There are many great spiritual uses of salt. There was a period in my life when I was going through a terrible time with The Wicked Baby Father. He was just the worst man, and I, as a young girl, strong as I thought I was, was so tired of all the stress and disrespect. His new girlfriend was sending juju (obeah/voodoo) left, right and center at me. Those times were horrible even for me to remember, but as I have told you all before I take comfort looking back at them now because I realize it all happened to put me on my path, so it was worth it, hard to say but definitely true.
My mother knew a man, a reader, a very great diviner called Mr. Mitchel. Mr. Mitchel was a Jamaican man, a Bishop in the Christian church. He knew the bible from front to back and could preach it very well, but a greater diviner than he was hard to find, peace be unto you Mr. Mitchel where ever you are in the realm of spirit. I went to him and complained that this girl was like a ghost riding my back and whatever she was doing made me and the wicked baby father argue everyday. I cried and complained that there was no peace in the house, I wanted peace, I could take the fighting no longer. Mr. Mitchel told me to go home and put salt in a dish with a piece of bread on the plate and I was to put it somewhere high in my house, which I did. He cautioned me not to let the salt spill, not even a drop.
I had a live-in nanny at the time and she was my confidant, a source of comfort to me, as she witnessed my pain and shame at the hands of this man and his horrible woman. She was an older lady from Jamaica and she saw me doing what Mr. Mitchel had told me to do. She asked me what was that for? I told her and she made a face which seemed to say “hmmm… I don’t think that’s a good idea,” so I asked her what was the problem with what I was doing? She went on to tell me that salt creates problems and she did not believe that it would calm the house down.
I told her that Mr. Mitchel cautioned me not to allow even a drop to fall, so I am being careful, but still she did not look convinced and made a face while she walked away. Determined for peace I went ahead and fixed the salt and bread as he told me, but as if pure bad luck, as I placed the dish and all its fixings on a shelf in my room, the whole lot fell and all spilled all over the ground. Bangarang!!!! was the sound the dish made as it fell and it was to be hell in my house between Mr. Wicked and me for a week!
Of course I received the “I told you so” from the nanny, but I have never forgotten that incident. Ever since then I have been very careful with salt. Let me make this clear however, salt can be sprinkled to remove negativity and destroy spiritual work, but chaos only happens when it is spilled as oppose to being sprinkled by human hands, in other words when you are sprinkling or throwing salt for a particular purpose then you have nothing to fear. God is such a wonderful God, because it is uncanny how many signs we get from our foods, nature, animals, and even your body parts etc. warning us of impending doom, or of good things to come.
If salt is spilled, look out for quarrel or fight, black pepper or any kind of pepper, the same thing – quarrel. If you are eating food and it falls to the ground your ancestors need your attention, or if a black cat crosses your path it is not a good sign – I never believed this one about the cat, but I have since proven it, yup it is true! If a dog cries at night someone will die, and certain birds if you see them at nights, like the Owl, especially a white one, death of a close relative it near, right hand itches, money is coming in, left hand itches money is going out, for some people it’s the reverse and so many more tell-tale signs to aid us in this life but let me continue with the Salt topic.
Salt is a purifier of many things. Salt cleanses and cures. The holy water of the Roman Catholic Church is prepared by exorcising and blessing salt and water separately, after which the salt is dissolved in the water and a benediction pronounced upon the mixture. If you work in a hospital or around sick people or animals put salt in a vial make sure to cover it securely and wear it around your neck to ward of any energy which could come through to you (some peoples sickness are not real, some of them are spiritual attacks a.k.a obeah that manifests to the person as an illness). Also crystal cleansed in salt water does the same thing.
Salt on its own can suck away dark energy, it is that powerful. Salt preserves and seasons food. The bible refers to salt a lot, for example the Sodom and Gomorrah story, Abraham’s nephew Lot chose to live in these cities because they had much water and good grazing lands for his sheep ( Genesis 13:8-13 ). Due to the sins of the citizens of these cities, God destroyed them with fire. Lot and his family escaped, but his wife became a pillar of salt when disobeyed God’s command not to look back at the cities after they left them ( Genesis 19:24-26 ). Her punishment ironic, because the place this happened now lies underneath a sea of salt water.
The Yoruba people of South Western Nigeria has a saying which goes, “no matter how boastful the soup, it is the salt that stars the show.” If salt is not added to food, it has no flavor. When salt is added to sacrifices it wakes up the deities. Use salt and blue crushed together and sprinkle in the four corners of your house to ward off bad dreams.
Place salt in a white cloth and sew the cloth, put it in your right shoe when you are going somewhere or in some neighborhood that you may not trust for safe keeping, do this for your children also for their protection. The Ocean is salt water and it one of the best places you can go to release bad energies, because of the salt. Add salt to your coffee to make it taste better. Take a salt bath every seven days, use salt and water to help you remember your studies and pass your tests, and make your professors like you, lol. (ok that is cheating, so I will not explain that one). Overall, salt is one of the three metaphysical S’s.
If you know how to use salt, you will fear nothing.
Obara Meji
Ọgbọ́n ọlọ́gbọ́n ni kì í jẹ́ kí a pe àgbà ní wèrè. /
By wisely adopting the wisdom of others, an elder does not get seen as stupid….Yoruba Proverb!
[We can learn from anyone; don’t despise others.]
If the cockroach wants to rule over the chicken, then it must hire the fox as a body-guard. ~ Sierra Leone proverb
Hi my name is Melisa , I would love it if you could make time to mesage me please.
Embracingspirituality@gmail. com send your email to me there
How to use salt for prurefication
I woke up in the middle of the night kicking over something that felt like crumbs of cookies or salt. I was so tired that I didn’t get up to check, I just finished dusting off the bed with my leg and fell out cold. I didn’t have anything on my bed that was being eaten so there shouldn’t have been anything there. what would someone put salt on the bed by another persons feet for? Especially while they sleep? I really would like to know.
I’ve been trying to find answers to something like this all day. My guy invited me over. Was burning incense (he’s never done that before). And when he motioned to wanting to have sex, I found myself in the bed which was sprinkled fully with something weird and grainy. It freaked me out at first. I interrupted him and asked what was in the bed. He told me it was salt and he accidentally spilled it but, forgot to clean it up. Then just went back to doing what he started, without any other concern. Afterwards, I was still weirded… Read more »
Good day. Please is there any way to know if your ex is yours and if yes, how do you bring him back? Thanks
What does it mean when you pour salt on a white handkerchief and stand on it then pray , , pour the salt in the water and pour outside, is it a good thing
I like to join
I usually dream that i am still in the secondary school which i have left 16 years ago , sometimes i dream that i am still in my old nebourhood which i have left 5years ago… sometimes i will be removing white stuff that look coconut chaf from my mouth this dream do continue… please how do i pray or use salt for this kind of dreams??
This is really interesting
Do a spiritual cleansing of your home. At the office and on yourself. To dream being in school yet you are done.there is an alter setup and working against you. This leads to slow achievements and the likes
It’s called spirit of setback
I’ve read and I really do appreciate your work. Is there anyway one can get connected to you on a private base so we talk more? Thanks
Can you explain to me more about the while salt and putting it into water and what j do after when take it outside facing a hard time in my home… Plus spirit is having sex with me in the form of my boyfriend we can’t agree
Take the salt into your palm, offer a prayer to your God and thank him for all that He has done in your life, ask him to bless the salt. The blessed salt purifies and removes any negative energies by devil/Satan/Lucifer/demons in your life, marriage, business, job, house. Mix the salt with water and drink a little and sprinkle the rest on your hands, feet and body.
Mention the spiritual spirit and throw salt over your left shoulder to cast it away.
Do this every morning upon waking up and before sleeping.
All demons and spirits will flee.
I need help on how to use salt for spiritual work I am having problem in my marriage I don’t have peace of mind in my marriage how can I use salt to stop the problem I am really tired
Please want divine wisdom, knowledge heal and favou. How’ll I use the salt
Greetings Great Obara,
You continue to shock us with so much revelation and learning with things of nature…
Thank you soooooo much all the secret knowledge you share with us.
I am always grateful and thankful
Remain blessed!
Wow, expository.
Hi can anyone tell me the spiritual power or symbolism of rice
This s my first time of reading about salt the mystery was so deep
Thanks for the inormation but can I add coconut water to an ordinary iodized table salt water since I can’t lay hands on rock salt.
Pls!I need more teaching on the use of salt.
Someone deed rituals on my plot, how can I use salt in this case?
I put salt in the corner’s of my son & daughter in laws house once while they weren’t there,only in the living room & kitchen( no one knew). My grandbabies were asleep. My daughter in law is just mean to me and my son will uphold her no matter what. Anyways 2days later apparently she found it : supposedly was sick n thought I was a witch. You’d thought I murdered her after the tongue lashing my son and her gave me. Had me crying. The next day my son said he knows and convinced her that I was tryin… Read more »
So why did you put the salt there? What was the reason, and why couldn’t you tell your son the real reason rather than playing along? WOILD Jesus Christ approve of the reason? Please tell, I really want to know
She can do a reading for you.
Evening obara i would like to know more about the salt if that is okay?
You mentioned the three metaphysical S’s which salt is one. What are the other two? Thanks.
I hav a natural salt 4rm d sea bt don’t knw how 2 use it Nd am having so many challenges both money challenges Nd professional exams pls wat can I do
Thanks so much, have really learn and witch to learn more.may Almighty in is infinite mercy continue to increase you in wisdom knowledge and understanding ameen.
Please hellllllllllllllllp,
Can i use salt to end this nagging eating in the dream? I usually eat in my dream every night. Thank you.
Obara, hi! I have so much to share with you and don’t I now where to on even start! I need a teacher like you because we have similar experiences with spiritual happenings from what I’ve been reading. And me being from Jamaica these weird experiences seem more frequent than not. Thank you for this website and these posts. Especially this one because it made me realize that My home needed salt so bad. I used sage before and it might have worked for a little while. However, after a week of contemplating, Today I finally put some salt water… Read more »
Hi Natalie, nice of you to comment. Please change your name as we already have a Natalie blogging with us, you can add o2 or something to it if you like.
Thank you for letting me know. Im trying to change it to Natty*.
What’s your opinion about what’s been happening and how I’m using or can use the salt?
Please don’t be offended I need you to direct me more on the salt bathing, I’m really facing a lot of troubles
I have a question about the salt and bread on the plate. Am I suppose to salt and bread on separate plates? You mentioned dish and plate? Or do i put the salt and bread on the same plate next to each other. Thanks, I need to do this soon. Please respond.
Blue, that work was work that I did. It was not what I recommended for others. Re-read the post. That plate had fallen and created hell in my house.
Blessings and thank you for the response to my question.
I did it already last night…..
I placed the plate on the shelf 1st. Then I placed the bread on the plate. then i sprinkle the salt next to the bread nothing spilled. I just wanted to make sure it was okay to use the same plate for both the salt and bread and if it was okay for them to be touching each other… meaning the salt and the bread}. I need to make sure I did it right.
Blue, I already told you that i never instructed anyone to do that work. I told a story and you interpreted it as work. Remove it and read over the post!
You want me to remove the plate ( with the salt and bread) and trash it where?
HI Obara,
I want to dispose of this the correct way. Don’t need a additional problems in my life. Look forward to hearing back from you
Is there anyway we can contact you directly by phone?
Thanks again.
Blue V.
Great piece! Glad it found me.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it,
Please help,
Can i use salt to end this nagging eating in the dream? I usually eat in my dream every night. Thank you.
Evening i would like to learn more about the Salt ‘plz help.
Hi Peter, what would you like to know?
I need power and money all so favor
hello,please i have a question to ask you and its important pls reply..
Good morning thank you far these tips I have always learn a lot from you
Yes….a good salt bath is very relaxing…Thanks for the post!!
You are welcome my dear
I am alive, so much to be thankful for.
You have taught us on the blog and in class so much about protecting ourselves. Thank you as always. As you said, everything that happens is supposed happen, divine providence.
Good day, Obara! Thank you for the advice.
You are welcome Carpediem, how yuh doing?
[…] From the post ‘The Spiritual Power and Uses of Salt‘ […]
Abara meji i want to know what the future holds and want u to explain the process require for astral travel.
obara meji please i also want to what the future holds and how can i do that
[…] Salt I have already told you all about. While salt mixed with water and prayed on can deter an enemy from coming after you, after the salt is prayed on then the glass is taken outside and smashed, this needs an incantation to work, but I will tell you in a personal email or text not here. […]
I need help please
How can I help you?
Please can you give more detail on the salt water in a glass cup and praying and smashing it? Where is one to smash it ? In the house or on d road, inside compound or outside compound.
Going back tru, re reading and making notes. My questions are
1. You ever see old Italian women when dem a cook dash a pinch a salt behind dem? Something inna something. Now looking at everything on a more spiritual end
2. I work in healthcare and over time have learnt a few trucks of the trade to keep off the low energy brought in by people. Di salt necklace new to me. About to buy a crystal pendulum, can i use the as the crystal and wash it in salt water as you mention before?
You are welcome
Hahaha yes mi seet! well pose n kin teet dwl miss di 1 bout squeeze nipple doh lol
Bublez yuh can affine de kin teet and kimbo pose dwl
My mom did they toy kids and said the same thing poor kids
America suh mi aguh memba oonuh when mi hear thunder too lol
Lol.. We all suffer tru dem things…. How you know, a bare kin teeth and hand a kimbo, sometimes a all fight fi who fo go a front…now every time it thunder mi dead wid laughter.
Place the crystal in a glass bowl with salt in a dish and place it in the sun leave it for three days this is called charging it
Thank you so much.
What’s the works and after three days what else to do with it
Dem used to tell we all kinda a ting. When mi have mi first son, my mother she come wid di ” squeeze him nipple so him nuh get froonzy arm” . Mi nearly kin ova when she tell me dat wid a straight face..
Dwl@piece a posing! See how wi elders tun wi ina poppyshow. Dem tell mi God a stomp n clap him hands cah wi outa order n wi mus siddung quiet. Lol neva know is suh many orishas Wow! 401
Lol….we cannot try dat pon da new generation Yah…lol
Hey many more Orisha children are here Ty. Nuh forget mi Sango lol Obara yu waa hear di thunder other night it a storm lol mi just calm ina mi bed n seh yes i hear n thank u Orisha Sango!
Lol, rep your Orisha yes…. Dem have 401 Orishas, so we need one child from each, it a come….lol well let me tell you all a funny lightning story. When me and my cousins were kids we would be scared of lightning and thunder. So my grandfather told us to not be afraid because the thunder was God cranking the camera ( unno meba di old time camera wid rolls for film) and the lightning was God taking our picture. So after that, every time we hear lthunder and lightning, me and my cousins would put un a piece a… Read more »
Yup, Ty that’s funny! Lol
Obara, waiting on today’s post. LOL I dont drink coffee but your post are my cup of coffee in the mornings. I need it to get me going. BTW, please check your email.
The spirits are aligned. LOL!!
Good morning MTH, you just describe Osun, my orisha, lol
Good evening Obara Meji,my name is Emmanuel, I need your help, I and my brothers and sisters has been working so hard year in year out with nothing to show for our labour, money don’t meet money in our hands, no proper marriage, please what could be the cause can salt cure it?please I need your advice,this is my first time,thank you and God bless.
Obara, I too agree with the others who are encouraging you to write books. You have a natural talent of explaining things to people. This is just confirmation that yous hould indeed do it. You have a motherly aura that comes across naturally and lovingly.
Oore yeye Osun ooooo! I feel so blessed, as I always say nothing happens by chance and everything comes when it must! I went to my email and counted two hundred email from people all over maybe more is there but mi stop count for people begging me to come back and it took one with her simple words to drag me back, and ah so you end up here wow! Thank y’all
Thank you for your kind and generous words, Sa-Fo send mi ah email which I share on here, I didn’t even know her, she said come back to your blog Obara and I did here you are also encouraging Me it’s Osun send oonuh thanks to her
I am so happy you are back”…..yeah….. Thank you yeye Osun…..
Ah piece ah shyness Ida tek mi ei si, lol
Please publish di book at some point, it will sell off. Knowledge is great . I know 2 people who self publish. I can give you their info so you can ask them how they did it.
Thanks for the encouragement I need it I get doubtful and reserved at times in my real life and keep just to myself and my children and husband only, I want to teach and share what I know but I don’t want to be rejected or insulted that is why I like met and jmg people dem facety over there but ah peer love and respect dem show me same like you guys here send on the info please and thanks
Will do, I get back to work on Wednesday. I will speak to each individually and get the info to you. You will make more money ,not that it is about money, and will have more creative control with self publishing. You already have a moniker so use that name. The out pouring of love and support is going to overwhelm you but will spur you to write even more. You have a knack to explain very complicated issues in a simple down to earth way that draws the reader in and make us not only love you but want… Read more »
Ase ooooo, you are truly spiritual Ty mi deh yah ah wonder if mi odda write unda obara meji and see yuh ansa deh mi tell yuh bout you lol I write that way because I want people to truly understand what I am writing or trying to share, too often I gave read books on metaphysics laden with phraseologies or words and terminology that the average person would not understand no matter how much of a scholar they are, when I write it is from the heart and I seem to think I am actually speaking to my people
I love your writing. When you write I can feel your emotions, see your heart, feel your pain, admire your strength and know that God is working through you. You are not pretentious or trying to fake intellect. You are who you are and is settled in your skin. Trust me, there are many out there looking for a sample of you truths.
Go see di line for the book signing…lol
PLEASE you mentioned salt as one of the three metaphysical S”s,what are the other TWO. Thanks
On JMG I M received well, I have never been disrespected, on one post someone tried me, but dem si ah side ah mi dem cud den manic, but to me it was fun fi bruk out for a moment lol
LOL! I saw someone say that Obara gwaan bad one day but I didn’t see the post though.
I hear you, she has to be!! I don’t really participate over there. Prips every now and then. I don’t even know 98% of the people they blog about but it’s a soap opera to me . ahahah
She is a very wise woman, she facety nuh box foot, but she had to be to manage such a powerful blog
JMG is fun for me and Met is very cool,I love her
II have but I haven’t published it and I’m currently writing another, mi shy enuh mi know it hard to believe but sometimes mi question I self and wonder if the world ready fi my kind of knowkedge
( Sent you an email awhile ago, didn’t want to put that part on here. )
Really? Lawd, if you survive on the other site I think you good mama. No shyness roun’ here. I get the shyness with the vlogging, but not the books!! c’mon, get to it!!
Coward man keep sound bone I don’t blame you, lol
I re-read this. Nature is amazing isn’t it? What’s even more amazing is that we’re all going back to basics with hollistic cures etc. Thanks for the read. Have you written any books?
Lol, mi story scare yuh off? Lawd god sorry
Hail Sa-Fo yuh scared ah de salt?
LOL! I can be clumsy sometimes that’s why hehehe
Another learning exp here. I don’t have any personal stories to share on this one :(. I don’t think I am going to attempt to do anything with salt though. Not, comfy. The water, I ‘ll definitely try.
As usual, I’m last here. Evening one and all. Dear Obara, hail!
Osun works with crystals
Lol, mi head is leading me always to her. Thank you.
We well covered on here. We have children of Osun, Ogun and Oya. I love it.
Obara maybe on one of the blogs you can talk about the power of crystals. Me know a nuff a dem but just touch pon a few. I have seen many stuff with charged crystals. Di catholic priest dem a jamaica bad pon dat.
Will so Ty
Great. Sorry I am on the job so I was giving Ceasar his pound of flesh.
ok email me and I will explain to you what you need to do
I am ready right now.
lol, one day when you are ready we will do an exclusive reading and we will look for that, ain’t nothing wrong with getting a reading to see what the future holds!
Thanks much. You got me down to a T. I am not easily understood and I am very cunning and tactical. Obara I am single now and just a kick back an a loow out di relationship thing. I am just focused on learning especially about Spirituality. Look if yu si hubby on the near horizon. Getting lonely an waan likkle companionship yah nung.
Oya in Nature is represented by the wind, storm hurricane, she is the wind before which blows before a heavy storm, her children brings change,but that change can come through chaos, she is hot headed so don’t mess with her or take her for a fool, because if you do, soon you will know who is the fool. think of Zena the warrior princess, and you will see Oya!!
omg!! are the daughter of the great Orisha Oya!!.the great Miss Yansa!..Oya is a mighty warrior and wife of the great Sango…MTh, you provide for your self no man take care of you, and even if he is around, ah you run tings, you won’t try to take away his masculinity, him wi just gi yuh!…nuh get me wrong yuh like a masculine man, him just nuffi gwan like yuh fi guh siddung and him alone go hunt. If him gone a bush and tell yuh fi siddung, as him pickup him gun and gone hunt, ah suh you pick… Read more »
Mi ansa you Pon de blog the salt one
No prob
Warra! Dont see your email.
@MTH, I had to do your birthdate twice, mi couldn’t believe it!!!
Please look for it now.
send it complete, if yuh nuh waan tell the year email it to me,
January 13
no, how I did it you cannot find it ion the net, my method at least, no problem whenever you ready
Ok cool. If I tell you my birthday can you tell me whose child I am? i.e. When you heard Chris Brown’s birthday you were able to tell whose child he is. I was searching on the net but didnt know where to turn.
dwlllll, lololol…@MTH, i agree with you, caws dem not easy fi calm, in Africa we call them my mothers, and when we pray we greet them and when an oracle comes out which speaks on them, like OSA MEJI, we stand and salute the and shout, PLEASE DON’T DISTURB ME OOOO!!…LOL
Obara nuh write bout it yaah! Like how dem naah faas wid wey, mek wi leff dem alone.
Ty, Ty Good day. Pardon my manners. I am so glad for University of Obara, feels like I am studying for my Masters.
yuh eva meet some people and if dem cuss smaddy wha eva dem sey happen to dat some body?..people like those come out of witch ine, dem just doan know, the meetings are kept during those hours and you attend the meeting when you go to sleep, then your spirit leave the body and attend de meeting, mi cyaan write bout it much because dem is a set ah people yuh doan waan offend
yes but nobody knows who they are, they are born into it, nuff ah dem doan even know sey dem have de power of a witch
*Clutching My Pearls* Wey yu a sey Obara. Doan laugh, but yu know sey mi neba believe sey witch dey bout, mi always tink is a cartoon thing. OMG! Yu seet, lack of vision and the people perish.
@Ty, yes man gi wi de Maroon story dem, I love them
change the water under your bed twice per week or three times, as to the power of fasting which you know is excellent, let me write that as a topic, some time mi wake up and ah don’t know what aguh come from mi fingers to my lap top, this will make a good subject and on top of it I have as always some personal stories to tell, the waywards are most active between the hours of 12.01 am and 2:59 am, after three are the witches and demons round, up until 5 am
@MTH, the salt and the bread I never used after that incident, so I will not speak on dat, coward man keep soun bone!…however to keep peace in your house pour honey in a clear glass, get some Johnson baby powder and some lilac powder from, on a square peace of white paper draw the star of davind in pencil, new pencil, mix the two powders together, write the word peace at each point of the star in pencil put the powder on the paper, place the paper with the powder behind the door of all your rooms, and put… Read more »
@Ty yuh know mi guh fi guh write dat!…trust you wid yuh old soul fipull out dat one, lol
lol….sometimes, I have seen the old maroons use a penny to cover the wound after dem pack it wid di salt.
Morning Obara and MTH. I am also taking notes. I do not print out but have a book that I am taking notes, mi memory no suh good sometimes. Plus when I write, information stick more. SAlt good fi all kinda a stuff, mi learning nuff. Salt also used to heal wounds. WHen I was a child I hit down a lamp, you know the glass lamp with “home sweet home” on it, and it fell on my foot. After washing it and cleaning it, my granmother used salt to pack the wound daily. It was a very deep wound… Read more »
ah coming, @MTH
Is it just bread and salt to create piece in your house? What kind of bread, how much salt? Do you cut the bread or just break it? Another question Obara, can you highlight the importance of every hour during a fasting? Also, when you place water under your bed, how often must it be changed? Since coming on this site, I know that wayward spirits are actively most between 3:00-5:00 a.m.
some people will say use the salt you have, but I say buy a container of salt and keep it to the side and use that one only for spiritual purposes, and you can use any iodized salt, rock salt is very good also. me just use any salt and it work for me
Thanks Obara. This is helping me to grow spiritually as well as identify things. One question, what kind of salt is to be used and how much? Whatif I only have the salt thatI am now cooking with, can I used some of that? Obara a learm mi come fah fi learn. I am going to share something with you, I am heading off to a very brief meeting.
lol, yes you can print then but if you are going to do anything with it, you must give me credit, lololololllll..go head, and I am happy you are here, thanks for asking because right as we speak a group of people has formed a spiritual group and they are teaching from the contents here, they all read every day, and they say they have learned so much, like you they contacted me and asked
Obara, I waited for this post. Let me ask your permission, is it ok to print and save your articles? I have taken this to a new level, not even when I am in school do I pay so much attention. I normally read once to get a gist of what the article is saying. I read twice for content, three times for it to be committed to memory. (What a heap a time mi have pan fi mi han eeh?). Dat said, Obara yu post dem a shat! This is a school wey mi nuh waan nuh holiday fram.