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Spiritual Blockages in Your Way and How to Remove Them

Everyone has experienced blockages at one point or the other. Some people do not even apply a spiritual cause to what they are experiencing. Some people may call it bad luck, or negative energy, and some people recognizes that things that are often called “bad luck”, are indeed blockages. Everything humans experience is always first a spiritual problem (or blessing) before it becomes a physical one.

A spiritual blockage is a hindrance along one’s journey that begins in the “spiritual” or invisible form before taking its manifestation in your physical life journey. A person who has the qualifications but can not get a job, and wonders what is happening is experiencing “blockages”. A woman or a man who cannot get married or have a partner, or children is experiencing the same. Likewise a person who has difficulty finding prosperity or success, no matter how many hours they work or how hard they try, and suddenly life seems very difficult. Anything that counteracts any persons life, is a spiritual block. Now, the thing we have to figure out is where is this block coming from, and how do you remove it?

Transference of Energy

Once, I was in church (Zion Revival) and a sister was across from me, clapping and singing as was I. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my knee which came on suddenly. It kept on and became unbearable. I looked over and saw the sister singing out holy hell. I was moved to ask her about her left knee, and she told me that she lived on Ben Gay and that the knee gave her hell everyday, but at that precise moment she was not feeling it. I gave her a hard stare and she covered her mouth while stifling a laugh and said “Oh my God, you are feeling it!” Energy transfers!

This is what I mean by “Depending on who you are in the realm of Spirit“. I am a spiritual practitioner (to put it simply) and the scene above was in a spiritual church. At the moment of the pain, I was able to discern where the pain had come from, and from whom specifically. Not everyone would be able to even know that a sudden knee pain does not originate from his own body, but has been “passed” to him from another source. Notice in that scene I was no where near the woman, and I had not sat in any seat after her. The “pain” in the woman’s knee is itself energy, or a spirit, and I, being a spiritualist and able to read the room even unintentionally, had been communicated to by the spirit that was the woman’s pain. That communication in the form of momentary pain was in itself a healing for the woman. But if I were not who I am, that communication would have meant a new pain for my enemy (me).

If I were ordinary, I might have believed that pain to be my own, and sought a doctor. The more I believed the pain to be there, the more I treated something that was not real, the more real to me it would become. Doing this would have created a new scenario in my life where knee pain became a reality, and a perfectly healthy knee would have only seemed sick. Even the doctor’s assessments would have confused illusion and reality, and it would seem difficult to find a solution to the problem until the spiritual cause is found and dispelled.

Mental Blockages

Mental blockages is when the mind of a person is used by himself against him. This happens in how a person thinks and believes, and also how a person absorbs and holds onto negative things (words and thoughts). Persons bad behaviors also impacts the mind, leaving a spiritual impression upon his spiritual self. Most often unbeknownst to him or her.

If a person is a hypochondriac, that person will always experience symptoms of illnesses, even at times puzzling the doctors, until one day all of his fears becomes a reality. What has this person blocked using his mental faculties? He has blocked good health and wellbeing for himself, and also (believe it or not), for his family and those around him.

How is this possible? People often times do not realize that their own mental power can rise or destroy those they love or who are blood related to them. This is mental power, and this force is as strong as the sun’s rays upon the Earth when it shines (this I will write a topic on by itself).

Mental blockages occurs if a person’s mind tends to sway towards negative thoughts and beliefs. For example, before a job interview, talking to an intended love interest, or starting something new to bring a positive thing in one’s life, a person may approach these things with thoughts such as, “Why would he/she like me?” or “This company is one of the hardest to get into, why would they choose me?” These people usually possess some negative thought and belief about themselves and this negative belief, no matter how much the person still attempts a positive outlook, usually dominates the positive outlook.

These people believe they have no control over life, and that life is a powerful thing which carries them, and they are affected by this external power. They position themselves in a passive state to be overwhelmed by chance. With a mentality like this, this will also be their reality. And this is the power of manifestation.

Manifestation is not words that are repeated constantly. Manifestation is a belief that sinks into your subconscious and stays there until that reality has been created.

If a person’s self-belief is of the negative, then everything and anything negative will be attracted to this person and will manifest itself into this persons life, creating blockages.

Blockages by Spiritual Interference

Spiritual interference can also cause blockages. Meaning that if a person sees another that is striving towards success or is already successful, they can employ the services of a spiritual practitioner to cast a spell or do some spiritual interference to block that persons way. This is why the Yoruba says, “When the normal becomes abnormal, evil is at work.

But spiritual interference (i.e. obeah, witchcraft, juju, etc.) is not everyone’s fate — not all people are susceptible to this, there are some people who are even completely immune, but if you joined the Celestine Council School, I will speak more to you about how obeah works in this way, and why it can not affect some people.

But, most people who this interference does affect have already some negative thoughts way down in their subconscious, so it is easier for the unnatural interference to create the blockages.

How Do You Remove Blockages?

The first thing one must do in order to remove blockages is to identify that there are blockages in your life.

  1. Introspection – Find the time to sit by yourself quietly. Go through your mind and find yourself and the problems you have created for yourself, and move them. In other words, turn every negative thought into a positive one and believe it. Only you and you alone can find your truth and have it stick to your conscious mind, therefore releasing your subconscious from the terror you have created there. This also helps to alleviate the spiritual interference because this mental challenge you have put towards yourself will also help to drive away the source of the interference manifesting itself.
  2. Challenge Your Fear – Everyone has fears. Fear of some type, it matters not of what, or who you are, fear lingers like the tail end of a cigar in the air that everyone breathes. However, only you alone have the ability to remove this fear after realizing that fear itself is a spirit, an energy, that is malevolent and not for the benefit of humankind in a positive way. The way to challenge fear is, of course, to face it. It might seem strong because it works off the mental plane where you have access to, but if you face your fears and tell yourself that this has no power over you, then in no time you will be free of it. This alone can bring down many of the things that are blocking your way.
  3. Spiritual Baths – I 100% believe in spiritual baths, regardless if you are having problems. However, just making any random bath by yourself is not always the solution because everyone’s situation is personalized to them and so the bath, itself, should be personalized to the situation. A competent spiritualist should be sought for the solution to this situation if it is possible for you to do so. However, baths are a great solution to many of the problems humankind are facing, if only they know the secrets into putting them together.
  4. Cleanse Your Living Environment – There are many things that can be done to do this. Often times a person may buy a new home or move into a new apartment and immediately things become stagnant for them. This is another area of blockages, moving into another person’s space and picking up their energy (this is why I do not purchase clothes on consignment). There are many ways to do this, but also I must tell you that doing one of these things does not always solve the problem. Sometimes you must do more than one thing over a course of time to remove the core of the spiritual problem that may have been planted long ago. Cleansing your living environment should be something that is done often by using spiritual tools, and for sure people can use certain incense or sprays or floor washes, but if you do not know the combination of things to use so that Light can enter your environment and darkness can go, you can make the problem worse. Always seek a competent spiritualist to guide you!

God speed!

Obara Meji

Don’t take anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

Don Miguel Ruiz

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1 year ago

Thank you for mentioning the spiritual baths! They have been incredibly helpful to me over the past four months. Moreover, not too many people talk about them. I’m also a big fan of positive affirmations and mantras and feng shui (I believe that your surroundings reflect your soul, so it is important to keep order and cleanse your environment every now and then.)
Have a peaceful 2023!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jeanne

Feng shui is really big even politicians use it and people for success. My uncle always told me don’t touch or move certain things, I would mess up the feng shui. I know not much about it but came to understand it’s the position of household etc that yields results .

2 years ago

Thank you for this insightful information, teacher. Timely as I have been recently struggling why I find it hard to find a partner I can call mine ☺️ Looking forward to taking some of your classes soon! Thank you once again

2 years ago

Obara Meji when you write is like a fresh of breath from the air. I love how you break things down and explain them. This reading get a lot of stars rating as well as the other one. Thank you for sharing this useful information and also reminder with us.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tamra Lindsay-Lewis
2 years ago

Thank you for your insight. Myself is fighting and unseen force or forces but one thing I realize that death is apart of it.
Almighty God is working overtime to save my life over and over but that force keep coming and with Almighty Father’s help, I’m fighting back

2 years ago

Thanks for this post Obara. Sometimes these blockages comes from people who are close to you so it’s hard to know or suspect the source. I wish I know how to make different baths to remove blockages and cleanse myself. It’s a evil world

2 years ago

Thank you Obara for the insightful message. May the universe bless and strengthen you

2 years ago

Thank you Obara for this post. Everytime I am trying figure or understand something happening your posts always pop up. Smile Mental blockage seems to be the root of this challenges hence the term “sleeping beauty.” Why is it that accepting or buying things on bargain/consignments etc take a long time to rid of bad energy? Was covid from the water realm? Those who came across & battled it, was it a test to elevate them of what’s next to come? You mentioned a mental blockage example re: relationship. What’s the meaning if you dream a former partner who no… Read more »

2 years ago

Thank you for this. Lots that I know and you confirmed them. Blessings to you always. Much grateful to you.

2 years ago

Great post as always Ma. I just have a thought. On the aspect of fear, looking at it from a different angle, perhaps fear is neither good or bad, just 2 different faces on the same coin, in-order to create balance. So, on one side, fear is malevolent, on the other side, it can be benevolent, because as was said in the post, once you face your fears, it no longer has power over you. So in a sense, fear is like a spiritual teacher, guiding us on how to reach higher states of mind by letting go of fear.… Read more »

2 years ago

Thanks for the great message dear i personally i truly appreciate ,,,,,iam in uganda dear and kindly want some of the spiritual baths how can i be able to get them please

2 years ago

Aboru boye Iya, thank you for blessing us with your wisdom once again! May Olodumare continue to give you divine wisdom Ase!

I think I’ve mentally blocked myself, I also do think it’s as a result of grieving as I lost my dad few months back. I’m really finding it difficult to go back to working as I’m a spiritual student/teacher and I noticed I’ve also been feeling a lot of pains that aren’t mine! Even from states apart. Thank you for this. I’ll do well to do the things you’ve recommended.

Pardon me, I’m not so articulate with writing.

2 years ago

Thank you ma’am for another engaging one as usual

2 years ago

Thank you for sharing.

2 years ago

Hi Obara thank you for this message, I so needed it. I’m facing some difficult times now and don’t know what to do, I feel confused and lost and wondering what is my purpose. Thank you for all that you do by teaching, guiding, and enlightening us, thank you, thank you, and thank you.

2 years ago

I thank you for this post Obara. Thank you for the lessons…So much more to learn on this journey.

Queen Okunmayowa
2 years ago

Teacher ABORU ABOYE!…. post well needed and in a time where the veil has lifted for many and confusion sets in, this reminded me of my own time when I got the Privilege of speaking with you. Bless up teacha cha nuff a wi really did need this and the shop, doh nuh wait too long fi open it back mi know u busy but doh remember wi. Wise, Knowledgeable and Genuine help isn’t easy to find so we thank you obara.

2 years ago

Look like a the right time you post this because me a go through something that I don’t know if a me mind .miss obara I been through this very thing because of my own grandmother from I was 12yrs old and now am 31yrs old and I know she is the reason behind my life in hardship . I write about it on your last post how I find my name with some her own children them and other grandchildren them name in her shoes on parchment paper and none of us life is good at the moment but… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

reading your post open my eyes up somewhat because I get to understand am from the water hence my dreams as a child till now always inna water in a me dream. To myself am thinking she do it to live longer .before she got dung sick inna 2020 with covid .I dream a tall woman taller than me come and say she’s ready for my grandmother and I beg for her to give her a chance and the woman was persistent and I fight with the woman to leave her alone . I get to understand is death come… Read more »

2 years ago

Great post obara thanks a lot for sharing with us.
“just making any random bath by yourself is not always the solution because everyone’s situation is personalized to them and so the bath”
Why don’t you to open the spiritual shop again as the solution to many peoples problems depends on it.
Love and Light and big hugs to you and yours.

Last edited 2 years ago by Beeby
2 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I’m in a state of expectancy.
Thank you Obara

2 years ago

Yes Sis we always have to keep clean ! Something I constantly do is burn my Frankincense in and around my house. To be honest I need to keep up with my spiritual bath. I need to do them with a set frequency and not when I feel something is up. Always hear of people who have had great results from blockages by doing spiritual baths..
Salt and alittle white rum always seem to be in the recipes of baths..
I wish I knew the power of herbs so I could prep mine better.

Much love Sis
Enjoy the readings

2 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

SIS! You know me and family went to New York and got covid- mash us up for 2 weeks- a true you no know- we must have been the last people to get it lol- Nah me deh bout- My email server also changed and it no set up right so some email notifications seem to be getting rejected for some reason- I have to look into it or just use my gmail over my custom email..

You know me nah leave here!!!!

Erica Johnson
2 years ago

As always…I truly appreciate the wisdom that this sister has. Messages ALWAYS on time and ALWAYS appreciated

2 years ago

Hello Obara …. for years I didn’t feel ENOUGH. But now With positive Affirmations and self work…. I am ENOUGH.

I Could do well with a proper bath. My Mother used to tell me to use Blue, cut lime and read a Psalm while doing the bath.

Thank you…. 2023 coming, all blockages, especially Prosperity blocks must be removed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

Such a beautiful comment Randy. Its so encouraging. I haven’t done affirmations in years but your comment really just made me feel like I should start something up.

Intellectual Bhutu
2 years ago

Greetings Obara!

Thank you for this reminder.


What of a situation where the mental blockage/spiritual interference is preventing the person from acknowledging that a problem exists.
Can one stand in the gap to clear another? Can one person seek help on behalf of another?

Maybe yuh bruk wi bad cause mi di expect instructions fi do a bath at the end

1 year ago

Bruck bad

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