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After the last teleconference we did, I had a dream where I saw one of my children tell me that his daddy says “I am too good”. Being who I am, I instantly understood the metaphoric meaning of those awful words and immediately sought to remedy it.
I went out and bought three dozen eggs, left them until they were rotten and stood at my window and threw them at small children and old men. I also waited for it to rain and when it did I drove in my car and, with an evil grin, splashed anyone who passed by. I bought blue paint and threw it on some neighbors windows at night and also caught my neighbors cat Sylvester held him down and almost plucked him bald despite the scratches he gave.
I made Santa’s naughty list and I was glad. The naughty bug had bit me and I had to stop myself from going into the nursing homes to steal the old people’s dentures and paint them black and toss my head back in an evil cackle. I am back now from my mischievous doings, however, so greetings to all and sundry, Happy New Year!
For all you serious folks, I am only kidding. But really, you don’t want to be “too good”, even if you are a Christian cuss a bad word once in a while or break a glass deliberately. Perfection is a beauty too great for this Earth, and we still have work to do! Sometimes we must move with the frequency of this chaotic world, but this is a talk for another time.
It is 2025 and congratulations to all who have made it here. Of course you know that the earth is shifting, and it is a rough ride. Do not mind those who eagerly say that the shift is complete, and we have “arrived” to the New World. This is not so. We are in the middle of the waters and we can see land, but it is far away and many bumps and challenges are still ahead.
I would normally do a prediction post, but I was instructed against doing one this year as last years predictions is still unfolding. That being said, instead of going through prophecies today, I will be sharing with you instructions on how to navigate what the Spirit is calling “New Waters” when referencing 2025. Always remember that everything that has happened and is happening has already happened sometime or the other. Nothing is new under the Sun.
I always want to give you all hope and cheer on this blog. Life is not as grim and gloomy as some of you see it. We are however living in a simulation and we, according to our free will, have the opportunity to change our circumstances whenever we want, its just that most of you do not know how to do it. You have no memory of who you truly are.
This earth plane existence has robbed earth citizens of themselves. We are here to learn and in order to do this, we must face challenges, woes, terrors, chaos, and disappointments. This is a fact. It must play out some time in our lives, and when faced with awful moments, we must shake ourselves awake and remember that we are able to fix all that is wrong, but most people have no idea of the brilliance of their minds and how powerful they are.
Well in 2025 we will need to start remembering, because this year will be like one big test, and there will be no chance to fail. You must pass or be stuck.
The minds of earth citizens will be tested in many different ways, you have been asleep too long and the Universe will not be playing with anyone this year. Bob Marley said in one of his songs “Wake up and Live Now”, and this is the time.
1 – The New Year Fast
In the last post (here) of the Spirit’s Message, I told you about a set of Chaotic Beings that had entered our world as of October 1st 2024, and that what remains of them would leave by January 21st of this year. For those of you who gets to read this post, a fasting should begin by January 21st with just water from 6am til 6pm where ever you are, for those who can handle these hours. For those who cannot, you can do from 6am to 3pm in the afternoon. While fasting, you must pray against any evil, or evil thoughts, and any negatives in your lives and that of who you love and care for.
Every year brings its own vibration, its own frequency, that it imbues upon Earth Citizens. So we have to see each year as crossing one bridge to another, but when crossing that bridge, we should strive to match the new energy that is coming into our reality. Fasting is the tool for that.
These Beings (from the last post) who have been here for the past 3 months will leave something terrible in the Earth’s atmosphere that will rise up against humans 10 years from now. It is like leaving trail of dust behind. There are some wildfires that are happening some places in the world right now, and although many people may believe that they are manmade, and they may be, it is the influence of the Beings that will be regressing on the 21st.
You can choose to fast 7, 14, or 21 days (I will be doing 21) starting from the 21st of January. For those who can not manage these amount of days, you can do it from the 21st to the 27th. The fasting will be symbolic to the Cosmic that we are aware of what passed through our Earth and we are knowledgeable enough to cleanse ourselves from what it has left for us in the future. For there will be war, famine, great terror in some places which will have trickle effects in other places. Water and air will be polluted more that now, more than ever. The population of the earth will be reduced and this is a fact. We need to secure a space for not only ourselves but for our offsprings. There are certain devastating things happening now throughout the Earth and it is because of these Beings.
Now, on the day that you break your fast, use Himalayan Pink Salt and warm water and wash your body with a strong prayer of your own.
On February 11th, the Beings that the Hopi people worshipped will descend upon the Earth benevolently. It is a good day and a good energy will settle upon the land everywhere. This energy will rule for 36 days. I know nothing about these people, but this is what has been given to me to give to you. If you know about them, please share in the comments.
2 – Surround Yourself With Silver
The energy that this new year brings will work with the metal silver. Try to wear more silver or have silver placed in your home, particularly at your front door. If you are able to, get 7 olden days silver keys (called “Skeleton Keys”). Find a silver vintage ring to use as key holder and place these keys to the left above your front door, and pray for your prosperity, luck and success for the year 2025 and beyond.
Mark the day that you do this because on the same date next year is when you will remove it, and for all who does this, email me after you have done this and I will tell you how to discard it.
Note: Be clean before you do this. That means no menstruation or copulation upon your person.
For those who have done this correctly, you will receive 3 dream experiences regarding this work, and it will be a good sign that your prayers have been answered.
Also women please be wearing silver bracelets (men too) and silver toe rings (women should do this).
3- The Womb
Many women will find themselves with fibroids or cysts upon their ovaries this year, and there is a spiritual reason for this. Motherhood is being attacked, I cannot tell you how, but be aware. There is a vegetable called Chyote we Jamaicans call it choa-cho. Wash it very well, mash it, strain it and drink it with a small amount of salt and real honey as often as you can to stave these things off.
Be careful of sex dreams, the Incubus spirits are active this year.
3 – The Power of Rosemary
There is a plant by the name of Rosemary, don’t joke with it. This plant works with a group of Beings that are very benevolent to earth citizens and using this plant in many ways will allow you to rise above whatever frequency you are operating on right now if you are consistent in how I will tell you to use it. I may make a post on it itself one day.
But there are taboos so those of you who are naturally unruly or stubborn, do not even use it if you cannot obey rules and laws.
How to Use it This Year:
For whatever issue that you have or come to face, get fresh rosemary, some peppermint, pluck one leaf from a plant that creeps, money (coins or cash, of any amount of your choosing) and a piece of white linen cloth, half a yard will do. Place the cloth into a clean dry pot, preferably a pot you will not use again or one you will keep just for ritualistic purposes. Set the linen cloth on top of the herbs and light it on fire (please do this in a safe area and watch it carefully, do not be careless with fire) so all the herbs burn along with the cloth. Everything should be blackened when you are done.
When the fire simmers and the burned contents cools, throw the coins or cash inside of a paper bag and then place into a ziplock bag. On a Wednesday take it to the river, and throw it there with the intention of solving any issue you may currently have. Stay there and say your intention, but be wise with your words.
Do not call the river by any name or deity you may think is there. There are many spirits who dwell at the river side, just pray, turn away and leave. Avoid looking behind you. Leave your troubles there, they have been solved!
After the river, go home and wash your body with warm salt water with vigorous prayer for you and the world. Do not forget the world in your prayers. Only the pious, righteous and kind shall reap the reward from this work.
Again… there are taboos.
You will tell no one of this unless they discover this post themselves and decide on their own to do it. You will not have any relations for seven days thereafter.
Do not speak ill of anyone during this time, and assist whomever, regardless of your feelings toward them.
With this work, please practice good behavior, kindness and compassion and love! Or else the work will do you no good.
2025 comes with a lot of good and many challenges. Of course, this is expected as everything always has the negative and the positive, however there will be many tornadoes and storms around the world. Water will rise up against human beings this particular year, which is all apart of the cleansing. However if you have knowledge, water can be your greatest friend. If you don’t work on the water or live next to it, be very mindful of the water. If you go to it, respect it. And this year, in particular, it will devastate many places here on Earth and all and sundry will hear about it.
This is the year of the woman (she will/should be revered more than ever) and also next year will be the same. More female than male will be born this year and next. This is great because it means that this world will only change/shift but never end. Wherever the feminine energy is, life will continue.
One more thing before we go– there is a technology that is going to open up to every citizen of this Earth that we will wonder and be in awe about. However, be careful. Do not be as quick as to join the line for this new fashion, because there is something deadly behind it that we won’t know until 12 years from now. My words here are obscure and it is intentional.
As usual, be ye careful in all things. Be prayerful at all times. Be loving, kind, and give alms to those who need it. Be an exemplary being walking this terrible earth. Growth is what we need to ascend toward this beautiful shift. Expect a rocky road, but also expect to overcome it.
As always, I love you all,
Obara (I will not stay away so long again) Meji
Peace be unto you, Obara! I’ve really missed you so much ma.. May your lights keeps shining! May your days be long in good health and prosperity! Happy 2025 the ES community, may it be a blessing and a fulfilling year to us all.. How do we get chyote vegetables here in Nigeria, or is there any other vegetables that can help women get protected from cysts and fibroid? Thanks for all you do, you’re a source of strength and inspirations, that we all need around us often, please don’t stay long before reaching out to your ES family! Lots… Read more »
Happy New Year my Loyal Hamyfat, glad to see you are still here with me! If you are in Lagos, on Victoria Island, you will find Delis Supermarket on Akin Ademola Street, right beside the FCMB bank. They will have it. They also have a branch in Abuja or you can google where they have shops in Nigeria. This is where I shop when I am in Nigeira. If you are in the main land in Lagos, you can send a bike/dispatch to pick the item up, just call them and work it out. Let me know if get through.… Read more »
That’s great ma, I’m on the mainland.. Along Surulere, Yaba Lagos. I will call the supermarket to make an order..
Thanks so much ma!
Lots love,Lights and Peace
Many blessings to you, Obara. I am thankful to the creator and to the ancestors for your works and all that you share with us. This message is greatly appreciated.
I have a general question:
What are your thoughts on this being the year of the Snake per Chinese astrology? Could you relate that to the rise of feminine energy; as well as, the incubus/sex/kundalini energy rising?
“Be careful of sex dreams, the Incubus spirits are active this year” From the beginning of the year I have had several sex dreams and remembered that Iya said this would happen. Honestly it makes me vex when I wake up because it has been with people from my past that I nolonger have any attachment or desire to be with. Iya Obara, how do I get rid of them lol. Also, I remember in a previous post where you mentioned plane crashes and for this reason I waited to travel after the 21st of January. Iya Obara, I want… Read more »
Thanks for sharing Empress
Looking at the news and plane crashes. I await a new post. It appears the price of that seat 47 occupies needs blood ( I wonder what deal was made)
Many things at play here however the Universe is the most powerful, let us be prayerful
Hi, Obara. I really enjoyed reading this post! The humor at the beginning hooked me, and the message was truly powerful. I especially loved the insights about the rosemary plant and its uses, such valuable information! This blog is filled with golden nuggets that I’ll be incorporating into my life. Thank you again for sharing such an amazing post!
Thank you Obara for starting off this 2025 post on an non serious note. Wow! to thing one .Your words play & your message. Was so good to hear and informative.
Thank you also for sharing your Ritualistic Guide & Spiritual Advice for 2025 to us to know and do.
Continue to stay Bless Obara. & We love you tooo
I missed you so much, I had to send you an email to enquire about your health, I was over joyful when I got a reply from you. Thank you so much for your cares. I’m interested in the upcoming forum pls Thank you so much for this topic Ritualisticaly Navigating the new year. As always you wrote from the heart. I appreciate. I hope to start the fast tomorrow, the much I can because, I got this email today 26th. The others I will gradually do them. I’m so grateful for all you taught us here and other teachings.… Read more »
Thank you for reaching out Ifee my love, I appreciate you
Obara!!!! How I have missed you! Happy New year to you. When I didn’t see a new year’s message from you, I got worried. I have been refreshing your Instagram page, hopefully waiting for a post or anything at all. I’m glad you are back. 2024 was rough but I’m positive about 2025. Thanks for your message and guidance. Peace and blessings to you!
Oh my loyal darling I AM here!! So much to share and more to tell but I have been busy. 2024 was not an easy road and my enemy have been fighting many battles but through the fight I have gained so much knowledge so I thank the enemies for choosing to battle with me. Through their terror, I have grown stronger, through their weaponry I have become more prudent. Through their evil I have gained strength and determination. They are GREAT teachers to me and I thank all of those who have tried me and are trying me! They… Read more »
Obara Dear, you were built different and I think you know it. You are no ordinary being and I’m sure your enemies have come to that realisation. They can only try Obara, and that’s the long and short of it.
Thank you for being open with us, thank you for being strong because your strength birthed so much including Embracing Spirituality, for teaching us and loving us, I say modupe. Please we expect more posts from you in 2025! Don’t hold back, write it all, tell us, teach us, we will read and learn!
I love you!
My darling join the upcoming Forum, I have wayyyy more to share over there. We will have vibrant discussions about so many things, and we will do a lot together.
My blogs can be longer but many people here don’t like long post so I will put the rest over there. We need to turn the knowledge up.
Take care my dear
It’s good to have you back. I sure missed you and your wisdom. Hope the year 2025 brings lots of goodies to us all amen
Happy New Year Sire! I hope things are ok for you please let me know
Miss Obara , Happy New Year to you and your family. Welcome back and Thank you for this guide and spiritual advice. I am starting the fast tomorrow. I have question concerning the silver skeleton keys : are they to be pure silver?
because all I see so far from my research is different metal with “silver tone”.
Also , jewelry is not allowed at my job, so I’ll go for a silver anklet. Is there a recommendation on which ankle it should be worn.
It can be metal that looks silver although it would be best if you have real silver. The left ankle is beat but allow your head to chose for you
Thank you so much for this.
Please, for those of us that just got this message Today, can we start our fasting tomorrow and can we break by 12noon
Yes you can, if you cannot stay hungry past noon then go ahead. However remember a fast is a sacrifice. It spiritually suggest more than what you are doing in the physical by not eating or drinking.
It is highly spiritual and not to be taken lightly.
It is earnest supplication to whatever you believe in, that you are giving up sustenance for some time in order for your prayer or intention to be heard and answered.
Happy New Year!
Thank you for your response Love and light
Happy 2025 Obara and everyone.
Thank you for your timely messages Obara. May we continue to see green shoots of the new world in our lives. Ase.
Peace and blessings to you all.
Happy New Yeae Wale
Aboru Aboye Ma’am, Thanks for this, first of all. The first part almost got me real good, but i was holding back to see how it ended and then i saw you were goofing hahahahaha. Got me in stitches, cos i was like “this can’t be you” even if you can cuss sometimes hahaha. Your message is well received and i shall be doing this fast also, infact i have started already. Thanks for the heads up. Question; What would anyone be missing out on if they do not have silver or cannot afford getting some at the moment? -How… Read more »
1-Happy New Year Kay, I pray this year meets you well. I cannot tell you what you would be missing out as every individual is different according to how they vibrate blbutbit is a great thing to do so try!
2-Sex dream this year will go into over drive, I will explain to you when we speak because this is lengthy. I had written it here but I deleted because the post would have been too long and people here do not like long post
3-Use The vegetable it self
Thank you Kay always love when you comment
Blessed be ma’am, Thanks again. Please do not worry about people who don’t like long posts. There’s so much for us to learn and a true seeker will never get tired of reading. It is from reading as much as is written that we will better discover ourselves as students on this journey. If it is 100 pages, i know there are a lot of us here who will invest our time in it and grow more. Please give us enough to read, so that we can ask more questions, cos your answers give more detail and enlightenment. Your answers… Read more »
Happy new year ma, may good things locate you this year and more anointing to you, Amen. Thank you ma for this update.
Happy Nee Year Ada!!
Happy new year ma, may good things locate you this and more anointing to you, Amen.
Thank you! Thank you for this!
Hey Toy!
Greetings obara love and light can a anklet be worn instead of a bracelet no jewelry is allowed at my place of employment?
Love and Light to you also. Yes an anklet is good also
Happy new year Obara. It’s good to hear from you once again. May the new year bring us great endless possibilities. You joke is amusing I want to have the boldness you had to do that. LoL Thank you for the post I was wondering if spirits forbid you form sharing this year’s prophecy. I have some few questions to ask The white socks we place in front of our doors how do we disposed it ? After burning the white cloth and herbs what do we do with the pot after taking the money out? Which part of the… Read more »
Happy new year Beeby!! Keep the socks going, the prophecy’s are still out there so no need to say much just watch.Younwill keep that pot for further works such as these or for burning incense, the second toe from the big toe is best, throw in any running water, Fresh is Best but you can use dried ones.
Happy New year, for us it is ise, ise, ise . I’m looking to your post on the powers that be that put 47 on the seat. You can write in parables. I saw a vision not really a dream because I was present (it was calming yet a bit scary)
Everyone that sits on such a seat as our new American President (May the Universe help him to lead well) is placed there not by the votes but by the invisible powers that rules our world. Now the great question is WHO OR WHAT rules our world. The answer may not be as clear or obvious as you may think and if you do think and guess correctly then ask what Is that thing and is it working for or against mankind. So much to know my dear
Greetings mami,pls I just want clarification concerning the fast starting 21st,pls can someone on der monthly flow start the fast or should wait after the flow,and concerning the rosemary and peppermint can one use dry once if can’t access the fresh ones pls.thanks for ur time and and blessings
Yes you can and if you are in Lagos on Victoria Island there is a supermarket I shop army when I am there name Delis the have fresh rosemary and other herbs google the address or even the Hub
Good day, Ms. Obara. It has been a while. I hope you have been well, and I am glad to see you are back!
Thank you Yana
Happy new year mama,it’s so good to hear from u dis year again.thank u for always bringing msg to us and directing us on how to navigate the new year.may this year be good to us all and may we find the strength to do wat is right so we can enjoy the benefits of u mama.
Happy Mew Year to you Omo
Happy new year to all. Thank you for the post. The teachings from the last teleconference have been helpful during this time that you have been away. Peace love and light to you. ❤️
Happy Nee Year Venessa
Thank you so much ma’am Obara for relaying these wonderful messages to us, it’s been a while. Welcome to 2025
Happy new year my dear! Many people left us last year but we thank God for those who made it across that long and dreaded swing bridge to 2025
Good morning and happiest new year to you Ma!
It’s always good to have you back mama and thank you ever so much for your knowledge and wisdom you bring from the spiritual to the earthly realm. As we entered the new year this inner voice said to embark on a 7days 6am to 6pm dry fasting, which I ignored because I don’t usually fast, now I see the reason why from your post mama Obara.
May Olodumare continue to strengthen and enlighten you with more wisdom . Asè sending you a massive love ♥️ light happiness filled with joy
“May Olodumare continue to strengthen and enlighten you with more wisdom . Asè sending you a massive love ♥️ light happiness filled with joy“
Ase, Ase, Ase!!! Thank you for your kind words! Happy New Year my dear!
Hi Miss Obara! Happy new year to you and your family. Thank you so much for this post. It’s really appreciated and needed. <3
Happy New Year Tiara!! Hug your family for me!!
How much have I missed you, Obara! Happy 2025 and much love to you and your loved ones. Thank you for sharing this wisdom with us. I look forward to learning and sharing with the community again all through. Peace, love and light to you.
Happy New Year Juliet
Obara! Happiest New year my dear. Thank you for this post just before the fasting commences. Looking forward to more blogs from your unending wisdom and guidance. And don’t be gone for so long ma
Thank you Tshepang and happy new year. I will post more often but I was taken away by a spaceship to a very far place and met wonderful people who looked humanoid whose speech sounded like whistle but their mouths did not move. They told me so many things and introduced me to various different beings.They weee nice to me but very sad for humankind. This is why I was not here to write my post but I am back and they were very kind to me lol
Hopefully we’ll get the privilege of reading some of the stuff they conveyed to you
Hey, I am
Glad to see that you beliiveve me and took me
Seriously. So much to reveal!
Watch out though it’s coming, not sure if I can reveal it all here though. I may do it on the upcoming Forum
That will cost a huge amount dear.
Greetings Obara, Happy New Year! Thank you for your first post/advice of 2025, I was missing you. I’ve been discussing fasting with my peers and watching documentaries over the past few months. I am taking this post as a sign to start my first ever fast on the 21st as advised. Much much Love!
Bless up
Validation once again. Your words about being “too good” resonate so strong. Believe me when I tell you that I have wished to be a ” bad b*tch” twice in as many days. I am one of the few who can find no vile in my existence; true vile. Anything I’ve done which is devious has been done inadvertently; trust.
Anyway, your wisdom is again appreciated. I actually dream see you about 3 nights ago. Thank you for checking in on me
Ericaaaaa!!!! Nice to see you here!! Happy New Year!
Family is family; tribe is tribe….I feel that I belong here. You have been a source of wisdom. Proverbs says that we should seek wisdom; I am a full time seeker. Happy turn of the calendar my love. I hope that we as a people can start to do better by ourselves and communities this year.Is a simple thing and simple wish. It nuh really hard fi do. We just need to break the ties that bind us to weird thinking. Love and more love and more love is all we need.
Happy 2025 to Obara and All. May the blessings of the universe be on us all-
Blessed love all.
Happy New Year Lincoln
Hello Obara, thank you so much for this post. In fact,I was waiting eagerly for you write and indeed,it’s exactly what I needed at the right time. God bless you. I’m also happy to be bold enough to comment for the first time. Happy new year love from Ghana
Happy New year to you and to Ghana, lol@ bold enough to commmet.
Happy new year,Ma’am Obara. Thank God you and yours are doing great.
I am personally very happy to read from you again.
God bless you. Amen
Thank you for all the gems you just dropped for us on this great platform of yours. I will try to do the fasting and study everything you recommended.
Love and light Ma.
Happy Nee Year my dear. Peace, Love and Blessing!