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“Guide me O, thou great Jehova. Pilgrim through this barren land, I am weak, but thou are mighty. Hold me with thy powerful hand. Bread of Heaven, bread of heaven, feed me til I want no more.“
As I sat to write this post… this is the song I heard singing from beyond our world. It is a hymn found in the Christian Hymnal called the Sacred Songs of Solo, and we often sung it when I was a member of the Zion/Revival Church. I wondered why the Universe allowed me to hear this song while I began to write this post, but I realized that the words have everything to do with what I am about to share.
Two months ago we entered into the year 2024, and to all who did not know this, you will now know that this year brings with it the breeze of prosperity and abundance. It is a renewal year for many, because three years prior there was hardship to the point of everyone thinking the world would end. But we thank our Great Source that our lives have been preserved and we are now walking steadily on the road of 2024.
There are so many things that are positive that are waving like banners or flags in the air, spiritually right now. However, while many of us will benefit from the goodness that has been laid out like red carpets for mankind, (and it is our right to reap from it because we have overcome the hardship that had come before), many people will not see or benefit from this good redeemable year, and there is a reason.
I am not the bearer of bad news, I only come to teach or share what I know from Spirit because of my ability to hear from the outer world. And it is my belief, and has always been, that everything that can be seen can be changed, but only if we are willing to make that step.
Mankind are not an easy bunch. And although we are walking through a chaotic world, we are in charge of our life and our fate, and we must live according to not only the laws of the physical world, but also the laws of the spiritual world.
Some people will ask, “But how do I know the laws of the spiritual world?” And I will answer: “We all know the laws. Because it is encoded within our genetic makeup.” In other words, we all know ‘right’ from ‘wrong’ intuitively.
That feeling that comes over us after we have said or done the wrong thing, or for any action that we do that causes another harm or distress, there is an Intelligence within us that will speak to us at quiet times, at first to warn us not to do the harmful action, or after the deed is done, admonishes us for our choice.
Because we are still early into the year of abundance, I want to take the time to point out some defects that some people may display, but has held them back in life, or stagnated them, and what will not allow them to enjoy what “Heaven” (meaning the “Spiritual“) will throw to Earth like bread to all those who are not bogged down with the weight of these defects.
It is never good to be vengeful. I have taught my children this because my own mother taught this to me. However, I have met so many people with a vengeful spirit, and yes it is a spirit. It lives within the mind of persons who, often, do not have proof of whatever harm they believe has been committed against them, yet they believe they must “get back” at another for whatever hurt they feel.
To have a vengeful mind is to host a legion of negative spirits within your own auric field.
It creates bitterness, vexation of one’s own spirit, antagonistic feelings, hatred, and more. And revenge is something that stays very long with the person who carries it. Writing it seems just like a word, but for the person who carries it, it’s a weight, a load, and it is the number one reason why many are stagnant and non-progressive.
A man who cuts another man off on the road, and in his moment of being consumed by anger and pride, he revenges the driver by cutting him back off.
This is not good. The Universe sees and knows everything. This is not a topic that most people like to talk about because so many people think it is not a problem, thinking that it is a normal feeling to hurt back when hurt, not realizing that this is a great spiritual mistake. Most of the world is vengeful to the point where some of the most successful action movies are based on revenge. Through revenge comes suffering, and unfortunately, it’s like a disease because it trickles down through generations.
Revenge is one of the greatest blockers of progress, and the reason is because of the baggage that it comes with. Revenge walks with a family of negativity, (again, hatred, bitterness, anger, etc.). These are spirits that those who act on revenge entertain in their lives, and these spirits are chaotic and begin to live with the revengeful person, and because of this, progress will be difficult or short-lived for such a person.
If a persons kitchen is dirty, they will entertain roaches. When you see one roach, know that many are around. Soon thereafter, the whole house will be infested. If you can apply this to a person harboring a vengeful spirit, then the energies that comes with that mindset, are all the above that I have stated. It makes the person a feeding ground for dark energy and an enemy of happiness and progress.
There are many impoverished and war torn countries that carry a great energy of vengeance. This force overshadows these countries like a tarpaulin.
Where there is war, there is poverty. Where there is peace, there is wealth.
What is schadenfreude? It’s a German word that means: “feeling pleasure or satisfaction when something bad happens to someone else“.
I have some family members whose picture should be beside this definition.
Schadenfreude is one of the worst traits or personality disorders that a person can ever have. In simpler terms, it is gloating over another person’s misfortune. We live in a world where principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high and low places rule. They are in the air and they are all around in everyone’s environment, and for those who suffer from schadenfreude, they live within them. Imagine being filled with joy when you hear the news of someone’s death or terrible disease, or that someone can not have a child, or has lost his job.
Everything has a spiritual penalty to it, and as such this is one because in order for a person to progress, they have to open their heart, mind, and spirit for the happiness of others to enter. It is a spiritual law that we must serve each other. Servitude doesn’t just mean to give, it means to support in whatever way. Not to do so, holds one’s own self back.
Again, the satisfaction felt from someone else’s misfortune is an energy that is malevolent and it supports and holds the hand of the next defect that I will introduce now…
This is called the Green-Eyed Monster, emphasis on the word ‘monster’. Jealousy has been the cause of many wars, the dethroning of Queens and Kings, and has caused many to hang from the gallows. It has separated families, turned brother against brother, sister against sister — everything described here is destructive, therefore jealousy is destructive.
It is a pawn of malevolent forces and almost inescapable, for it is everywhere and almost within everything. Wherever jealousy isn’t, the causes for it to rise within a persons mind shows themselves up in many ways. In other words, where there might have been peaceful living among friends, there’ll be one person who makes a comment to inspire jealousy between them, and like water on gremlins it starts to breed.
This, also, is one of the ways a person stagnates, regresses, or delays his own progress in life. I want to make it clear, because some of you may read this and say “I know people who are jealous or vengeful and I don’t see any problem with them,” but no one knows another’s destiny, and where a person is in life currently, they will always have further to go.
The progression of one’s life should always be viewed from a spiritual point of view.
There are many other malevolent spirits/energies that have latched themselves onto humans because of hidden vices humans have embraced to their personalities, like the aforementioned ones, along with anger, promiscuity, deception, and more. I wish I could go through all those malevolent spirits that attach themselves to the personalities of humans and cause them to languish in life, not realizing that these very tempting negative impulses are the causes of their own stagnation.
And what makes it worse is that there are many who are proud of these traits, believing it is normal, for, believe it or not, darkness, at times, can make a person feel good and give them a sense of satisfaction.
I am writing these things and they just seem like words that you already know, but these are not just “character traits”, they are spirits. And that is the point. And spirits do not walk alone, they walk with families. So entertaining one negative impulse, is to attract and eventually entertain many.
But there is a redemption… a little hope of light passing through the mind that may allow a reprieve from the Universe: and that is some type of remorse.
When the person begins to introspect, and admonishes himself or feels remorse for what he has thought or done, then he begins to introduce Light within himself. At this point, the Universe begins to send messages to him in response to the new Light, so he might find an Instagram post of inspirational messages, or maybe he gets a dream, or reads a line in a book that is uplifting.
So let your body be a vessel of light, and not of darkness.
Continue to always introspect. Don’t be afraid to look into yourselves, because sometimes we are delusional and like to think that these are someone else’s problems and not our own.
Enjoy this year of abundance. But be careful of materialism, and don’t forget to embrace your spirituality first.
Obara Meji
“What we have and what we are, are results of our own actions.”
S.R. Parchment
Thanks for this talk, it’s spiritually educative from ‘ spiritual morals ‘ point of view.
The message in this post is profound. When you eschew yourself of these traits, people see you as weak or meek. If only they knew better.
This is eye opening ma’am thank you.
Yes because some things written here have to be coded. The minds to go back and forth with me on certain topic are not here to do so, if they are herethey do not comment. Glad to see you here with us today Kay. Peace and blessings to you and yours
Ms. Obara, please check your email, I’ve titled it Restoration, I’m in desperate need of your help, I can’t continue my life like this.
My husband says that God is about Revenge . I don’t believe that and think that. God is merciful & graceful. He says that why he about revenge. My huband is revenge with things &peoples to a degree. Hé a man that don’t let go certain things.
When you wrote this part in the post ,Obara “” Revenge walks with a family of negativity, (again, hatred, bitterness, anger, etc.). ” I could see that andar also agree with that too.
What do you Think about this Obara, God being revengeful?
The Christian God is revengeful as it is described in the Bible, but then again the Christian God is described (or understood) as if he is human. It is man that writes the Bible so man has written mysterious things his God to have ways like himself. God, the absolute has no emotions and therefore is not vengeful. However you all should be mindful of your literal interpretation of the Bible or any spiritual or esoteric text. If the Bible describes God as vengeful, it may mean something other than what an ordinary human limited mind can fathom. It may… Read more »
Thank you for breaking this down and getting so deep with it and making the answer so clear. This is what my husband must be taking about the Christian God. That why he like that. Revengeful. I am sure some other Christian people think the same way like him. I agree with what you are saying regarding , “God, the absolute has no emotions and therefore is not vengeful.” We as human need to be careful indeed with our own interpretation of things from the Bible. From the Christian view of things. Yes, I could read this again and again… Read more »
Ma’am i feel like the people who wrote the bible tried to mix oil and water, in the way that it is presented and also how it is thought. Hence the confusion and literal interpretation of a majority followers.
How your teachings have changed my life, I can’t even begin. They’re so simple yet they possess such wisdom. Sometimes I start flipping through the blog pages (and comments) and just read out of curiosity, and then I find myself putting my phone down and reflecting on your words in my own life… I spoke to my husband today and we ended up discussing this particular post. We both began to realize how much we can confuse our own feelings/thoughts as our own and decide to act upon them, not realizing the direct effect upon our own lives as a… Read more »
God Bless you that you able to speak with your husband about topics like this. I am not able too any more. For years nows. , Mne is to different. He think no one know anything but him. (LoL)
I agree with you on that EllaGold. “Somehow ‘thank you’ seems too insufficient to express the gratitude I feel from this blog…”My words feel small to express how I feel inside.
Thanks TCanada
Your Welcome Obara. Nuff love from CANADA to you….
Received Ella Gold, lovely name by the way. Energy transfers and I can feel it through your writing.
Thank you my dear, and I appreciate your comment.
Iron sharpen Iron and the countenance of one brightens the other.
Love and Life to you my dear!
Ma’am Obara gives simple interpretation to deep things, but it still retains its depth and even reveals more depth. It’s massive!
This is very insightful. Do these things have the same spiritual ramifications if not acted upon?
Like you mentioned above, things like jealousy are often referred to as emotions or character traits, is it possible to feel or experience jealousy, not act upon it – and maintain spiritual progression?
A very good question Sim. The answer is that it depends on that feeling and how the person deals with it. Remember everything is Words, Thoughts and Deeds. If a person feels jealousy and do not act upon but it remains in the mind causing resentment and bitterness then yes it still an oppressive thought that will affect them.remember THOUGHTS. However if a person is able to drive those thoughts away and admonish themselves for feeling this way and pray against such bad ways, then they are on the road to recovery. Introspection is the best way for us to… Read more »
Yes, that What I talking about. So true.. “We must acknowledge our faults and bad behaviors and try our best to change for the better version of ourselves.” That what I am working on & asking God guide to do & also change me to do. Change for the better version of myself. Why is it a lot of people don’t want to acceptance their fault or behavior? Why do some believe they are their are the own& they are untouchable? And believe he or she is for sure going to heaven? No man know the hour he or she… Read more »
Wow! Thanks for the response and such a great post
Wow such a good question. Thanks for this
I love it
Amazing question? Good question to think about?
Thank you everyone here, for being apart of Obara Meji, blog as a Big Family. Ada johnbull, Wale, Ice, Franklin, Procachelsea, Turepin, Cartel1, Ogo, Procachelsea, Theresa, Queen Jojo, Toy, GeorgiaGal, Shakirat, Aji, Toba, Lincoln, Ericanjohnson, Konan Yao-Kpli, and any others here reading this or any names I may have miss. Thank you. We are here willing to learn and ascend to higher ground through Knowledge pass on to us by Obara Meji. Obara is also waiting for the On Lookers to comment, here on her blog. She see you and know you are here reading her post. So, when you… Read more »
Sorry, Big Up Everyone Here……
Blessings to you too, TCanada.
Thank you Wale. Blessing Always to You….
Thank you so so much Obara,I’ve been on this family for awhile, I stumbled on her post by accident and since then I’ve been very expectant of her posts. I thank God the day I stumbled on her . Thank you beautiful soul. God bless you and all yours. You are a life saver
Please Ms Obama, don’t stop passing your messages. You have a lot of dedicated silent reader, don’t be discouraged. I just feel like I don’t have anything to say but I won’t lie, I learn a lot. I would attend your Obeah class, just need to save up the money. I consider you my spiritual teacher just that we haven’t had a personal encounter but it’s okay.
Please Ms Obara, don’t stop passing your messages. You have a lot of dedicated silent reader, don’t be discouraged. I just feel like I don’t have anything to say but I won’t lie, I learn a lot. I would attend your Obeah class, just need to save up the money. I consider you my spiritual teacher just that we haven’t had a personal encounter but it’s okay.
Awww Ada, thank you
Thank you so much for explaining the difference between a vengeful spirit and revenge. This is amazing read that has you thinking about ourself or people around us or in our live. My husband is a man that hold old grudge for years. He like revenge of thing or toward people. I don’t like revenge or vengefulness. I had to learn a long time, years to let go of things that people do or say about me. And like you said though your other reading Obara, we need to pray for people. That what I do. Pray for people who… Read more »
Prayer works TC, continue to pray and pray extra for him
Thank you obara. I will do that pray extra for him. He need it. A lot of it. Few hours after reading your post. The man is ready to start with our oldest son then he decided to start with me. Cuzzing and swearing at me, for something little. I said to him to will pray for you. He said. I am B****** and I can’t pray for him or a cat. Who do I think I am. I had to pray out loud,so he or the spirit around could stop him from cuzzing at me and swearing at me.… Read more »
Email me and let me give you a prayer to pray to calm the house down. Often time forces enter these people an come at you. You must remain calm when he is in rage. Although beingbJaican it is hard, you know how we are. However surpass that and don’t answer him. Let him hear himself shout and be terrible. It will play back in his mind when he is alone.
There are some colors you should not wear in the house or use in the house. Email me and I will tell you what I can.
For sure. I am going to email you regarding this. I will take your advice & listen to what you suggest to me here. Remain calm,.
I am just getting tired of it, Obara. Mentality &Spirituality
It seem to be getting worst at time. 4 years now it been going on like this.
Greetings, Obara. Thank you for highlighting the spiritual poisons to be aware of and let go of during this earth shift. I can see these dark spirits playing out between countries as well.
Your teachings are infused with layers of wisdom, which is just right for everyone reading your blog.
E pe fun wa ooo
Peace and blessings to all.
Ase O!! Thank you Wale, blessings to you and yours!
Very intelligent and helpful publication. It reminds me of when I was a child and would be angry at everything including breaking my father’s television because another wrestler won the one I was supporting . I then started understanding that there was no need for revenge because it took more energy to revenge than the actual I grew especially with a very clear mind about people especially those that were more successful around me, like my classmates that scored higher in exams and artists who made great deals in the entertainment industry. I discovered that goodness in all ramifications… Read more »
Iron sharpeneth Iron and the countenance of one brightens the other. This is lovely. I appreciate your teachings here that you have shared. May all and Sundry see the wisdom within.
We are all our brothers keeper. Thank you for this!
Thank you for sharing this indeed. Well appreciate it.
Nice content ma, thanks for all your post it has always helped me one way or the other. But I have been trying so hard to try be more spiritually awakened like you have always teach, but most times when I try to meditate on my own I don’t get the connection and all and I really want to awaken more and be more spiritually alert since the world is more of the spiritual controls the physical would be glad if you get in touch so I know ways on how I can grow up more spiritually thanks in advance… Read more »
You get in touch with her,not the other way round, after all, you are the one that needs her. We must make great efforts in communicating online ,not to come across as being rude.
Hello Truepin, I would like to do a meet up in Lagos the last week of this Month. All who are interest in meeting up with me should email me and we will sort it out. It will be a one day event with everyone.
Blessings to you and yours my dear!
Oh I didn’t mean to come rude fr and sorry if it seems so but I have tried emailing a lot and haven’t gotten any reply yet
Blessings to you my dear
Thanks ma’am
Resend your email. I get plenty emails daily and some may have been over looked. I do not slight anyone at all as I believer everyone is important.
Am interested in the meeting my dear obara, Tony smart from surulere, Lagos Nigeria.
I will try to announce it as soon as possible. I
I tell you, Ma’am Obara, your words ARE NOT echoing through an empty hall. You are talking sense and confirming so many realities for seekers like us.
For me personally, you are God sent.
I still have great hopes of speaking to you live soon . I am just hoping you will post you are in Nigeria one of these days so , I will make frantic efforts to see you even though I reside in northern Nigeria. God bless you Ma.
I would love to meet you too my dear
Thank you ma, I am always looking forward to your post because it has been a guide to me. Thanks for being a bearer of goodnews and carrier of light ma.
Thank you Theresa, and you are very welcome also
Greetings teacher, beautiful post and very needed Especially this year. Thank you so much, let me start by saying that what you teach here isn’t falling on deaf ears this is facts, many that read your blog are putting your words to actions, its like a child in their early ages, you will be teaching them but what you’re teaching may not make sense at the time are they may not tell you thanks for the knowledge but years to come those same teachings is what will help them along the journey of life and that’s where the Appreciation will… Read more »
I am here for you when you are ready my dear
Thank you! Your post are always right on time! Grateful for your knowledge that you share with us.
Hey my baby Toy!
As we embrace Women’s History Month, my heart swells with admiration and gratitude for Obara Meji, a beacon of love, wisdom, and spiritual guidance. Obara, your healing touch, your profound teachings, and your role as a spiritual mother have painted my life with strokes of kindness and enlightenment. Your unique blend of Ifa-Orisa practice, philosophy, and metaphysics has been a gateway to a world I once could only dream of—a world where spiritual enlightenment knows no bounds. Your commitment to sharing your journey and insights online has guided me and many others, offering sanctuary and clarity in times of turmoil.… Read more »
Georgia I am touched. Thank you for this. I am Humbled by your words and often time when I sit down to write, I ask myself what’s the point. Many read but do not interact, may peep, and there are many who are sometimes, silent here, so I wonder if my words are echoing through an empty hall. I am Naturally kind, I am a giver from the heart so naturally I want to warn and teach you all so much. I want to share so many things with you but the absence of commentary and interactions makes me feel… Read more »
ASE’, Trust me many read but are scared to comment. I used to be one, now I’m not. Love you Obara.
Many of them have told me so, but why are they scared, please explain this to me
Someone wrote that they might be scared to ask for help or clarity, thinking others will think badly about them, etc. When I found your blog, I wanted to know more about Zion and spirituality, so I searched the internet and found you. I’ve read so much of your blog but never commented because I didn’t want others to know I was seeking out spirituality because it might seem taboo. You know, in Jamaica, they call it “obeah.” I didn’t want anyone to know about my business, even though my real information was nonexistent. Some seek answers and find them… Read more »
Yes, GeorgiaGal tell them and speak it to them… Nuff love to everyone. Everyone has their time. Obara is the teacher. Our spiritual teacher. You can ask her anything here or in private.through her email address. Anytime. When you are ready. We are Big Family here on a journey together. Wanting to learn more. Even though our lifes may be different . We here together. Taking steps to better ourself, adding more to knowledge to ourself. Through Obara . …. Thank you Obara Meji for your poss that ou write here on your blog. It well appreciated and not overlook.… Read more »
I agree Obara is so genuine and loving.
Yes, GeorgiaGal you right about that. Obara is Very loving and genuine to the bones. She is everything that is pure and good. That why she is our spirituality Teacher and mentor.
Sorry about the typing error. When posting.When I am typing my keyboard is changing the words,…. I don’t like that.
Thank you for this Georgia G. All the post that is written here will have an impact for the future to come. We are heading toward a season of existence here on this earth plane that has never occurred before and there is a saying that nothing is new under the sun, but somethings will be unfolding that will marvel earths citizens. I thank all of who are here with me, who reach out and those like Lincoln, you, TCanada and more that are regularly here making me know that I am not alone here. The Earth is the Lords… Read more »
Obara, when you write it so powerful. I am here in Canada and I feel the power. You make me what to cry. No, Thank you for being genuine & so real. You are truly Blessed Obara.
Obara, you are right about that. You are totally not alone. We are All here for you. Nuff Love too you Always……
I am always on the look out for your write ups. It’s exhilarating. I feel drawn to the wisdom and light.
Thank you my dear
Obara, you are never wasting your time writing these blogs to us. Yes, there may be absent in some comments but there are alot of eyes looking in and reading your blogs. Give them some time to come around. Some may & some will not. It take me a fews years to start writing comment too. It was looking and reading not commenting. Something within me said, just write something. And I feel so good. I let go of the fear and shy feeling. I haven’t look back seen. Always comment. This is a family here. We all could speak… Read more »
Big up GeorgiaGal for these words from the heart to Obara Meji. Love it. And it is very deep. I really like you personally and your attitude when you write. Good, Blessed Spirit & soul.
Hello Obara, thank you so so much for your insightful posts. I learn so much from them Everytime I read. Pls do you have any post on masturbation. In as much as it has saved me a lot from extra marital affairs, I still want to know if there is any spiritual danger to it.
You know Aji you may be psychic. I was thinking of writing a post on that topic because it is a topic that many has asked me about and it is linked to a very strong and potent spiritual energy. However because of its raw energy I wondered how to make it post friendly and not make some people uncomfortable when reading it, even myself. I am not explicit when writing by but I have gotten emails from young teenage peole and I need to be sensitive to the content I put out for even their sake, even though they… Read more »
I keep saying I bless the day I met you. I will email you on this topic. I am grateful
I also want to know about this too
Just like what I came across this evening “the more enlightened you become the more hurting everything in the world to you” some of us don’t even know how to forgive ourselves not to talk of forgiving others.
Thank you
Thanks for the post!
You are welcome Lincoln, ah wha kine ah dry up comment dis, yuh nawmally ad fi your LICKLE peice mi bredda, cho man! Yuh know mi love fi ear from yuh
True- saw the post notification but just wasn’t in a real good mood just a try hold it and focus— Me deh bout –
Much love
You mek mi a dig deeep sis. I have been trying to do the shadow work. I truly think that I have been working hard and that I have changed much about myself. But there is always room for improvement because our souls’ purpose is to connect with the infinite Source. So, yea..nuff work to do. Thank you for this truly insightful post. Forward still. Much love and gratitude for your benevolent gifts
It is work we all have to put in my dear. Nuff love
Thank you Obara Meji for this post!!
You are welcome my dear, long time no see
Singing this song has uplifted my spirit and it would be my song throughout the year.
Thanks to all the benevolent spirit high and beyond for their great works towards mankind and thank you Obara Meji for being a receptacle to bring us this message.
Bbeey do you know that song?
Yes Obara, I am a chorister. Lol