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The Spiritual Power of Water (And How to Use it)

Water is the source of life. Without it we could not survive on this earth, without water there could be no earth.

Every living breathing thing needs water to survive, water is life. In my traditional practice of Ifa Orisha, in nature the deity/energy/Orisha owner/ruler of  water (sweet waters specifically) is called Osun/Oshun. Osun is owner of rivers, streams, brooks and lakes. The Yoruba people say “water has no enemies,” who can be enemy with such a powerful source which we need? The amount of water in the human body ranges from 50-75%. Water is our most precious resource.

Water has many uses and if it is not present in spiritual practices many rituals or sacrifices cannot be performed. Spiritual healing is done with water and there are many people including myself who can read/divine with water. If you know how to use this precious resource correctly, spiritually your possibilities are endless.

Here are a few ways water can be used for healing:

  • Add salt to water and use in a certain way and there is nothing that you cannot conquer.
  • Add limes to water and use to clean your house to remove negative vibrations or use as a bath. Pray over water and wet your yard to calm down a quarrel which is happening or brewing.
  • Place two glasses of water behind your door to catch negative energies from entering your home. Dump it daily and refresh it.

In Tarot, the traditional Suit of Cups is the suit of water. It is receptive, a vessel, and a symbol of the deep, primordial unconscious mind and womb. Water shows us the images, or imprint, of things. Emotions, feelings, and psychic knowledge are all represented by water in the Tarot tradition. Water flows and changes, and it carries away what it cleanses. Water is the great purifier. We wash away our sins, we cleanse our wounds, and our tears bring release.

  • Place a container of water  under your bed, where you lay your head to have clearer dreams or to remember you dreams. Use water and salt to sprinkle in your yard or your front door if you suspect some witch has thrown Juju there.

Water can be used to “teach you” or to open your eyes to clairvoyance/gift of sight/your third eye. How can you do this?

  • A Glass of Water and Meditation – Get a new glass fill it with water and choose a time, preferably in the early mornings place the water in front of you. Center yourself with a prayer, sit in a comfortable position, have a book and pencil ready to write down anything you see and stare at the glass of water, clear your mind from everything while you do this. Try to do this the same time everyday, turn off the phones, make sure no one interrupts you for at least ten minutes per day, you can do it for longer if you believe you can manage it. If you practice this enough you will find yourself staring through the glass instead of at the glass, and you will eventually begin to see flashes of color, shapes of people, if you are more spiritually awake than you know you will begin to see things as if watching a video. Write down everything that you see,even if it makes no sense to you, it will in due time. In time you will begin to understand. If you give up after doing this after a month without seeing anything, then this is not for you, not because you did not see anything, but because you have no patience.

Water can cure and water can bless. Use it wisely folks! 😉

Obara Meji

Bí ẹ̀mí bá wà, ìrètí ńbẹ. / 
As long as there is life, there is hope.  Yoruba Proverb!

[The best is yet to come; keep keeping on.]

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3 years ago

Thoughts how to make the evil disappear in my life while I’m holy

4 years ago

Can I use salt and water for bathing to detach myself from sprit man(incubus marine sprit) am really for sure Tues if this man he has blocked everything in my life not even physical marriage good job am tied. Can this help water and salt to cleanse myself

5 years ago

What are your thoughts on waterbeds?

6 years ago

How do I clear this energy at work? I can’t salt and water anything its all concrete

6 years ago

Day 1 of staring at water I placed my hands on the table and the ware shook. I removed both hands and it stilled.then I just raised my left hand and pointed it at the glass and the water shook again. I then did my right hand and it stayed perfectly still. Mind you this is day one and my first adventure in this and I was wondering if there might be any meaning to it.

7 years ago

I have slept with a glass of water with a whole lime under my bed and it took away a lot of bad energy in my life.

7 years ago

My daughter leaves glass of water unconsciously in her room all the time and don’t move them, is there possible something within her spiritually that she’s not aware of?

Morra Lopez
8 years ago

I have a question? Yesterday I went to a yard sell the lady there told my some stuff that only I know about .some hurtful burdens in my life she said u have cried a lot and told me she had to tell me because I have a muerto and that my energy was really strong she said for me to place a cup of water with clavo de olor under my bed and for me to do a bano de white roses with 30 clavos de olor?why

8 years ago
Reply to  Morra Lopez

Is a way to protect yourself and get rid of a spirit that is always with you. She is referring to a floral bath with flowers, herbs especially made to cleanse your body and protect yourself from negativity

8 years ago

Nice one

9 years ago

Nope wasn;t a repost- I just catching up on reading the blog since I found it last month and replied- Obara replied to what I said

9 years ago

I’m a water baby. My body and mind not right if I don’t take a shower. No matter how I’m feeling, all when I have that handicap type of flu- once I take a shower I come alive.

If water comes up in my dream it’s a sure event to occur.

9 years ago

Good night, everyone. Obara how come me neva see this one and it don’t indicate repost. I thought Tray was new and me glad bag bust thinking certain blogger at returned…only to have it deflated when me see 2014!

CHO! 🙁 you trick me 😀

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

one dream last week I was eating peanuts and when I woke up I could taste peanuts in my mouth- me nah lie!

9 years ago

Started to do the water under my bed the last 2 weeks after reading this post and i am dreaming like crazy- Most of it I dont remember but I can say for sure I have been dreaming-

10 years ago

Evening people is this safe? the sprinkling a salt ano di same as spilling? Just asking before me try it

6 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

I sprinkled salt and then water in mine and my neighbors yards and we have all seen a complete change in our sleep…dreams…attitude and non negativity

10 years ago

Maniac thanks for sharing. Will have to put the salt in the corner of every room in my house.

10 years ago

Good Night one and all. I am trying to play catch up and have not read all the comments, but had to put in my 2 cents before I run out again (I will be leaving in a few and wont be back on until a couple of days) I didn’t know the true power of water, but as a child I used to love walking in the rain (still do, but with that comes a trip to the hairdresser, so I try not to). Anyway, I remember a few years ago, every night and I mean EVERY night for… Read more »

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Maniac

Mainly!!!!!!!! Yuh granny know bout

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Yes Bubble as long as it nuh dash whey by it self

10 years ago

Ty, thanks very much. Wow, I didnt even view it that way. I was just concerned that the neighbours were out and how stupid or suspicious I must have seem to we watering a very water-logged yard. Remember I said as I come home I am so tired. So for me to be watering was odd. Each one teach one. Oneness to di ting.

10 years ago

Thanks a million. Mi sey mi crass bad, bad, bad. Can you believe that I did not see the post where you told me how to seal my house? I came back to print cause I want to keep and re-read. Lo and behold, I saw that comment you made. The dam duppy dem or serva neva waan mi seet. Suh now Obara, di thought come to mi das sometimes other things are posted an wi nuh seet. I think malevonent spirits will all block it to create vibes between people or because they dont want you to have some… Read more »

10 years ago

Top of the morning everyone. Praises be to the Most High. Obara, trust that you had a great evening. Mi know yu love laugh suh mek mi gi yu joke. Yesterday there was heavy rain in the part of Jamaica than I am. You told me about salt & water. Obara mi put up mi salt inna mi wata while mi a duh it mi start sey ‘how much salt mi fi use. Waan kinna salt (sea or table salt) mi fi use. Anyways, mi mix mi salt and wata. As mi guh outside one neighba to the back, one… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Tray

Hey Tray, with the rain falling first, that was actually good. You salt water will ketch more. God clean it fi you first. The power of the almighty. Mek mi tun Obara, ase….

10 years ago

Mi shame if say it but mi did like kartel. Some of him music like your love and thank you Jah. Some of his songs mi never care for. I was proud that being a yute from di ghetto him start my companies condoms, wine, skin care, clothing, and music. I did not keep up with him but say that he was one of the first to publicly talk out bout tiefing jps. When di trial evidence come out I was shock, disgusted and hope that he has remorse for taking a life, which he has yet to do.

10 years ago

Today on the radio Charlemagne had teyanna taylor on, can not stand her, she was talking about Chris being her brother and that she spoke with him a few weeks ago and that he is in good spirits. I hope that is true.

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Not ah so him nuh happy at all

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lol I know those moments…on both sides lololol

10 years ago

Ok, I see.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yep, even Kartel my FORMER brother! I was a fan of this man from I was about 12 I think when he performed at sting for the first time. I was so drawn to him, even though I was a kid! After awhile Obara, I just couldn’t deal with him again. I drifted from his music and that was around 2008 or 2009. That’s when the shift happened with him I feel. Sigh, okay no more of him for today.

10 years ago

Even physically Chris look different. Whoever did him something will pay, the universe have a long memory and is very just.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

True words. I can’t believe I’m looking at a 25 year old. If you look in his eyes in pictures or videos , he just empppty.

10 years ago

Zangbeto is from Ghana, Benin and Togo. Apparently has some Yoruba background. It is a spirit that guards between midnight and 5am. It looks like a thatch hut but moves around kinda like a automatic vacuum you leave to clean the house when you gone. It can travel cross water or even move to music. Di Africans are powerful. Mek you respect them more because if others had those powers I am not sure what they would do.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Have mercy, I had to come back in here…
“Ogun’s children’s temper is swift, meaning that they get angry very fast, but eventually calm down and forgive. Ogun is a mighty warrior and his children literally do not accept any disrespect from anyone and they normally do not give it.”

I HAVE CHILLS!!!!!!!me OKAY!!!!!!! omg <—————————————-

Ah gone again

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

Yuh brute you Sa-Fo lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I used to like him you know. All the stars I use to adore like Beyonce and Chris…I just cannot take them any more.. Something shifted for real

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

looool!!! Alright, I gone go read it

10 years ago

Everyday, I learn something new here, gonna seal up after me aunt from red hills leave. Lol…. My spirituality is improving. I am reading all kinda books, websites etc. I have a lighter feeling and must say that I do don’t get down so easy anymore. I most certainly cannot go back to my former life. Obara has helped me to dig deep, follow my head and trust myself. I pray more than ever and am so grateful for the simple things. I am excited as to where I will grow. Working hard on the meditation, seeing flashes of light… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I do have a fear that something will take me away, yes lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

And you know seh……..I skip that one you know because I cannot take that little boy. Yes mi fraid!! I am Ogun’s child as well and it just seems like all his children are full of trouble- the celebrities anyway.

10 years ago

Hey this is new, I like it! I didn’t know water was that powerful.
One thing though, I do not like large bodies of water. I will not go into the sea for too long or be in a pool by myself. Nerp…no ma’am. Huge fear, something one day I hope to get over.

10 years ago

I sent you an email once and you responded that when the normal becomes abnormal evil is at play. Have a great evening Obara, checking out for the day. Maybe you could do a post tomorrow about depression (it is really a spirit). Cheers mate!

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Tray

I will try lol

10 years ago

I feel special bad Obara. First day blogging and I have gotten directions on how to help myself.

10 years ago

Want to learn about the spirits wey caan seem to make you feel so tired yet they might be evil spirits (see your earlier comment up top).

10 years ago

Obara come dun teach wi nuh.

10 years ago

Thanks even for that little bit, I still learnt something. Bloggers, today we all gonna learn something. Obara I also have a bad habit. I love to put money in my bra, sometimes the money is not even in a napkin or paper. People unno nuh judge mi, dem pick mi a town already. LOL! Sometimes, if I have large amount of cash, I divide it up, put some in my pockets, some in my purse, some right in my bra.

10 years ago

Obara, your article have me moving from a peeper to a blogger today. LOL! I am at work and poured myself a cup of water and I am just watching the ice cubes in the cup. I had four 1ce cubes in the water and somehow they have joined to become a circle. They are melting but stil remain intact. Dont know if this is a sign or its because I have become more ‘aware’. Obara, I am obedient and you said I should remind you to discuss 1. The spirits that make you tired but they are not necessarily… Read more »

10 years ago

OMG! Thanks a lot. I love to count money on my bed. When I get my pardna draw or any other ‘big’ money. Close mi door and siddung off pan mi bed and count it. My children speak properly (hers dont). I ensure that they take their books and speak properly so much so that dem sey dem speaky-spoki. Obara I am not bragging, I have good shape big boobs and big bottom (I read where you said you could go into the spirit world and speak to Lava K so you know I wouldnt lie to you). I dress… Read more »

10 years ago

A lie! Bob Marley! Yu ting tun up. Not even I-Octane, the Gong himself. If LA Lewis a 7-Star gGeneral, Obara yu a 21 Star General. Thanks for your analysis of this vision Obara. Can I ‘will’ her to come back. I used to play with her (the dead girl) and feed her. Obara, I would love for you to discuss this topic. I have a friend, who confides in me and tells me things she doesnt tell anyone else. I am about 5 years older but she has accomplished a lot financially (legally). However, I have never competed with… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

lol, the comment about the caps nearly choke mi.

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Yeah Ty him ah bad energy lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

dwl don’t kill me today.

10 years ago

This month, May makes it 18 years she has passed. That’s why her mom was surprised to hear what I had to say. I was shy to tell her mom the vision as I wasnt really in touch with her and all of a sudden here I was telling her her daughter contacted me from beyond the grave. She has never contacted anyonebefore, she wasnt even able to talk when she was alive.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Wherever your heart leads you. I am still very young in my journey.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Evening lovely one. YES! I have a topic for you please. Child of Ogun and all the others. Lawd that one scares me because that’s Kartel as well.

10 years ago

Thank You Obara. My spirit thanks you.

10 years ago

Obara I want to share this with you. I saw your comments on JMG and thought that this person was very deep (during the infamous trial). Anyways, I was feeling low in mind and spirit. My big daughter who was ALWAYS mild mannered and respectful started to ‘get feisty’. She started to get resentful of me. I felt very unappreciated. Then one morning in early March of this year, I had this vision. In the vision I saw an old boyfriend he had a sister who was crippled/did not speak from birth. She had a lot of fancy clothes, however… Read more »

10 years ago

Water will be our next oil in the future if we continue to waste it and not care for our environment. I am going to try the meditation with the glass of water. Yeah something new to try.

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

lol Ty

10 years ago

Thanks Obara, Ilove cooking and eating (even more). LOL

10 years ago

Obara I tell you this, its the 100% truth. Earlier this year January (my birth month) I had this dream where I was at a house and we were cooking rice. There was so much rice. I then was telling a girl friend who said rice was a good dream. Shortly after that I had a dream that the guy I loved dearly (probably the one I have loved the most, was plotting against me. Then out of nowhere came a rushing flow of water than washed away his plan. Then I had a few other dreams with clean pure… Read more »

10 years ago

I enjoyed this article. I am amazed at the powerful properties of water. Water can have that calming effect on one hand, then have a dangerous effect (storms, hurricanes etc) on the other hand

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