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The Simplest, but Powerful, Spiritual Defense You Can Use in Times of Need

There was a time when I was going through some serious hell with the one formerly known as the Wicked Baby Father, his evil mistress, and equally evil mother. As a beautician at the time, I had my shop and my shop became the target of the evil mistress, unbeknownst to me. This was a strong spiritual fight but it was one sided because I wasn’t fighting back.

One day as I was in the shop doing hair, along with my other beauticians and customers, I felt a strong urge to go home. It was around 2PM in the afternoon and shop was full, but yet I felt I had to go home, and so I did.

When I got home, my nanny was in the kitchen preparing food for my children. I hailed her and went straight into my room. I sat at the side of my bed and laid backwards across the middle. Immediately I fell asleep… or I thought I did. As I closed my eyes, I saw myself get up and stand up outside of my body, walk past my nanny who was still in the kitchen, walked through the doors, and with a swiftness, I ended up at the door of my shop.

The door was opened and there stood beside me my grandmother, my mother’s mother. I was shocked because we were never close, and since she had passed, I had never seen her. The day was bright and sunny, the streets were bustling with people and traffic. The atmosphere was how I left it when I went home. There was no difference in the day. However, I was standing at my shop’s door in spirit form, while my body was “sleeping” at home.

My grandmother spoke to me and told me, “Yuh nuh si wah gwan? Yuh nuh know weh ah happen?”

She then authoritatively told me, “Piss in a cheese pan and keep it for [_x_ amount of days] then come, open the door, and fling it inside,” she pointed to my shop’s door.

Immediately, there seemed to be a rewind and in an instant I was in my body and like a robot I sat straight up, wondering what I had just experienced. It had felt so real because I had felt the sun on my skin, and my grandmother seemed to be alive. However, I called someone dear to me, a spiritualist, and told him what I had just experienced, and due to the amount of days I was told to keep the urine, he replied, “Bwoy, dat rough,” and asked me how will I be able to get the smell out?

He then told me not to do it.

I listened. And within a year, I lost my shop.

Had I done what my grandmother came to tell me to do, I would not have. And this was because I was under strong and violent spiritual attack, and she had come to save me, but the advice was rejected. I salute you my grandmother, where ever you are in the realms, thank you.

I have taken up this job, here on Embracing Spirituality, to show you things to assist you in life or on your journey towards spiritual understanding and realization. Who appreciates this, God bless you, and who does not, God bless you. But I believe this is apart of my path, and so I continue…

People, there are so many things that are at hand that can assist us in our lives. For the betterment of our journey, and also to teach our children or the younger generation how to handle themselves. I have given you many keys over the years, but in this post I will go through the keys with some deeper explanations and how you can use these tools to your defense in times of need.

I struggle which one of these Simple Defenses to place at #1, as there are 3 that can take this position, but let me go with what we all have at hand: water. I know that many of you have the understanding that water is very powerful. Some of you, perhaps, know how to ritualize water and use it to your benefit, as this information is all over the place, but I may be able to add just a little thing to what you already know so that it can increase your library of knowledge.

In the middle of the night, or perhaps during the day, the energy around you shifts. It can be that your house was peaceful and all was fine, but suddenly some tension builds, argument begins, dogs howl, the cat acts strange, or the baby can not stop crying, things go bump, or whatever the case but something has changed the energy from normal to “abnormal”.

What you are not familiar with is that 24 hours is cut in half. When it reaches a particular hour, every hour there is a shift of energy. One set of Forces enter our world, and one withdraws. This can affect not only the environment outside, or cities or towns, but it also affects crossroads, junctions, crowded spaces, empty spaces, air, sea, land, and it affects your own personal space negatively or positively, depending on what shifts out and what shifts in.

But it also depends on the setup of your home. For instance, if you live in a toxic environment, where there are often arguments, or is kept unclean and disorderly if, during a particular hour, the Forces that shift into our world are malevolent, it will create an upset in this kind of house. But also bear in mind that “toxicity” does not merely have to be arguments or disturbances, but it can also be the minds of the people in the environment.

Otherworldly Forces respond to our words, thoughts, and deeds.

Pay attention to your intuition. Pay attention to your inner feelings, not your emotions. Humans are mortally ignorant, but the spirit within you knows. Search yourself to discern when the normal has become abnormal.

1 – Water

To dispel anything negative, rush to your kitchen sink, get a glass of water, and consecrate it with prayer. The prayer can be anything coming from you, or through whatever your religion may be. Afterward, sprinkle this consecrated water throughout your house. If it is after 3 in the morning, do not open your door. After doing this you can place the water at the corner of your door, and if you have been reading my blog, water should be at your entrance doors always, anyway (Read this Post on The Power of Water).

If you are on the road and you spot danger, use water. However, the water must be consecrated, so always travel with a bottle of water with you. Pray over it and say, “May whatever danger that lies in front be gone! Let me be protected and be safe, by the Forces of Water.” Leave it in the car or have it on your person. If you spot the danger in time, uncork the water and dump it with a force. If you are not in a position to do this, hold the water and in your mind’s eye, see it as a Force Field around your person, and it will surely be your protector. Trod on in confidence.

2 – Coarse Sea Salt

Get a sachet of coarse sea salt and nail it above your front door, but you can also place this salt into a bottle, where you may leave it at your front door. This, you will consecrate with a powerful Verse from your religious books, or your own powerful words with a desire to banish negative forces.

3 – Urine

Just as my grandmother told me, all should have a bottle of urine somewhere deep down in our cellar tightly corked in a safe with a combination lock with some masks for the unfortunate day you will have to unleash it, God help us all, remember ah di duppy dem wi want run, not wi self.

On a serious note– okay, so you have the urine. If you sense that some Forces are around that are not positive, and you have a yard with a gate, pour the urine along the length of the gate and tip some in the four corners of your house. To be honest, I want to tell you to dash it into your yard but… I’m afraid you won’t have any neighbors after that. Unless you hate your neighbors and you really want to get rid of them, then splash away!

To be honest with you, I wish I could tell you so many uses with Urine and why it works but I can not do so here. It is very deep, potent, and powerful.

If you have an apartment, again you can take the urine onto your fingertip and mark the sign of the Cross over all the entry doors of the house. The sign of the cross is not a “Christian” symbol. It is more ancient than the Christian religion and has a significant mystical meaning. If you don’t have the stored urine, you can use fresh urine, but the stored urine is most potent like fine wine, but God help our nostrils.

4 – Jamaican White Rum

Now, I can not exclude Jamaican White Rum. This post would be long if I could say all that I wanted to say about this liquor and its spiritual effects. It is extremely powerful in chasing negative forces. Although, it acts in a dual way. There is a power that this alcohol emits which is very potent.

Now, if you are experiencing something malevolent, like the water, flash some of this into each room of the home with prayer. It works marvelously.

And of course, don’t forget good ol’ Florida Water (read how to use that here).

I want to tell you about ginger, I want to tell you about potato, I want to tell you about aloe vera, or your own sweat. But… this is not the place.

Perhaps in another time, another place, I shall share these with you one day, because I believe that we ought to be armed and to have knowledge. But not all readers are students, most of you are just curious.

So I shall leave it here.

Obara Meji

“Peace is found more often in patience than in judgment; hence it is better that we should be accused unjustly than that we should accuse others, even with justice.”

Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin
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4 months ago

Taking notes thank you.

8 months ago

Thank you Obara, for your efforts in keeping us spiritually enlightened. I found your page earlier this year and since then, I have been taking spiritual things more seriously.
Pls concerning this items you listed, water and co, that we can use for spiritual defense, what then do we do with them there after we used them, do we discard them after use as described and for how long do we keep the water or salt in those positions you asked?

11 months ago

I’m so glad I found this 3am in Jamaica just got my water place under the bed and at my doors I really do appreciate as I have been having is many issues lately

11 months ago

I’m your newest student pls guide me

10 months ago
Reply to  Debbygold

Hi, welcome to the family. Obara has tons of great articles that you can get help through or book a divination with her. A quick tip is to use the search bar and type in key words to find great articles on matters that might be useful to you.

Micheal Ajoku
Micheal Ajoku
1 year ago

Obara, thank you so much for sharing, I wish you could share me without withholding, nevertheless, this student would put into practice all that have been learnt, thank you Ma . Bless!

1 year ago

Obara, I love you sooo much. Thank you so sharing & teaching your knowledge & life experiences with us.

When you wrote, “but I may be able to add just a little thing to what you already know so that it can increase your library of knowledge.” I said to myself, Yes, I am ready to learn teacher……

All of these are very important to know and good reminder. I really like when you mention the other posts in your post and add it here for us to go back and read it. Reminder are good. Thank again….

1 year ago

Thank you Obara.

1 year ago

Thank you for this Obara. Very practical indeed. The water one is definitely one I will try to utilize as it seems more practical for me.

Lol @ the urine! I can attest that not only is stale urine wrenk but my God, it unleashes a fume that burns the eyes too!

I have found (when I have it) that Kananga Water seems to work better for me than Florida Water… it also smells less harsh to me though it does leave a yellow residue behind.

1 year ago

Well my Dear Obara….. I am Not curious….I am a Student.

Just a while ago big maggot flies fill my kitchen all from no where… my wife screaming….. I spray them …. but I got My Florida Water and sprinkle around my house.

Obara I am learning…… I act in the spirit of Jesus Christ as my connection to the creator, God. But I know the Enemy is working over time and I can only defeat them, it or they.

Big Respect Obara

1 year ago

Compliments Obara Meji Thank you once again for the insightful content. Everything under the sign happens in its due time + season. What you sharing with us in this post is appreciated a lot, Much appreciated

1 year ago

Thank u mama,Happy new year. Thank u for sharing this with us,.” Peace is found more often in patience then in judgement”.May this year bring us more peace and may we be swift to decern wen to act fast to keep our peace in place.thank u always,love to u.

1 year ago

Haha, I’m absolutely buzzing after reading your post, Obara! It’s like my brain suddenly turned into a party animal, doing the conga line and popping confetti all over the place. I’m here with the biggest smile, feeling like I’ve just unlocked the ultimate level in a video game. Your teachings of Water, Course Sea Salt, Urine, and Jamaican White Rum are like the secret sauce to life’s biggest mysteries. Lord, you just a teach me so! You’re the queen of spirituality, dropping wisdom bombs left and right. Thanks to you, I’ve turned into a spiritual ninja, weaving through life’s challenges… Read more »

Jean Maurice
Jean Maurice
1 year ago

Happy new year Mama obara and all followers. I would like to know after how long (if I choose to use water or salt for protection in a bottle at the entrance door) can I change the bottle? Do I put it on the outside or inside part of the entrance door? I would also like to share an experience, I put some water in glass or a bowl under my bed before I sleep and it helps me to sleep very deeply and when I wake up I can still remember almost all my dreams. Water i life and… Read more »

1 year ago

Sir, Where can I procure the Florida water and Jamaican white rum in Lagos, Nigeria

1 year ago
Reply to  Gold

Best you check the Cele shops, herbalist shops in your local market or Balogun market.

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

You are welcome, Obara. Peace and blessings to all.

1 year ago

Good evening and Happy New Year. Always enjoy your teachings. I am not a Yoruba practitioner, however, I respect every manifestation of Spirit as we are all a part of the Universal consciousness of Spirit. Love you, Charlotte Brown
PS Back in Charlotte NC, my son of 62 passed 2 days after Spirit said go to NC. Looking forward to connecting with you

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Mèjì

Thank you so much. Although he suffered from addiction and depression, he was a beautiful soul, very loving and caring to all.

1 year ago

Thank you for this it’s like a confirmation. Even when I pray over my water before I drink it, I notice a big difference.

JoJo Queen
1 year ago

one more thing teacher, I have one a dem big guns piss bottle looooooooooooooool but mi cyan open it mi write sum ting put it in dey loooooooooool mi Ave fi go make a new 1 doh ?

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

dwl dat nah open sah mi nuh able loooool

Last edited 1 year ago by Jojo queen
JoJo Queen
1 year ago

Greetings my teacher, I wanna cry, thank you so much for this post. Number 1 I have done on the advice of my spirit, one day my spirit told me to get a bucket with water starting from the top to the bottom wet the walls while I pray. I didn’t know why at the time because I didn’t feel uneasy, sad or anything now am wondering if my spirit knew something was a miss. Number 3 I grow up with loool, my granny don’t allow no one to come out the house with out she Razzle dazzle the front… Read more »

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

loooooooooooooooooool a true enuh, dem bare face bad! dem all a tell u fi lift up out a u owna bed mus less loooool

1 year ago

Obara the knowledge you share is always awesome! I thank you wholeheartedly for all you share with us. I love these!

1 year ago

Yep Yep- I learnt about Urine from my Uncle when I was young- He would tell my mom to keep a soda bottle of pee for protection when she felt any bad vibes might be around. Through my years of read I read somewhere that morning Urine must be stored for powerful removal of negative energy. This just triggered me and I will store some ASAP. Water is the most powerful thing and even just drinking water sometimes it is good just to say something positive into the water before drinking it. Oh Sis! does Garlic have powers also? I… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Oh !

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