Maintaining the temple, which is the physical body, is important while we as spiritual beings in Human form are on our journey on this earth plane. For the unaware, the belief is that we are alive to live our lives and we mourn when physical death comes and that is the end of that. For the aware or conscious, there is no death, only the shedding or release of the physical vehicle. However, it is hard, very hard to fathom, and even harder to think about, mostly because we are used to life and we do not know anything other than life, being alive, and will do all we can to stay alive, at least most of us. The ones who kill themselves/suicide are a different kind, and one day I may blog on it. Maybe….
I have written many post on the fact that there is no death, at least there is no death as we know it. The flesh or rather the physical will go, that is for sure, but the spirit lives on forever. While we are here however we must take care of ourselves physically so that the spirit which is hosted by the body/flesh can fulfill its mission and get us to the next phase of our spiritual elevation. Spiritual elevation? What is that? What does that really mean? Good question, because we are taught through religion mostly that when a person dies, that is it, death is final. So the thought of our spirits elevating in some imaginary place called “time and space” what is that? Where is that? Is this possible? Does this really exist? I will do a whole post on Time and Space, realms and dimensions, from my perspective, what I Obara Meji have been taught by non physicals (spirits).
While I grew, I remembered myself being a hypochondriac. I went to the doctor more often than anyone I knew. It bothered me back then that I was so nervous and afraid of death and anything which brought it along, and so I was very cautious about my health and well being, almost neurotic. I laugh as I type because I think I got that from my mother and passed it along to some of my children. They are healing from this kind of fretration, (my word, don’t even bother googling, you know what I mean, fret/worry in case you do not) as they are learning from me day by day of life and how it works.
Looking back to those days when the hospital employees knew my enemy (I say enemy because I do not want the reference of “hospitals” associated with me, remember word, sound, power) by my first name, I realize now that being that way (a hypochondriac) was a part of my awakening. I had to go through that stage or phase in life to get to where I am today. Often times we find ourselves going through some awful times and we are becoming awake, but are unaware of it. Life is not simple but becoming awake makes the journey easier as certain things becomes clearer and you understand things better than before and are unaffected by most things which affects those still in slumber.
Our body is our temple, and what a great temple it is. When we are fortunate while on our journey to become awake, keep in mind that many people go through many lifetimes asleep, never awakening to true consciousness making them repeat the same journey again and again. You could almost hear them snoring. We are all connected, all human beings, like the thread that runs through fabric. We are linked together because of the mission we are all here for albeit not the same mission, but we are all here to learn/teach (we are all students and teachers, we all teach each other and learn from each other, albeit some are on different levels of consciousness) therefore elevating the spirit and becoming who we ought to be within the realms of time and space. What another person does, no matter where he or she is the world, can affect others they do not even know. We all learn from each others experiences (world wide), whether we see it in the news, laws of the land, or through economic changes.
This is something that is crucial for human beings to learn. In other words, if we know and are certain that we are all connected or all apart of each other and what we do in one part of the world definitely affects others in another part of the world. If we are mindful of this then perhaps most of us would try our very best to align ourselves properly in a spiritual way for the growth of our race, the human race. As the title of the post says: Maintaining the temple while the spirit fulfills the mission. Many of us often times wonder what is our purpose here? Why were we created? What will be our contribution to life? While some go through life having no thought of this at all, but are mentally glamoured by the materialism of the world, never thinking about spirit or alignment or even their mission. These two, the spiritually conscious and those that are glamoured, are oppositions to each other unbeknownst to the ones who are glamoured, therefore, creating an imbalance in the world itself. I believe it is safe to say or judging from my own thoughts, that most people are glamoured. We, as human beings, should know that it is in our best interest that as much as we see our bodies, our physical structure, as a thing we love and need to take care of, and that which is tangible, we must understand that it is driven or motivated by the spirit which inhabits it.
The spirit, being mind, which speaks to us in its own language (by way of thoughts/things that come to mind) knows its purpose here. The spirit that is within us as human beings knows more than what the physical body is allowed to access. Often times in your dreams and visions you will see yourself as more stronger and capable than how you know yourself in real life. That person who you see in your dream that looks like you but most often does not act like you is you, but your higher self, the one that you need to connect with so that in turn you can complete your mission on this earth plane.
Obara Meji
Ogún ọmọdé kì í ṣeré gba ogún ọdún; ọgbọ̀n àgbà kì í ṣàṣàrò fún ọgbọ̀n oṣù. / Twenty youngsters can’t play together for twenty years as thirty elders can’t hold discussions for thirty months…. Yoruba Proverb
[Change is inevitable]
Everything comes when it must, and everything happens for a reason, do not hurry your life, what is destined for you, cannot escape you, just keep the faith, be patient and be prayerful, filled with compassion, kindness and respect for all, let these qualities be among your name, God will fill in the rest…..Obara Meji!
All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love….Obara Meji
There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji
Our body is the temple of God
Honestly O, I know you feel a way some time if most of us aren’t here to comment but I think u should just chuck it up to the growing experience. I liken it to getting a foundation at home from your parents, one day you will leave your parents home but the lessons they teach you through words and actions will stay with you for life. I for one will never stray far from the foundation set for me by my parents or by you teach. If you don’t see me for a while just know I will be… Read more »
Queen it doe badda me no more, people will come and go as mi sey up top, this is life.
Another post that makes you go hmmmmm. Often times I am plagued with those same questions. What is my purpose? Why am I here? What is my lesson? When will this confusion be over dear God? I swear sometimes it is the most frustrating process ever (whatever that specific process is). I’m guessing it is the steps to awakening. On the other hand it can be beautiful, like actually being aware of your brain or body slowly shutting down as you drift off into your slumber (I know that might seem quite simple but I enjoy those simple things…it gives… Read more »
wow I think this is such a powerful blog and yet so little comments but it’s one of those simple things that are to simple. Or society at large is not built for our growth not to mention majority of churches pastors and religions they are a joke including most doctors and don’t know shhh about this precious thing called life. Thank goodness indigenous cultures and people still exist to balance out the doom that seafood face if they weren’t here. I’m so grateful to be in this time where I’m not a zombie like most our parents and actually… Read more »
Aseeeeee Lady T. People come and they go, I will keep blogging until a voice says stop!
Hi, Carpe!
Hi Obara and ESP family. Obama, you are so right when you said to Vanessa love and put yourself first in life. Because if you don’t do that for yourself, no one will and you will be no good to yourself or anyone else. It is hard to change, but it is only when we do so that see how we have neglected ourselves along the way. I always say change is for a reason and God makes things and situations happen in our live for a reason and a purpose. Thank you Obara.
Thank you Lady, I hesitated before posting it, but my daughter Osun Karode read it and insisted, so this comment means much to me, thanks again!
Hi Obara…your words are richocheting through me…I love this article and you have left me hanging for more…I do hope there is a continuation to this. We are living in perilous times and the love of mankind towards each other is fast fading away..for those of us who are awakening let us press on to know our purposes and fulfill it ..we are not left lacking, for we have been given teachers like Obara to help us stay on the path, Thank you..
True words…There are no disappointments in life only lessons learnt
awwwww, my baby Vanessa……..with this comment I can say this is why your head led you to this blog. You know Vanessa, after reading your comment, I want to give you one advice…I hope you will take it….Love and put yourself first for once in your life, if something is not working according to how you view your life to be, cut it off, never be afraid of changes. Often times shifts/changes come, but we are afraid to take that next leap into the next chapter of our lives, therefore holding ourselves back!…I love you my dear.
Love it. Ma Obara am I really continually coming back until I learn something on this earth. For all the grey hair in my head I must have gotten this thing wrong a thousand times. Im only 33. Head nearly full of grey. Thank God for dye.