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Good day one and all, I have noticed from the other day in my most recent posts I have been writing about goodness and kindness and brotherly and sisterly love and not practicing evil and so on. I felt a little weird about being repetitive on subjects already posted but I also wondered if these postings were also messages, for someone in particular or for many or for even the world.

We are living in perilous times, and often times things are brewing, and no one knows, or have even an idea,(at least us the citizens of the world), that we are possibly in danger. The world bosses (not Kartel) may be sitting on a crisis which may impact us all (the world), but as we go bustling about our busy day we have no clue. Something is wrong, messages are coming and we need to be aware. There is something brewing, but Prayer can help, of this I am sure.

This morning I woke up and felt like reposting this post and add a few links sent to me recently, perhaps thing you have never heard about. Although we all know that death is inevitable, we all hope and pray that when it happens it will never be due to illness or tragedy. This may sound naive but I am almost certain that no one looks forward to any illness whatsoever, even the common cold and certainly everyone wants to avoid any kind of tragedy. Yet these are facts of life and certain things are just out of our hands. This Ebola breakout will soon be under control, but there still is something brewing, something more to come. There is so much happening right now, but these things have been about since the beginning of time.;

We are (the earth) heading into a new dimension, to explain this I will have to make a new post. Red kidney beans hurt my stomach and my daughters. I thought at first that it was just us or that our bodies were rejecting this, but I asked my Oluwo and he told me that Ifa initiates are not supposed eat beans because Orunmila uses it to heal. I do not know how true this is. My Oluwo to whom I speak of is the Jamaican man who first took me to Africa for my initiation into Ifa, it is not that I doubted him, but I love to confirm anything told to me, especially about Ifa from an African, a Babalawo. Yet I thought about it and it came to me that if my body reacts so badly to something why continue to eat it, which I did. My body was talking to me, and telling me that this red kidney beans was not for me.

I made reference to the beans in order to tell you all something, listen to your body, listen to your head, follow the messages given to you. You are more powerful than you know. People, pray over any water before you drink or use it. It may sound basic but it works. Avoid processed foods, avoid them! Practice meditation, it will open you up to your higher self and you will be able to walk through a chaotic world, eyes wide open. Let Apple cider vinegar be your best friend. I will do a post to explain its benefits. There is a book called “Death by Diet”, by Robert Barefoot, invest in it.

Avoid sodas, drink more water, avoid sugars, do not eat seedless watermelons, wash your vegetables and fruits in salt water, soak them there if you can. Read labels on items you buy and choose from there.  Keep a bottle of Sea salt in a jar on your nightstand when you sleep, be careful not to spill it, if it spills, be aware that it will create contention in your household. If you can at nights, especially where you sleep, unplug all electrical cords from its sockets. Avoid watching the television everyday, if you can. Please know that I will not explain anything I am telling you here, so do not ask. If you trust do it, if you don’t,well, it is on you!

Blogger Ty, will do a nutritional post one day soon and I will also do a post on herbs and plants which heals and protects us from daily poisons. Please reread this post and follow the instructions if you can. There Is Something Brewing!


A Repost of  There is Something Brewing 

Four weeks ago I became possessed and the message came through me that we should stop eating processed foods, especially anything to do with artificial cheese. I spoke on the phone to my very good friend and brother Shawnyrob who is a Babalawo and told him this, he then called me and told me that he attended a spiritual party  and Osun the deity of whom I am an Initiate, possessed women who were also initiates of Osun and they all gave the same message of processed foods. Though they did not stress process cheese as with my message. It is clear that the message is real. I attempted to contact the messenger about the reasons and in particular processed cheese and they told me that the heart of every human being is in danger, they said where one could become infected with some blood disease, or even become afflicted with certain cancers, with the heart, when it attacks, the deaths will be swift and often.

Often times we are given messages and we do not “get” them. They become lost, but I am realizing that there is a greater need for us to pray, not just normal prayers but pray for the world and whatever calamity is on its way, there is something brewing! Something is not correct, but prayer can change it, as simple as it sounds Prayer by all of us can change it. We may seem like sitting ducks, because we are not privy to the happenings behind the closed doors of the Oval offices anywhere in the world, not privy to silent wars being fought between bigger heads and higher ups,  but we are not sitting ducks, we have the ability mentally to change anything through prayer, something is not right, bloggers I feel it something is brewing as I write this I am certain. We need to pray, not become afraid, but pray. There are things around us we cannot see, we have help, those who have no physical bodies and often times you will not see them but they are there, no not the boogie man but our guardians, spirits from the realms who are here with us, just like the ones who gave me this message and like Osun who possessed the other Osun women and warned the people in attendance of the party that they should be careful. There are beings who live among us and they are here to help, but they need our energy, and it comes through prayer, please pray!

I woke up this morning and as I awoke,  as always I went to my shrines to pray, after which, I sat down a my laptop to write my daily post, memories of last night came back to me. Last night as I settled down to sleep, I as usual began to go over the day in my mind, this is something I do everyday ever since I can remember. I realized as I went into deep thought, that I became sad, but sad of what I was not sure. So I sat up, deciding to source the reason of my growing gloom, (I hate sadness, I am a fun loving person)I knew that in order to shake this feeling I had to identify it, but there was no reason which I could find which made my mood change to sadness or so it seemed last night as I searched my mind, so I rocked myself to sleep, and sleep took a while to come, as if it wanted to spite me for keeping it at bay with my wondering, but eventually as I rocked myself it nestled down with me and carried me away into oblivion until the sun came and gently kissed me awake.

I woke up feeling good, but I remembered as I brushed my teeth, that I  had something troubling me before I went to sleep, and as I brushed I searched my mind for what was bothering it and as a bad kid who had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, worry slithered out of the crevice of my mind where it had sought shelter and stared at me with a dry eye. Damn! As I sat down, I was brought back to last night and the feeling which came over me, biting my lips and asking worry what the hell did it want, I realized that I was saddened by the state of the world and the well being of its inhabitants. The weight of the world came onto my shoulders last night, and as I write now I am curious as to why. There are so much I would like to share with you all relating to the world and the realms of spirits and their function from within time and space and how they interact with us here, but the time is not now, and I am not sure there will ever be a time. There are so much untruths out there, and believe it or not some of the untruths are mixed in with truths, but done that way willfully in order to protect the owner of the knowledge put out, or to send the fool a little further

The night before 9-11, the tragedy which took New York City, I went to the store with Mr. low grade (remember him, the ex?), it had rained that night and as we walked back toward home, he held my hand and stopped me for a moment, this was about eight o’clock. He told me to look up to the sky and I looked, unsure of what I was looking for, he then said to me “don’t you feel how tense the night is, something is wrong the atmosphere is tense”, as he said it I felt it and both of us did not understand what IT was exactly. Only to wake up to the awful tragedy that happened that day which we watched with dread on the television as thousands of people lost their lives.

There is an attack on us, human beings through the food which we eat, more and more women are dying now a days after they have delivered their babies, something is not only brewing, something has gone into effect. There will be very soon a call for all the world citizens to go to clinics for a certain shot against some sort of poisoning which would have come from some foods which we may have eaten, when this call comes, and it will, sometime in the near future, for all who will remember this post,  find the aloe vera plant and blend it with a little salt and drink it, it will neutralize whatever you have been exposed to. If you have canned corn in your cupboards, remove them, the water that is is packed with is the danger, but do not drain the water and believe that all is well, just remove it and do not buy it again. Try to distance yourself from meat, if you can, it is hard, but if you cannot, then go to the live animal market and get your meats there, not the ones sold in the supermarkets, heed my warning, this may be hard for some but “prevention is better than cure”!

Jamaican People drink a cup ah bisi once a month, no more than that, it will help you a lot and also de good ole cerasee tea, use the sun to help you, as much as you can sit out in the sun you need vitamin D and also source out vitamin A and use it. Consider eating a lot of greens preferably raw and if you can manage, eat raw vegetables and grains. Stay away from anything artificial, flavorings and foods. When you sleep it is important to plug everything out of their sockets at nights, this also will allow you to remember your dreams, as we all dream every night, everyone does. Do not litter the earth, be kind to the earth and it will reward you.

Women use your power, at that time of the month, use the flow, burn that which you have collected it on and sprinkle the ashes in front of your house or around it do this on a rose moon, this is big, protection from many things, I will not explain!

I will revisit this subject another time, this is a message I received to give to all of you and of the most important is Prayer. Pray without ceasing, there is something brewing my people, this time it will not be a burning or falling building, or an Earthquake in Haiti, or a Tsunami in Indonesia, or even the war in Iraq. What we eat is what is being used, mothers make your own baby foods, the ones in the supermarkets are “turning out” the children, read between the lines!

Parents if you do not want to have many children consider the rhythm method or periodic abstinence, there is something brewing with these birth controls which are being given today. The attacks will on the hearts and on the blood, it has began already but much has increased, we should have no fear however because God has the upper hand in all things, and God is real. When you sleep, do not put your cell phone or any other phones on your bed or beside it, if you can, dismantle it and keep it far away from you, the less you use it, will be the best for you. Try not to eat too much fast food if any, please try. Wake up, and pray, there is something brewing. We will visit this topic again some time soon.

Ìbàjẹ́ ọjọ́ kan kì í tán lógún ọdún. / 

An indiscretion of one day, does not get forgotten in twenty years…… Yoruba Proverb!

[Guard a good reputation; a little indiscretion can be costly]

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…..Obara Meji!

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4 years ago

I just came across this post now and I’m wowed. You kept warning, I’ve seen these styles of warnings in your posts dating back a couple of years before we’re now facing this Covid-19. You got the signal way ahead of time Ma’am and warned accordingly while also dropping some deep tips. You’re blessed and gifted Ma’am Obara.

I honor the spirits you work with. In fact i salute them at attention haha..

Thanks for this free help.Love and light.

4 years ago

I just came across this post now and I’m wowed. You kept warning, I’ve seen these styles of warnings in your posts dating back a couple of years before we’re now facing this Covid-19. You got the signal way ahead of time Ma’am and warned accordingly while also dropping some deep tips. You’re blessed and gifted Ma’am Obara.

I honor the spirits you work with. In fact i salute them at attention haha..

Thanks for this free help.Love and light.

4 years ago

I just came across this post now and I’m wowed. You kept warning, I’ve seen these styles of warnings in your posts dating back a couple of years before we’re now facing this Covid-19. You got the signal way ahead of time Ma’am and warned accordingly while also dropping some deep tips. You’re blessed and gifted Ma’am Obara.

I honor the spirits you work with. In fact i salute them at attention haha..

Thanks for this free help.Love and light.

9 years ago

I am late reading this. Thank you for posting this. I have printed this off. I have no question I will follow this. Thank you.

10 years ago

See you’ll in the hours of light.

10 years ago

Night Ty

10 years ago

They say the maca root boosts fertility and it’s called ‘Natures Viagra’

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

I have it in the capsules. Lol it might be a natural health person told me it’s hormonal and to try it

10 years ago

I am off to bed…night everyone…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Night ty

10 years ago

This post was great. Funny thing I just tell Obara I was going to go back on birth control and the package just disappear. Someone told me to try maca root instead.

10 years ago
Reply to  Courtney

Courtney I never knew macca root could do that…I swear I learn something here everyday…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

It helps with the hormones apparently it regulates like the birth control

10 years ago
Reply to  Courtney

Good to know..u boil it and drink like tea? You have to drink everyday?

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

What is Maca root? Me late (1 am, lol) but hello TY and Courtney

10 years ago
Reply to  Courtney

I wonder if the birth control contribute to fibroids? I hear that you should try not to take it long term

10 years ago

Good night folks

10 years ago
Reply to  Courtney

Hey Courtney

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Hey ty

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Howdy Courtney!

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Hey nunu how are u hunnie

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty him want to be ‘close’ to the people; show them seh him willing fi ketch di chik v lol, di man a secure him vote dem lol

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Lol…him need fi move back to ja fi ketch it…lol…

10 years ago

Hear dis idiot we have as MP…let me see how many people going to vote him back in…–says-health-minister

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Di Jcans a go in pon him on twitter, #tweetlikefentonferguson…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Well Ty if him want it, him fi ketch it yes, ole idiot!

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

All a who sick should bum rush him office, lol

10 years ago

Yazzy mi deh yah mumzy!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Speaking of which..mumsy good??

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Mumzy good Yazz!

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Evening Ty and Yazzy!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Hey Nunu

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Nunu boooo!! Good night sweetie! How u?

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Can’t trust nutten from Mediatakeout

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Although yuh cyaan put nutten pas’ them, Ty

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty, I was reading the comments… there seems to be some merit to the post…. but the info is so raw. . I don’t think it will be received well.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty, I was reading it, but because the site I read it on love suss I didn’t share it. But the points made are to my liking.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty, curly tails spit? I never knew. I haven’t seen any in a long time. One just to live under my mums garage step for years and he died, we noticed when it didn’t come out to sun. I sweep lizards when they come indoors…I don’t kill them unless they persistent like the bull buka yu run over.

10 years ago

Me never too ramp wid di goat dem cause some a dem can cross….lol

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Mi have a pet goat pon we compound name Jimmy, dem kill mi odda goat name Bukky

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Goat love beer..u fi give jimmy a red stripe…

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Jimmy facety! Bisi she did name not bukky, she use to shit ah mi door and run when she hear mi ah come, she hope sey step inna it, Mi husband use to beat har feet

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Dats is why dem nyam bisi…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Jimmy have big foot?? Mi like when goat whispa to mi eenuh…

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Teach me de smiley face Cami, Yazzy ah Bisi de gal goat whey dem kill use to shit ah mi door way Pon spite fi mi step in deh! Jimmy just facety

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara, some goat love spit.. Dats why I yell u give jimmy a beer…him will love u and follow u round like a puppy dog…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Me nuh live nuh life den man… caws di two a unuh have all dese exotic animals and some damn good name and I are here wid mi lizard dem when mi use to cova wid plastic wrap and direct dem (get neegle and poke hinna yeye and cut off tail and all types a sinting) then I would strategically place the lizard remains in front a di grill mek ants come fah… few days later… ya girl working wit some bones! I swore I was an archeologist dem time deh eenuh!

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Yazzie, ne and lizard nuh gree…lol

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Will do Ty

Henny body in yah realize sey Yazzy mad? Just asking !

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

You know I miss those experiences and the ones yall speak of. So humbling…. I would trade my heels for a cow boy boots and a hog pen… or a horse pen.. or goat or whatever… just back to basics!

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Yazzie right ya now praying fi a house wid yard so I can have two chicken fi have fresh eggs…

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Àṣẹ Ty

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ty mi neva know seh lizard deh Merika… till mi deh a FL… lizard and iguana fi kill… and dem bareface nuh brute.

Obara why yuh tink mi instantly bag Milk?? We were very much compatible… till Nunu secretively deh uppa country a whine him weh from mi and a send mi subliminal message bout she deh watch di whole cow chu winda weh a really Milk she deh pree…

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Yazzie I am in Florida and di lizard dem Nuff, we have croaking lizard and curly tail lizard…the curly tail lizard dem will spit on you…a few months back I was driving into the driveway and a curly tail would not move out di way, I honk, mek noise, den him start fi try rush di car,…I just run right over him, brite…I hear dem spit poisonous too…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

No seriously … I totally agree. Ty, yuh wi get yuh house wid a huge garden fi plant up yuh tings deh u and hubby. And yuh can have up yuh nicely decorated flow coup wid air freshner and ac. Obara are there many animals raised on a typical compound in Africa?? Pardon mi ignorance… a di African movie dem trow mi off… I was never raised with animals around except for a pup (Lexy) but I have grown to appreciate the lifestyle and if I could trade it all I would settle in, humbly, with nature… all my domesticated… Read more »

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yazzy sometime Ifa will ask for an animal and by the time yuh ready fi kill him, him tell yuh do not kill de animal give him the feAthers or the hair and keep de animal in de yard

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ty, yuh nuh ramp fi kill mi wid joke. Yuh run ova so lizard… serve him right. I was scared at first but then I realized that it’s just in their nature to be so bareface and so ever present… so mi yek time a get use to dem ya now… just never knew their spit was poisonous … ok tanks.. I have to watch out. What about the iguanas? ? Di one dem that I saw are always by the lakes and they are huge almost look like alligator mi almost drop dung… I can’t manij.

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Do iguanas for the most part just sunbathe…only time dem brindle is if dem in a tree and you climb up to them…

The Hispanics and trinis is love to eat them…yuck…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara that is so merciful.. Obara what would I do without u… I was clueless to Ifa but I am in love with the tradition and the way of life… and it feels so natural.

Ps, di amount a time I use di wud natural and nature fi do night… sorry.. mi aguh check mi dictionary fi oda words cah it nuh nawmal.!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ty, omg, I heard they eat them now tell me… a wah deh pan iguana bafi fi nyam??? Tsk tsk tskk..

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Jimmy de goat? lol

The smiley face is : and ) together

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami


10 years ago

Obara so do you still eat meat? I am trying my darn best to cut it out but my will only allows me to go about 3-4wks at a time then I regress..

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Way before my first initiation they took fish away from me Ty, now it look like dem doing it again, fish head sick mi stomach now a days

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Only doctor fish and butter fish I really eat…and oh yes salt fish…

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ty please to tell Yazzy fi behave, bout culinary seduce, lmaooo

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lol…a grung me land and I cannot get up…

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yazzy please to tell Ty to behave, bout ride and race de big ass turkey dem, grung!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO Obara!!! Ty seh dem ride and race di damn turkey! A weak!

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Lol…country people race anything…we ride and race wid pig, turkey…you name it…my grandmother only had one donkey, Doris and she did boasy wid straw hat, so we could not race her….lol

All when rain fall we race paper boat, and if you want to tief, u drop a matches stick in you boat and u gone a lead…

I had a fun childhood…

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

One big black hellova whey fava Dottie run mi dung breathless already!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Unuh live some life in ya ei si!!

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yazzy please to talk to Ty, caws did always want. Donkey name Doris wid a straw hat and she a shoe off Pon mi!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


My grandmother had many animals…her fav was a pig name chubby…so she kill chubby, a so she call another pig chubby…we never know as kids…dat time, we an nyam chubby..

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Unuh a kill mi dead. Ty mi like dem tory ya man. Obara a style she a pap pan wi wid Doris fi tru… Doris a hot gyal nubadi cudnt ride har… a wuda bara har straw hat caw mi know it aint nawmal!

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Lol…if u give her medina bush, she will mek u ride her…but no touch har hat…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

A seh a weak in ya… suh Obara a how yuh manij escapeth dat deh turkey deh??? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Guh see how yuh gi usain a run fi him money da day deh… lawd jeezas!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ty, yu ride turkey? lolllllllllllllllllll Ty, when you’rer in Jamaica go to Shoppers Fair. They have a Bacon (red background on the package and I think blue writing) The BACON IS OUT OF THIS WORLD! I woke up at 4 am to see babe off to work and as soon as him gone I put the entire package to fry (it don’t shrink much and oily, oily it lean) and then work it with some with some sweet fry plantains, and granny corn bread…mind you it was my day to return to the states. Fell asleep and woke up to… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Cami di bacon sound good..sass crises…no sah…

10 years ago

Good night sweet Obara and all my sweeties.

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Hey Yazzy

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hey Obara. How u??

I like that you placed emphasis on the fact that prayer can shift and break things up. I consider Jamaica a highly spiritual country and I’m positive it is because of their nature why we still exist… and have defeated and miraculously missed many disasters …

Do you think the same can be assumed by the Nigerian ppl?

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I believe Yazzy they are very resilient people nd right now, their country is Ebola free nd their borders protected

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Night everyone…

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hey Ty

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hey Obara, Nunu, Yazzy, peepers

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I am still amazed by that Obara… all now mi inna disbelief… mi ratings buck fi dem.. mi surprise dem nuh inna di ppl dem country a dig dem dung fi dem blood weh supposedly might have the antibodies to di ebola! Or are they??

Hey Darling Ty!! Night my love…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

They wanna know but I belive thethey are embarrassed and their pride won’t allow them to seek assistance from “us”… dem radda dead before dem tek wi black blood that might have the antibodies and pump inna dem…. yuh get me??

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Also… I believe they are trying to milk this ebola scare tactic… suh dem probably deh scramble fi come up wid THE MOST expensive drugs den dem spread it some more and eat a food offa di profits and split it… nutin nuh free

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes Yazzy, but minimal, today I made chicken and broccoli but I are the broccoli and one small piece if the chicken with some rice, meat sicki stomach

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I barely eat the meat…bacon is my weakness…love it on the weekends…

I still eat seafood…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes Obara meat start sick mi to. No matter how gourmet it’s done up. Not even peppa a do di trick nu more… and you can’t even trust the organic brands either. ..

Once upon a time when mi use to love mi belly… yuh cuda culinarily seduce out mi kakaclaat but now… dat ship has sailed….

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy


10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ty, yuh mean turkey bacon or the real Oscar myers?? Lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

I like real bacon…not Oscar Myers either…lol

I do not like turkey…my grand aunt used to have some big raatid ones, we used to ride and race wid…dem did dumb no brick…to this day, I do not like turkey…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I’m keepin it

10 years ago

Have a good evening everyone. *Smoochies*

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Later M

10 years ago

Teach Sierra Leone and Guinea. Mi neva did sure a di spelling suh mi guh check back. LOL Here is the CNN link

10 years ago

I’ll be back in a bit.

10 years ago

That is not even worldwide. That’s just 3 countries in Africa, Liberia is one.

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Look at the link I posted it shows years and locations. The locations sames to be in the same zone.

10 years ago

Cami, we just have to pray. I am wondering, about the person that transport Mr. Thomas to the hospital. We just have to be extra vigilant. We can not rely on people to be truthful about their travels.

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Just saw what you wrote M, 10,000 per week!? Have mercy!

10 years ago

Cami when they remove the suits, how are the suits disposed of?

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Good question?

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Don’t they incinerate them? Mek a check si if Google got nutten

10 years ago

Just heard that a man in Germany has died of Ebola and it has been predicted that there will be 10,000 cases per week of Ebola cases by December.

Nunu, all mi a guh duh is tek some more cable channels, buy 2 more pillows and buy up some food and mi naah leff my house.

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Don’t allow fear to cripple you; you aware of what’s out there just take precautions.

10 years ago

Where this is Ebola business is concerned, I cant get it out of my head, the article that was posted here that mentioned that as soon as Liberia mentioned that they had oil, braps Ebola to dem ting. Yes, yes, yes, mi nuh believe sey a nuh smaddy deliberately a dweet.

Mi mek sure warn my body and tell it sey it naah accept nutten strange. No virus, nutten. No Chick, No V, No Ebola. Nutten, nada…

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH


10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

It look like wi haffi guh inves’ in a hazmat suit puddung

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH
10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

True. That causes them to go back to studying the pathology of this virus. They said it wasn’t airborne, but if it a effect those in protected suits…then again are they removing the suits properly?

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Maybe they aren’t, but they have to be so tired, because of the heat, maybe they forget

10 years ago

Yow just this morning dem deh pon di news a seh dem soon make ut official fi people nyam BEAR!!! mi seh BEAR, GRIZZLY BEAR yucks no thank yu. certain animal anuh fi dinner table. smh

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Grung! _________________________ neither breakfast or lunch Kia!!!!!!! lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Cami sum people stumuck strong enuh but dat a more dan strong!!! dam nasssssssssssy

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

God know I’m glad for my the land of my birth and family for not eating strange creatures, lol

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

If dem nyam possum and squirrel dem wi more dan nyam di bear

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu
10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Grizzly bear

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Is dem things de bring about plauges…I would love to tour the world, but my stomach says Hell nah! If I can’t carry couple tin a mackarel, some bully beef and sardine I “ain’t” going, lol

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Cami, just have one suit case full of tin goods just make you sure ration it, so it can last you. Lol

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Toy, the airlines so crooked dem a charge fi de extra luggae, lol

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Si according to the book Toy mention, the Harvard doctor seh dem experiment with the animals dem and inject all kinda things in them and create these deadly viruses, and den them let it guh pon people’

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

It’s true which was the bases for the movie “Outbreak”. Then to compound the problems you have people eating undomesticated meat and frigging off the animals.

10 years ago

Greetings people glad to see yu all today howdy Obara CAmi Toy Nunu Charles MTH…something is definitely brewing…be mindful my frens n lissen ur ori.

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Was up, kia

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Howdy mi breddrin kia!

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Hello Kia

10 years ago

In the movie outbreak all they did was swith around the last 2 numbers of the year of the outbreak. Ebola is named after a river…more “facts”.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Well si the Marburg strain kill somebody recently, hopefully that nuh start spread tuh. Animals seem to be the cause of alot of these major diseases

10 years ago

Who remembers? Outbreak is a 1995 American medical disaster film directed by Wolfgang Petersen. The film stars Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo and Morgan Freeman and co-stars Cuba Gooding, Jr., Kevin Spacey, Donald Sutherland and Patrick Dempsey. The film focuses on an outbreak of a fictional Ebola-like virus called Motaba in Zaire and later in a small town in the United States. Its primary settings are government disease control centers USAMRIID and the CDC, and the fictional town of Cedar Creek, California. Outbreak’s plot speculates how far military and civilian agencies might go to contain the spread of a deadly contagion.… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

I remember watching this a long time ago. Scary that this could be our reality

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

I remember that movie.

10 years ago

The doctor who wrote it believes that they were created by doing cancer experiments on monkeys

10 years ago

Emerging Viruses: AIDS And Ebola : Nature, Accident or Intention… Has anyone read this book. I could look at the reviews but I wanted to ask you all first

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

No not me, I’m going to google it

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

I am going to do that now also

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Never heard of it, Toy.

10 years ago

Cami I gave out the tablet to be fixed. I am hoping to go collect it Friday. Cami big M works full time and goes to school full time. I had her as a teen. Thanks Toy for thinking of me. Lastnight was real difficult for me. Yesterday, I was made aware how I was betrayed by a ‘friend’. All is all, I am fair. God is good.

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Betrayed by your friend… They are always the ones to hurt you. I am glad whoever it is has been revealed to you, now you can treat them accordingly. Put that person on a hi and bye list.

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Ain’t that the truth! It’s always those closest to you that can hurt you

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Okay, Mommy MTH.

10 years ago

Morning Obara, Ty,Cam, Mth I thought about you last night. I am happy to know your family is doing better, miss Nunu morning. Obara, it is sad to know what is going on in the world.

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Morning Toy Toy! Yeah it is scary, it’s like 2014 is the year of the desease, before wi can recover from one another one pop up

10 years ago

I have been slacking off about eating better. I remember the first time this post went up I bought apple cider vinegar and a gallon of aloe juice. U started drinking them and then stopped. I have to start drinking it again

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

I made pickle pepper and chocho so that I can enjoy the vinegar better.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

I’ve stopped drinking soda as well.

10 years ago
10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

How amazing is that story Cami, the poor baby couldn’t move but at least she could breathe. That means the 3 year old went three days without food as well, is a good thing him have sense enough fi alert the neighbour

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

That is a nice story. I am glad the mom is back in the kids life and baby girl is making a strong recovery.

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Hey Toy! 🙂 hope you having a good day. The baby is so pretty! look how she smiles so innocently not able to comprehend the tragedy?

NuNu I suspect the little one may have found odd things to munch on and put some in her mouth (smiling) cause children do the darnedest things.

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

I got a smiley face! I’ve always wondered hoy you guys get it…lol TODAY A MY DAY! something so simple 🙂 🙂 lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Cami you getting your emoticon on.

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Yep 🙂

10 years ago

Good afternoon my esteemed colleagues, fambily and friends! Lol, mi late but mi deh yah! Howdy Cami, Charles and M

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

NuNu! yu reach back a yu yard? I can wait because where ever you are you nu lively…and that can be verified if you a look out pon cow pasture. dwrl

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Mi nuh reach a mi yaad yet Cami,, dats why mi nuh sekkle

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Please to hurry back home. Love you NuNu puss.

Yw, miss you too.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

No man Teach, mi nah slack off man. Mi tink a di rum chrow mi off course. Mi deh gi up di bakkle yah man! A deh leff it to drunken ready Freddie mi cyaan keep up!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

MTH say she soon get the tablet fix. MTH, there is a man on the way into St. Thomas who is excellent wid electronics. If you still have a problem let me know let me get his info and give Obara to give to you.

10 years ago

Afternoon guys.

Cami thanks for asking about my fam. Big M is back at work and school, my dad is coming along. Sent the tablet to be fixed soI hope to be on back in the nights.

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Good and it’s great to know all is well.

Now, Big M goes to work and school? Me backfoot me think a babies you had. A me and NuNu don’t have any offsprings round here? lol

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Mi glad big M well again Mth. Did you catch it too?

10 years ago

Goodevening Obara n ES crew, thanks for the past. Teach me how to pray

10 years ago
Reply to  charles206

Good evening Charles. Hope all is well.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

All is well, but the With the topic today, I don’t think all is well. I’m scared

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

No fear Charles, no fear. Fear clouds the mind.

“Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.”

An excerpt from the Desiderata poem.

10 years ago
Reply to  charles206

How you doing Charlesy!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

I’m doing well Nunu and you?

10 years ago

NuNu! hurry up and go a yu yard, I miss blogging with you. Obara me don’t mind blogging with you but yu too busy.

10 years ago

Teach, Ty, Cami, morning everyone. I typed an everlasting story on the other post and lost everything. Teach, thank you for always, blessing us with your writting. We are being fed and we are growing. Have a wonderful day everyone.

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Hey MTH, I still miss you in the evening hours, but I guess I’ll have to settle for when I do see you. Have a bless work week. How is your daughter and dad coming along?

10 years ago

There are many things brewing in the cauldron of chaos.

Morning again, Obara and Ty.

10 years ago

Such a timely post and repost…if you pick up a newspaper or watch the news, the news is so scary…every corner of the world has chaos….

Let us keep praying…

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