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Key Signs Spirit Messengers Wish to Speak to You

Many years ago, when I was going through my spiritual initiation (unbeknownst to me at the time), there was a night when I could not sleep, which used to happen to me often. The whole house had fallen asleep, but sleep evaded me. I was fearful. I felt something, but I could not understand what was happening to me. Eventually, I decided to leave my room and go into my sisters room (she lived with me at the time and shared a room with my daughter). When I went into the room, both girls were asleep so I gently got onto the bed, trying to will myself to sleep.

The dread feeling was still with me, but at least now I wasn’t alone. But then all of a sudden, the two girls who were facing me, now turned their backs in their sleep, their heads now facing away from me. I was half sitting up in the bed and it was then that I saw the dresser move, push itself away from the wall, without making a sound. I was not sleeping.

Homeless looking men dressed in rags, each one carrying a weapon, sticks and cutlasses and bats, walked through the wall. They were shabby looking and somewhat old. One of them stepped forward, and with his back hunched over like an old person he looked at me, and he said:

You keep on fighting us anytime we come at you, but we are not going to stop until—” I can not say the rest.

It was then I shrieked at what I was seeing, and my sister jumped awake. I have never forgotten that experience.

As I wrote about the color black in the last post, this message came to me while I was writing, because it was during those times that I had this experience. Since then, I have had many experiences, and have heard from others their own experiences, when spirits, malevolent or benevolent want to speak to them.

I believe this is an important post because often times many of you have signs when your own guides want to speak to you, or when other Beings who may just be passing by want to give you a message, or when malevolent Beings, such as the one above, wants to approach you in a certain way. You need to know when this is happening, just as you need to know who is knocking at your door. Should you open it? Or should you call the police?

We are always in contact with Invisible Forces. However, because most humans are asleep and are stranded within the density of the Earth’s atmosphere, most do not know all that happens around them, invisibly, every day.

To give you another situation (and at the end we’ll figure who or what came through in this story), just last week I was told a particular story. No — as a matter of fact, it wasn’t “told a particular story”, I was asked by someone close to me what was this experience that she had? To me it was beautiful, I’ve had many of these, and it had been long since I’ve experienced it.

Here’s the story.

She told me that she had awoken around 6’oclock in the morning. Her sister had left for work and had knocked on her bedroom door to say goodbye. She was awoken for a moment as she heard the door close, and she tried to return to sleep, but she could not sleep. She is an African woman, so as in Africa, light is not always stable. When the light does come back, there is an alarm that shrieks loudly to indicate that the light is back, and someone should go outside and switch the generator over to electricity (they call it “Up Nepa” in Nigeria). At this time, there had been no light throughout the night, and only the noisy generator had been running.

Her husband was asleep. Her dog was asleep. But she was simply restless and decided to browse her phone. Suddenly she hears the loud sound of the electricity alarm go off and– this is where the story becomes strange– she sees herself laughing with her husband and tells him to go and switch the light over to Nepa. She watches him get up and out of bed to do just that. She sees her two dogs playing by the foot of her bed, and she plays with them too (but one of her dogs had died the year before, but here she was, playing with him). Moments later, her husband returns to the room, and she is startled.

She finds that the entire time she was asleep! The woman was confused. Just a moment ago, she was wide awake browsing her phone, at what point did she sleep? She wondered what part of her experience was real, and what part was not. She asked her husband, did you hear the alarm go off? He told her yes, but there was no light. Okay… so that part was real. He was wearing a white shirt and grey trousers, but in her experience, he wore full bright orange.

What happened?

Later, the husband then called the office that was in charge of the electricity for the community, and the office told him that there had always been light in the community, but the transformer only on his street had been knocked out.

When the woman told me this story, I instantly realized that not only was something trying to make contact with her, but she also experienced through the guides of her own for lack of a better word “Guardian Angels”, a shift in reality. For them to approach her, they had to raise her frequency. However, the husband could not be in the room when the frequency shift occurred. So the Invisible Beings had to send a false alarm in order to send him out of the room, all so that she could receive the experience where the veil of her present reality would shift.

When messages are passed to us from the Outer World into our world, our human brains have to translate to us what we are seeing, because the human brain can not perceive Actuality. And so it must project to us a simulation close enough to interpret the invisible into form.

To give you an idea of this, when the woman saw the husband in orange, the orange color was indicative that her reality had shifted. The orange was the brain’s translation of this. When the sun sets and rises, and the sun becomes orange in color at this midpoint, it means that the sun is transitioning into night or morning. So here the orange of the husband’s clothing was telling a story, but the literal mind would not compute this.

It makes me emotional writing this because it was a struggle to find the words to explain it… I worry oftentimes for humanity because there is so much for all to know and understand. We will see a frog in our dreams, and say “I saw a frog in my dream!” but we do not understand that we did not see a frog, we saw only the familiar material that our brain could use to interpret something formless. The frog itself is only the symbol of a “leap” from one plane of existence to another.

But let us continue…

Key Signs Spirit Messengers Wish to Speak to You

These are things that we should pay attention to:

1 – Restlessness

Restlessness in the way of a sort of anxiousness, like not being able to pay attention to anything for very long, even to hold a conversation. Even to fall asleep may be difficult, but this is because you are now surrounded by the forces that want to talk to you and are waiting for you to relax so that they can. Your natural spirit will feel them but the human you will not understand what is happening, therefore fighting against the energy.

2 – Feeling Hot or Cold

If a person suddenly starts to feel hot and uncomfortable, to the point of feeling miserable.

3 – Insomnia

You try everything to fall asleep, but the sleep is not coming. Even though your “Guardian Angels” want to speak with you, your own mind fights against the strong frequency that surrounds you in your environment. You have already detected it, but you don’t understand what it is. It’s natural to fight against what you do not know.

4 – Falling Asleep But You Are Not Tired

This happened to me during my spiritual initiation when my Non-physical teachers wanted to hurry my teachings along. So I would go into my shop early in the morning, and find myself falling asleep, but my body was not tired. If, per chance, I would fall asleep for a minute or two, videos of many things would flash through my mind. I will teach more on this in the Private Community that I am forming.

5 – Sleeping Partners Leave, Sleep Elsewhere, or Turn Their Backs

If you share a room with someone and you feel like you want to leave the room and go somewhere else, or, if the other person gets up and leaves the room, or even starts a fight with you unnecessarily and uses the fight as reason to sleep elsewhere. Most often, something wants you to themselves for that time. Do not be surprised if on that night you have profound dreams or strange experiences.

6 – Your Eyes Open Suddenly From a Deep Sleep

Sometimes during the night while you are sleeping (although around a specific hour), you will find your eyes just open. You don’t need to use the bathroom. You don’t know what woke you up. The night is still and quiet. You don’t have the urge to turn the television on or the lights or to interact. You find yourself just laying in the darkness. Yup, they’re there with you. However when you wake up in the morning, most often, you may not remember your experience. They may wipe the memory. There’s a reason for this that I will tell at the end of this post.

7 – Falling Asleep And Your Foot Jerks Impulsively

In this instance, they were taking you on a journey with them, but you did not fall asleep fully as yet, and you caught your spirit leaving your body. Hence the foot kicking out.

8 – Strange Mishaps During the Day

Either something breaks, or spills, or something cuts you, but the day has been a series of strange upheavals. Something is trying to get your attention.

9 – Hearing Your Name Called From a Far Distance

Just a precautionary measure, do not answer if you hear your name called. When you hear your name called from a close distance, this is not a good sign. However, if you hear your name called from a far distance, this is High Angelic Beings, but the name should sound faint.

10 – Unusual Butterflies Flying Around You

These bring very good news and they are also indicative of close ancestral spirits wanting to speak with you.

So here we are at the bottom of the post where I promised to tell you (at #6) the reason why your memory is wiped after your experience. The reason this happens is because some of us are privy to things that are futuristic. Things that are to come, either in our lives, the lives of our family, or for the world. However, if you knew what laid before you, it may spark fear, dread, or worry. Now, there is wisdom behind everything and if a situation is to catapult you to a very good place, most often the journey will be rough. So there are Universal Laws that are there to tell us our lives and our journey. However, in our waking state, the world of illusion, we must not know. Hence, why you will see your future when you sleep or when your guides come and speak to you, but when you wake up, it is either difficult to decode– or you do not remember.

And for those of you who say that you never dream, or don’t remember your dreams, know that you are powerful people, because everyone dreams every night, but those who do not remember their dreams have everything written within them that will come forth in the waking state.

I will write a post on this one day if I am allowed.

Until next time,

I love you all,

Obara Meji

One is born a Pagan, another a Jew, another a Muslim. The true Philosopher sees in each just a fellow seeking after God.

Professor J. Estlin Carpenter, Oxford University 1893
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1 year ago

All I know is that I’m always grateful to have come across your blog. I have been learning, unlearning, and relearning. 4: I had always been an occasional dreamer, but there are sometimes I sleep without me knowing I had slept off for few minutes and I will had a vivid and clear dream. What i had observe ia that these type of dreams are dreams that come to fruition within a very short period of time and are they are highly informative. 6. Sometimes, I wake up at midnight, mostly around 3am. I always wondered why, now I know… Read more »

1 year ago

Good day. I usually arise around 3 am at night. Sometimes I see images flash before me during the day. I lost both of my sisters and my grandmother. I have seen them at one point or another. Looking at me lovingly. I lost my mother unexpectedly 7 years ago. I know they are all with me. I feel my mother guiding me at times. I have never seen her. I just know she is. I often call her name when I am in danger. I miss her greatly. Do you have any advice for me?

1 year ago

Synchronicity is one helluva thing. Been awhile… funny thing is as of writing this I am without power for nearly 12 hours now. Everywhere else power has returned except my street, the one behind me and an adjoining one. Oh I have had many a restless moments… there are times when sleep killing me but I can’t sleep. I try things like moving my legs all over the bed and nothing. Anytime stuff like this happens you always hear ppl say, “Duppy deh pon dem.” Guess this is not so far from the truth afterall. There was an instance when… Read more »

1 year ago

I love this post so much. I had an experience one night while I thought I was asleep but knew I really wasn’t. I felt something like my spirit forced out of my body to come out my mouth, so I was in bed with my mouth opened wide, I prayed and told the Almighty I don’t want to leave just yet. A door with bright light opened. A female figure came through the door and threw a key on the floor for me and then it left. I woke up instantly. Always wondered why that experience happened…this gave me… Read more »

Jojo Queen
1 year ago

Greetings my teacher, I hope all is well with you and the family. It’s always the simple things lol decoding/Interpreting isn’t easy. Someone would see the frog in the dream and say a enemy looooooooooool. I have experienced all the signs mentioned here teacher, when i do, fear most times take over cold sweat, Anxiety, wanting one of my children to stay with me (at my big age lool), i use to think something is wrong with my enemy. Please, teacher any tips on how to over come so that one can receive the messages? oh and how about the… Read more »

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

ok teacher see you then ❤️❤️❤️

1 year ago

Wow, thanks so much for this article mama, I resonate with this post so much because weird things have been happening to me that keeps me wondering what’s going on. I always wake up by 4am every night and I can never will myself back to sleep and anytime I do I always have vivid and weird dreams, its always like from 4am the dreams I have are so different from when I sleep by 10pm. Today I dreamt that I opened the window of the sitting room and saw like over 100 tortoises moving towards the window wanting to… Read more »

Jean Maurice
Jean Maurice
1 year ago

Thank you so much mum. I totally agree with you about: “ I worry oftentimes for humanity because there is so much for all to know and understand. We will see a frog in our dreams, and say “I saw a frog in my dream!” but we do not understand that we did not see a frog, we saw only the familiar material that our brain could use to interpret something formless” My own example, just last night i dreamt that I passed near a look like dog farm, some of them chained, black and white and others golden, as I bypassed the farm one… Read more »

Clinton Bracks
Clinton Bracks
1 year ago

I would like to ask for my girlfriend
My girlfriend sees herself having sex every night and each time she wakes up her waist bide will end up falling off what should be the cause of all this

1 year ago

I am thankful to my spirit guides for this post Asé!

1 year ago

Greetings, Obara.

Thank you for your teachings. I have noticed lately that the bigger the message, the more it affects the electricity grid. It gets shut down for people to just pause and drop the gadgets.

Will there be a part 2 of this? What I mean is.. What key signs, when we want to talk or give messages back to Spirit?

Peace and blessings.

1 year ago

My dreams are sometimes so vivid and real that it scares me. It gets to a point that whenever I’m having a bad day, I will reassure myself by remembering that soon it will be night and I will be off to my dream world where everything is colourful and wonderful and I can fly to any where I want to. Other times I awake in the morning with dream of how my entire day is going to unfold. The intensity with which I have these dreams seems to be reducing gradually and I’m afraid it will stop one day.

1 year ago

NAH – This can’t be !! all these things happen to me regular-NO JOKE I have had many incidence of premonition also – where things happen and i felt like I have been through it before or in the moment I knew exactly what was going to happen next. My friends tease me that I have ‘GOAT MOUTH’ as Jamaican people would say and another one always say where am I hiding my bones because everything I say always comes to fruition. So Sis you are telling me all these stuff are spirits trying to Contact me?? or active in… Read more »

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Lincoln

This happens to me what they call Deja vu

1 year ago

This is GOOD….. I need answers on my spiritual JOURNEY….. I need spiritual growth in WISDOM

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


Hmmm, it may be that because dreams are one of the easiest ways we can recognise spirit messages, we were so drawn to only that part of the post 🙂

1 year ago

Thank you, OM, for this wonderful post. For the longest time, I have considered myself unfortunate for not being able to remember my dreams even when I know, scientifically, that all humans dream at night. The few times I have remembered my dreams I was part of that dream and it was a message of what was to come, including my mama’s passing on (it still brings me sorrow to realize that that was what I was being shown ). These vivid dreams are few and far in between. I could go a year+ without remembering any dream! You mentioned… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Juliet

I also pray that soon I will be able to join one of your classes

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Haha, I guess that was one thing that stood out for me, but you’re right there are important messages. Like you, I also sleep a lot even when I’m not tired (my family has complain about it that why I’m lazy) and also I can sleep unbothered even through a storm, ha! About the impulsive jerking, is it only when it applies to the foot? About a year or two back, I would notice my body jerking every time I was in my bed ready to sleep but it has since stopped. The only thing I am now sensitive to… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Juliet

Wow Juliette! You mentioned sneezing and I tend to have sneeze fits specifically at 5-6am in the morning. You’ve now made me start to wonder if it’s not just stubborn allergies but perhaps a spiritual message? Because it’s simply too odd that it comes at the same time everyday. I thought before that maybe it’s pollen at that hour, but could that really be all? Hm.

1 year ago

I love u more my sister

1 year ago

This is such a reassuring post, Obara. I am one of those who never remember their dreams. The few instances when I have remembered my dreams, they were very vivid and I only realize the message when the projected activity or action in the dream has already come to pass. Otherwise, I say it is very easy to kidnap me in the night because I don’t even recall stirring in my sleep

@Nick I
@Nick I
1 year ago

For us in this community of ES we are privileged and blessed to learn from OM. Thank you for all you do. I salute the Divinity in you.

1 year ago
Reply to  @Nick I

I agree with you, Nick. It is always a privilege and honour to learn from Obara.

1 year ago
Reply to  @Nick I

So true Nick. What an honor it is. And very beautiful statement, “I salute the Divinity in you”. I’ll start using that.

1 year ago

Obara! I like the frequent post! You know from ever since I hardly ever dream. Probably once or twice a month I can remember snippets of a dream. I also experience #6 & 7. I am like the lady I wake and drift back to sleep not knowing I am sleeping. During that time I can see me or others doing stuff. Those always seem so weird as I don’t know I’m sleep.

1 year ago

Excellent post Teacher……. I know I dream, but 95% of the time I can never remember….. BUT, I know they are never bad dreams.

When I was smaller I knew something lived in our house that I couldn’t see. I thought it was my paternal grandmother who died before I was born. But rocking chair would move, picture would move and I felt and knew. But I was never afraid. Then we moved.

The journey is most important. Also important to be able to pick up signs. In the end EVERY THING IS GONNA BE ALRIGHT.

1 year ago

Backside Obara, you did it again! This post is an absolute delight to read. Imagine my surprise when I saw the post in my email. I swear, I did a double-take and clicked on it to make sure it was real. Yes, it was! I eagerly read the post and went back over it for clarity. I guess I was reading too fast, so I had to slow down. My husband brought me my dinner of bully beef, cabbage, and rice, and I choked on it reading the section where it stated that “If a person suddenly starts to feel… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Love you Obara.

1 year ago

Wow I often wonder why I don’t remember my dreams thanks for sharing always appreciated

D’jaunae Scarlett
D’jaunae Scarlett
1 year ago

This reminds me of a particular night, I dreamt of myself at a memorial held in my grandmother’s home in Jamaica. I told a man dressed in uniform, “I was going to a hair stylist to get my hair done, and I so happened to walk into a memorial instead of a hair salon. (Blindsided) I was too fearful to look at the deceased woman in the casket, and decided to exit the room…only for a random casket with another woman to represent herself in my exact bedroom…she laid down in the casket by my dresser and I laid on… Read more »

1 year ago

I get mad synchronicities, coincidences and deja vu’. I also dream every night and in color. Sleep paralysis way too often for my liking but it is what it is. Nothing surprises me anymore. Much love to the tribe/family

1 year ago

Lovely post teacher… When I was smaller like age 8 to 12 I used to have fearful dreams but very vivid and I could remember but as I began to grow I began to fight it by praying every night before going to bed that I should not dream after sometimes as I began to mature the dreams stopped totally to the point that from when I sleep to when I wake up I would not have any dream… This happened from like age 18 to 28… But as I begin to grow more I hear people saying those of… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Awesome teacher thanks so much… Not remembering is not that bad thanks to your illumination… My sleep is extremely peaceful it’s only when I wake up that I know I slept off…… Thanks Teacher ….. Love, Peace and Light….

1 year ago

The butterfly incident happened to me sometimes.

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The Spiritual Mystery of the Color Black

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The Wonderful Spiritual Power of Lime and How to Use it

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The world we live in is chaotic. This is how it has to be for all of us to find ourselves and rise to who we ought to be. It does not matter if you are from what you may call a "third world country" and have never seen a television before or have anything that is considered "modern" at your disposal, if the world is to know you, if you have a message, something to contribute as a part of your written destiny - you will be highlighted. 
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