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The Spiritual Mystery of the Color Black

One of my children, the youngest one, taught me through her character and how she handles things that no matter how harsh a situation looks it is how you approach it that will allow you to see the better side of it. Fear, terror, and dread of what is perceived as “bad” can allow us to become ignorant of things that can actually be beneficial.

There’s a quote that says, “We suffer more from imagination than reality.” We’ve all been programmed to believe that the color black represents a negative. It is a collective conscious thought for every individual on the planet.

Growing up I wore only black. It was a color that I was most attracted to, and still am, although I don’t wear it any longer. When I began to live on my own with my own family, my entire house was decorated in black with just a few other colors to bring out the decor. But what was fascinating during these times, now that I look back, was that it was during these times that I had the most wonderful and terrifying, perhaps fascinating, spiritual experiences that I can recall.

I remember once when I became a part of the Zion church and after we had all finished “jumping Poco” (spiritual movements to invoke spirits and pass messages), the church was over and we were all having a conversation. The Bishop, who is a strong Zion man, and I was recounting some of the strange phenomena that were happening in my house, and after listening intently, he began to ask me some questions.

He said, “What color are your chairs?” I told him black.

He asked the same question about my dining table, and I told him black.

He asked what color was my bedroom set. I told him black with wood.

And then he laughed and asked, “What’s your favorite color?” I laughed and said “black“.

He then said, “It is because of how you have decorated your house that you are having these kinds of experiences.” He says, “The color that your house is decorated in has opened certain portals for certain Beings to interact with you.”

Now let me explain to you some of the phenomena I was telling him about that day.

I would be in my room and my door would open and close by itself — open close open close open close — non-stop. In the mornings when I sent my children off to school and I went back to sleep, I would see visitors (spirits) coming up the steps and walking straight through my door. Some of them gave me beautiful messages of futuristic things to come, some of them were spirits who had passed either in the area or community, spirits I did not know but would pass through just to speak to me. Anything that anyone did to me behind my back or said about me without my physical knowledge, I would see it while I slept.

It was as if everything around me was so dark (in a good way) and all colors became apparent. During those times, spirits would stand in long lines on my staircase waiting one after the other to speak to me. It was after the Bishop asked me those questions that I realized that wait a minute — it’s true!

But even though I was privy to everything beyond our world, remember that I also wore black every day, and it was simultaneously during those times that I cried every day (read this post, for example). There was something comforting and frightening at the same time about the experiences that I was having and even in my sadness during those days, somewhere deep inside of me laid comfort.

The spirits that visited me daily gave me hope during a period of dread in my life. After that, someone told me that I should “clean my house” (spiritually). It was ironic because what she told me to clean my house with was a single black candle. I was to place 3 or 4 of these candles around my house and burn them with other ingredients. I was shocked. Black candles? The woman assured me, and so I did as instructed.

After I did that, for 3 months I had no visitation. I slept through the nights as ordinary. Nothing came to speak to me. No visions of things coming through my walls. It felt odd. No clankering in the kitchen. The doors stopped opening and closing.

And oddly enough… I felt abandoned. I thought to myself that these were my friends, my invisible friends. Where were they?

I have heard Christians say that God sits in the height of darkness. Back then I had no idea what that meant, and I did not dare ask for fear of displaying my ignorance. But now that I have walked through life a little more, I understand it this way: God, our Divine Source, is unknowable, hence darkness as its dwelling place.

But what is darkness? And why is everything that is dark or black feared? To the occultist, when he needs to invoke spirits from the other side of wherever his magical room must be dimmed. What does this say? It says for the appearance of the unknown to come forth or to manifest, it must come from the darkness, as all comes through the darkness.

However, the Christian Devil is described as dark, or at least in his image. Yet in Egyptian mythology, almost all the savior gods who represented Light were titled “The Great Black God“.

Black, as much as many avoid this color, is one of the, if not the, most powerful shade there is. In spirituality, it is used often by spiritualists/occultists to do many benevolent works. One such work that a spiritualist would use a black piece of cloth for is if a person is going through a scandal or shame or anything disgraceful, and the spiritualist would cover his work with a black cloth and place it in a dark place in order to remove the disgrace. Or in some sacrifices where the sacrificial animal is black in color in order to remove impending death.

Black shrouds, hides, protects, it changes one thing to another. Within the spiritual world, using shades of black to gain good things is quite prevalent, but the key is to know how to use it.

However, not every human can manage the color black.

The color black can also attract a lot of negative energy and this is because collectively a negative meaning is attributed to the color itself.

An ordinary person wearing black every day can attract sickness, mental instabilities (such as sadness/depression, anxiety, panic attacks, etc.), and certain blockages, Why? Because not everyone’s spirit can resonate with the energy that this color brings, (it is also never prudent to place children in this color).

You must remember that everything is energy and colors that you use can affect you either malevolently or benevolently. This has to do with the personality that you are. It also has to do with your thoughts, beliefs, and intentions.

A person would be quite fine until they start to dress in full black, and their thought patterns will gradually change. He/she may feel more sad, lonely, vulnerable, depressed, fearful, anxious, become a hypochondriac, and more. These feelings do not belong to this person, but they do not realize that it is merely the color black that attracts this energy to them.

In my own case, during those times of wearing black every day, everyone was coming to me for spiritual help, but in my own life, I was facing hell. But this hell was necessary during my training.

It is kind of hard for me to totally put black under the negative category because most of my teachings came when I was shrouded in this color. However, the day that spirit came down on me in the Spiritual Baptist church (read that story here), that particular day I wrapped my face in full black and my spiritual eyes opened and I saw all that was truly happening in that spiritual congregation. Through the darkness, I could see. So to me, how could black be a bad thing?

It isn’t. It has to do with the person who wears the color, and this person’s vibratory level. If one’s vibratory level (and state of mind) is low, then the vibration received from the color black will result in what we call negative experiences. It is not the black itself, but how it is translated when in contact with the vibration of the human.

The color black is a mystery and it is a powerful mystery. If you look through life, for most persons with power, black is the uniform (the judge, the preacher, the pastor et. al).

There is so much more to talk about, but until next time!

Obara Meji

We have no better guide to advise us than our own conscience and one should never say or do anything without consulting it.

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I'm sire
I'm sire
4 months ago

I use to love black until I came across a prophetess who told me my spirit dos not like black clothes. And whenever I want to sleep, I around wear a white clothe. But I still wear black though. Thanks for always sharing Obara. Plenty love from here

Uche Stanley
Uche Stanley
1 year ago

I love black to the extend that I don’t care about the negativity, I only pick the positive side. Black is a strong shade, black is beautiful.

1 year ago

Thank you for sharing this with us, black is one of my favourite colour, i always look different on black.

1 year ago

Thank you for sharing this with us, Obara. I have a question concerning the color black and it being a color that is traditionally worn to funerals here in America. I notice in other cultures and countries, they totally avoid wearing black all together when it comes to mourning.

Do you think it’s spiritually advantageous to wear black at mourning events or would you suggest a different color(s)?

1 year ago

Ah, glad to see another of your posts, Obara! Seems to me that every time I visit your blog to see any new update, it comes the very next day or two! Quick question about this mysterious colour, what does it mean for ‘black’ people considering the trials and meanness we encounter collectively.

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you for expounding on this OM. I pray and hope for a day when the black man elevates and stop looking down on self from a place of victimisation.

1 year ago

I am drawn to the colour Black. My family has always pushed against it because of the fear of the cultural negative perception. But whenever i put it on, I feel so strong spiritually. I relate to it

1 year ago

Great blog as usual sis. You really have an intelligent mind. It shows your connection to the Highest Intelligence, Gratitude for your insight. It just makes sense

1 year ago

What do means by spiritual mystery

1 year ago

Wow, Finally! I’ve been on the edge of my seat, waiting over 8 weeks, 5 days, guzzling down roughly 1200 cups of Jamaican hot chocolate tea, and riding a whirlwind of emotional rollercoasters just to indulge in another one of your gems, Obara! Your insight on the color black resonated with me deeply. I’ve always had a special fondness for black, since it’s my favorite color, and know i understanding its spiritual significance only deepens my appreciation. Thank you for that enlightening perspective. But Obara, you’ve got to up your game! Do you have any idea how many of us… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  GeorgiaGal


1 year ago
Reply to  GeorgiaGal

lol I completely agree with your statement. Her Blog is what gets me through my lowest and darkest moments and makes me feel not alone.

1 year ago
Reply to  CareeG

I love her post. They are addictive.

7 months ago
Reply to  GeorgiaGal

Exactly, addictive is the word. I keep checking my email everyday for her blog. She’s so inspiring. Thank you Obara. You are loved

1 year ago

Another great post! I certainly like the color black to wear as it always looks classy , chic and smooth. However I do not sleep on black sheets or tie my head with black head scarf or sleep in black. Always think it will drain me while sleeping…. Idk. I don’t believe everything black is bad. It can’t be as there is good and bad in every thing

1 year ago

Yep we need a post about colors- I remember one time you mentioned about wearing red- I often wonder if that’s why red cars percentage wise have the highest rate of accidents.
I like blue! maybe because I like the ocean!

Blessed Love

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Here sister a battle it out

1 year ago

I so missed your posts, Obara. Thank you I am certainly learning.

I have an opportunity to buy a property and heard that bathing with sea salt can attract the needed finances. Anything go so?

Thank you Obara

1 year ago

Mind opening post I have now got an additional depth of knowledge about the color “black” it’s not always negative as it’s described to be.

Thank you Obara Meji!

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