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Embracing Spirituality is a blog of a wide variety of spiritual topics and discussions, led by spiritualist, metaphysician, and traditionalist Obara Meji and her personal experiences. Born out of a desire to assist others in embracing their spirituality, and to lend our contribution to the ultimate goal of the evolution of mankind.
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I wrote this post many months ago, although it did get some attention from you, it did not get enough I believe, and this is a very important topic. There are many things within this world where we live that maybe disturbing our lives daily and we do not know or understand what it is. Like the posts below on Incubus Succubus, there are entities, all for the function of the human earthly development while in the physical body, who are here in this realm to test us in all sorts of ways. The picture up top is one example of an Egbe shrine, and the fruits are offerings to them, more often in Nigeria they can be found outside at the root of a banana tree.

Oh if only spirituality instead of religion was taught in school! So many people would not be lost. This Earth plane is a remarkable place, and there are so many forces who are here with us, unseen to the physical eyes. The word Egbe (Egg-beh) means society or group. In metaphysics we can identify them as Soul groups and as we know, our soul groups have many function within our lives, but Egbe is a Yoruba word.  I have decided to re-post this topic because they may be affecting many of you and you do not know it.

This past Saturday night my husband here in Africa and I had an disagreement, no, not a disagreement a quarrel. It began over him not wanting to explain something for me,claiming that he was tired. He was I am sure, he works hard in the days, our work is not easy, but what pissed me off was when he called me to help him rub his shoulders which he said was hurting him. I always do this for him at nights, as his muscles would tense up due to his work, but I had been asking him to explain this particular thing for a while and he always put me off. So I sulked to rub his shoulder (mi have him up and ah tink sey him selfish), while I was rubbing the shoulder, thinking to myself…..ah wha him tek mi fah, him personal massager? Kissing mi teeth in mi head and cutting mi eyes dem offa him, like lickle pickney.

He realized that I was vexed, I guess he felt it as to how I handling the shoulder, (mi haul and pull it de way mi ignorant), he turned around and shouted at me to leave his shoulder alone. Him voice strong ei nuh, so when he shouts he sounds like he is roaring. African Women spoil their men, and most of them are submissive (economics I guess, and what they learn), and take what the men gives them.

Well me is Jamaican and have always been independent and not used to that, so when the shout happen, a big “Guh suck yuh mumma! rose up in my mind fi halla out ei si, and smaddy inna mi head out if faass. Anyway, I shouted back, (we have had our moments but never like this scream fest), he was surprised and upset, and sat up looked at me and walked out of the room. He went into another room to sleep while I grumbled for half the night and sulked. In the morning he apologized and we were good again.

On Monday we had a good day, but when night came and he asked me to share food for him, as I went to share it, I remembered the shouting on Saturday while I was sharing, and I became upset and began thinking all kinds of things.

Mi did ah tinks sey mi cudden cuss him de right way caws ah African and him nah guh undastan de tring ah bad wud whey mi did ah guh daab him up wid, bad breed tinkin was inna mi head. Mi ah tink sey ah wha dis fadda? dis man ah come bawl offa mi!

When I brought the food out for him, My facial expression showed that I was upset and he asked me what happened, I said nothing. He studied me for a while and then said Egbe is disturbing your life, you need Egbe. I Know I need to get Egbe, but for how he said it, by just seeing my facial expression I had to ask him why he said that. He said that all day I was happy and fine, and then all of a sudden I was angry. He also said that he noticed that this was a pattern with me, that all could be well and then I would find some thing to upset me and then I would needle him with it. He spoke the truth, ah suh mi tan fi choot.

When mi memba de wicked baby fadda and Duttie High grade, mi jook dah present husban yah wid tings him nuh know bout. He said the spirit of Egbe does not want me in a happy relationship, and so it will try to put negative thoughts to my mind. It will suggests things to me about the person or persons (it can affect friends and family members also) that are not so, or blow somethings small out of proportion. The Egbe does this because it wants us not to have a long relationship with them, it wants us never to forget them and for them to be with us always while we are am here on earth..

I always said I had no friends in my real life, and I do not. Other than my bloggers who I have as family, in my life I have no friends that I hang out with, shop with, or visit, it has been like that for me for a long time. I have come to a place in life where I have accepted that. At first it was hard, but over time, I asked my self if I really needed them.

Friends would be with me and all of a sudden they would disappear. One girl went as far as to tell me that I see too much. She was afraid of me because she thought I could see her deeds or mis-deeds, she worried that I  could see her life and therefore her business. I was so hurt, because I liked that friend, she was a good person.

Things like these continued in my life, and I realized that if I spent too much with a friend, if I saw them too often, spoke with them a lot, out of nothing our relationship would end. No quarrel or fuss, just end so so suh!

I began to be careful that if I had someone who I liked very much, I made sure not to see them often, and my children all went through this like me. They all need Egbe so that they lives can be stabilized.

Upon receiving Egbe as an initiation, your astral mates, soul group will be with you, guide you, protect you, but they will promise not to disturb your life in way of having children, or getting a boyfriend or husband, or having friends, or a social life. They will still be around you, but they will protect you instead with the promise by you, that you never forget them and that at least once per year you will feed them.


So people Egbe comes from the river, some from the bush, some from the Ocean, some from Banana plants and more and they all ask for many different things. Your Egbe spirit husband can come and have sex with you in your sex dream, different from Incubus succubus, but it is not good. They can possess the husband to hate you and leave you and have you drive the husband away. My husband says many people suffer from Egbe disturbing their lives and they do not know it. Unless they find tradition and find out. They can even cause de gully queen dem situation. mis-carriages (some not all ) is Egbe the list goes on!

Many people who do not have a social life, friends, have been married many times, who are still at virgin, have a mate but you cannot get along because of doubt and trust issues, who feels the need to cheat, can’t get a job, keep on losing jobs, can’t keep money or if money comes you lose it. Women who cannot have a child, have never gotten pregnant, or if you have a child, you cannot get along with the child and more… Many people suffer under these that they know nothing of, and before you ask, no, they are not evil, just overly possessive of you, their family and wants you back in the realms with them, they know you cannot leave until you earthly contracts ends, so they will disturb you unless you appease them. Egbe may be at play in your life. It is real.



Brawta information;….Often times if a group of people die together, as in the world trade center disaster or a terrible plane crash or an automobile accidents, they all from the same soul group and made a pact to leave the earth together way before they came here.





Here is the Original Post which I wrote;

Egbe Our Heavenly Mates.

Have you ever felt as if you are alone in this world, all by your self, even though you are a social person, you just cannot seem to make friends? You know you are attractive but you never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend depending your gender, or if you meet someone it never goes anywhere?….no call back for a second date, no contact what so ever?  All your school friends have married and have children but here you are not even able to be asked out on a date. Have you ever heard of women who, every partner/spouse they have had, has either died or gone to prison, or they just do not get along with anyone long enough for that relationship to go somewhere? If you have not personally experienced any of this, I am sure you have met people who has. Often times children, while young and just beginning to talk, will have what we call Imaginary Friends, who they would talk to, play with, eat with and even call them by name. To the parents, it is cute, and we tell our friends and families about our child and their imaginary friend not knowing that there is more to the story and that this child is no ordinary child. My children had imaginary friends when they were younger and I thought it was cute and would humor them. When Science do not understand somethings they make stuff up, the pediatrician will tell the parents when he is asked that the child is just going through some kind of change and this is his or her coping mechanism or some will tell the parents not to worry it will soon stop or go away.

My youngest child imaginary friend was called Sansa, she began speaking to Sansa as soon as she could talk and would always play with her. I was used to these imaginary friends and I had spoken to the doctor when one of my sons began to talk to his friend Brian, who assured me that it was perfectly normal and that Brian would disappear around age seven which he did. One Christmas when my little girl received a gift which she was very happy with, so happy she hugged tightly me and told me thanks. As she pulled away from me she turned to her imaginary friend Sansa, who we were all used to and showed her the gift, but what happened after that was kinda scary, at least to my other children who did not sleep the whole night after that. She showed Sansa her gifts while telling Sansa that she could not wait until Grandma and Grandpa came so she could show then the gifts she had received from her mommy. We all gave each other side eyes while hearing the noise of crickets, but said nothing. She was about five or six at this time and my other child who had Brian the imaginary friend, had since stopped playing with him. We had cleaned up the room after opening all the gifts and had our Christmas meal, and had all gone to the living room to watch movies. Three hours had passed since the gifts were opened. In the middle of watching the movie my little girl was snuggled under my arm, jumped up and went to the front door while shouting,“Grandma, Grandpa, Devon, Donovan you’re here!, come, come and see what mommy gave me for Christmas”, she came and sat down on the couch, and proceeded to talk to these people we could not see. That night my children all slept in the living room together, too afraid  to sleep in their rooms, and I prayed. I asked to be able to see and know who these people were that my daughter saw, but I couldn’t. That night they all showed themselves to me, I saw my little girl in my yard riding a pink tricycle. I saw Sansa, Grandma, Grandpa, Devon, and Donovan all playing and laughing with her, the scene in the dream was a happy one. As I stood to the side and watched these people surround my daughter like a family, I asked someone beside me who is always in my dreams with me but I have never seen him, who were these people and what do they want with my child and he answered that they were her astral mates, her family, who she left in heaven when she began her journey here.

Egbe (Egg-beh) is a Yoruba word, which literally means society or groups. Egbe Orun (Orun means heaven), is our spirit group or companions associated with us from heaven.  Here, “Heaven” means from which ever realm you lived within the universe.  Ayo Salami in his book Egbe, The Heavenly Mates Of Every Human, describes Egbe as the Heavenly/Spiritual Peer Group of a human being. Other explanations of Egbe are that they are our spiritual companions who lived with us, enjoyed us, played with us in the realm of spirit from where we came and has agreed to watch over us, protect and guide us, as we choose to be born into this realm. Often times when a soul chooses to be incarnated to earth, they will leave their spirit husbands or wives and family, some will make the promise to return at a certain point, if that contract is broken, for instance between husband and wife, and it is the wife who has incarnated and is living here on this realm, then while on earth (remember she has no knowledge of this, because once a child has passed through the birthing passage, the womb and born, all knowledge of their spiritual life is left behind) she will find herself having problems. She may not be able to find a boyfriend, marry or have a family, or if she manages to have a family, the union is plagued with problems, or the husbands keep dying or going to prison. (If you are a male you will find yourself having issues with women as well). In our Jamaican society we see or hear it often, when women curse other women and tell then that they are bad luck because every man they have either die or have gone to prison, they do not know it, but often times it is their Egbe, or spiritual family that is disturbing them.

There was a time when I went to a woman for a reading. As I sat down before this very stern looking woman in all white smoking a cigar, she asked me in a very stern voice, what was I there for? There is nothing for her to tell me, she said, you came here to live but your husband was left in heaven, he is with you and he teaches you and guide you. I do not need to tell you anything, he tells you all, just pray to him and beg him to allow you to have an earthly husband here because he is in heaven and you are not, tell him to release that side of you so that you can enjoy your stay here. As I type this, my eyes well up with tears, because what she told me that day made sense to me. During those times with the baby father and after he had gone, when ever I went to sleep I would dream of me and a man dressed in black pants and white shirt. I never saw his face clearly but I didn’t need to, we would cook together, clean the house together, do everything together, and he would hug me and I would hug him back for long never wanting to let go of him, I felt loved and very safe. My dreams with him were often, and they were filled with so much love that when I woke up and realized that it was not real, I would cry and be depressed for the rest of the day, missing him. He is here with me as I am writing this, but he now understands that I am here and he is not, so those visits in my dreams have stopped, or else I would not have been able to have my husband now.

There are many different Egbes and this depends on the realm of spirit which you resided before you were born.  For some people their Egbe are in the Ocean while some will be under a tree. Egbe often connects to us through our dreams and when the dream is recurrent Egbe wants your attention. Every human are connected to Egbe, most just do not know. This is the reason why it is important to embrace your spirituality in every form, reach out for knowledge, trust your head, trust yourself, pray for guidance so that you can be able to find your truth while you are here. Life is more than, money, sex, the big house and the sexy man or woman. Life is a journey. We are all here to learn!..while also teaching others. When the student is ready the master will appear. No one is above another when it comes to knowledge, it matters not the degree you have on your walls or the amount of years you spent in college, without knowledge of our spiritual selves we are lost. Instead of fighting and hating each other because of race, color or creed we should know that we are all apart of each other instead apart from each other. Somewhere out there is a fifty year old spinster with thirty cats, who is still a virgin, sad and depressed because of her life, who, if she had this information and by seeking spiritual consultation, might have been informed about her spiritual agreement with her spirit husband. The necessary rituals would have been performed to release her and she might have married and had ten children.

My husband’s sister in Nigeria told me her Egbe story. Their entire family on the mother’s side are all Orisha worshipers, she however tried to stay away from tradition. She told me that up to age twenty-five she was a virgin, while all her mates had husbands and families. Ashamed of not being married and not ever having a boyfriend, despite her looks and shape, she said she pretended to her friends that she was dating and all was well. One day she said she was passing a celestial church, what we know in Jamaica as Zion church, or spiritual church, upon hearing the drums she went in. She stood in the back of the church, not knowing anybody, but enjoying the service. The prophetess of the church came to her and began to hold onto her and pray. She said the woman told said “Young lady, run home to your family, because I see where you come from a powerful family, you have to honor your Egbe, they are calling you, and it is because of them why you have no child and husband, run home do not walk, go and appease your Egbe or you will not enjoy your life”. She went home told her Grand father who was Babalawo and he consulted his Ifa, and of course just as the prophetess warned she had to receive Egbe right away. In Africa there is an initiation where you receive Egbe in form of a vessel or pot, and through this you are taught to communicate with them, thus making things much better for you. She said immediately after she did her fifteen day  initiation, she met and married her husband and has since had three wonderful children. Even though she came from a traditional family, she did not know this. This was due to her staying away from her birthright, but never the less, her head led her to the church which was where she got her message.

There is so much more to write on Egbe, such as their likes and dislikes, the different names of Egbe, where in the realm or with-in the dimension they reside and much more, but I will re-vist this topic again at a later date.

Bí onírèsé kọ̀ tí ò fín’gbá mọ́, èyí tó ti fín ò leè parun. / 
Even if the calabash carver no longer carves, those already carved will remain….Yoruba Proverb! 

[We are outlived by our legacy.

Wisdom is wealth. ~ Swahili Proverb


Taken from a Face book page called Yoruba people in the diaspora;

Egbe: All human beings have peers in heaven. Those who do not have peers in heaven cannot live on earth. This notwithstanding, some people are more active in their heavenly peer groups than others. These people take positions of responsibilities in their groups. These are the people known as Elegbe or Alaraagbo.
There are also some other groups of heavenly peers who chose as part of their destinies to die young so that they will return to their heavenly groups in a very short period of time.
These are known as Abiku or Emere.
In general, Egbe as a spiritual entity supports its members, protects them, and gives those children, wealth, and health and so on.
Many Elegbe children assume leadership position because they were leaders of their group while in heaven before they were born. Consequently, the leadership roles they assume on earth here is nothing but an extension of the various positions they occupied in heaven.
Egbe or Alaraagbo is a lively spiritual entity and it believes in people making good their promises made in heaven and period! To Egbe, if you make a promise, do fulfill your promise. Many Elegbe make promises in heaven, which they eventually find difficult to fulfill here on earth due to one reason or the other. The Egbe will however insist that the promises be fulfilled. They will make these people go through series of traumatic experiences until they fulfill these promises or make all the necessary atonement through the performance of rituals.
It must however be noted that Egbe, Alaraagbo, Abiku or Emere are not Irunmole or Orisa in the strict send of it. It is rather a congregation of spiritually gifted and advanced youth and adults (in heaven).
To feed Egbe is to feed these groups for support, protection, or atonement of transgression.
Symbols of EgbeThe shrine of Egbe comprises of a pot similar to that of Osun or Yemoja. This shrine may be located near a stream or river, at the foot of a banana or plantain tree of plantation, at the foot of Odan (a kind of banyan) tree.
These are areas which Elegbe children and youth are believed to assemble for “meetings” and plays.
Feeding Material are :
Kolanuts with four / two lobes
Bitterkola nuts (orogbo)
Palm oil
Sugar cane
Pounded and cooked beans (ekuru)Moin-Moin (steamed beans that are pounded)
Akuko- Roaster Or Hen
He goat- Obuko
Pounded yam-Iyan
Yam flour meal

Cassava flour meal
All known snacks and fast food
Usually on a plate outside their container or calabash

Palm kernel oil-Adin oil
Swearing-cursing while feeding Egbe
Mode of feeding Egbe is fed with singing, dancing, while either kneeling or sitting

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Marlene G
Marlene G
3 years ago

Very interesting, I just became aware of edge yesterday and it very interestingthatyour post was send to me today, I am interested in learning more . I am also from Jamaica and was never had the exposed to any traditional practices while growing up. My soul crave for more knowledge that can assist me on my life journey. Please I look forward to having a follow up with you. Thanks

5 years ago

Pls how can I feed my egbe personally

5 years ago

Thanks for these information. While I’m still waiting for your WhatsApp contact, I want to know if these items must be complete in a case where finance is not readily available but you really want to take steps

4 months ago
Reply to  Izuu

Is not must

6 years ago

Thanks for this insightful message,, I have always known that I have strong egbe but I have not been taking steps to appease them until recently. Thanks once again

7 years ago

Thanks for this huge piece of information I’m an Emere with short time here as I’ve noticed but I’m having few problems on the financial side and getting along with people, most people tell me that I’m scary coz I see things before they happen, even before someone close to me dies, my Mum has taken me to many places for deliverance all to no avail and I think my mates are now angry with me because I see their countenance whenever they visit me in my dreams or trance. Even right now, I can feel their presence, please is… Read more »

Ifa Tumo
Ifa Tumo
7 years ago

Greetings, thank you for sharing all this information. My question, what are the main differences between receiving the Egbe orun icon’s or initiation? Thank you

7 years ago

7 years ago

How can one know which egbe do they belong to? How can one honor and know about the other kinds? Can you send me the details?

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ok teach.

8 years ago

Obara meji how do I go about doing the initiation?

8 years ago

So let me get this straight once you give and offering to egbe balance would be restored in your life

8 years ago

Hello, I just found this post and I want to say thank you. As I read it it brought tears to my eyes. This post explains my life, very very traumatic and extremely lonely. Had you not been a Jamaican woman like myself I probably would have not read the post. I thank you for this information. I have already been told what I needed to do in a dream of me in all white in Africa but with your words I will now hurry to do it. Just last night I was saying I don’t see a reason to… Read more »

9 years ago

Hello, I received Egbe a year or so ago and was told that the particular group I belonged to was Alaraagbo. I don’t know much about this “path” other than one would take its offerings to the woods. I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me with any more info.

8 years ago
Reply to  Ifasade

Hello, have you noticed any changes in your life?

9 years ago

Hello Obara, this article explains a lot in my life and relationships. Wow I need Egbe!!!! I can relate to me being very snappy with my husband and he’s just a calm friendly person by nature, had very bad experience with my ex before meeting my husband so I do take out stuff on him. He always say I must be bipolar extremely nice one day and after that I find things to make war. I would feel bad after fussing with him, I need help to live a mire fulfilling happier peaceful life. I am friendly but do not… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I must be in a serious violation then…lol

9 years ago

Goodnight all! Long day for me, but I love peeping in here to see what y’all talking about.

9 years ago
Reply to  shana

Hi Shana :

9 years ago

Good night Cami Shana Safo

9 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Hey Kia, hope all is well…de yah a watch Mob wives.

9 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Night Kiakia

9 years ago

Obara, mek Egbe love banana?

9 years ago

I wonder if De je vus are associated with an attempt to remember a place in time.

I’ve had some freaky De je vu moments…the first time I had that moment I was walking past Prospect park with a friend, I stopped because I was confused and thought I was going a bit off because how was it I was doing that walk twice. I thought the herb was getting the best of me…lol

9 years ago

That explanation gave me life!! Yes.

I’m still side-eying them ..how mi fi memba all of that? Unno just cool

9 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

I guess the saying of “God being a jealous god” is actually the egbe being the jealous entity, granted that emotions is a void in regards to the Supreme being.

9 years ago

MTH whey yu de?

My Egbe hates females and tolerate men better. Notice I say tolerate because even them (males) as is limited too. My Egbe only accepts my babes and my step-cousin that I’ve known since I was 3 years old (even though she limited too).

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

I should add that immediate family members are neutral because they are aware of my life current and respect it as it is.

9 years ago

Hi everyone! Read part of the story on my lunch. Wow! I am learning something new everyday. Maybe this is why I can’t find a man. lol

9 years ago
Reply to  shana

Hey Shana. Knowledge is power indeed.

9 years ago
Reply to  shana

Look like alot of Egbe husbands are blockers! loool

9 years ago

I feel I need Egbe for sure. I will meet guys and the ones that I take a liking to will live far away

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Yes ma that happens often to me. Aye sah : (

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Night, night Toy! Sa-fo, AMH nice to see you ladies. KB and NuNu puss waddup chicas?

Obara, are Egbes seasonal?

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Night Cami …nice to “see” you today 😉

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

🙂 HEY! Sa-Fo anytime you’re on the board it’s a pleasure…ase

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lol!!! The whola di ES crew over here deh duh a quick life review an a seh ooohhh suh a gooda egbe mek tings stay suh!

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

please share my gratitude

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

This is a very elegant way to explain it Teach.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Wow…. I get it! Poor us who don’t remember. Ok so we must aknowlege them to let them know we have not forgotten about them. I understand

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank Babalawo for me too. That was very understandable til i was here thinking why O never explain it like this at first. Lol

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

That explanation only signifies to me the importance of keeping a promise. I am not comfortable if I can’t fulfill a promise. So, I may have done something else as to why Egbe interrupt me life at least 2xs of every year.

9 years ago

Good evening Teach and all ES crews members. This post is as if it’s talking to me. Teach, how can take care of our egbe? Kindly teach us on how to relate with them. I’m not happy at all with all my relationship. Kindly advice.

9 years ago

Hi Toy TY YW and MTH missing from the other day. We miss you all! sending love n light

9 years ago

Hi everyone…Where is Ty? Does our Egbe keeps friends away from us because they just want us to belong to them? Do they know they are making us unhappy? I want a life!!!!!!!

9 years ago

Safo greetings I agree. If I have no knowledge I left you, then why trouble me so I am lonely ina this realm or make problems for me in my current relationships. Obara is it any instances where two people from the the same soul group or Egbe live together on this realm? Husband and wife, or brother n sister, father n son… I think you discussed before but mi head gether water at times lol

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara why you haul an pull di bredda shoulder like that, wait till him relax before yuh start pepper him wid di heapa question dem lol,

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu


9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

All dat inna it.

9 years ago

I’m going to be FranK. Our Egbe seems very mischievous and mean !!! If they love us so much, why make trouble for us? I mean, most of us are not privy to this information. When we cry and are hurting due to whatever disruption they are causing in our lives here, on earth isn’t that cruel? I didn’t know anything about Egbe until you Obara. ..just imagine the people that will never know. How would we know we made contacts with them etc

9 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

That’s true Sa-fo, so does that mean they can disagree with us choosing to incarnate on earth before we leave?

9 years ago

Lol bound to be clashes here and there. Jamaican women are firey and not sumbmissive by nature. koodus to you Obara for maintaining your cool.

I remember this post very well and last week I wordering if you were going to get around to part two.

9 years ago

Good morning folks! I don’t understand something, if your egbe disurb your life to the point of messing with your relationships wouldn’t that interfere with the contracts you’ve made with others before coming here? And if you don’t learn what you’re suppose to because of interference won’t you have to do it all over again

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Hi Nunu I had this same question !! but then I scrolled up

9 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

Hey Sa-fo

9 years ago

Good Morning Sweet ones!
Thank you for the continued lesson today!
Teach how do you discover the best place to feed your Egbe?

9 years ago
Reply to  AMH

Good morning !

9 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

Good Morning!

9 years ago

Ekaro Obara good morning everyone I remember reading this post and thinking wow it explained alot about my life. O is it alright to add some of the listed items to your ancestor altar for your Egbe? Or do you need a separate altar?

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Greetings KB

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