There are many subjects that I would like to introduce on the blog or post about, but to do so would be mind-blowing to many who visit this site. Because of our humanity (and in that I mean our human limitations of the mind), there are things beyond this realm that many of us can never comprehend or even imagine, but we can only accept it when it is either put into a book as fantasy or made into a movie to entertain us. The story below is an experience I had during the time of the horrific tragedy which happened in New York, now known as 9/11. After having this experience, I realized exactly who these doctors were and I certainly wish that I could say it here for all and sundry to absorb and believe, but unfortunately I cannot go into it as I know it will confuse many. Please enjoy this story. I worried about posting this story because I still am in shock that this happened to me. I can tell you all for months on end of my experiences and still more would be coming up from my memory bank. Anyway when I started this site I made up my mind to teach you all through my experiences. There used to be a Doctor who would visit me when I was spiritually younger and going through my spiritual schooling. What this means is that when God decided that he wanted me to do what I came here on earth to do, he stripped me bare of all the things of the world and I became like a brand new babe. At nights the spirits would come for me by way of astral projection and I would travel the many astral realms and experience many things. Read Walking on the left.
The Doctor would come very late at night and give me an examination; he wore full black and carried a black medical bag, just like the television show Marcus Welby M.D. To those of you who do not understand spirituality this sounds unbelievable but I, Obara Meji, being of sound, mind, and body, am here to declare that it is true. This may have even happened to you but because you are still spiritually sleeping your soul will not allow you to witness this as it could be devastating to your mental being. He would come every six months and give me an examination and tell me the results of his findings and what I should expect to come in the future, and then he would leave walking backwards out of the house. What I am about to share with you now will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. After disaster had struck on September 11, 2001, I had developed a slight wheezing. I was no where close to the location where the devastation took place, but people who lived in New York were affected by the smoke and debris.
Hospital rooms were being overcrowded by people that were having breathing problems as a result of 9-11. I, on the other hand, decided not to tell my husband and children that I was wheezing and kept it to myself hoping that it would go away. It continued for a week where I would not only hear the wheezing but also catch my breath intermittently. About a week and a half after I had began experiencing this wheezing and shortness of breath, one Sunday night my husband and I went to bed and as usual I remember going to sleep laying on my side, around 3am I found myself hovering outside my body – my body was on its stomach and my back was bare I could see that my nightgown had been pushed down to the base of my back. Above my back was a bright circular light – the kind that you would see in an operating room, – I saw 3 pairs of gloved hands but I did not see the bodies to whom they belonged. The gloved hand hade made a vertical incision about 5 to 6 inches long and used some type of metal object to hold the incision apart.
One hand held something that looked like a sponge while the other had some type of instrument in both hands and the third hand was responsible for passing those instruments. It was obvious to me that they were operating on my lungs. I floated beside them watching everything that they did with fascination (now that I think about it, I wondered why I had not panicked being outside of my body and witnessing this). When they had finished doing their surgery, they inserted what seemed like a beige gauze-like looking cloth into the incision and sewed it up. When the last stitch was pulled that was when my spirit re-entered my body and I awoke with a jolt. As I jumped up out of my sleep I felt the most excruciating pain from my shoulder straight down to my arm and the whole side that they operated on as if I had just come out of a real life surgery. My screaming out in pain awoke my then husband (high grade) who asked me what had happened, but the pain was too much I couldn’t explain other than to ask him to assist me to the bathroom. Cold sweat washed my entire body and I felt weak and exhausted. Needless to say for exactly 8 days I laid in my bed recuperating from the ‘surgery’ but guess what? There was no more wheezing, the shortness of breath had gone.
During those 8 days of recovery I had to have the assistance of my children and husband but I can tell you that cured I was. I have never forgotten that and I choose who I tell this story to even though it’s now on the world-wide web, but I tell this story because I want to let others who may have experienced something like this know that it was real. They are not crazy, there are many realms in the universe and they visit us here on earth all the time. Depending on whom your guardian angel is and your life’s purpose, they will appear to you in many different circumstances once you are awake. For those who are still asleep and have not embraced their spirituality you will only experience these energies in your dreams and visions, most of you not even remembering when you wake up. It was a cry and right when I needed help… the universe responded. Without knowing a person we must not hate him…..Yoruba Proverb. [Operate within your means] All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…..Obara Meji! There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned…..Obara Meji!
You knew mi no play fi write, so I most certainly will
Lisa, ah grung yuh LAN mi…….lmaooooooo………why yuh nuh larn (yes ah Suh mi spell it pon purpose) fi behave….bout yuh gone tour, and de child molester duttie student docta ah feel yuh up, ole dittie germs bucket
I’m like yuh writing, gimme more!
MAWNIN everyone, is holiday ah Farrin so mi taking a break today……no post
I had a some what similar experience when I was 16, Interestingly enough it was on my birthday which is September 11, I was feeling my side hurting me, but I was ignoring it thinking it was just gas, so I never told mommy, I just push through the pain for days , (I have a high tolerance for pain) because mi did get new uniform that fit me so good and mi did have to go school fi model..dwl so no little side pain did ago stop me, or so mi think,,ha.. I was at school September 15th and… Read more »
No, they are not attatched here, but becaus they live in the realm and have passed through the womb and have gone back, the Africans in their wisdom keep them alive here in the realm so that whatever they would have been fulfilled here could be done through the family, and by doing this many are helped through those who are in the realms. much like how Christins revere Jesus and keep him alive to guide and protect them lol
Alrighty then…thanks.
Hi Obara , Cami Yami. Obara, because the people of Benin take the time to remember the spirits of the twins is that why they have the highest twin rate in the world?
Things such as this (similar) are done in Yoruba land @Cami
Yu wake up already, lol. My thing is…don’t they cause the spirits to attach themselves to this realm rather than move on, and what if they were malevolent, hence they didn’t survive?
Morning Lady T, Obara and other bloggers.
Obara OOOOOO! I just pulled this article and Me would like your opinion on it. If it’s not good for the board I won’t mind you removing it. I have my personal take on it but me want yours, lol
Obara I also had a question. Do children travel regular when they sleep , cause some of them are very active in their sleep like smiling and laughing and stuff ?
Yes lady T
Greetings and blessings family. I see i’m missing out on nuff jokes but I got a few give thanks. my lickle two cents to add is that it is so true that if its in movies that its accepted because boy when yoyu watch those disney movies as an adult with more insight in life yuh haffi a wonda an a tru when you say you have fi come in like one lickle new bon baby when spirit reach you. I’m just glad spirit put into to me that everything was a lie before I actually realized cause thats grounds… Read more »
Hi Lady T, you want a body mechanic like Obara own? lolol Sleep well and remain focus cause you’ll never know. While we on it…I’m going to want the spiritual hairdresser not to come back! about 2 years ago I had a “dream” that someone cut off couple inches of my hair! when I woke up…hair intact…but overtime I notice that one side is about 2.5″ shorter than the other! You have to be an eagle eye to notice. All I’m doing now is trimming- because I’m not going to go against an oath I made to my ancestors. I… Read more »
Another great question.
“Super BEING” Obara Meji, lol. Lincoln got you on lock with that one 😉
@Prosperity Yes that church is in Nigeria also, it’s called Christ aludara, (sp), one DEH right next to my house in Nigeria, it is a spiritual church
JAMAICANSSS TO DE WURLLLLLL, DE 400 relay, raeeeeeeeee!
Obara he wasn’t a pastor as such. The church he pastored they wore white gowns and would walk barefooted even in winter whenever they wore their gowns. I don’t know if you know of this kind of church in the states. The pastor and his members the female ones would implore me to start attending church. Claiming that I have a good spirit but again mi decline.
mi nah trouble you- just a try learn and enlighten myself and trod this earthly realm. Been through alot Jah know mi just a look fi understanding
Grungggggggg, Lincoln, yuh gwine low mi enuh, lmaoooooo, ah true oooooo, lol
Obara you not human – you SUPER BEING!
Mi aguh watch it choo yuh sey suh
I do not believe them, but as Lincoln say, it causes you to think.
They do. But again, me get hysterical pon de hair if not fi anything else, lol
Grung @Baby Einstein. I do not trust anything the media have to report or tell us the public. I tried to watch it, but because of my distrust I do not believe it. I know they exist because I have had contact with them, been possessed by them, remember I am a medium, channelled messages by them and most recently been contacted by the, via them and mi in the same room in Africa while I was there. It was what I wanted to write about in the post An Extraordinary encounter, but I changed my mind. How can/could I… Read more »
One episode they went on about aliens and some grime reaper figure passing off the black plague…to that effect.
The best episodes are the attempt to explain Egyptian building techniques and mechanics.
We?????Lincoln watch yuh speech, lol
Cami why I watch it is because they think out of the box- Not that they are right but the point is they (contributors) to the show, ultimately make us think.
I think we are too closed minded and that’s why we can’t open parts of our brain to understand the universe on a whole
WE???lolol. Not I say at all. I am Zero indoctrinated in christianity so me open wider than the universe.
Two things about the show is that it provides research that aren’t easily obtained and touch on points that make you ponder even more; some things are repetitive to me or just doesn’t fit into my thinking.
But, under my bottle of red wine or red stripe I get a good laugh offa baby Einstein hair as me say, lol
You’re right about that, Lincoln but I’m thinking that it could be more of a “spiritually unconscious” thing than a closed minded thing when it comes to people being able to grasp anything outside of Religous teachings, much less something as complex as the Universe.
Morning ALL…Yazzy! lol
Obara, isn’t walking backwards also a requirement into sacred places or spiritualist enter another’s place?
cool every friday i watch ancient aliens on history channel – Its on right now I never miss it – I have been fascinated with outerspace since i was very young
Read my post an extraordinary encounter, while I did not say everything, I too have encountered them
Lincoln, I try watching that show but when I don’t agree with something I change it, or it’s on when something else exciting is on. Honestly, the host’s hair is distracting bad! 😀 😀
and this isn’t due to a fan or the wind, GRUNGGG
Grunggggg, Cami, behave! Lol
Yes@Cami, but not in a,l cases and places
lolllll…when me bothered I get mischievous. Try watching that show (get to know Giorgio Tsoukalos voice) and have something else to distract you from the screen at the same time…each time you hear his voice and look up you’ll be in awe of his hair 😀 😀 😀
don’t know if you have knowledge of this Obara-
are there aliens from other planets or realms
Yes Lincoln, yes there are
Other physical beings exist…that as always been my belief along with “duppies”. And see, we become adults with the same interest and focus on the sciences and spiritualism for a greater understanding. It’s just which “messengers” we adhere to that makes us believers or nonbelievers…
Wow interesting. I hope to one day have some amazing experiences such as this. What a way to get healed from asmer(asthma lol)
love and light
Not asthma KB
Full physicals SS
Hi Obara,
Afternoon Toy,Lincoln, and Nunu!
Obara was the doctor doing a full-on physical examination, or was it more of a spiritual examination? and what kind of findings would he tell you? Like for example, “you need more iron and Vitamin D” or “take some of this for this pain” etc.?
I’m sure that surgery was life saving. You have lots of protection.
No Toy, it had medicines on it, so it would dry, heal, and dissolve
Ok thank you
Good question, Toy 😉
Hi Obara, Nunu, Lincoln, and ES family…Obara, I know you probably can’t explain what I am going ask on the blog. The gauze that was placed inside of you, was it left there to protect you so you wouldn’t be open to feeling any other excruciating aliment?
Lol, yuhtoo funny@Lincoln
oh ok- For a minute I thought I had superpowers and read it before it actually happened lol
lol 😀
Ok thanks Obara, afternoon Lincoln
This is a repost right?
Yes Lincoln it’s a repost but it sweet same way
Hi Nunu, no the same rules does not apply, but some spirits operate like that and for their reasons, I will make a post on this one day
Good morning Obara, and ES fam. Why did the “doctor” walk backwards out the house. Does the same rule apply to spirits like humans about being followed by “others”?