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Manifestations (and curses) with the Mysterious Power of Word and Sound

Once upon a time ago, I needed money to pay my shop rent. During that time, I had been the target of my baby father’s mistress’s spiritual attacks (read Tying and Binding post for that story) and things had slowed down quite a bit, where customers were not coming as they used to. I had never owed rent before, even in this case the rent was not owed, but it was coming up, and I did not have it.

It became a worry and I prayed to God for things to pick up so that my enemy (I) would not go through shame. One of my clients, an older lady than me (we will call her Shirley) came to do her hair in my shop and she saw that my enemy’s demeanor was not as bright as it always was and of course she asked why.

I am an Aries, and I am honest and straightforward. It was my business but my enemy was overwhelmed and so I told her. Of course she “awwwed’ and said sorry, and showed her worry on my behalf, however, she went further with some advice.

We were alone in the shop and she told me that she knew something I could do so that the money would come quickly, but I could only do this thing once per year.

Interested, I asked her what was it? And she went on to tell me. She told me that I should read a particular Psalm from the Bible, but it should be read in a certain way, and she used her own voice as to let me hear exactly how it should be read.

She told me that I should be in a certain position and read this Psalm and I would see the money come to me. Before I was to read it, I would petition to God what I needed in humble supplication and then go ahead and follow her instructions.

If the money did not come in three days, she told me confidently, then there was an error in how I read the Psalm or I did not position myself in that specific position.

I thanked her and thanked God for sending her with a solution. I was willing to try anything except going on the back road where all the “girls” hung out with mesh stockings and pumpum shorts and red heels– that I would not do.

The next day I got up and did exactly as Shirley told me. I petitioned for the exact amount (had I been smarter I would I have asked for more). My dear readers, do you know the exact amount of money came to me by way of my father who had come to my shop a day after telling me that he won big at the race track and that he just stopped to give me some of his winnings (he did not know my plight). Dad said that I would always give him race track money, so before going home, he decided he would give a portion of his own to me this time.

I was shocked! The money came. I have never done that ritual again. Never. She had told me that I could do it but only once per year, yet I have never tried it again. Now looking back, I think, I understood unwritten and unsaid words from a younger age, and also there was never greed  within me at all since growing up.

There is power in spoken words and written words, however, as the woman that day told me, I had to have the correct tone, position, and overall recital.

Beans are sold in a package and when you look at it, it is just beans, raw and uncooked. However, if the person is skilled, they will now turn these raw uncooked beans within this package, into a lovely dish that is tasty and filling to the stomach. It is the same as words — If a person understands spirituality from its depths, these ordinary words will now be converted into power words that can shift reality.

The beauty about this is that these keys are not known by many, and this is a good thing. Imagine such power in the hands of the wild and untamed?

But ordinary words thrown about frivolously and laced with negative intention can and do affect ordinary people, and this is one of the reasons why when I say anything negative pertaining to myself, I replace the personal pronoun with “my enemy” because words are powerful, regardless of language, and regardless if it is spoken or written.

Speaking of written words… Here is an example from the Book of Numbers in the Bible which shows the power of the written word when a wife is suspected by the husband to be an adulteress and is taken to the priest with offerings, so that the priest (the herbalist) will now bring the woman before the altar and perform a ritual where he writes curses against the adulteress, along with other rituals, to determine whether or not the woman is guilty.

23 And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water:

24 And he shall cause the woman to drink the bitter water that causeth the curse: and the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter.


27 And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water (that is, the water which contains the written curse) that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people.

Now if the woman drinks this that the priest has pronounced with his mouth and has written down, if guilty, such a woman would have a miscarriage and never be able to have a child again.

I say all this to say that it matters not one’s religious affiliation or non-religious affiliation, there are extreme powers that exists everywhere. Often times people curse themselves when life does not go the way they want it to go, and they become depressed and begin self-deprecations.

Calling themselves “idiot”, “stupid” or “failure”, or even call themselves “broke” or “miserable”, but what they do not know is that every human being on this Earth is constantly surrounded by unseen forces, some negative and some positive, and at the time of their self-deprecations, malevolent forces may be present to seal and sign their fate pronounced by their own words or thoughts.

I gave birth several times and had two C-sections (after having all natural births before), because while in labor, I saw a woman who was out in short time. I asked the nurse why? And she told me that the woman had a C-Section. I then shouted out that I wanted a C-Section next time! (thinking that this would make the pain be over faster). My wish was (unfortunately) granted to my dismay and off to surgery my enemy went the next time. It is always better for a normal delivery.

It is also never good to curse someone (and by “curse” I also include name calling) because such words can also return back to the person speaking it, or to those they love. Always consider to take a higher road, but also know that you must try to use positive words for every situation. To do this affects your own consciousness, your own evolution, your own well-being and inner peace, as well as contributing to the general peace and evolution of the world itself, of which you are a part.

To think, speak, and act negatively, is to oppose all of these things.

Spirits do not communicate in English. English is a common language, which means it is spoken ordinarily and without sacred meaning. The English language is not a spiritual one because it is void of tone. This is why Shirley from the earlier story had to instruct me on how to recite the Psalms, because it is written in English, which when read ordinarily could not command a Force.

In Zion Revival, when celestial beings or other Beings possesses someone, the message is always “in tongues”, a strange language, that will either be interpreted by said possessed person, or another medium will enter possession to translate the message that comes in.

This is because Spirit communicates through sound, and the higher the sound (or frequency), the more the Divine is able to communicate to us. It is the mind of the medium that translates these sounds into images or words that is only closest to what the medium is already familiar with (which can be affected by the medium’s belief system, culture, education, etc.).

You might ask if English has little to no spiritual power, why would negative words and thoughts affect you/others? Remember your whole entire body is always vibrating. Blood pumps through your veins, your heart beats, and your organs are always at work. All of this comes together as your intention when voicing certain words, from once you have life in your body, it is your intention which is the fuel of your words, with the support of your own vibration.

So honor yourself, honor your life, and do the same for everyone else.

To speak destructive words against yourself is not only harmful to your physical self, but is extremely harmful to the spirit within you. It shrinks and withdraws as you take away its crown. It’s mastership that it has come to the world to assist you with is reduced to a meaningful nothing. With a weakened spirit, spiritual growth is more difficult, and physical life even more suffering. The negative words can create stagnancy, ill health, and a negative reception by others who, unknowingly, will read the “cloud” of darkness that is the negativity one has cast upon oneself.

Command your life by speaking positively about yourself and others. Find the positive within another regardless if you like them or not, this will assist your personal spiritual growth.

Use the power of your words wisely.

Obara Meji

Silence is the language of God. All else is poor translation.

Jalauddin Rumi
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Daniel Nsa Oku
1 year ago

Good day Empress, this is by far the most captivating details of spiritual awareness I’m seeking.
I’ll call myself a Christian Seeker.
I’m new here, but in love with your teaching and deeply desire to know more.
I count myself blessed to be reading from you.
Thanks you so much.

1 year ago

l have tried a few things from your page and seen it has worked like putting water in an undesigned glass close to where I sleep, especially because I had those nightmares of my spirit leaving my body..I would see my spirit lost almost unable to find it’s way but somehow I would awake panting or have wired dreams of something trying to snuff life out of me I would cry out Jesus…and calm would return I intend to buy white bedsheets and white nightwears now,I shower and use nice cologne or perfume when trying to sleep now, but I’ve… Read more »

1 year ago

Good day madam….please shed some light on this for me….I had a weird dream… it was night time and i was in the back area of my home where there is a enclosed area. I was across the room from a tall dark figure (that i couldnt see the face) just a outline. Behind me to my side outside the screen was a big black dog barking at said figure as I watched on with one hand on my pregnant stomach… I didnt feel at ease so I woke up. Im not pregnant now so idk whats going on in… Read more »

Fm gold
Fm gold
1 year ago

Wow why am I just coming thru ur page
Thank God I came across it
Pls how can I write you for consultations…your reading just gave me will to want to live

1 year ago

This is a simple but incredibly powerful message. Thank you for all you do ma. We’ll never be able to repay you

1 year ago

You didn’t later say the psalms and what language and way to work it

1 year ago
Reply to  Bonniieeee

And she shouldn’t. Plus, she mentioned why

1 year ago

Thank you once again for raising our consciousness in overcoming the unwanted deeds in thy life. Life and death are indeed in the power of the tongue & words which we utilise daily. However the more one is aware daily and choose wisely one overcomes! Glory

1 year ago

Hello madam, nice reading from you, you’re really making my spiritual journey easy. Please do you make consultation. Really love if one can talk to you one on one. Thanks

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Okay madam, will do just that. Thanks

1 year ago

Reading this post made me reconfirm the power of psalms and not a coincidence. There are 2 chapters I read in a particular position and time, for the next 1 week I will be receiving money for something that is coming up in the future. No one taught me this but my spirit, this has made me believe one of my spiritual guide is wealth. Whenever I ask for something I get it, however one must have the purest heart and not engaged in sexual activity at the time of these prayers.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jayjay
1 year ago

Thank you very much for this information.

1 year ago

Yes, Yes yes. I have to clap to this one. Words are very powerful. Postively & negatively. Obara, you are so right about every here. You right on time with this post. I am going through this with my husband, for years now And it getting worst. He says nasty, mean, harmful things about me, my parents and family. I tell him a lot of time. Our tongue has power or destruction in it. That what the Bible say. But,he don’t hear me. I even say too I him from the Bible, ” A silent answer turn away wrath” .… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you Obara. I hear & understand everything that you saying to me. Sometimes it hard though, he get to me & I too cuss him back. I know it wrong.but I then ask God to forgive me for the words I just used. Other then that I try to keep silent, say a pray or sing my church song to myself to not hear him. Yes, I should win. Thanks. He has a hatred and dislike for me and women that he is going through. People in general. Man & women. It crazy . He too is a Aries.… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I will also send you a email message regarding update of my situation. You are totally right there is something vile within him. I will take your advice use silent to quiet the wrath.

1 year ago

Well, let me tell you, Obara! This right here is like a treasure trove of wisdom, and I’m here scratching my head because there’s so much gold in these words, that I can’t even jot it all down. I was going to snag a line and toss it into my church group chat to stir up some Sunday sermon discussion, but shoot, I might need a little patience ’cause this blog’s a feast! I’m tellin’ ya, I’m lovin’ every word I’m readin’. It’s like a big ol’ plate of jerk chicken with a side of festival—just pure goodness. The information… Read more »

1 year ago

Thank you, im happy that I came across your page, your page popped up in my life just when I needed courage and faith. Since then I’ve always looked forward to your blogs, thanks again and continue doing the tremendous job that you doing.

1 year ago

Thank you, im happy that I came across your page, your page popped up in my life just when I needed courage and faith. Since then I’ve always looked forward to your blogs, thanks again and continue doing the tremendous job that you doing. Love shamz

1 year ago

Thank you very much ma for the reminder

1 year ago

Thank you so much Ma. God bless you. I feel it in my spirit that very soon, I will talk to you hear your voice.

1 year ago

Thank you so much Ma’am Obara, this message came timely. I was just preparing for a prayer.

1 year ago

Okay so now I’m curious about the Psalms and the correct position to pray in and the tone in which we should be praying would you care to share?

1 year ago

Father always say if you have nothing good to say about someone or a situation say nothing- One thing I so admire about my father he never see a negative and always looks for the positive and solution for any problems that arise- That’s one of the reason I stay away from people who are always talking negative. Stay positive no matter what and train you mind each morning to attack the day with strength and good fortune no matter what you might be going through. Also try to give someone a kind word because we dont know what each… Read more »

1 year ago

Am sorry for using the word I am broke which is what the teaching was all about.. not me but my enemy is broke. I have enough and manifest abundance of wealth and riches.

1 year ago

Thanks very much ma , for another wonderful episode.. it was properly read and digested. But I would love to make one request. Plz can you share with us or with me, maybe privately that particular part of Psalm that the woman shared with you and how to actually manifest it. I am seriously in need. I am broke and having a pile of debt on me. To be honest I just borrowed some money last two weeks to pay my rent. Plz with a kind heart share with me the secret…. Love light.

1 year ago
Reply to  Marc

After reading this post, you still went ahead to describe yourself in the way that you shouldn’t.

1 year ago

Thanks very much ma , for another wonderful episode.. it was properly read and digested. But I would love to make one request. Plz can you share with us or with me, maybe privately that particular part of Psalm that the woman shared with you and how to actually manifest it. I am seriously in need. I am broke and having a pile of debt on me. To be honest I just borrowed some money last two weeks to pay my rent. Plz with a kind heart share with me the secret…. Love light.

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

But why ma, are we not learning as your students, what if the woman did as you are doing to us now, how can you get over the problem ma? Freely you receive, and freely you shall give. More lights on our parts.

1 year ago
Reply to  Procachelsea

I think she already gives us very generously. It becomes too much when we start making requests or demands to be given everything. Let us not entertain greed or entitlement. There are plenty of blog posts that discuss helpful ways to improve prosperity.

Please don’t forget to donate if it’s even $1 to the blog. We are all grateful for Madam Obara‘s dedication to us.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aylee

Aylee, Thank you for saying that to others, who may not understand or remember. Cause I too was going to say some thing. Obara, share more then enough information with us All. So, we need to give, Thanks for that. She show & share more information then school, our parents,our family or friends and society. What more are we asking about. ????? We All need to be grateful like Aylee says. It true not greed. Not everything she is going to give or share with us.. Some things yes, but not everything she needs or have to share. she wrote… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Aylee

Blessed be!!! You hit the point.

1 year ago
Reply to  Procachelsea

Can you hold back from not using it more than once a year? Can you bear such?

Jean Maurice
Jean Maurice
1 year ago
Reply to  Procachelsea

Respect please! She has been guided not to share the psalm here. At some point she said that it is a good thing that these powerful words are not know by all, bcz some may use them inappropriately. We are in public and ours consciousness levels are different. We are all guided and we receive with gratitude what she was allowed to share with us.

1 year ago

The Highest Intelligence know why you are my mentor. I asked you about Igbo yesterday because I identify with true Isreal and had watched a teaching that proves that we are the people of the bible. The teacher quoted the same story of how the priests identified the adulteress through ritual; ritual that is the exact same as practiced in the Igbo community. There is no such thing as coincidence. Look how you come “write” and post the same thing. I am humbled by JAH works. Truly humbled. Also…behave yuself; watch yu laguage..pumpum shorts

Much love always

1 year ago

Am I the first to comment……. I was looking through my emails and your blogs send to my email….I have been communicating with you from 2017.

But, today’s blog show me without a doubt I have been complaining and being anxious instead of speaking and letting things manifest positively.

Change really comes from within.

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