keep his mouth shut because people would call him crazy. The unraveling…[Read more]
Erica Johnson commented on the post, The Strange Reality of Life Contracts Made in the Spirit World 1 year, 1 month ago
I know that in the Malian/Dogon-Khemetic cosmology, the theory is that these contracts or some contracts are crafted by a matriarch 7 generations before. She feels that the experience is one that will be good for the individual/the lineage. They also say that these contracts can be negotiated and rewritten during the manifestation of the…[Read more]
Erica Johnson commented on the post, Manifestations (and curses) with the Mysterious Power of Word and Sound 1 year, 2 months ago
The Highest Intelligence know why you are my mentor. I asked you about Igbo yesterday because I identify with true Isreal and had watched a teaching that proves that we are the people of the bible. The teacher quoted the same story of how the priests identified the adulteress through ritual; ritual that is the exact same as practiced in the Igbo…[Read more]
Erica Johnson commented on the post, The Wonderful Spiritual Power of Lime and How to Use it 1 year, 4 months ago
Greetings my sister and thank you for these gems that you give us purely from your heart space. Girl..you da best. Love you always
Erica Johnson commented on the post, Key Signs Spirit Messengers Wish to Speak to You 1 year, 4 months ago
I get mad synchronicities, coincidences and deja vu’. I also dream every night and in color. Sleep paralysis way too often for my liking but it is what it is. Nothing surprises me anymore. Much love to the tribe/family
Erica Johnson commented on the post, The Spiritual Mystery of the Color Black 1 year, 4 months ago
Great blog as usual sis. You really have an intelligent mind. It shows your connection to the Highest Intelligence, Gratitude for your insight. It just makes sense
Erica Johnson commented on the post, Spiritual Blockages in Your Way and How to Remove Them 2 years, 3 months ago
As always…I truly appreciate the wisdom that this sister has. Messages ALWAYS on time and ALWAYS appreciated