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Many people do not know the importance of spiritual baths, what they really are or how or why they work. Within our world, our physical world, it is important for human beings to shower and keep themselves physically clean. But it is just as important for humans to keep themselves spiritually clean. Now, what does this mean?

The body can become dirty from sweat, dirt, grime, the environment etc. And of course it is natural for us to want to cleanse that all away and make ourselves feel refreshed. However, our spiritual selves, the invisible part of our existence that is attached to our physical form through force and energy carries our burdens, fears, depression, our anxieties, our anger, other peoples wickedness, other peoples jealousy, other peoples energy (which attaches itself to us negatively), all of this are loads that the human carries daily.

Like a magnet, we can pick up the problems of others (see Psychic Attacks and Energy Transference post) or wicked psychic attacks and spiritual attacks, and most often we never know this. Some people may suffer from headaches for years and doctors can not find the cause. That is because the cause is not physical. It can be caused by either obeah or simply “psychic attacks”, in other words jealousy, people speaking ill of you too much, or projecting negative thoughts against you, or even cursing you or your lineage.

All of this adds up to spiritual dirt, spiritual grime, spiritual sweat, spiritual debris, spiritual burdens and loads. While the physical body may be clean, the spiritual part of us has not been attended to.

And THAT is a must. It must be cleansed, but how do we do this?

Spiritual baths.

A month ago I received a phone call from someone in Jamaica. He gave his friend the phone to say hello to me (let’s call him Joe). It was Joe’s birthday and so I prayed for him. While doing this, I sensed that there was going to be a problem for Joe in ways of sickness. Joe did not know who I was (meaning a spiritualist) and I worried about giving him the message, but I threw caution to the wind and told him what I saw. I told him that if he starts to feel any sign of illness, get in touch with me right away if he can and I will tell him what to do.

Two weeks after, my friend called again and gave Joe the phone. Joe told me that his arm, from the elbow to the wrist was in excruciating pain and tender to the touch. He had no idea what happened as he did not hurt himself at all. Immediately, I began to pray for him and during the prayer I saw the source of the problem and fortunately the solution came also. I gave him specific instructions of a bath that he should take immediately. I then asked him if he had collected anything from someone recently? ‘Yes’ he told me. And that was it. It was witchcraft, but the witchcraft was not intended for Joe, but it caught him nevertheless.

Joe followed my instructions for the bath, which he had to take morning, noon and night of that very same day. Three days ago he sent me a message that not only did the swelling of his arm reduce and the pain disappear, but he realized that a lot of blockages in his life had cleared. He had finally gotten some gigs (he is into music), some people who owed him money called him out of the blue and returned it to him, he applied for a US visa earlier before and had received it successfully, among other things he told me.

In his own words, he told me that after taking the bath he felt “as if he could fly”. He was light and there was something within his spirit that felt that everything was going to be OK. A gloom he had not once noticed had lifted. Joe was not a “spiritual person” and did not know anything about spirituality, but he thanked me profusely and I wished him well.

Bloggers, I can not believe I have never broken down Spiritual Baths on this blog before. How could this have escaped me when I believe in them so much?

If you have ever taken a spiritual bath you will (or should) experience a light feeling just like Joe did. All the debris and damage and wickedness that you have ever suffered in your life should go immediately. I will begin to offer baths on Shop Embracing Spirituality this week. Baths are one of my favorite kind of work and can be very powerful, but first, you should know how they work.

Spiritual baths are for many different reasons

In Zion/Revival in Jamaica, there are baths called Judgement Baths and these baths are usually made with different types of herbs and other spiritual items that can remove whatever judgement, negativity or obeah that anyone has thrown to another. In Judgement baths salt is often one of the ingredients and there is a huge reason for this. If the person is competent then salt should be included in a Judgement bath. The reason for this is that salt naturally cleanses or “cuts and clears” and at the same time it adds flavor to whatever it is added to. However, when it comes to salt… it requires balance. Too much salt can ruin something, just as too little can ruin something, this includes baths (see salt post).

Water is also a very important element in baths because it cleanses. So if you read this post properly, you’ll realize that I put salt and I put water, now the competent spiritualist will add his own ingredients to the bath like a science problem. But here, salt and water will be the base most times of the bath and what he will add and this is in this particular type of bath called Judgement, the removal of strong and powerful obeah or negative influence.

Now, mind you there are variations of salt. Table salt, sea salt, rock salt, Himalayan salt,  Kosher salt, black salt, and many others. So reading this does not give you the authority to use any salt to water and call it a bath, you must be careful because you do not want to call forces that you can not manage with ingredients that you may want to put together for this type of bath.

How do baths work?

In spirituality, different from tradition, baths work not only with the ingredients applied but also with what they symbolize. For example, there is a peace bath. In a peace bath, the practitioner might make everything white and this is to give the person peace in their lives, but note that each ingredient has it’s purpose that it adds to the bath on a whole but the white symbolizes peace, purity and calmness. This is a spiritual code to the invisible or non-physicals who will assist in the bath, because if you did not know, you are not bathing alone. Unseen forces are with you and assisting you to cleanse your auric field and to mend any cracks that are there or are broken.

Baths should be taken at least once every three months by everyone! But it is always best to have a practitioner recommend the baths or fix them for you. Why? Because if a person wants to take a love bath to bring love to them (and trust me, this works if done properly!) but they have no idea that there is a block in their love life that needs to be removed. Can this love bath still be effective? No. It is the practitioner that must do something to remove that blockage so that the love bath can now enter and work successfully.

This is why I do not advise for people to simply google and mix their own baths because  they have no idea what stands before their life, the encumbrances, the source of stagnancy in the area that they are looking to fix, etc. So I always recommend to my people that they must always get 3 baths to effectively remove the problem and bring forth the sweetness.

I can personally testify about baths not only for myself and my children, but also for my clients. I have written this here before but a woman came to me with a problem with her foot. It was green for 9 years because of obeah. I had fixed a herbal bath for her and had given it to her at night time.

NOTE* This is another thing you should know. Certain baths have particular times that they work with. These are because of the different energies that pass through our world and the shift in energies between times. Also, some herbs or ingredients that are apart of baths are aligned with certain spirits that pass through certain hours. The practitioner should know this. Everything is about timing. Again, know what you are doing when you are doing a bath. Some baths are supposed to be taken when the sun is up and others to be taken when the sun is down, and these are all for specifics reasons. Baths can have an adverse effect if taken at the wrong time.

Now back to the story. The woman received the bath from me and not only did her foot clear up, not a spot of green left, but she then became pregnant. Why did this happen when she had only come to clear her foot? (Try to answer before moving on).

Not only did the enemy do this sorcery to hurt the woman physically, the work itself acted negatively against the woman in her ability to get pregnant. So compare this to Joe’s story, the work was not done to stop the woman’s ability to become pregnant, but it had  a ricochet effect in her life and blocked all areas of possible blessings. So the bath opened everything. It’s like rubbing vix vapor rub around your nostrils and suddenly you can breathe.

It has been several years since the woman took that one bath and her life has risen so far. She has now completed her masters, landed an excellent job, opened a new business, and is now engaged. I can honestly say that that is one of my clients who has never left my side and has always been appreciative of that powerful work that did what doctors could not do.

I am not honoring myself, I am honoring the Universe for giving me the knowledge to help other people. And kudos to all other practitioners who assist people correctly and see their results!

Baths are important, just like divination, and if I could stand on a mountain top and tell the world to remember to take a spiritual bath, I would.

Obara Meji

Every experience is a debt paid [after every experience, something new is gained] – OM

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1 year ago

Thanks very much for your enlightenment I am encouraged by your teachings . I would love to work with you in the future ✌❤️.

Nancy Jasper
Nancy Jasper
1 year ago

You’re doing great job ma’am, I really enjoy your write up! I really would have to have a consultation but I dont have and nothing seems to be working! I have been told its because I have not taken my calling(prophetess) serious. I am so very confused!!!

1 year ago

In less than two weeks of finding you on Facebook. I’m receiving more enlightenment with your articles.Most of your writings are confirmation for me. In this path it is rare to find true Spiritualist,Healers, Teachers and Prophets. You’re blessed and you’re a blessing.

Thank you ma’am
Obara Meji

Last edited 1 year ago by @Nick
3 years ago

How do we do the right bath?

4 years ago

Hi Obara, my name is Cynthia.. I am truly enlightened by this spiritual bath teaching.. Could you please be my practitioner and help me? How do I get in touch with you.. I am in Nigeria

Eric denson
Eric denson
4 years ago

Join the discussion……My name is dennis
obara i have read about the spiritual bath but could you please be my practioner because i have tried much in my life but thing aren’t moving well
i also want to feel that lightness in my life coz am doing music also but things aren’t moving please

4 years ago

Thanks so much for the knowledge, I would love to hear more on spiritual bath, people have borrowed my money and refused to pay and I have debts of people, no job am nurse life is not go
od on my side, I pray and fast but result please help

4 years ago

Woww Obara this was a big mouthful.I could say for myself that the baths are very important as I grew up with my grandmother and she use to really protect me.Obara you are are God sent and I have been through a lot in my life in my marriage and I endured a lot just thinking about them and reading your blog I know more and more they were attacks.I know everything will be uncovered by you Obara and i will be set on the right path.Reading other bloggers post and your life experience I know I am not alone.You… Read more »

4 years ago

Many thanks man for sharing this wonderful message. With all due respect ma, I need your help, life has not been easy for me. Seems I have negative energy and bad luck following me. I lost my job(actually I was the one that resigned due to issuse) since then I have been struggling. Even at this point in life I m not supposed to struggled to get a job, because I have over 6 years of experience in my field(Sales manager). Madam please find help for me I need this spiritual bath. I know I was destind to great, wealthy… Read more »

4 years ago

I am in Nigeria, how can one get a bath to cleans all stagnation, I can’t begin to write here what my family go through, troubled marriage, barrenness, joblessness, some who are old enough can’t marry, sickness, Meji what do I do?? I read ur blog about using urine to bath , I told my sisters aboutit

4 years ago

What is the meaning of bathing in a river

5 years ago

I can attest to the importance of baths. I have had readings before and they tell me to get a bath, but my spirit was never settled or trusting enough of the persons to get a bath from them. Then one day after reading your blogs and getting a Divination from you and you instructing me to get a bath and basically yelling at me (lol) for not getting one all these years as well as teaching me how not having a bath in the spiritual word affects people, I started doing the morning ritual (something else I learned here)… Read more »

5 years ago

I want to learn more about abara meji

HO Osman
HO Osman
5 years ago

I like to learn more about the spiritual bath

5 years ago

What do you think about blood baths taken where the river meets the sea ?

5 years ago

Interesting. I have the most powerful meditations in the bath, as they balance my chakras and seem to help my connection. I usually add some scented salts, but nothing special. So I can only imagine how special it may be to have the right combination of blessed components. Thanks for giving me food for thought.

6 years ago

Weh Yuh Seh teach!!!!! Bathe …. When the weather cold and nuh hot water around, mi nuh know how People bathe…. Mi neva even know seh a suh much salt exist…. Teach mi a wait patiently for my love bathe.

Good read too. Ps: teach we need fi talk how mi a guh pay fi Di goods on your website? Yuh say mi nuh like technology…. Ooooooo

6 years ago

Excellent post Obara. I will admit that while I do hear of spiritual baths that I never really put much thought on them. In a sense my mistake is that I never really saw much significance in them. Maybe it’s because I have only showers and no tubs, lol! I have heard of salt baths and there was one time I did take one in the day when I had perceived something ominous. Now whether it worked or not I do not know. However, now that I read this I realize that there is far more to it than simply… Read more »

6 years ago

Thank you Obara, I thought the recipes I was given were doing something. Maybe they weren’t after all. I will check the store! x Meka

6 years ago

Thanks Obara, loving the post! As usual very informative, good info..Happy new year and much blessings..

6 years ago

What Sister Obara you set up a store!!! so excited- It a go SELL OFF!!!!- I am in Jamaica till tomorrow for the Funeral and just told someone about your blog and saw it – BLESS UP Sis!!!

Blessed love

6 years ago

Yes Ma, thanks for the awesome post. I believe that taking spiritual baths is a very important part of our spirituality that we must not ignore. The spiritual world mirrors our physical world, and as you said if we cleanse our physical bodies, we must also do so for our spiritual self. Thanks for making is aware of this and also providing a platform for where we can obtain much needed remedies.

6 years ago

Thank you Obara. Keep up the good work

6 years ago

“ I will begin to offer baths on Shop Embracing Spirituality this week.” YES!! I was hoping you’d say that. Thanks Obara #Godsend

6 years ago

Thank you for this post and also wishing you a Happy New Year.

Intellectual Bhutu
6 years ago

Great post! Dis sound like Bath Class a keep inna 2019…so how soon will that be? A popular female entertainer was on social media recently, at the beach squeezing limes all over her body. She seh she was cutting an clearing di crosses from har life. I can attest to that light feeling. I experienced that when I did the bath you posted on the blog about a year ago. Mi did feel so new and different from everiibadi else. Are there times when the bath needs to be administered by the spiritualist directly? Or is it just as effective… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara Why you did horrified?! Lolo!ololol mi buss big dutty laff! I can see you a peep thru your fingers ah tell him keep on him brief !

Ms. Can
6 years ago

Just read the post big up yourself Obara

6 years ago

Thanks Obara for teaching and sharing your knowledge. Very timely, thanks for shedding more light on the importance of engaging assistance from a spiritualist as oppose to DIY route found on Google which may not be a prescribed remedy for certain energy blocks. Mo dupe. You’re highly appreciated.

5 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I want to call you can I please get your number ?

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