Good day to all and sundry. Happy new year to all who happens to see this post, while the New Year energy still floats about in some parts of our world. The last couple of years (3 to be exact) have been tumultuous on a worldwide scale, and many world citizens are not physically, emotionally, or psychologically how they once were.
Last year I did not do any Prophecy post because some of the prophecies from 2020–2022 were still unfolding, even some till now. You lot should understand that the ways of Spirit is not the way of man. Many Earthly wars have already occurred but have been fought and won or lost on the spiritual plane. We have not witnessed these or heard of them as yet.
There is a spiritual world and an Earthly world (or worlds). One of which is visible to all inhabiting Earthly bodies, such as you and I, and there is the other which is spiritual and invisible. Every Being alive lives a dual life unbeknownst to most. We walk the physical Earth and we live a physical life. However, within our conscious mind we are in contact with our subconscious mind. The spiritual acts through our subconscious which itself is layered in multiples of 3s. While the objective consciousness is layered within the number 7, although it is not the 7 as you know it numerically, meaning not to be counted as literally 1 to 7. Rather, the 7 layers of the objective consciousness make up an encapsulated space between the count of 1 to 9. In other words, 2 to 8 is in itself 7 layers counted differently from the encapsulating 1 and 9 open and closings. This may seem difficult to understand as yet, but what it explains is where the Earth is currently stationed as we enter 2023.
I mention this because of this first prophecy Spirit has shared with me to share with you all.
1. The Illusion of the Financial Boom
Once you get to wrap your heads around the fact that everything is an illusion you may understand this better. You must pray for a consciousness arrival so that you are able to understand what I will say here. The words, although clear, are still vibrating a message that you all should individually get.
There will be the appearance of a financial hope throughout the world. The Twilight that the world suffered in the past 3 years will now look like Dawn. The homeless will get homes, the beggars shall be fulfilled, and the hopeless will see hope. The Haves will begin to have more, and the Have Nots will see a way to enter the space and sit beside the Haves.
However, as this year symbolizes a betterment for the world citizens financially, it will simultaneously and subtly rob them of power. It is like the hungry being finally relieved of their suffering and offered a great feast… yet the foods they enjoy rob the body of its strength and vitality, creating a new type of being: alive yet not quite so.
Thus the message from Spirit for all and sundry: What is before you that you can touch and feel as cash or money, use it to acquire assets that do not or never devalue. In order to succeed the years to come, because there are years coming where the citizens of the world will defeated, one must have something to trade or barter that is considered valuable to others.
In ancient times, men and women acquired their wealth through this means. We live in a world where this is still a reality, though it is not as blatant as it once was. However, ancient times is returning. The world is being renewed and its citizens will end up within 7 years from now bartering or trading in order to survive.
Spirit says acquire as much knowledge as you can. Things that people would not even think of knowing and understanding, study them, because the day will come where knowledge will be like the currency that we hold in our hands. Ideas or things to barter or trade and there will be officials who seek Minds rather than physical labor, leaving many without use and greater poverty.
2. Water Returns – All Must Learn to Swim
Every human being on this Earth should teach their children and generation to swim or learn to swim because the Earth as we advance will make more room for water. The date of this and the year I am not sure. However, there will be less countries on the Earth as this occurs.
3. Major World Catastrophes
For this year 2023 there are 3 major worldwide events that will happen that everyone will hear of. I am not sure of where these events will occur but there are 3 major that will happen. One, however, will be manmade and will be destructive, but the lost of lives will not be as how the disaster will seem. There will be a catastrophe involving water, almost as if an underground aquarium being broken.
4. Humans Lost in a Cave
Somewhere in the world before the end of the year there will be some people who will be lost in some type of cavelike structure or some type of underground structure. It will be a massive hunt to save these peoples lives, but Spirit says there will be victory at the end of this. This is something that has happened before and it is coming back again. It may occur in either North America, Europe or Australia.
5. America and China War
America and China, one day these two will war. When we hear “war” we think of explosives and destruction. However, the war may not be in the way your imagination presents it to you, as well as it may be, but the war between these two countries in the spiritual realm has already occurred. It is only now left to manifest here.
6. A New Exceptional Talent Is Discovered
The world will discover another Michael Jackson energy, meaning an artist of exceptional talent but the world will only see a year and a half of him as he will not remain on Earth long.
7. The Toppling of Monarchies
All monarchies throughout the world will soon become obsolete and it will be the citizens that will get rid of them. The New Earth has no space for them. There are no Earthly Kings or Queens. Spirit says power is what has spoiled man.
8. An Unknown Cure to Most Diseases
Spirit says there is a small seed that cures a specific deadly disease and squirrels like to eat it. If the water from this seed is boiled and consumed correctly it can be used to cure a lot of many illnesses and quickly.
9. Emotional Reactions and the The Rise of Sickness Propagandas
There will be a lot of propaganda about illnesses within the world. I advise all to take heed of what will be said, however you should not allow yourself to get into a panic. The reaction to the news is what will activate the illnesses said to be around or forthcoming.
10. Major Religious Site Destruction
A major religious site will be destroyed. Either through explosion or some catastrophe. People will be hurt when this occurs.
11. The Sun Is Getting Stronger
This is very important for all! Please. Make use of shades because of the sun rays that will affect many people’s vision. This year more particularly than any other.
12. Heart Issues Increase
There will be an increase in heart issues. Please seek your regular physician but also consider alternative medicines or assistance when ever a diagnosis is given to you. Not all diagnosis are the truth.
Message: When you are able to understand and accept the spiritual, and realize that the physical is an illusion, then all suffering will end.
13. Magnesium and Iron Intake Will Become Even More Imperative
This is possible one of the most important message for everyone. As of today, I implore you all, please include magnesium in your daily regimen of dietary supplements. Choose the Magnesium that is appropriate for you to use. Allow your Head to choose the one or ones that you will be taking. What I mean by this is that you can look to see the options there is and the one that appeals most to you, but also watch how your body reacts and you can change to another if you like. It is imperative because of the different types of frequencies that the Earth is entering into and how it will affect us mind, body and soul. Magnesium will help support the body in sustaining the New Earth’s frequency or design that we are about to be apart of. It should be taken for life. The same is to be said of Iron.
14. Illnesses of the Atmosphere
There are some illnesses that are coming, they are atmospheric. Perhaps caused by an animal or through something that will affect the limbs and clarity of thought of persons.
15. A Great Celebration
January 23 2023 should be used as a day of celebration. There is a great reason, but I can not write it here, but if you trust what you are reading today, celebrate the day of January 23 2023 for your benefit and that of the world.
16. Citizens Revolting
More citizens around the world will become anti-government.
It is my wish and hope that one day, or perhaps for a few times, I will be able to transcribe a message from the Invisibl World to you all and you receive, perceive and understand it as how it should be.
I love you all,
Obara Meji
…For the Godhead is not blessed by reason of his silver and gold, nor yet Almighty through his thunders and lightnings, but on account of Knowledge and Intelligence.
Image Source: Israel Vargas
I found your blog today by finding your article on how spiritual bloodlines chooses the next heir, and I found that you were describing my life, childhood, family, and birth in really profound ways. I’m experiencing a lot of really amazing things right now spiritually. And this post about your predictions for 2023 is interesting– will you be posting any predictions for 2024 or do these extend into next year? Thank you!
The years prediction overlaps and run into each other because the earth is shifting and we are not running in the correct timeline as prescribed by Cosmic intelligence. There actually is no time. However if the Cosmic commands me to do a prophecy for 2024 then I will do. Thanks for the comment.
Hi Chris welcome to the blog 🙂
Good day
Trust God you’re keeping safe and fine. Your predictions from spirit it’s my go to manual for clarification on what’s going on in this messy and earthy space.
Could no.11 currently happening in American and Europe?
Thank you Ma’am
Sending love, light and abundance.
I heard that they are creating something to block the Sun in America, wow Look at Spirit! Thank you. Blessing!!
Wow, these world elites just keep destroying the universe. Thank you ever so much Ma’am for your knowledge and wisdom from spirit to enlighten me to cope with the shift happening in the world.
Módupé ma!
Jig you are in Lagos, my lecture will be done soon so email me for details if you are in Lagos
I wish I’m in Lagos Ma’am but unfortunately I’m not at the moment. Thanks so much
Good day
Trust God you’re keeping safe and fine. Your predictions from spirit it’s my go to manual for clarification on what’s going on in this messy and earthy space.
Could no.11 currently happening in American and Europe?
Thank you Ma’am
Sending love, light and abundance
Please can you talk more about number 6,the Micheal Jackson energy stuff, please
Hi Obara. I come on this page whenever I want to know the reality about wha is happening around the world. I may say that one of the 3 majors catastrophes (Prophesy number 3) happened two months ago and it Is TURKEY and SYRIA’S EARTHQUAKE. There are many reasons to think that it was man made and was a breaking news around the world
Wow, thank you
Oh, Obara, I saw some squirrels today and I couldn’t help but think about this post 🙂 I often come to read it time and again because there are many great things to be aware of, to heed, and to learn about/from.
Obara, one of your prophesies was of some people getting lost in an underground structure and now we’re hearing about the submarine. Could that be it?
While it is unfortunate that maybe a comprehensive due diligence wasn’t done, praying for the safe return of the people involved and if not, closure for their families and loved ones.
I am
Praying for them Selam, thanks for pointing this out. Blessings to you and yours
I wanted to comment this also… Spirit told of a group of people who would be lost in a strange underground cave like structure (which probably means it would be dark and underground), which sounds like it could only be the lost submarine right now. Headlines describe it as the “race to save 5 people aboard the missing submersible”, and Spirit said it would be a “massive hunt” to save these lost people.
Wow. Prophecy #16 has come true already. Huge riots are now going on in Brazil against congress, and citizens started attacking government buildings.
Alafia Iya Obara Meji, light, peace, and progress to your ancestors. Thank you for helping us in our quest to develop good character. May you be phenomenally rewarded for all you have done and continue to do. Much happiness, protection, love, and prosperity to you and yours.
Yes… I was on a call Iya.
Thank you so much for the words. Your words are much needed in this world that is falling within a paradoxical chasm right now. I had no idea you were on Instagram, so I instantly followed you. Have a wonderful 2023, let prosperity and abundance embrace you and your essence! So much gratitude towards you.
Ase O! Thank you my dear! Yes, some time ago one of my bloggers opened up Instagram for me because I do not like social media, however in recent times I have been moved to begin posting there. I don’t post often but I am
Trying to do better. Big up that lovely blogger who did that and to the one who did the Facebook page as well. Nice seeing you here today, it has been long!
How happy to read from you again, Obara. I was just here a day before to see what new update you have for us and here we are – 2023 prophecies! Thank you for your advice and the warnings alike. I will definitely be stocking up on magnesium and iron, and for sure, the wise heed to and acquire valuable assets. My gratitude to you, Obara, and to the spirits who are always looking out for us. I honour you all
Thank you my dear, lovely to see you here
blessings obara
Blessings to you my love
Great prophecies and thanks to the spirits who are working tirelessly to bring our earth back to shape. I HONOR THEM! I Honor Michael Jackson For being one of my teachers in the spirit and also motivates me with these songs “will you be there” “I’ll be there” “Man in the mirror” I believe he is in ascension now and am looking forward to that person who have got his talent. Again I salute you Obara Meji for always being a source of light at the end of the road to all those who are spiritual seekers. Obara the prophecy… Read more »
Email me so we can discuss my dear
Happy New Year Obara
This is a very Powerfull message , i have deep feelings of what the New Year will bring .Thank you
Hey Marj, nice to see you here
Happy New Year to you
Thank you so much Obara Meji for sharing this New Year post with us. So deep and very informative that need to be pay attention to as you mention. Thank you for advice and warning to all. We just need to listen to your warning & advice and pay attention to what is to come. P. S. I love when you put people in there place. “Go and read the post again, mi nuh able!!!” Read with understanding and don’t add to Obara Meji 2023 Prophecies post. Ask questions related to the post not off questions. God Bless Obara Meji… Read more »
TCanada, Lolol, I had to laugh when Sue mentioned Harry and Meagan, mi bizznizz wid dem mi nearly drop ah grung. I love you Sue but guh read agen next ting oonuh cyaan find mi like how Kanye missing and nobody nah sey nutten
mi say a dat mi a say tonight looooooool Mr ya just nah post again soh it nuh funny but ask if mi nevea DWL, I pray he is safe doh above all.
I was saying, what? Where did that come from. Did I miss something. I did not see that there or anything of that in your reading. But Obara, you save the day. You did not allowed that conversation at All. You shot it down.. Sue, Big up wherever you are in the world. No diss, straight talk from Obara. We are here to learn and comment.
Kanye nor Harry & Megan are not important only your 2023 Spirit Prophecies is more important then them.
Happy new year Obara my love and thank you for this enlightenment ❤️
Orean!!! Happy nee Year my dear, I hope you are well.
Greetings of Love & Prosperity Obara Meji I was looking out for this post from January dawn, mi glad seh yuh dweet. So much of this resonates, I was having the barter and the uselessness of cash discussion just a couple days ago…if we pay close attention, we can see that the process has started. Have you been observing the rise of the use of AI? I am looking forward to your perspectives on this. As I see it, the knowledge and intelligence that we have held on to as “human power” is becoming null and void….you wrote on that.… Read more »
I always love you comment. The shop will soon and also I will be writing a pest 2 to this post
Hi Obara, thank you so much for the messages. I will definitely adhere to them, I will also be stocking up on iron and magnesium, since I also have low iron count. You are such a blessing and I truly love you, thank you so much my teacher.
Yes, Iron, magnesium and Coral calcium.
Thanks for this great post I have looked forward to it, please can you tell us how we can celebrate this great day, 23rd of January?
Hi Diana please go on the Instagram post (same name like the blog) and the New Year post and there you will see where I explained this to someone who asked. Just to save me from tying all that again and I am no typist.
Happy new year to you my teacher ! I’ve been looking forward to this. Thanks for blessing us once more with your knowledge and wisdom. I pray for clarity and wisdom to understand and receive all that you have said. Thank you for so much !
Happy New Year Sunday!! Yes, there are 16 of what is given but 32 if you are able to understand it from a deeper level
Watch mi teacha!!!!! she just a glow soh the joy I felt when I saw this post happy end of the year ma and thank you for not leaving us out, my hope is that persons gifted with healing will awake to their gifts and assist more in what they came to do here.
I can attest to number 14, it is already here teacha any advice on how to deal with this one?
Happy New Year JoJo, ah who yuh really Ah call Ma?? You come in like Nigerians, ah bay Ma den call me all when dem cudda have mileave mi an mi young gal self yah, ah Stone Love mi sey!
Happy new year ES family members, friends, acquaintances and peepers!!!!!! The death of monarchy was expected as you did hint to us pay keen attention to Harry and Meghan wedding & union. The motion has taken action the moment queen Elizabeth died. I wonder how the middle east monarchies will manage? Could one of the major catastrophe include Haiti? The cave people sound like the native Indians who still stay true to their heritage. Could the religion being destroyed be either the Islamic or Catholic? This seed sound like some wild bush mother Africa here I come…. The atmosphere one,… Read more »
Hey Sue, please don’t put me into no ‘Atty Hole, caw mi cannot manij, where you see me mention Harry and Meagan?? Please do not let MI6 come calla mi up ah rass
Go and read the post again, mi nuh able!!!
Another wonderful post. I look forward to reading the prophecies shared each year and it’s great to see it back for 2023. Thank you for advising and serving us. You are appreciated.
You are very welcome my dear
Nice to have the yearly prophecies back!
Blessed love to all
Hey Lincoln, there is more to say but the messages were so coded I just didn’t write them but I may come back with the second half because they have already downloaded them inside of me