Empressdivine commented on the post, Your Ritualistic Guide and Spiritual Advice for 2025 5 days ago
“Be careful of sex dreams, the Incubus spirits are active this year”
From the beginning of the year I have had several sex dreams and remembered that Iya said this would happen. Honestly it makes me vex when I wake up because it has been with people from my past that I nolonger have any attachment or desire to be with. Iya Obara, how do I get…[Read more]
Empressdivine commented on the post, The Spiritual Uses of Honey and How to Use It in Your Life 5 months, 4 weeks ago
Very profound! I apprecilove this 🙂
Empressdivine commented on the post, The Medium – How Do Oracles (Divinations) Work? 8 months, 1 week ago
Mi nah laugh yuh nuh mi nah laugh! Woah mi belly lolololol
Empressdivine commented on the post, The Medium – How Do Oracles (Divinations) Work? 8 months, 1 week ago
Thank you Iya for this insightly read. Gave me a good giggle. Sister Justine and her blabba mout lol. The Greek oracle at the end hits the nail on the head. Force ripe fruit can make you sick. Looking forward to the forum.
Empressdivine commented on the post, Not All Your Thoughts Are Your Own – How Invisible Forces Use Human Bodies 12 months ago
Thanks for this timely message Iya, I resonated with many things written. I look forward to reading your experience that you had in the UK becah duppy run round ya like wata ah run from pipe lol
Empressdivine commented on the post, JAMAICAN WHITE RUM OR "SPIRIT" AND ITS USE 4 years, 6 months ago
Okay, that’s done
Empressdivine commented on the post, JAMAICAN WHITE RUM OR "SPIRIT" AND ITS USE 4 years, 6 months ago
Wow, Wray and Nephew is the truth. Last night I had a bad attack. Dippy hold me dung several times. Each time I wake up and guh back to sleep, it jump on me again. I could hear a frequency that sounded like a sound wave while i was struggling. The last time it happened i jump up and ran downstairs in to the kitchen and draw fi di rum. I flashed it…[Read more]
Empressdivine commented on the post, How Beer Led to Victory in a Spiritual Battle 5 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for the reply Obara. I definitely will do.
Empressdivine commented on the post, How Beer Led to Victory in a Spiritual Battle 5 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for this Obara. I had a dream around two weeks ago of my grandfather who has passed away. He was looking through the window and then asked for a beer. In my vision a green bottle with red writing appeared before me. I believe my grandfather is telling me to prepare an alter, which I havent done yet
Empressdivine commented on the post, UNDATEABLE? FAILED RELATIONSHIPS AND THE SPIRITUAL FORCES BEHIND THEM 5 years, 1 month ago
Hi Obara, thanks for the speedy reply. And thank you. I look forward to shopping in your store. One love x
Empressdivine commented on the post, UNDATEABLE? FAILED RELATIONSHIPS AND THE SPIRITUAL FORCES BEHIND THEM 5 years, 1 month ago
Hi Obara, I found your site a few weeks ago and I have been addicted since. So much information and insight and I sincerely thank you for that. I was just wondering if it is possible to have two twin flames at the same time or is this just greed?. Also when will the shop be up and running. Thanks in advance.
Empressdivine became a registered member 5 years, 1 month ago