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Why is The Energy of Jesus Christ Circulating The Close of 2023?

I was brought up in Christianity and fell in love with the mystical Jesus at a very young age. As I grew and began to search for my Path, I eventually left the church, although the idea of the Christ remained with me. I was in love with him… or maybe I should say, with his ideals.

In my travels, I realized that Jesus the historical figure, whether true or fabled, was unimportant. It was Jesus the consciousness that was a spiritualized principle encased in tales for the spiritually unconscious man to grasp in his own reality. I have always been wary of writing on this figure as a topic because most of the planet still see Jesus the Christ as a literal historical figure, and most waking up has moved away from anything regarding religion, myself included. So I have to tread lightly with this post so that those who are reading will not Christianize what I am trying to convey. Try to understand me objectively and with open mind.

As I advanced in my spirituality, I became conscious of the fact that the “man” I grew up knowing as a man, was, in fact, an ideal or symbol of High Consciousness of the man who achieves moral and spiritual perfection, above and beyond flesh, the symbol to which each human being, and the collective race, should strive; the relic of the “better man” from which humanity had fallen into a state of savage degeneracy away from the more pure and sublime spiritual state.

Although man has put together the books of the Bible, which together are compiled from the oral traditions of ancient cultures, the consciousness of the Christ (called by other titles in every culture) became a Light within those books, and it is this Light which has travelled the world and spread what we call “Christianity”. But because of the degeneracy of the age, that Light could only be perceived or withstood in a far lesser form, and that Light has become reduced to idolatry (by “idolatry” I mean that Pure Conscious Light being perceived and venerated as form and not as the spiritual principles which the forms only represent). What comes from the spirit world, when it pierces our World of Illusion, it becomes chaotic or colluded, but its truth will be perceived by those who have a heightened vibrational frequency.

The “Word of God”, if it were to be heard by man, could never be read by man. The “Word of God” can only be expressed in symbols, and these symbols are Light, Sound, Frequency, and Vibration, synchronicity or harmonization of sound transmission, and light transmission, which then equal to the frequencies of everything or the vibration of everything. If God were to speak to man, man would not understand because the language of God is symbolic in our world and geometrical, and words would fail to interpret them. This is why in all ancient traditions, such as the Yoruba tradition of Ifa, Hinduism, Egyptian, and all, drama and acting is important in rituals and incantations, because in the drama is conveyed spiritual messages or truths that can not be said.

These symbols and geometry are to be formed in the mind of man and conjure to each individual his personal image, as image is the language of man. This is why the intermediary of God’s communication is through the thought of man and the vibrations which these thoughts conjure as imagery. Man is far away from God. The thoughts that man perceive from God is the lesser part of the Source, in other words, man is as far away from the Source, as one is from the Sun, yet the smallest effects of the brilliance of the sun (light and heat) can be perceived on Earth in lesser degrees.

When the wind blows, God speaks. When the lightning strikes, God speaks. When the rain falls, God speaks. When these things occur in our mind, these things, in the human mind would bend and curve and be pixelated and the human brain now tries to interpret this impression as an image, but this image is personal to you.

Even Jesus’s words of the Bible were mostly in parables because the message for the world was only for those who had the vibrational ability to receive it. These were sacred messages and could not be given in their full truth to children.

I understand why the consciousness of humanity is still low because the process of becoming awake is akin to falling into a sweet and sound sleep in a darkened room for several hours, and all of a sudden someone comes and pulls the curtains open and lets in the glare of the bright morning sun. The sleeping person will be startled, shut his eyes from the blinding light, and shout for the curtains to be closed again. The experience is jarring.

That is the awakening, perhaps even more intense than this.

And that is why spiritual things in all history has been veiled when given to the general public, and only gradually unveiled to those ready to receive.

Three weeks ago I was on the phone praying with someone who was not feeling well. The person called me as she was curled up in pain, and while praying for them I received a message from Spirit saying that the person should call upon the name “Jesus” because this was the belief of the woman I spoke to. I told the person the message, and I followed as the message instructed and called upon the name with her. After we did this, we must have called the name about 30 times, the Spirit told me to allow the woman to relax alone.

Two weeks afterwards, I realized that the consciousness was around me very strongly, and daily did I receive messages from this consciousness. Everywhere I went, the consciousness was there, and I was puzzled because I had never felt it so strongly, even when I was Christian.

I began to appease the consciousness in ways I knew how because it was blatantly in the atmosphere like sunshine. After a while, I realized that not only was the consciousness around me, but it is currently surrounding the world, and has been here in its brilliance for some time now.

And just recently 9 NGO representatives (note the number) unveiled billboards of the Nativity of the Birth of Christ in a “Light the World” campaign in New York’s Times Square. While I felt the Christ energy in the atmosphere, I did not feel that it was because of the Christmas season. I could feel that the consciousness of Christ was making itself known because the world has entered a place of darkness, and the teachings of Christ needed to be rekindled in humanity.

The NGOs that created the campaign are not aware of the fact that they have been spiritually ordered to begin this campaign in appeasement of the passing energy. They had to do this, as there is a consciousness of Light and Love circulating the Earth, and the impulse supersedes their personal human feelings. Whether they wanted to do this or not, it would be done.

I write this post because I want all of you to pay attention to the atmosphere. Pay attention to the warmth of the consciousness which currently surrounds the world and your life, regardless of what you are going through.

I am not a Jesus practitioner, however I do acknowledge the consciousness which is here currently among humans on Earth. Not just because of the season, but because of the reason why the consciousness is here at all, and why it is enveloping humanity. My interpretation of the possible reason is that the world needs healing from the deep sleep that it is in, and just like when someone suddenly opens the curtains and lets in the bright light, people have to brace themselves to become awakened, as it is only a few that will cross that bridge of 2024.

That bridge of 2024, for the most part, will be volatile because some wars are waiting to happen, but if we face life with luminosity, things can be calmed and we can regain control over things that may want to rise up against us… but only through consciousness.

You do not have to practice a particular religion to call upon the Light Consciousness which represents them. These do not denote that of a religious person, but they denote that of a High Consciousness, one that is currently among us as if it were alive and breathing. The Christ Consciousness identifies as other Avatars in other cultures throughout the wordl. If we were in India, this Consciousness would be present in the form known to the collective consciousness of that nation. This consciousness needs to be embraced as the world, as it is, is like a fast-moving train whose brakes are broken. The embrace of Light in each of our lives steadies this train so that it can come to a safe halt.

May we all cross the bridge onwards to 2024 and beyond.

I love you all,

Obara Meji

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love!

Obara Meji
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1 year ago

Thank you so much obara,.. I truly appreciate your person for your stand in conveying spiritual message to us in a very intelligent manner. So far, I personally think You have made a wonderful success in all you have being teaching us. This one indeed was powerful. I mean the Christ consciousness. A lot of spiritualist hate teaching or talking about the personality of Christ. My dearest teacher, I pray that peace, long life and prosperity will continue to be your daily bread in Jesus. And for all of your readers and followers here, I pray that all their heart… Read more »

1 year ago

I haven’t been going to church for many years and I am not knowledgeable about religion as many people who practice it but I believe in the power of this Christ consciousness. I saw this for real in my vision. I saw the spirit moving as a man but could not put a race or colour because he was covered in a silky veil. I touched the veil to get his attention when my late dad was in a coma and asked for him to be healed, my dad came out of the coma and was awake from April to… Read more »

1 year ago

Recalled once having a deep convo with one of my friends who was deep in the church. He is probably the most conscious person I know. He made note that though he is no longer in the church he make reverence to the Christ energy. He often talk about us as human generating energies through our believe in a topic/issue. Reading this post let me feel like I am talking to him. I should make him take a read. Also Season greetings to all and in this time remember those who are in distress, wanting and in less than perfect… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks you very much my Sister…Bless love to you and all your followers

1 year ago

I really enjoyed reading this post about, “Why is The Energy of Jesus Christ Circulating The Close of 2023? ” that you wrote, Obara.
Yes, we all need to pay attention to the atmosphere as Obara mention us to do. Things are change around us and we need to aware of it.

Thank you for the enlightenment you share with us within this post. Well, appreciate your teaching all the time.

1 year ago

Cosmic Greetings, Obara. I enjoyed this post, and it was right on time for the “holiday.” Thank you for the enlightenment you’ve shed on this post in making us aware of the consciousness of Jesus the Christ. I love you saying, “When the wind blows, God speaks. When the lightning strikes, God speaks. When the rain falls, God speaks. When these things occur in our mind, these things, in the human mind, would bend and curve and be pixelated, and the human brain now tries to interpret this impression as an image, but this image is personal to you.” You… Read more »

1 year ago

Another eye opening post. It is well understood as i have followed your teachings on the Christ consciousness. A few times you have given a heads up on its presence and recommended some ritual that we should do, like wearing or not wearing a certain color, or getting a cloth of a certain color and placing it somewhere specific in the house. I’m being implicit so that someone doesn’t lift the info and go do what they’re not supposed to do at the wrong moment in time. You mentioned taking note of the number 9(9 NGO’s) in this post. If… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Respectfully understood ma’am

1 year ago

Wow in Jesus Christ Name.. the truth that needs to be taught.

As part of my consciousness alignment, I truly forgive all

Thanks for bringing this forward Obara

1 year ago

Greetings, Obara.

Thank you for passing along this great message.

Peace and blessings to all.

1 year ago

What a time to be here in this dimension. It’s almost like we are entering a zero point; the cliched reset. There is really an urgency and many of us who try to sound the clarion call seem frantic and unhinged. Stay the course people. I told one old friend this same evening to keep his mouth shut because people would call him crazy. The unraveling of the current consciousness and its transformation is truly wild. Jesus said that he came to cause discord basically so here are in the wilderness of consciousness. Oof…sigh

1 year ago

May we all cross the bridge onward to 2024 and beyond . ASE!!! Love and light to all

Melanin god
Melanin god
1 year ago

Suddenly waking up in the middle of the night to read this I can feel an energy very strong…something is definitely happening

1 year ago
Reply to  Melanin god

I agree, I did the same thing

1 year ago

Hi Obara and all. Thank you for sharing this simple yet beautiful note. It makes sense now. Since lately I would be walking whether people I would pass daily or random would stop me asking for a hug. Instinctively I give them. One day, 1 of that person stopped me & said “the hug really helped me. Thank you!” If a person who people claim is dark approach me and instead of emptiness, I feel a sense of safety, calm & peace around. As I’m typing my response, every second there is interruptions & I smile…. Since lately I feel… Read more »

1 year ago

You do not have to practice a particular religion to call upon the Light Consciousness which represents them. These do not denote that of a religious person, but they denote that of a High Consciousness, one that is currently among us as if it were alive and breathing. Thanks Obara I love this post it took me years to understand this, it’s good to let go of what we think we know and be taught. Obara, as the christ consciousness remains or is among us here how can we tap good things from this Higher consciousness that will benefit our… Read more »

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