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“Spirit Says” – World Predictions for the 2024 New Year

Greetings to all and everyone, I greet you all today with peace, love, light and kindness.

If you know me personally, you would know that I love to laugh, give jokes and be lively. I used to love people very much, not so much nowadays, but growing up, I was naive, and it goes very much with my astrological sign being an Aries. We are strong people, but to every great quality, there must be a hindrance, it’s balance. However, it was just me trusting people which usually ended up in disappointment. When I am given lemons I make lemonade, so anything that came at me as a negative, I usually find the lesson inside and then with finding the lesson, I learn, and that experience, no matter how painful, becomes a pillar of strength for me.

This what I have written here, is to encourage you to look for lessons in all your life experiences and to laugh, love, and find the good in every “bad” situation. Do not lose yourself while you journey through life, happiness and success are ahead.

The last couple of years has been rough for many people around the world. Wars are happening, people are dying, and there is hardly any care. In recent years I began doing these prophecy posts and I have begun to do them yearly, as people seem to enjoy them, but many of the predictions made will often carry over into the other year, Spirits speaks and we listen.

As usual, through Spirit, I will write today of what they are willing to share with you all. Some messages may be cryptic so you should use wisdom to understand. Not all things must be shouted aloud and not all messages must be said to a whole village. Also, forgive me for any mistakes as I type because I am simultaneously listening and typing as I go.

2024 New Year Divination


The spirit says that the hands of God is written everywhere throughout the world and to even those who do not believe in a greater power will see it in action everywhere this year and that unusual happenings throughout the world will be recorded. Things that will not have any explanation and what ordinary people will witness and share. Things that cannot be covered up by government.


There will be phenomenon things crossing with our world, this year and the next. It has began already in certain places. Like when people say “glitches in the matrix” but it will become more prnounce. People will see other realities cross in front them. People will be able see, feel, touch, other realities or other life forms that have crossed into our world. It will become something that will happen frequently. Many people may make jokes of it, causing others to believe it is fake or not real. But it is real and there is a reason for it.


The Spirit says a new technological invention will backfire on engineers and cause a lot of damage for many people. It may be an explosion of some type which will cause a huge fire or huge fires. It may cause some life lost, but not many, but major damage to the whole business will be done.


Somewhere in the world a monarchy will fall. There will be a rebellion by the people. This had been lingering in the air for a while now, but the Royals are doing their own “work” behind the scenes to stable their regime.


There will be another attempt of a great illness before the end of this year or another year. It will not catch as well as the last one did. However some countries will be affected but only for a short while. This will ride the coattails of the lingering one which affected the world. The spirits says fear not.


There will be an old disease that will be making its ways around again this year and the next and the next. Be careful and cook with plenty garlic and chives (so says Spirit). The disease which is old, has developed more into another strain acting like something new, therefore it will rock the brains of scientists. It is part of a cleansing coming in as a disease with its magnetism. It will make the news and not be propaganda.


Somewhere in Africa will be a bad Safari accident.


Somewhere in the world there will be a very hostile removal of a leader.


There will be a great invention coming out of a great Asian country which many will be in awe with, but may create a war later with other countries.


A train derailment somewhere in the world will cost many lives lost.


A mystery of someone known perceived dead, will be solved.


Something great and astonishing coming out of Japan. It may not happen this year but it will happen soon.


Something in Dentistry will cause lot of problems for people later on.


Someone will be hailed coming up very soon, almost as a god figure. There will be two of them. One man, one woman, not working together but people will see them as true divine people. The man is an imposter, (some puppet used to undermine the woman). The woman can be looked at as closer to the truth. This may not occur this year, but the message is being given now. The woman is already here, the man whoever he is now is a cobbler .


A well known preacher will be executed, and it will go unsolved. Even if they convict a person, it will not be the person who did the act.


A religious war is coming, bright red like blood and will affect the world.


Take iron, magnesium, and eat plenty of dates. The atmosphere is changing. “Giants” are among us and are sharing much with us. Use these things to keep your bodies from being affected.


Humans will need to also take in more selenium into their bodies. Many people will not make it into the New Earth because of the common diet. The physiology of the human body must change in order to withstand the New World and this is mostly done through diet. Humans must begin to take in more bitters into the system, such as aloe vera.


This is a world message: Processed food needs to be eliminated out of the diet! The new Earth will call for a change in diet for everyone. The atmosphere will not be as dense and will become more thinner. A lot of people will have respiratory illnesses but to avoid these coming illnesses, cut out processed foods. It sounds simple but so says Spirit.


Quit smoking if you are a smoker. If cigarettes are bad for you now, because of the shift they will become worse. The atmosphere we currently live in is changing and what the body could withstand before, it will no longer be able to do so in the coming years. Protect your lungs.


Of course scandals are always about everywhere and some of them are sickening and hard to hear. However, there will be a scandal that will take some people down, but we will come to know that these were set up to fall a brand or a name, that will be the real scandal.


A special set of military is being prepared to come out to the world, it will not be good for citizens.


A great drowning will happen, and it will be a sad day for many around.


Extraterrestrials are indeed real, and they are here.


Many people may not understand this message but this message comes from the Earth herself. It is that humans must pay more attention to Nature, for countries where Nature has never attacked before, she will begin to attack soon. The Earth is shrinking and countries that has never had certain natural disasters before will begin to receive them now. In spiritual terms, it means that the Earth is not being honored by its citizens.


There will be an assassination of a great person. Not sure if it is man or woman, spirit did not make it clear. However, that death will strike a war. The war may not happen but the threat will come as many world organizations will work to prevent it as it will impact the entire Earth.


This may sound like a fluke and it may take some years to see this but some ordinary insects, like flies, ants, mosquitos, crickets or certain other types of bugs will begin to be bigger. However, when this happens, it may not be natural and it may not be everywhere in the world but some places will begin to see it and report it as such. These larger forms of insects may not be real.


2024, 2025, and 2026 will carry a very strong Christ energy, but “Christ” as the energy, not the religion. “Christ” as in Jesus, but not the Christian Jesus. This means that more Light will be shared with the world, all we have to do is set better intentions for all ourselves.

The prophecies are not done, but my body is tired. If and when I am given the go to continue after the New Year I will but for now, these are them.

2024 will be better financially for most but the drive across that bridge between 2023 and 2024 will be rough. So Spirit says that if you can, it is best for you to stay home on December 31st, this last night will be rough around the world.

As I wrote before, a lot of these prophecies run past the year that they are given into the other year and perhaps the next, Spirit speaks and I write. But know that all that is seen can be changed, and also that we are currently shifting and because of this, things are constantly changing around us. However, our mind, our thoughts, we treat people, how we react, how we love, like, care, feed, clothe and shelter, how we treat the Earth and animals and people around us, goes out into the atmosphere and cancels bad prayers, negative things, malevolent actions and Beings. So do your part in your character and way of life, and try to be the best that you can so that life can be less stressful and better for all.

Although we are each individuals, we are still apart of a Collective, a Collective of humankind. This is not mostly remembered by most people, but we must reconcile our minds that as a collective on this Earth we must do our part for the betterment of it.

PS: When #5 was given to me translate, I was stumped at the word “magnetism”. I didn’t understand what the Spirit meant, and I wondered if I was interpreting correctly. And then I remembered that they did say that some of these messages will be cryptic, and I also wondered if this was a disease as we know it? Or if this was a message in another message?

If anybody understands this message differently, can you share it? I have asked but there has been silence. Perhaps someone else can help shed some light on this message in the comments.

May we all cross the swing bridge between 2023 and 2024 safely!

I love you all,

Obara Meji

“The path to victory passes through the gate of anguish”.

Edouard Schure
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8 months ago

Something to deal with the blood. The heavy metals perhaps. Magnetism helps move the blood around and circulate. It will have something to do with circulation. That’s why garlic and chive/onion would be recommended

1 year ago

Idk if anyone has seen this yet but I think this fulfills Prophesy #01B and #21. People are saying they saw what could be described as Extraterrestrials attacking people in real time, and like 100 police cars showed up to the scene. Here’s the video: I’ve been seeing a lot of crazy things happening in just the first week of 2024! Some plane crashes on New Years day and natural disasters all around the world all in the first week of 2024 alone! Here’s the video for what’s going on in that too: I guess it really is… Read more »

1 year ago

Hi Obara and classmates. I wanted to share some videos that go along with Obara 2024 predictions. I have put the prediction number next to each video.



Jojo Queen
1 year ago

Greetings teacher, I wrote the post before but it didn’t get posted, anyways I posted the message privately to obara that when ever I follow her advice I can’t go wrong. earlier up in the year (2023) my spirit told me to research garlic Supplements I didn’t know why but I didn’t care to know at that time, I was just doing what spirit had asked me to, when ever I do not be Obedience to spirit I always end up in problems I was already taking magnesium due to one of obara’s new year post just like this 1,… Read more »

1 year ago

As, I sit here reading this post and digest what you wrote. It make me feel like any big plan we as people have in life, doesn’t matter at all. We just need to prepare ourselves for these big and great changes to happen in our life as you mentioned. Because we don’t know what tomorrow hold. We just need to listen to what you said and act on the others warning you said to do.This was like a big plate of food that need to be digests properly. Number 11. About Japan…. Just, less then a hour ago one… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you Obara. Happy New to you too. Best of Wishes and Big things for you this year too. I hope one day in the near future I get to meet you. Big up to you.
Nuff Love from Canada

1 year ago

Thanks for the annual Predictions!!!!
You Missed Prediction #26 – that I will become billionaire lol

Love you !

1 year ago

#12 lawd mout full a dental work smh
#2 AI seems to me #3 I’m sick a dem royals eno. Got read again

1 year ago

You we enjoy them!! I was waiting all day to settle to read

1 year ago

Thank you for this Obara. “PS: When #5 was given to me translate, I was stumped at the word “magnetism”. I didn’t understand what the Spirit meant, and I wondered if I was interpreting correctly. And then I remembered that they did say that some of these messages will be cryptic, and I also wondered if this was a disease as we know it? Or if this was a message in another message?” When I saw this it piqued my interest as when I saw “magnetism” I saw “magnesium”. As it now stands that early in 2023 and mid-2023 there… Read more »

1 year ago

Hello Obara Meji….thank you thank you,thank you, I’m crying reading this because the spirit asked me to take magnesium and garlic supplements which I started this December and cut out processed foods..I can’t believe that I’m actually reading this..the spirit told me to watch my health this year….I am marvelled beyond words!!!!

Curious Being
Curious Being
1 year ago

Thank you Obara for sharing with us as always. Aliens are definitely real there was a brown, tall one in my dream last night ( it seemed as if it was observing). Additionally, I think for #2 I think the technology might be virtual reality ( have you all seen the advertisements and the clips on social media?) and for #22 it talks about the Earth I would encourage everyone to read FFFHAMS which might shift your perspective ( it certainly shifted mine) and offers a way for us to live more in tune with nature. I am actually seriously… Read more »

Curious Being
Curious Being
1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I would love to hear more one day. I always say to my partner that I could sit and read your words or listen to your words for hours( and he teases me about it all the time). Hopefully we meet one day.
Peace and love to you too!

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I’ve seen them twice, the last was just few weeks back with a paper cheque of 666 in return for eggs, still don’t understand

Curious Being
Curious Being
1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I can’t wait to read it.

1 year ago

In the number 5 I am hearing either a remix of the corona. Or mostly The Black plague.

Jojo Queen
1 year ago

Greetings my teacher, love and light. I am greatful for your post always. 5 I believe is a disease, not a new 1 but the symptoms Presented will trick ppl, it has already started. a new name will also come but it isn’t new, I believe spirits used magnetism due to the way it will attract attention like the 1 that placed the world in lock downs. it has all to do with the breath (lungs), while reading something came to me it’s not like I didn’t know but it came while reading your post, alot of our Vibration/frequency needs… Read more »

1 year ago

Magnetism.on#5 may refer to attraction, vibrations may be compromised will be dense waves. We must protect our fields our thoughts

1 year ago

Once again I am thankful to the Spirit for revealing what is to happen and also to you for sharing with us. Obara please I have sent you a mail and you have not responded to it #5. I just want to shed some light on it based on how I understand it. The”magnetism” it talks about is how the disease would affect those with weak immune system and linger in the body for a long period of time by taking roots and keep multiplying itself in many ways which would making it difficult to be completely eradicated with medications… Read more »

1 year ago

Thank you Obara!
Going to try #5. Is it the infusion of parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s which will be modified hence the cleansing interpret as no memory of the past.
#17 Does the smoking refer to high grades as well? After all it’s benefits which helps many keep level/calm?

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

mi did think a mi 1 looooooooooool but it is being misused. like all dis yah disease now put some inna tea and drink now and then clear sum a dem Stubborn cells.

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

We need to talk about these weed thing. As you say , “you love Ganja for many different reasons, You don’t smoke it any more but I you love the smell and you. know in a deeper level it’s great use”.

I too like the smell of weeds, but do not smoke it. You mention alot. “You don’t see it as a drug but when used in excess it can Create anger in some people”. We need to talk about this part of what you wrote. Some more.I will send you a email about this.

1 year ago

Aburo Aboye Ma, Thank you sharing. We always look forward to these at this time of year, and i commend your consistency and magnanimity in sharing this always. I pray you find strength and get permission to share the rest. Ase!!! Concerning “magnetism” in relation to magnesium. I didn’t want to guess and pass incoherent information. But i knew in my subconscious that we learned about this somewhere in highschool chemistry, so i went digging, and this is what i found; “Magnesium is paramagnetic. Paramagnetic means that if magnesium is placed near a magnetic field the electrons line up and… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay
1 year ago
Reply to  Kay

Oh wow. That’s a good one Kay. Thank you for the extra insight to think about

1 year ago
Reply to  Lea

It’s pleasing to be here and able to contribute. Thank you too!

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks ma’am, i grateful to be of service here and at your school. You always teach to go deeper, and i’m just applying it. Glad you have deep thinkers to call on as well, and i hope she shares her thoughts here, so that we all can learn some more.

Love always.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kay

Great insights Kay and Obara. My little contribution would be, given the recurrent theme of respiratory illnesses and the need to protect our lungs (and also our luck of honouring nature), might it be tuberculosis? Garlic is a good (hot) herb for managing TB and Selenium is important in patients too.

Thank you for all the insights and the prophecies, Obara. Indeed much to ponder and act on. Peace, love and light to all.

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

TB or pneumonia too. I really love that they are involving us in this one as part of all our collective seeking and learning 🙂

9 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Oh, my dear Obara, I hope you are keeping well. I have been thinking about this post so much lately due to the heavy rains we’re experiencing in Nairobi that are causing floods (and also the floods in Dubai about a month ago.) It is true, if we disrespect and do not take care of nature, we should not be surprised when she strikes back. Ultimately, like you said, water returns. Say a prayer for us

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Kay

love this, I also learnt that putting copper in to or on mother earth can clean and recharge ones energy field. I removed a piercing due to the Material it was made of as my spirit told me it’s affecting my gift. lool each time I rapierced it, I always take it back out lool this was when I didn’t know the reason why I was doing it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jojo Queen

Good ‘ol copper. That metal does wonders just by wearing bangles made from it. Bini royals wear copper bangles, and I believe they know the spirituality behind it cos it’s ancient. And i think Orisha Osun too is affiliated to copper.

jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

correct me Queen if I am wrong, but I believe it is also very useful to wear around the hands for ppl that heal with things like massage.

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you for sharing this information.Learn something new. Old time Jamaican people are so wise & full of wisdom. I enjoy listening to their life stories. There is something to learn from them, direct or indirect..

jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Kay

yes using cups made of it is very Good too, anything really. the Hindus know this very well, but I must admit am a sliver girl looooooòool

Curious Being
Curious Being
1 year ago
Reply to  Kay

I had the same thought when I read it that magnetic might mean more intake of magnesium.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kay

Thank you for breaking that down and making it more clear Kay Well appreciate it. Big up for that.

1 year ago

Thank you bao much ma… Well I got that message too just two days ago. That there will be a religious war. Specifically Christians and Muslims, i was told by the spirit that it’s going t be Muslim against the world. Muslims will rise against Christians in the beginning but soon it shall turn Muslim against the world. I pray for world peace. There shall be no religious war in Jesus name. Yes of a true year 2024 shall be a year when more knowledge and information about the power of Jesus Christ shall be felt across the world. His… Read more »

1 year ago

Thank you for the 2024 prophecy,you are always the best,looking forward to the rest,may we all cross the swing bridge safely to 2024.wish u and all seekers here a smooth and safe cross over to 2024.hugs

1 year ago
Reply to  Omo


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