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Good day to you all. I got up this morning not feeling to write a post. There are people in my home today doing my floors and I figure that the distraction would be too much. However I feel I must, so here I am. I have had several topics on which I promised myself to write on since God knows when, but the time it would take to “Go” in on those topics, I sigh at the effort. So I will still put those off for another time.  I am sure we are all aware of psychic attacks, this is where dark or negative energies are sent from one individual to another creating disturbances. Often times we call these energies, spirit, and it can even manifest from a thought, as well as actions and even conjured. Not created, but conjured, called into being. Problems happens as a result of negative energies, and would you believe that even the clothes you wear can bring these energies forth, they sure can. There are so many forces withing the realm of time and space, that operates off a negative vibration, they float around like bubbles blown from a child’s bubble ring searching for a home, and here on this earth plane they have found plenty of homes, and live with many people who, with their bad ways, and negative attitudes spread these unwanted entities to unsuspecting people unbeknownst to them. How do we avoid them, or dispel them when they come around? Below is my own story of what happened to me yesterday while at home, even though I knew better, I still got caught up in its darkness, only for a moment I must say, but nevertheless.

Yesterday my sister and her husband got into a terrible argument, she was at work when it began while he was at home. She had been calling and texting me all of yesterday to tell me that they were at odds (to put it mildly), and it later escalated into an argument when she got home. This is nothing new to me, but I try never to get involved, as they are the couple that will argue this minute and settle the quarrel the next. She called me and asked me if I heard them arguing and thank God I did not, because I know how energy works and I did not want non of that where I was. My children and I were having a good day. We cooked and watched television, some of us read and had several constructive discussions in between all of this, the girls and I really, the boys watched sports all day, until one left to go to the gym. She continued to text me about whatever the problem was, and I supported her, because she was correct in her argument and his offence, so I had not choice than to agree although I tried to soothe her hurt with peaceful words, without being harsh on him to her, this would have been pushing the war further . The guy is really a jerk (it may be even written on his birth paper), and I would not write this if It were not so, his name and picture is beside the word in the Oxford dictionary. I have had my share of disappointments with family, and so even though we live close, I do not even go to their house, or partake of any celebration they might have, I try to stay clear, however this sister and I have a reasonable relationship, (it has it moments, I may add).

While sitting in my parlor yesterday, back and forth texting with same sister, trying to watch the television, it came to me that I should get up and remove the negative energy that was moving through the feuding couple, because I would not want it to come into my space, it had not gotten up to me as yet. I should have done this from in the morning when the texting began, but because of cooking, cleaning and attending to clients, I had not gotten around to it, that was slacking on my part as a spiritualist. I should have done so right away, but I am human after all, at least some of me, lol, and I am always busy.

I informed my children that I would be doing work to ward off the negative energy which was now circulating in my sisters apartment, not wanting it to touch us at all. They know that when I am doing certain work, that they should begin to pray. I, however did not tell my son which was in the room by himself, his brother had already left for the gym. I did the work and all was well. My son (the one home) is usually the one to take the garbage out in the evenings, I realized he was home and went to his room to remind him, not to wait until it was dark before he brought the garbage out. He told me he needed a garbage bag, as he had some school papers he had shredded and he did not have a bag for it. Not thinking (not true, I had a thought not to go, but I ignored it, silly rabbit). I went downstairs to my sisters apartment and asked her for a garbage bag as I realized that the ones I thought I had were not more. She gave the bag to me and I headed upstairs. I went to my sons room and gave him the bag, and he began to stuff the papers in.  I stood watching him, making small talk while he was doing so, I noticed, that he had a juice bottle at the side of the bed, I asked him what was that and he said that it was a soda which he had been drinking since week, it looked old, the juice, as if it had been there for a while, this annoyed me, but I was calm. I looked at him sternly, I was not cross, but I always tell my children not to leave trash or anything that was considered trash in their rooms (an untidy space drives good spirits away). The girls, listen, but the boys at time will try to get over, and this one bottle with stale juice allowed him to get “that look”. He tried explaining that he forgot and it was not big deal (which it wasn’t), but I was tired of saying the same thing over and over again to them all the time. I told him this, (quietly), I made no fuss, I did not even raise my voice. As I spoke, I could see the frustration raising in his face, he was getting annoyed. He does not like confrontations, and he feels that I pick on him easily, because he is the quietest, I do not think this is true, but it maybe, who knows. If it is then I pray God that I change. I will speak to him more often because the other one get facety quick, or will even shrug de shoulder “de yankee behavior”and to avoid thumping him down, mi just deal wid de quiet one, (yuh damn if you do or do not, sighs)

He then tried to convince me that I am always on them about things that are really not a big deal and while he spoke he slammed his hands down on the bed foot (him built rage at me coming out), his voice raising at this point. My daughters, who did not hear me, heard him and came running toward the room, I stood my ground. The boy did not attack me (he wouldn’t, I would hope not), I want to make this clear, he is normally a quiet boy, and not one to disrespect at all, but what was clear to me and to me (girls who are very spiritually awake) was that my sisters and her jerk husbands energy had found its way up into my (enemy’s)house. The boy became frustrated and began punching the chair by his bed to all our surprise. Punching, as in slamming his fist down while saying that “I can be too harsh and repetitive at times”, so the punching of the chair was to make a point or release frustration? My fingers itched to slap, fingers? I was wondering where de baseball abt was.

Well I am a Jamaican mother, and at that time, I am not in “Psychological” thinking mode (perhaps the boy is upset, kmt!), or trying to assess his problem mode (is this rage?, kmt again), I was not in “the boy needs a hug frame of mind” (two box and ah kick was my thought as to what he needed). The frame of mind I was in was fi tek de chair and claat him dung! The punching of the chair to my ear, sounded like “Wait, ah fight de bwoy waan fight mi?”. I said as much, in a disbelieving voice and my eldest child, who had by now gone over him, trying to calm him down, said to me,“Mommy, I thought you removed the energy you feared would come up here”, and while she said this, the youngest girl tried to pull me from the room, who I, at this point did not want to think about any energy, ghost, poltergeist, demon, or even de Blood lol, I was getting more upset by the second. As I stood and watched my daughter speak gently to her brother instead of helping me claat (hit him) him dung, I felt as if she was also was against me, which was not true, but the negative was trying hard to take root. Eventually, after the smaller girl reasoning got to me I calmed down enough to agree that it was the energy from my sister and the jerk husband that penetrated my own family.

“Energy cannot be destroyed only transferred”. I knew better, the boy is innocent, he picked up on an energy that did not belong to him and so did I. I removed what was circulating from out of my space, but I should not have gone down to her house for the garbage bag after I had done so, and I should have spiritually blocked and sealed my house. It had not gotten to my space before I had done what I did to negate it away, however going to her house it magnetized unto me and created the problem it did. Lesson learned! Although I KNOW this and teach it, I was still affected by it.

We must be careful of other peoples negative energies (their problems) coming into your space. If you look at my own experience, I was having a good day with my children, enjoying the Sunday. My sister’s problem, although real was related to me through cyber world the telephone (texting her problems to me), all was well (not to mention the energy of the tetrad), but the possibility of it attaching itself to me, because of my involvement through the back and forth texts was real and I knew that. This is why when she came home I decided to do something about it coming up to me. I knew better than going down stairs, and to tell the truth, I thought twice about it, but I wanted the garbage out, since it was garbage pick up the next morning and so my impatience got the best of me.

Week before last, my first born went through the same experience, where her boss cried on her shoulder because of a problem she was having. Later that evening, my daughter had an experience which made her cry also. When she came home and told me, I explained to her that it was a transference of energy, and admonished her for allowing the boss to cry on her shoulder. This is a no no people, if you must do this, for any reason, then you must know in turn know how to remove that energy away.

Even dreams can leave harsh energies around, bad dreams no doubt, this is why we must be vigilant and spiritually smart to understand these things. Be mindful of self, as it got me Obara “suppose to know better” Meji yesterday. The physical can be idiotic at times, compared to the spirit who is wise, although both needs each other to function in this world, at times the physical can go into dummy mode, even though the spirit will scream from inside “You Jackass, wake up!!”. That was me yesterday, when the boy began to feel the energy which was disturbing my sister and her jack ass of a husband.

Do not allow this to happen to you. Know that often times when arguments or fights occur it is energy that does not belong to you that is disturbing you. You must have the strength to not allow it to take hold of your lives, as it could have done (worse) yesterday with my son, who is a very quiet boy. He bothers no one and is very respectful to all. I use my own experiences to teach or show you how things can be, please learn from it, teach from it, because I would like to think that we all want peace and not war or disturbance of any kind in our lives.


Ọwọ́ tí ẹkùn fi ńbá ọmọ ẹ̀ ṣeré ló fi ńkọ ilà fún un. /
It’s with the same paws the leopard plays with its cubs, that it claws marks on them.

[If care is not taken, a source of pleasure could become one of pain]

 All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love – Obara Meji

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned! – Obara Meji



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8 years ago

Good morning Obara and to all the blogger have a bless day

9 years ago

Hey everyone, Obara I know you were upset with your son, because he started getting a little beside himself… I felt sorry for him because he is so quiet and doesn’t give any trouble…. aww. I am glad you shared this story with us, so know we will recognize the negative energy when we see it.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Of course yuh dark him up Lady O! I know that dwl.Dem ,you know who know our weak spot so they will always come testing and trying our spirit and send people expecially the innocent children to set us off. We already hot head!!!! As you know you will be going through test regular with your type of work and the multitude of different people you deal with daily and your quiet Prince have to pay the price.

9 years ago

Good day Obara and all bloggers. Reading your article I feel so sorry for your innocent son, you took the crosses garbage bag and hand it to him right away, the quiet peaceful innocent soul. They could not penetrate or manage you so they went strsight for him. Nuff respect to your wise spiritual daughters, wise beyond their years always on time to diffuse the situations before things escalate and someone get hurt. We as Jamaican parents don’t take lightly to any form of attitude from children not that we are always right lol. Going forward just you and him… Read more »

9 years ago

Yooooo Lincoln take Obara’s advice! You want see me the other day in the store and the gully guy check me out. ooooooooo him brazilian did well done n stylish! Soon as I reach home, I douse the clothes with Florida water and prayer.

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

I am just going to do whatever. I would say 80% of her clothes are from Consignment.

9 years ago

Does anyone have any feelings on buying consignment store clothes- my wife likes to buy jackets and shoes there from our baby- I just often see these ghost stories on tv where evil spirits/ energy attach themselves onto items-
I just don’t want to bring home or worse have my kids wear something harmful

9 years ago

Four more days to go! Yipee

9 years ago

Obara mi dream si yuh an your childrenlast night(even doe mi nuh know dem) dem did look plenty; inna di dream mi seh tuh miself, a suh much pickney obara did have

9 years ago

Good morning folks! I’ve been using the bottle water since wi learn about it absorbing the negative energies. It works so well for me.

9 years ago

Going to force myself to sleep now. I feel better for the night, lol en la manana, Lincoln y Obara.

9 years ago

if nobody negative energy can’t run the lights inna mi yard me no want dem round me lol
dem fi go wey

9 years ago
Reply to  Lincoln

Lincoln, mind you cause me tp drop off a da bed yah inna de hours! LOL

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

That child took majority of his daddy maroon genes, his eyes talk for him. Serious like a judge, quiet, mischievous, intelligent, feisty, helpful and does comical dances. You know come to think of it while typing about him…I’ve cannot recall seeing him interact with his aunt that gave me the bowl….hmmm

9 years ago

I’ve had a lot of what is fancied up here as ‘energy transference’ otherwise known as crosses in patwah. It can also be associated with the phrasing of “so many crosses to bear” or “jesus had to carry his own cross”- malevolent burden. The most recent is that of a round, lead crystal bowl given to me by my step-sister. We’ve never had a verbal confrontation, we play the hypocrite very well with each other. I like (d) her. Since she’s been in the states (15 yrs) and I tried but we never forged a friendship- just common courtesy. She… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

“what is fancied up here as ‘energy transference’ otherwise known as crosses in patwah.” I’m only referring to the negative. I hope you all don’t have me off as being what I notice social network behavior “experts” call toxic or hater or what ever the slang of the year is now. I see things from the positive and negative, but I’ve found it a waste to pretend like the negatives don’t exist and I get energy from breaking it down through being honest and humorous. I understand the spiritual and science regarding negatives and decay, yet energy comes from such… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

You going to let it go because you know the root cause for what you saw. Now you know that as quiet as he his he’s also capable of a tantrum and of all 4 children he’s more open to absorbing energies. Me near?

9 years ago

Obara! beside the energy transference I’m begging for you to let that particular child slide by because he’s the one you’ve always said did his chores without a fuss, and he’s very humble.

I guess my mum and I will never get along because she is a receptacle for other people problems…this is what I got from reading the post.

9 years ago

I find that having a glass of water nearby when someone calls you and negative energy from the caller can be detected is one way to not absorb that person’s negative energy.

9 years ago

so i guess i will always have a bottle of water with me .

9 years ago
Reply to  Lincoln

Gallon jug or personal size? lol I need a plastic barrel!

9 years ago

you mean just have a bottle of water?? while you talking to someone where you know it can get volatile

9 years ago

Greetings Obara and ESP family. This is so true. I find using water helps when having a conversation that is very negative.

9 years ago
Reply to  Carpediem

So, Carpediem and Obara, say you have the water to buffer during the negative, verbal exchange and thirst killing you getting cotton mouth because you dying to speak your mind (I get cotton mouth when I’m holding back) can you sip from that water? During or after?

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