Cultures throughout the world, spiritually, are so interesting. We, at least most of us, love to learn of how people celebrate and worship within each culture, their Gods and Goddesses. In Jamaica we have Zion Revival which came out of Africa but has been infused with Christianity (as religion was forced upon Africans), nevertheless the drums and what the Zionist possesses within their mental consciousness comes out during worship through dance, songs and prayers. In Zion Revival, unbeknownst to most who are of the Order, they invoke either consciously or unconsciously their ancestors from a land far away – their ancestral homeland: Africa.
In the video below, observe the stamping of the foot. It is an act of invitation to wake up the “dead” (ancestral spirits). The groaning or grunt coming from the pit of their stomachs is also invocation for the assistance of our fore parents and also to bring forth from above (which is Celestial – this is called 60 Revival) and below (which is ancestral – this is called 61 Revival) connecting the two so as to balance these children who are calling on for help to be able to receive messages.
Observe the leader (the woman in red) @1:04 as she begins the invocation of a celestial order and @1:37 the energy now shifts, revealing to us that the spirits invoked has walked in. Notice the words of the new song: “Hark my soul, it is the Lord” this is signaling the arrival of a benevolent being. Also, watch as certain people begin to catch spirit, in other words become possessed as the singing continues. @2:32, watch the woman in blue carrying a bunch of plants and oranges. Included in the bunch of plants are ferns and other plants which are special to what Jamaicans call “River Muma” or what the Yoruba’s call – Osun. The oranges are among Osun’s favorite things to accept as offering. Water spirits have now entered the sealed ground. Always remember that nothing can occur if water is not present.
Now notice the fellow @3:11 wearing the maroon garment as he begins to “jump” in accordance to greeting the presence of the “River Muma” that has now walked in. @5:48 listen keenly to the words the man begins to chant which sounds like: Ye (mother) Maya (of water). He is saluting the water deities who are present. @7:20 the man in white commands them to “Prepare the water seal” there they will go to worship the water deity in all her glory so that they all can receive her blessing. Notice that everything is done in a coded language and with signs and symbols – this is how God speaks to us. Everything that I am explaining to you about this video, I can almost bet that most of the attendees have no idea of what everything means in it’s sequence, but what is remarkable is how as they go, the spirit teaches them and they respond to what they are being told. This is the African Unconscious.
There was a time when I visited Los Angeles, California to do divination and some work for some people there. One morning while I was asleep, I dreamt of a young Chinese girl, beautifully dressed in traditional Chinese clothing. In the dream I saw myself hurrying to what seemed like a tiny antique shop with beautiful furniture but the place was very cramped. Upon seeing me, the young girl hurried me in. As I got close to her, she whispered to me “Why have you kept her waiting? Where have you been? Hurry, she’s waiting for you in the back and she’s upset.” In the dream I seemed to know who she was talking about. As I straightened my hair and dress and held my back straight as I followed behind the girl to who ever this mysterious person was. We went to the back of the shop and there I saw one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. Of course she was Chinese and dressed in green and gold traditional clothing that was embroidered with dragons, flowers, and fleeting butterflies which seemed to shimmer. She had a stern look on her face upon my approach and I felt like an unruly child in front of it’s mother.
I stood silent as she looked at me sternly and said nothing. Eventually she spoke to me through her mind and asked “What took you so long?” I answered her by saying I was sorry wit my head bowed; I dared not look into her eyes. She seemed to soften at my response and made a gesture to another young lady to fetch something for me. She called me to stand before her and she handed me a green jade statue of a woman who looked like her sitting on water lilies. She told me “take this and never stay away from me this long again.”
She also told me other things that when I woke I did not remember but I have never forgotten her. When I woke up I asked the people who I was staying with if there was a China Town there in Los Angeles. I was told yes and so I asked to be taken there. As I walked around China Town I looked for the statue the woman gave me, though having no idea what it was. But I had the strong urge to find it… and I finally saw it. It was in a tiny little shop, almost like the one I dreamed of. The man who sold the statue to me asked me if I knew what it was. He seemed to snicker as he asked the question (or maybe it was my imagination), and I told him no, I did not know what it was. He told me that the statue was of Quan Yin and that she was the eternal mother, the goddess of wealth, love, goodness, prosperity, and water. In Chinese tradition, I guess the water would explain her sitting atop water lilies.
A few months after that, again, I had another dream where a Chinese man came to me on a horse which reared up before me. He seemed like a General, dressed in full regalia; strong and impressive. He called me by name and told me that his name was General Quan Kung and that I should go and get his statue, put it in my house, and never forget him. Again as I woke up, I wondered what was that? But in his case, I did not go out to find his statue. A few months after that, he came back again in my dream, majestic on a big horse, he looked at me sternly which suggested that he was upset that I didn’t get what I was supposed to. Upon waking, I went immediately to China town and purchased his statue and took him home. He is still with me, as well as Quan Yin, and also others.
Ever since I’ve been awakened, and throughout my travels to different spiritual realms, I have met the same deities, demi Gods, spirits, in many different cultures as I am now familiar with in the Yoruba culture, of which I am now apart. My reference to Quan Yin is my first spiritual encounter with Osun, to whom I am now an initiate. I knew of Osun before meeting that Chinese woman, but upon meeting the woman in my dream, and even after purchasing the statue, I had no idea that it was Osun. Now, I have always told you here on my blog that I have a deep connection to China. Somewhere within me, I believe that possibly my last incarnation may have been there or that I have incarnated within their culture many times before. Osun knew that I would eventually find her and seat myself in the tradition of the Yoruba people, but she also sought to bring to my consciousness my memory of her within another culture, another era, another incarnation. Also, my reference to General Quan Kung is to juxtapose him within the culture of the Yoruba as Ogun, the Yoruba God of war.
It is important for you all to know that regardless of who you are, your race culture or creed, you still have the right to study or regard with goodness another persons culture. The reason being that all cultures have been crossed and have major similarities between them in way of worship, rituals, sacrifice, incantations, prayers, and more. Have you ever been attracted to another culture that you have no idea of? Perhaps you, in one of your other lives, was apart of this but during this incarnation, are unconscious to that fact. If you study the philosophies of Orunmila, the Hindu’s or of the Chinese, the Sumerians, and others, you will find that there are major similarities in the teachings in regards to spirituality, the worship of nature, and of God.
Examples of cross cultures are many but I will just mention few. I love Haitian Vodou, probably because one of my mentors was a Houngan Priest, and his name was Mr. Pierre. The Haitian divinities are called Loas. These divinities in characteristic traits and how they are venerated are very similar to how it is done in Yoruba land and other places in Africa. Within their pantheon of deities there is Papa Legba, who has very similar characteristics to the Esu of the Yoruba culture. In Yoruba culture Esu stands at the cross roads of man, he is the world police, the intermediary/emissary of God and humans. He is God’s personal messenger who keeps human beings in check and creates chaos so that there may be balance and harmony. If Esu is not appeased first at any ceremony or during any sacrifice, then the sacrifice cannot be accepted or the ceremony cannot be performed. Esu is also present within the Hindu culture as Ganesha, the elephant head God and we also find him in Jamaican Folklore coming from Ghana as Bredda Anancy. Although Bredda Anancy in Jamaica is not revered and honored as the deity Esu is but shows quality in his behavior of the character which Esu portrays.
The picture below is a veve or seal/symbol of Papa Legba, note the similarity between the picture below and the picture above, which is a representation of the Yoruba’s Esu. Please also know that Papa Legba traveled with the Haitian people from Africa, mainly from Guinea, Benin, and Togo, where he is still worshiped. The veve below clearly outlines a cross or crossroads of which Papa Legba rules over which is indicative of the role the deity from Esu to Legba plays in the lives of human beings. The difference betwen the Yoruba culture’s Esu and the Haitian Papa Legba is that Esu is pure energy, meaning unmixed with spirit, while this Haitian Loa, Papa Leba, is mixed with the ancestral DNA of the Haitian people.
Again, we will find the Erzulies still within the Haitian pantheon of spirit which are water spirits and are within every culture, such as the Yoruba’s Yemoja, Osun, Oba, Erinle (lucumi people do not worship Erinle as a water deity, but in Yoruba land he is a river deity), Olokun, Malokun, and others which are all river deities. Some are found throughout the diaspora in the ocean. In Benin Republic you will find Mami Wata. In India sits Lakshmi, the Indian’s version of same water deity Osun and of the Chinese deity Quan Yin (to name a few). In Haiti, the Erzulies are a set of feminine energies who rule over water and they are Erzulie Freda (Osun- Goddess of love and beauty and whose image and description fits that of Erzulie Freda), Erzulie Danto and Erzulie La Sirene. These are all cool spirits, of course coming from the water. Then there is Damballa and Damballa-Wedo, who can be likened to the Yoruba’s Obatala, with Damballah-Wedo as the feminine counterpart. The similarities and characteristic traits of both deities are often what identifies them.
Therefore, if a knowledgeable Yoruba man or woman were to visit Haiti or India or China and see the worship of the Erzulies, Lakshmi or Quan Yin, items that are given to these deities, descriptions of them, and even imagery, the Yoruba man or woman could easily identify these deities as the Yoruba deity Osun, the river goddess. The spirit of these deities, regardless of culture and language, always remains the same. This says something about even the God we serve. What this says to me is that regardless of what name we choose to call God within any culture or any image that our minds may attach to an emissary of God or of the Supreme itself, it matters not, no argument ever needs to be, because the spirit which is of God and his emissary’s is the same throughout the world.
The human mind is limited in it’s perception of what it does not know or is able to understand cosmologically and therefore it relies on imagery to project it’s reality. This is why you will find over 300,000 (possibly) images of Gods and Goddesses within the Hindu culture and perhaps the same through China, Mesopotamia, and more. Yet it matters not what we call them or how we perceive them, what matters is that we do regard them and know that they exist.
In reality, when one becomes awake and enlightened to these facts, then there can be no such thing as discrimination or even racism, because within the realms of time and space this does not exist. Food for thought: we are all a part of each other and not apart from each other. All connected through our reverence, veneration, worship, respect for what is unseen and for what we believe is God. The wisdom of our creator lies in how we culturally interact doing and believing in the same thing spiritually unbeknownst to us.
This is the problem with religion and why religion is truly division. Because here the focus is on one particular emissary to the Supreme when no such thing exists. I pray that you all understand this post. I am available for your questions. I will try to do a part two as this was very hard for me to explain. More will be taught in the school – that is where the real learning begins.
Obara Meji
Ogún ọmọdé kì í ṣeré gba ogún ọdún; ọgbọ̀n àgbà kì í ṣàṣàrò fún ọgbọ̀n oṣù. / Twenty youngsters can’t play together for twenty years as thirty elders can’t hold discussions for thirty months…. Yoruba Proverb
[Change is inevitable]
Everything comes when it must, and everything happens for a reason, do not hurry your life, what is destined for you, cannot escape you, just keep the faith, be patient and be prayerful, filled with compassion, kindness and respect for all, let these qualities be among your name, God will fill in the rest…..Obara Meji!
All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love….Obara Meji
There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji
they know their roots and it’s not yoruba. Yoruba’s don’t wear kente.
Obara hi my father is a bishop in Jamaica and he heals and bless people, he has his own table at his church he also has his alter which has a staff, banana leaf, and water. He does 61 he can handle all colors he also lives in st Elizabeth. So I live in America so I didn’t really get baptized. But in his church once you get baptized for a women you can’t wear pants, no jewelry, no tight clothes, and cover your head in church. Explain please !
Me too, lol
This is still one of my favorite posts.
Hey Lisa
Ase’ Every time I speak to someone about my chosen path I could tell them we are all on the same journey, we might take different routes, but as long as we end up at the same destination we will succeed..
[…] Another Zion/Revival breakdown here […]
lol, mi deh yah ah read!
I guess light on since you came on shortly.
I love the altar it is beautiful… I need to put fruits on mine. Um…. I am sad I didn’t get finishing reading the story.
Lovely altar settings Cami
yu get a little light? lol Good thing you from JA where you can adapt to such changes. muah love you..gwan back go slap mosquito, lolol
Can’t wait for the answers to Ty questions.
Obara, interesting that you journey to Quan Yin started in California. California was a place of strife for early Chinese migrants.
In reference to the paragraph above about oranges for Ochun/Osun. Ty, you have a love for alters so I post this for you, KB you should love this as well.
I’m going to keep on saying “I can’t believe blacks are a shame and ignorant of their true culture/ancestors”. Big up those who practice what is ancient and long before organize religions.
I love it Cami….I love to learn about different cultures…
I never tried lemons on my altar….
I love hand of Buddha fruit….it make the whole room smell nice….
5 is the number for Osun….
Thank you Cami cams Indeed I do love it. I never saw a Budda’s hand fruit but will look for it to add to my altar. TY i never added lemon or grapefruit but I certainly plan to add more fruits. I soon may need a bigger altar space lol
Ty, going to do me hair and roll back in…post active 🙂 and I’m loving it.
Obara, I have gone to a dream realm market twice. The first time the market was full of people and things. The other night I went again. The first time I went the market was full of produce, fish and meats, spices, craft and people.
The second trip it look like I went on a off day but I was given (not telling) two specific shopping items.
Hola ladies and gent/YW and ALL peepers.
GREAT POST! Muah my smart sisters.
Hey Cami !!!
Whappon sis? :0 hope all is well on the home front.
Thank you for the correction, Obara Meji :). (I posted this earlier but for somr reason it didn’t go through).
Hi everyone! I am watching the videos. I love the questions and answers.
@Caroline British the above comment is a response to you!
The Yourba Osun is nothing like Erzulie Dantor who does not speak, remember thet the Haitians loas are mixed with spirits (ancestral) they are not pure energy forms. Osun of the Yorubas is, they have kept her that way. Erzulie Dantor whom the Haitians call Zilla is one who I work with, she is fierce and sharp, like an Ogun character. She is from the water, but she is a warrior. When I say theirs is mixed, I mean like how the Lucumis mixes theirs with Saints, who once lived but died. The picture up top is Erzulies Dantor as… Read more »
Good Morning Obara Meji and ESP clan. I gave this post further consideration and wanted to share a few thoughts for clarification please. I suspect that Lakshmi is the equivalent of Erzulie Freda, or Mama Chola who are the Creole paths of Oshun (it is why you’ll notice some daughters of Oshun are very light skinned or mixed race tend to be claimed by them. It’s not about skin colour but about bloodline. I hope that makes sense). The Nigerian Oshun is most closely related to Erzulie Dantor and Parvati. My two cents anyway and I could be wrong so… Read more »
Good morning folks! Have a blessed day. I’ll check again later
Evening all ES I love the drilling videos…my spirit awakens and starts to hum and move along. Like their callibg to me… I have added Goddess Lakshmi to my prayer area after the post yu did on her and mantras months ago. She is Osun in Yoruba and i felt comfortable adding her. Recently i was taken to the water realm. I woke up before my body and was laying on the ocean bottom. The water was clear, clear with light beige sand. I could see a brown sea urchin moving about. That is not my first trip to the… Read more »
Kb, I have Lakshmi on my altar too…
(^_^) @ Ebony’s post about being possessed by the devil.
I forgot to add that I too started out with Hinduism, and later on I found out that the older, original deities with Black or Blue skin were actually once Ethiopians. This explained why I felt so at home with Ganesha, Kali etc. I then discovered the Mahavidyas aka the 10 manifestations of Kali were possibly related to the 10 matriarchs that formed the 10 clans of the Kikuyu tribes. I was also told they correspond to the 10 spheres on the tree of life.
So awesome, I am always learning on this site…
Yes the Catholic serves things the public does not know about, hence he order, you are correct, lolo…..grung at flinging off weave, lmaoooooooo!
If I was to embrace church it would be the catholic church, but I fling salt at all of them, but in truth I would do that particular church given the shadow history.
Cami, it was the Catholic Church that taught me obeah….lol
hehe, yes Teach; ah whole heap ah dotishness dem talk; cyan tek it. I get that rituals, sacrifices and invocations are done during worship in christian worship even if unbenownst to followers, but coming to think of it I think the catholic church in particular is very much aware of what they do during mass; the true significance of what’s being done is just masked to the blind. I recall you mentioning that nothing can be done without water present, benevolent energies are attracted to white candles etc…; I don’t think I’ve ever seen these elements being present in other… Read more »
“I asked my neighbor once how come they do this every wednesday, year after year without fail, if they using the power of the holy spirit/jesus/God, who keeps releasing satan everytime they bound him and imprison him in hell after a successful session? so satan stronger than God? She told me I possess, that’s d devil speaking and I should get saved, I should come to church…it amazes me de foolishness these people do and say.”
Straight grung mi lanEbony, LMAOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Yeah Ty, you’re so right. I’ve seen some of those frenzied state ‘holy spirit’ filled activities in some churches I visited and no doubt these were malevolent spirit they invoked!
haha, clutching purse… I know some real militant pentecostals who live in my neighborhood; every Wednesday they have what they call spiritual warfare sessions behind closed doors in the church – they say it’s to fight and bound satan running loose on the island and run him and his minions back to hell – I asked my neighbor once how come they do this every wednesday, year after year without fail, if they using the power of the holy spirit/jesus/God, who keeps releasing satan everytime they bound him and imprison him in hell after a successful session? so satan stronger… Read more »
lololllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll You’re a naughty one I see, lolol LOVE IT!
I swear that “the bl–d” and”the bl–d of jesus” mantra is demonic. Somethings stirs in me when I hear it and the matter that it’s cried out for usually gets worst. I hate hearing it and I’m tired of telling me mother to stop it.
grunggggggg lol!
Ebony as to the answers in the last question I actually can see Christians reading and clutching their pearls LOL!
Lol….and even choke if know that some of those said spirits may not be benevolent…
clutching tightly as they hit the ground, lol
Blessings everyone. Obara this is yet another post I’m savoring every word as a drop of fine wine and I know I’ll be re-reading a few times as there’s so much knowledge written here. Few questions and comments: 1. As you said, we’re “all connected through our reverence, veneration, worship, respect for what is unseen and for what we believe is God. The wisdom of our creator lies in how we culturally interact doing and believing in the same thing spiritually unbeknownst us”, so I’m wondering whether athiest are also spiritualist but just in denial? Where do they fit in?… Read more »
Ebony, you are one of some who ask very good questions which I am always happy for. Here goes the answers: 1. I have never had to explain my spirituality to an atheist. However, as a spiritualist and someone with certain amount of knowledge, I can see the point of where an atheist may come from. Now, it took a long time while on my journey for me to realize that number one – God is not a man nor a woman as we were taught through religion. Number two, God has no human emotion as WE human beings perceive… Read more »
Good evening everyone, this is a great post. I can’t wait for part two. Great questions too.
Nunu, how things? Tell mumzy that we almost done.
Greetings everyone. I got a message from Obara Meji ,due to a shortage of gas in Nigeria right now , she is not able to reply to questions right now, but please feel free to still ask them as she will answer then as soon as she can
One Love
@Lady of the nile, You will not believe how much I know about mourning, pointers and all and I too cannot wait to speak to you about all of this.
Ase to your prayers for me. Thank you!
Thank you Obara, I know I saw it, it just scares me and even writing about it still makes me feel a little cold because it was so unbelieable. You are very correct the lady was st Philomen and I have been told that she has is my guardian by different elders, and mourning is similar to “tek Grung” because the “lepay ground”( a mixture of of dirt and cow waste and water made into a smooth paste then dried off) had various seals drawn with chalk first by my Spiritual elders and certain rituals was performed before I was… Read more »
Obara Meji this is why I adore you so much. This post is giving me so much life as the Americans love to say lol. There is no where on this earth where you will find a more thorough explanation of a Zion revival chant. If anyone ever talks badly about your blog, I shall fight them lol (it’s funny because I am a lady and don’t fight). I was actually talking about the Zion movement yesterday and today I was still thinking about it and how East African spirituality is superior (because that’s what sorcerers say due to it… Read more »
@Ty The head is covered because the energy that is being invoked from within the celestial realms is very heavy. So heavy that the head being covered protects that center or “portal” from any type of mental strain or trauma at the invocation of celestial beings. It is reversed however in our traditional practice where we uncover our head in the presence of celestial beings and natural energy because of our reverence and respect for them being superior to us mere humans. But then again we are initiates and through initiate we are aligned within the realms of possibilities. Therefore… Read more »
The head covering is another of the pagan element in Christian church…which one you Islanders remember the Mantellas? I say Islanders because I never seen it being worn in black churches here in the states; I’ve seen old world European women in catholic churches wearing them.
Cami yuh ah night crawl mi fren
In my journey, I enrolled my kids into capoeira, a Brazilian martial arts that originated from African slaves….who knew that I would do it too…..and even better, I learned the dance called maculele, it is a dance for Baba Ogun….below is a video to show u all what it looks like….the masters however do not use sticks in the dance, they use two machetes , one in each hand…
Beautiful! And they are wear palm fronds, Ogun’s favorite. The whole dance and energy sings Ogun to me! Thanks for sharing
Ty! You deadly maam. lol, Naomi Campbell gives credit to capoeria for her knock out physique.
It is a lot of fun….it is done to live drumming… It tones your body really quickly…. More importantly I chose it for my kids because of the history….it was started by Angolan slaves brought to Brazil that were martial artist….when they came to Brazil and saw the slavery conditions, they wanted to fight…however most of the other slaves did not know martial arts….so the devise a plan to teach them to fight by adding music and dance moves….they also invoke spirits and use an energy force calles axe ( pronounced Ashe)…. Many of them also practice candoble… It also… Read more »
I love the videos especially the second one, I only wish I could understand what is being sung.
Hi Obara and my ESP family, I am thrilled to read this post, firstly, I identify with everything you are saying here. I was told by a Spiritual friend of mine (similar to your Mr.Pierre) that I belong to the waters and the Mountains. The water I was already familiar with, because since I was a little girl, whenever I worried about anything I always find myself by the Sea and sit for hours just blankly staring and listening to the waves. Eventuall y I would be pacified and never worried about the matter again. At one time I thought… Read more »
Hi Lady of the nile, I do know what mourning is. As a matter of fact in Zion Revival there is something similar but it is called “tek grung” that is when during some spiritual festivity or celebration, church or party, where the person becomes possessed, falls to ground and will stay there, sometimes anywhere from 3 days to 21 days or beyond. Like mourning there will be appointed caretakers and when they rise they will have to speak to the elders on where they travelled (I will do a post on mourning and tek grung one day). However, mourning… Read more »
Obar a would one of the mountain Orisa be Oke?
orisha oke is of the farm by tomorrow I will ask ojubona to remind me of the mountain name
I hope the diesel shortage gets fixed soon…it is all over the news here…and as such they make it seem horrible…that Nigeria, a nation that produces over 2 million barrels of gas per day for foreigners, continue to spite it’s own people for selfish motives….
Obara, will u be doing a class on sigils at your school?
Obara, in Zionism
1. who is mother Miriam ?
2. Does the colors they wear give an idea of their role or leadership within the church?
P.s. I love the uniformity of the dressing….
3. How will you know if the balance of 60 and 61 is met?
4. Are drums used in 60 and 61, or is it just pure acapella?
5. In obeah, do we mix ancestral energies and DNA with those of the Orishas, as the haitians do in voudou?
Ty, 1. Mother miriam is a water spirit, likened to Yemoja because she is of the ocean. 2. Not the colors but how they wrap their heads and the messages they may carry in their hands. For example, the short black woman with the strong voice and maroon dress, in her hands she has a ruler, which shows that she is a leader or of a high position. Also she has something that looks like a cane which Jamaicans call swivel jack, old time revival people use that to beat members who are not moving according to spirit, and keep… Read more »
Thank you so much Obara…. I have never been to one of these sessions so, your guidance has been wonderful…
My spiritual journey started with me reading about Ganesh, due to a dream that my husband got from my grandfather….this then lead me to read about Ogun and then Osun and Ifa….
I still have the stories from the Hindi cultures and so many are close to the odus in Ifa….
they do not know any better
I see, our mother is so sweet and forgiving ….
Also why do they wear red for yeye Osun?
ty it sweet like sugar!
Obara, why do Zionist cover their heads while greeting the Orishas ?
Boy di Zion singing so sweet…it stirs something within you….
Afternoon everyone….
If only we knew we are more similar than different, how wonderful we would be? Money and economy is truly what separates us….religion is used as a power tool by other to drive a larger wedge … is actually used to separate us from our creator and to serve the purposes of men….
Hello everyone. I pray that I will be back on later as there is a gas shortage in Nigeria and so my computer is dying because the generator is not on. Ask your questions even if I am not here, I will answer them when I come back. Below is a Haitian video of the invocation of Papa Legba. I have not watched it all but please enjoy. (He arrives around @2:33 – watch the woman when she shows him her ring, she is showing him that she is “married to him” or an initiate, and he blesses the union… Read more »