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The Living Dead: How the Spirit is Judged While the Body Remains in the World

During my spiritual initiation, the time when I was being taught by high Non-Physical Beings within the invisible world, there were times that I would pray for people on the phone. Word got around, so people lined up to speak to me while I sang, prayed and prophesied. There were a set of women, two who were always on the phone with me on a conference call, and we would sing and pray while Spirit revealed to me their fate.

These were nice times to me, but they were scary times also. I was a young Neophyte, thrust into the deep end of the pool, battling to swim. One Sunday evening, these women called me and added a third on a joint conference call.

As usual, we sang and prayed just like devotion (this is how I began my journey, perhaps because at the time, I was a Christian). While on the phone singing out our throats and praying, we heard loud snores like a fired-up chainsaw deep in the forest cutting down tall trees. One of the women on the phone shouted,

“Molly! Yuh really ah snore while we ah pray and ah praise God?”

Who said this was the dominant of the three friends (the Aries of the group) and the more outspoken. She took our time together seriously and felt that Molly was disrespecting the sacredness of what we were doing.

You see, bloggers, during this time when I would do these things, deep revelation would come forth and all that was prophesied came true. They not only told of problems, but they also gave the solutions. These women relied on me for their protection, they knew that Spirit worked through my body, and they understood that Spirit was attached to something higher than us. I was just an intermediary, and so they respected it.

Molly apologized in her groggy state and straightened herself up for us to go at it again. However, a message came through while she was apologizing…

I suddenly told her, “Molly, you’re getting ready to go to Jamaica, but if you go, you’re going to die there.”

The women both let out a cry. The Aries said, “Jesus Christ”, and the other friend, muttered an “Oh sh*%t“.

This was like cold water being splashed on Molly’s face because immediately she was wide awake and asked me, “What can I do to remove this?”

The Spirit then gave me several instructions which I told to her, and the last of the instructions was that I should take her to Jamaica and visit a particular river there. Molly booked everything, and in a week, I was in Jamaica with her. I gathered all the items that Spirit had told me to gather, dressed the way Spirit told me to dress myself and Molly, and we drove to the countryside to the exact spot where Spirit had told us to go.

When we got to the river, the spot where we were, morass covered the waters, and I wondered to myself briefly “Why did the spirit bring us here?” – there’s a reason.

I now started to sing and pray to the river, and as I began to do so, the morass began to clear until completely crystal clear. You could look inside and see the beautiful river stones beneath. I did what I was instructed to do with Molly at the river to finish the series of works I was to do for Molly, the river being the final work. After I did this, I turned to her with a message from the Riva Muma as we call the Deity of the river in Jamaica. She is strict!

I said, “Molly, the River Mother says to tell you that for now, you are okay, but the work is not over, and it will only be complete if you return in 2 years here with me to do the same ritual.”

Right at the river, Molly said, “Yeah man, don’t worry, I will come back.”

That was it.

We went back to America and everyone parted ways to their own lives. Molly and her friends worked together in whatever work they did. However, several months after that, they were involved in some type of transaction where Molly deceived her friends and stole a lot of money from them. This started a war.

The women found out that the thief was Molly, but Molly believed that there was no way they could have known this, and it had to have been someone who told them. Of course, because of who I am, Molly believed that I had seen it spiritually and had revealed it to the women. This was not true. As a matter of fact, the women told me they needed no confirmation because they knew that it was Molly. In some kind of pyramid scheme, Molly had defrauded many people.

I, however, told the women that the date was approaching for Molly to return to the river, and no matter what, this was my work. I had to tell her. So I tried contacting her, and when I did, I heard Spirit tell me, “She’s not going anywhere.” But I ignored the message, I still had to try. This was someone’s life!

But when I got to Molly, she told me “Obara, I am rich and I know the God that I serve. He is the one who has provided for me, why would he strike me down before my time? I don’t subscribe to what you are saying. Only God alone can predict these things and Jesus the son, so F&%k off and leave me be!” … Yes, God does know best.

After all the hullaballoo, Molly and I never spoke again. But we were now approaching 2 years, which would have been March of that year, and in the middle of February, I was at home when I heard someone shouting my name outside.

I opened the balcony door and stepped out to see Molly driving a huge white truck, waving to me and saying proudly, “Do you see my new car?

I shook my head, but I knew that her intent was to brag about what she had done to her friends. She was living the life. She had a lot of money now and buying properties here, there and everywhere. This was almost 2 years after the robbery.

Time went by and the next year came in. This was now January, the month of her birthday. She went to Jamaica to have a big birthday celebration. She had recently bought a beautiful mansion atop some type of hill in the country. On her way home to the house to prepare for her party, she was driving with her friends in the car when two bike men, one on the right of the car and the other on the left, assassinated Molly with a barrage ah shot! (sprayed the car with many bullets).

Molly’s face was torn to nothing with the amount of bullets the assassins had sprayed her with. She had to have a closed casket.

When I heard the news, I realized immediately that as wise as humans believe they are, or as educated or intellectual, there is no way a human can compare themselves to that of Spirit. I felt sad that she had lost her life in such a terrible way. However, when I remembered what the River Mother had instructed, I realize that the Deity knew that Molly’s character would not carry her past 2 years, and perhaps I can put it this way for those who are able to understand it:

During the time of when the death message had come for Molly, her spirit was in spiritual court (judgment). Perhaps for deeds she had done, perhaps for her intention, perhaps she had defrauded so many people that she had consumed all her life’s wealth and everyone else’s through her thieving ways, that the tears of the people she had robbed had brought her spirit before judgment in the invisible world. Perhaps her spiritual guide acted as her lawyer and begged the Courts to give her 2 years to redeem herself (which would perhaps be like a day within the Universe), to allow her conscience to guide her. Therefore, the Court will present her with a temptation, a golden opportunity that she would need to weigh: “Should I? or Should I not do this?” In Molly’s case, she was presented with an opportunity for instant riches, but it would require deception and betrayal, and in this she failed, and her fate sealed.

This may sound mythological, but I assure you, it is the truth. If only spirituality was taught in schools, many lives would be saved.

My conclusion to this was that within that 2 years time, Molly was a living dead. She walked among us in human flesh, but her spirit had already departed. And this does happen. Many walk among us who are currently under judgment. Their spirit has already transitioned, but the body is yet to catch up to that reality. There is a reason why this happens (read What Happens in the Spiritual Realms When You Are Spiritually Attacked).

Several years later, I was asleep and something woke me up and it was Molly standing at my door in a white bridal outfit. She had no face. I recited incantations and chased her away from my home, and she vanished.

I can not save the world, and I can not change people’s minds and intentions. I can only try to share my experiences with you and have you introspect and look into yourself, and if what you see, you do not like, I hope that you have the courage to change it.

Life is a great thing but you must remember that we are not here for ourselves. We are here to learn, and we are here to do for each other.

So I beseech you all to walk good.

Obara Meji

Of your achievements, accomplishments, and academics I care not…show me your humanity!

Obara Meji
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4 months ago

This is so true. For me, I saw my fathers death two years earlier and he also saw it few months to it that was the day he called me to show me his gratuity and pensions documents and was like just incase he also told me that if he should die anyday I should not believe anyone telling he was killed by a witch or wizard that anytime he dies is his own appointed time with his God. Two weeks to his death when I was leaving for school first week of January he called me and also told… Read more »

4 months ago

This is so true. For me, I saw my fathers death two years earlier and he also saw it few months to it that was the day he called me to show me his gratuity and pensions documents and was like just incase he also told me that if he should die anyday I should not believe anyone telling he was killed by a witch or wizard that anytime he dies is his own appointed time with his God. Two weeks to his death when I was leaving for school first week of January he called me and also told… Read more »

Isha Wilkerson
Isha Wilkerson
11 months ago

Thanks for this there was a key statement you made and I recently have been talking to my mom about it .. I said to my mom my grandfather died long before he actually left this earth .. something was telling me that internally and you confirmed it for me that this in fact does happen

11 months ago

Thank you mama. Just like you rightly said, the spirit actually told you to tell Molly that she need to return in two years so as to give her time to change her evil ways. It was a period of grace to redeem her. If only she had listen to your kindid advice it wouldn’t have happened. Her ego actually sentenced her to her early grave.

1 year ago

Thank you Obara again for forever sharing your sacred information. I never looked for this page but I found myself pursuing your subjects discussed that I believe the knowledge is for my enlightenment. My heartfelt gratitude for me to repent daily in my life to do good to save my life

1 year ago

Greedy people are always controlled by der greed,they have no humanity in dem which always ends up bring dem to the ground.God cannot come down to help us he sends a help tru human like us,which she failed to see, becos of a greed and pride..thank u for sharing this experience with us.may we not be carried away with greed dat will end us.

1 year ago

I need help withy life

Last edited 1 year ago by tina
1 year ago
Reply to  tina

Book appointment for divination on the site.

1 year ago

Funny, I said to someone today that we will be judged for every word spoken good or bad. This was the word from Jesus Christ written in the Scriptures. Interesting you use the term Living Dead, often we have proclaimed about someone they have no life in them. Could this one of the bodies that you are referring to? Charlottes

1 year ago

Oh, Obara, my mind is much clearer now from the flu. I revisited this blog post and am delighted you expound pon di original story. Molly was ungrateful, no ras. Dis woman, she too damn rude and outta place when yuh was tryin’ fi save her life. For her to say, “I am rich, and I know the God that I serve. He is the one who has provided for me; why would he strike me down before my time? I don’t subscribe to what you are saying. Only God alone can predict these things and Jesus the son, so… Read more »

1 year ago

Wow this was deep. You are such a talented storyteller; the words came to life and I can visualize everything; it’s frightening that we could be “walking dead”; very much an eye opener and left me with lesson learned and a new perspective. I get so excited when I get email notification that you have a new article. Thank you for your words and works. Much love

1 year ago

Whenever I read these articles I pray that whatever I have learnt I will be able to put in practice. May I not forget all these information presented before me to live right. Thank you Obara.

1 year ago

Obara please I need help about remembering dreams or is that I don’t drwam?

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Easyfreeman86

there is alot of information on the blog about dreams, seek you will find.
here is one, type dreams in the search bar on this blog alot of information will come up.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jojo Queen

Thank you Jojo Queen for finding this & sharing this post with us. Good lengthy read & full information. Love it.

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  TCanada

ur welcome

1 year ago
Reply to  Jojo Queen

Very good pick . Enjoyed it…. I will read it again. It was deep.

1 year ago

When my grand father was a live , he use to say , walk good to me too all the time. We all need to walk good as you say Obara in these time. Thank you for this post . I learned a lot today.

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

For sure

1 year ago
Reply to  TCanada

Thank you for reminding us of that.

1 year ago

Old time Jamaican saying, ” Who can’t hear , must feel. Indeed, Molly feel it. If she only listened to you Obara, she may be here to tell her story to people. How she listen to your message given to her from you by the spirit. This is so true, what you wrote.“ If only spirituality was taught in schools, many lives would be saved.”, But there would be a lot of people, just like Molly . Who would not listen and do their own thing and feel it at the end. But, these types of people are examples for… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes. She was very much so, greedy & materialistic.But I like the way you deal with her. When she try to come and visit you with not face. You recited incantations and chased her away from your home, and she vanished. What does she take you as. Run her away. Ungrateful Women.

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  TCanada

Well I hope when and if she come back, the ears dem work because that lesson would have to be learnt again.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jojo Queen

I hope so too. But like Obara said she is here not save the world, and she can not change people’s minds and intentions. Obara can only try to share her experiences with us and have we introspect and look into ourself, and if what you see, you do not like, she hope that you have the courage to change it.

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  TCanada

yes obara is a great teacher, not only that she gives information on how to do things to help ones self not alot of spirituality do that for free.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jojo Queen

True, True., True Jojo Queen. You right about that. Big up to Obara Meji for teaching & showing us things.

1 year ago

Greed for money killed her. Some people when they see money that’s when you gets to know them very well.

Obara you did well for chasing her away with those incantations, what was she in your home to do? Is it to say sorry or ask you to ask for forgiveness from those she duped? Well said and done “I can not save the world, and I can not change people’s minds and intentions”

1 year ago

Hello Obara. I receive your articles through email and it’s a really great informative read every time. I don’t know where you find the time to write such beautiful work…But I appreciate that you find the time. I love them.

Jojo Queen
1 year ago

The state of the river was also a concern when I was reading, shows how important our healers, seers ect are. From the meeting where molly started sleeping showed me mollys something looool her heart wasn’t in it. Not every Opportunity should be taken worst when it brings pains to others SMH. she also want back on her word what a way money change people, if ppl would only understand that energy money. watch her a call Mary the mermaid son name dwl and look at the way she go close casket as if spirits were making a statement.

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Jojo Queen

*showed me mollys Character

Jojo Queen
1 year ago

Teacha thank you I can not thank you Enough!!!. Molly was warned but it fall on deaf ears, is this the part where they say u have free will ? is death always a punishment or seen as so ? what about the ones that may know it’s there time, do u believe they show signs ? Why did u dismiss molly, was u upset? or u didn’t want to entertain what she had to say? why do people say negative/evil ppl live long ? why do sum ppl take their own life ? what is the stay of ones… Read more »

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Jojo Queen


Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

yes I understand why you didn’t entertain her, you also teach that sometimes it’s not even the person we think it is. Then I ask myself but isn’t spirits faceless, but when 1 wants to speak a form is chosen, then I remember the ones that love to take set on ppl so I understand now why u did it. thank you teacha I was just tryin to understand

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

And the free will part was me, innerstanding that molly used free will to be disobedient because of money.

1 year ago

Another great one,Ma’am, I have actually learnt from your blog(and still learning) more than years of both primary, secondary and tetiary education combined. God bless you ma. Ase.

1 year ago

Molly never got her face back on the other side, is that punishment for wrong doings?

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Toy

Molly just out of order and rude, by not showing her face shows she never come fi nothing positive she gwaan bout her business.

1 year ago

Great Read Obara…. I also re read the blog.. “What happens in the spiritual realm when you are spiritually attacked”

I have always been concerned on HOW to help myself.. and not to harm anyone per say. Like you said it’s always somebody who you have helped that want to hurt you because of jealousy or envy etc.

I don’t watch horror movies, especially those with duppy, ghost or spirits. People don’t know what they are attracting. I choose to be aware to know HOW to help myself…. be a help to others….. and to be grateful and patient.

1 year ago

As usual…strong words of wisdom. So true that our people perish for lack of knowledge. I actually question why all this essential knowledge was hidden and then eventually stolen from us. Why was/is there so much gatekeeping over life saving info. I understand that not all people may be “deserving of or ready” for the info but who gets to decide this? The math can’t seem to math in my consciousness at the moment. Logic would say that ancient gatekeepers made errors that now threaten the existence of humanity…unuh can tell seh mi inna mi feelings tideh..lawt

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  ericanjohnson

I just believe the universe has order, so must spirits we all sign up for a type of job a way of order. Imagine if there was no gate keepers it would just be a free fi all imagine the Chaos, more then what we already have.

1 year ago

Ah Obara, you read my mind. I was ĺaying here in bed sick with the flu and was wondering if you had post anything and I check my email ànd ÿou did. This is indeed a great read and a reminder to walk good, and listen to the spirits when your life matters. Thank you Obara, I enjòyed this blog about the “Ungrateful Molly”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I love each and everyone of them. Your teaching is amazing.

1 year ago

Bless! Nice read

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I know some readers are not into lengthy posts but like me I love reading your stuff. Maybe just do them in parts but don’t make the parts too short lol

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yep true . Hoping for more readings in 2024. Hope we can get a lot more interactions too..

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

True, true. Obara

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


1 year ago
Reply to  Lincoln

Lincoln, I say the same thing. That funny.

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I enjoy your length read. I am learning. You are teaching.

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