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At the risk of sounding naive or any other word used to describe what I am about to say, I must confess to you all that I had no idea that you could find information about soul groups on the internet or any place else. Yes, I know people speak of the soul and of spirits and of conscious beings, but as soul groups, I had never heard of it until taught by my teachers my spiritual elders.  I have never looked it up nor have I ever questioned the name when told to me by my non-physical elders. Last night while I surfed the net I, by chance goggled soul group and it came up, I was surprised,quite happily I must admit. I read some of what was written in a few of the articles, and some had good information, though they did not fully explain everything, or perhaps what I know is different from their knowledge.

While I will not go into everything that I have been taught today or perhaps never on this site, I will however explain a little of what I have been taught by my non-physical elders/teachers from beyond space and time. There is something called an over soul which is the hierarchy of the soul groups. The Soul Groups lives in a dimension so far removed from other dimensions that spirit/conscious light beings, which are a part of the soul group itself has never entered there and can never go there.

Let me try as best possible to explain this. Imagine a huge field and on that field lies a huge white tent almost covering the field but with a dome like shape. The tent has bubbles (Gazillions) as its make up, so it is like a bubble tent and it pulsates or beats rhythmically like a heart beat, slow and in unison. The tent is the Over soul, each bubble represents a soul group. Each soul group extends it self up and out ward and produces fragments of itself (they create), duplicates which can manifest in other realms, these becomes conscious beings of light. Bare in mind that they are apart of the bigger picture who are the soul group residing in the higher dimensions and who have produced them as duplicates of themselves.

These conscious beings of light, can go to any realm which will accept them to learn and grow, and also to teach, but where ever they go, they are directed by the soul group or the over soul which resides in the dimension out of reach to the conscious beings, I hope you get this part; They are created as extensions of the greater soul group which is a fixed part of the over soul (the whole domed bubbled tent, I told you to imagine), therefore as extensions of their higher selves (which is the greater soul group), these conscious beings of light, while connected to the soul group who lives within the dimension not reachable to them, can never enter there,only communication is possible as they are forever a part of each other.

The conscious light beings, are adventurers somewhat and so they go about the realms and as they learn they pass on knowledge, some realms are very hard to enter and soul groups must pass through some before they can enter the other. Soul Groups must pass through the realm of fire before they can enter the realm of water and so on. Other groups within time and space will pass on their knowledge to group members on how to gain access to a particular realm, they elevate making other realms accessible to the families of each group. So it is an interaction which benefits all within the realm of spirit. Realms are like worlds, and Dimensions are like the Universe which holds the realm. There are nine Dimensions, and millions of realms throughout.

The Soul Group, as not to cause any confusion to you all I will call the soul group who stays in their dimension and send out the duplicate of them called conscious light beings, I will call them Greater soul group. The Greater soul group are the ones to direct the ventures of the soul groups who are now conscious beings of light, and who can travel out to other realms. The connection between them never breaks. The greater soul group can send members of its families anywhere it chooses to go, and members from the soul group or beings of consciousness can request to go anywhere they believe they need to go. If the request is granted then the members from the group must then choose their way and the family members they want to assist them on their journey.

Their journey can be anywhere within the realm of time and space. The earth realm is certainly a realm many wants to visit, the lessons taught here are invaluable and also the earth realm is one of the hardest realms to pass. Conscious light beings when they come to the earth realm, often times are caught up with the sweetness (sex being one of the greatest temptation) this realm have to offer and so many get trapped here, refusing to leave after they make their transition, (only on the earth realm does death occur. This realm has a little of what every other realm offers individually. On Earth you will find water, fire, iron, war, wind, sex, beauty, wisdom and many other things which each realm within time and space may only have as its world individually. There are more than one earth however, oh yes there are….They are intertwined within our own earth, unseen to the natural eyes, but we visit these places often times in our visions and dreams. One day we will discuss beings who dwells or sometimes visits among us but are not apart of us. We have all encountered them unbeknownst to us.

It is a good time to let you all know that no being, light or otherwise, over soul or even so called angelic being have ever seen the creator and none ever will…more on this when the school comes.

I have more to speak on this but I will leave it here for now and share some articles I have found on the internet. I do not agree with some things written here, and what I mean by this is that I know that there is more to the explanations given, but some people will not put all that they know out to John Public and so I understand.


Read these;

The Proven existance of 9 dimensional planes

Intro: In order to understand these files, one must assume the following is
completely true. If not assumed, one will be completely lost in the text of
the following files. You may laugh if you wish, but if you want to understand
the theory you must make compensations on your part. Ok, on with the file...

Volume I: Defining the 9 planes

Written by: Starmaster and Locust

1st dimensional plane: This plane consists of only the single dimension
of length. It is not advised to try to envision this dimension for it may
cause insanity, seriously.

2nd dimensional plane: This plane consists of both length and width. It
is not adviable to envision this either. The first and second planes are
not the same as the fourth dimension and are uncomprehendable except by
entities "living" in that plane of thought and sight.

3rd dimensional plane: This is the plane of depth. This one is easily
imagined by 4th dimensional entities, because they are so close to it, and
had just passed out of it.

4th dimensional plane: This is the plane that the entities that we call
beings "live" on. It consists of the forward movement of time. It is the one
we are on right now.

The cross-over: This is a place where the 4th dimensional entities make their
way into the 5th and above. It is often refered to as death, yet it is only a
cross-over point. At this point, all knowledge of the 4th and below
dimensions is lost.

5th dimensional plane: This plane consists of the backwards movement of
time. Although considered impossible by 4th dimensional entities, those
entities are only thinking in the 4th dimensional phase. Remember everything
else from here on out is done in metaphysical thinking.

<align="top">6th dimensional plane: This is the plane of clairvoyance. Remember, all of
this you must assume, or no comprehension of the later explanations
will be understood. Not much is known about this plane, except you "inhabit"
the sense of clairvoyance.

7th dimensional plane: This is the plane of telekinesis. This is even less
understood than the plane of clairvoyance, yet it does exist. This
often thought of as "supernatural", when in fact it a real thing.

8th dimensional plane: This is the plane of perception. It is the highest any
entity can evolve to. It consists of all the planes from five and up.

9th dimensional plane: God. Refered to by many, but understood by few. All
cultures and beings, be it from our world or others, have this vision. God
created all life, so all life lives by him.

These are the explanations of all the dimensional planes. Dimensional planes
are achieved by the evolution of the mind/soul/entity, which are all the
same thing. Evolution is a continual learning process. As we evolve we
understand more, yet raise more questions. This theory is to help those
understand the answers to many questions concerning God and the
"supernatural". One thing is assumed. We are not the only lifeforms in this
universe. All lifeforms were created by God, and will evolve through the
process God laid forth unto us. The universe is infinitely large, which
shows God's power is also infinitely large.


Volume II: Explanation of the Planes and their signifigance to the supernatural

Intro: This is the second part to the previous file on the proven existance of
9 dimensional planes. As stated in the last phile, one must assume all things
true in order to understand and comprehend the intensity of this phile. This
one will deal with the questions brought about by the theory itself.

One thing must be understood in this file. All the entities, in all the
dimensional planes, co-exist with one another in this one universe. There is
but one universe, in which all entities live in. There are no "outside"
universes. Everything co-exists in this one universe.

Explanation of "Insane Persons":
<align="top">An insane person is thought of as a person without the ability to think clearly
and comprehend things on a 4th dimensional basis. They are not "insane". That
is a term 4th dimensional entities give to those entities which are not on the
the same thought plane that the other entities are on. Every plane is just a
level of thought process. In the past file I stated that evolution is a
continuing process of learning. The "insane" persons of a 4th dimensional
community are not on the same thought plane we consider ourselves on.

Explanation of "supernatural" powers

This deals with the idea of persons who are able to channel their psychic
powers to do physical things. This also deals with fortune tellers and People
who can see the future, i.e. Nostradameus. These occurances are also explained
by the thought level that these entities are on. They are actually 6th or 7th
dimensional beings stuck in a 4th deminsional body. Because 99.8% of the
population of the 4th dimension only thinks in 4 dimensions, they are often
considered "supernatural", "witches", "prophets", ect. You then will ask, if I
came up with this, how come I can't bend spoons with a thought. The answer is
simple. I am now just discovering this phenomenon. I have an upbringing of this
not really happening, but being a science-fiction thing. The people who do know
how to do these things have been concentrating all their lives to use this
"super" power givin to them by God. If everone thought on the 8th dimension,
there would be no use for a God. It is all a process of learning and

Explanation of "Ghosts, Spirits, and Poltergeists"

This is about the simplest thing to explain. As I stated above, all entities
co-exist in the same universe, for there is only one, which is infinite.
Sometimes, 4th dimensional beings see things they aren't "supposed" to see.
People are brought up with the idea ghosts are science-fiction, when in fact
they are a real thing. Sometimes these entities are accidently crossed back for
a few seconds, years, or minutes.

Explanation of Heaven or the Kingdom of God

This is fairly easily comprehended, if one thinks beyond the 4th dimension. It
is but the enternity at the other side of the cross-over. What do you think the
"light at the end of the tunnel" is? It is the "other side" or 5th dimension.
People lose their physical bodies and are "able to fly" around. This also
explains the angels 4th dimensional beings continually say are immortal.

Explanation of Immortality
<align="top">Immortality is an easily comprehendable concept, if one thinks of a positive
charge and a negative charge. When thrown together, they cancel each other out.
This is the same priciple when you combine forward and reverse time together.
After you make the cross-over, your mind adapts to backwards time, yet when
backwards time collides with forward time it cancels it out. Therefore the
state of immortality is reached.

The one constant

There is but one constant in all the dimensions. Plank's constant is only
valuable in 4th dimensional science and so is the speed of light. There is only
one constant in all of the 9 dimensions. It is the emotions. No one can explain
emotions except this phile. Emotions are the only constant of the co-existant
universe. Think about it. Why do you think the "ghosts" are happy, sad, angry,
ect., ect., when you see them. It is because of the power and intensity of the
emotional constant. When emotions of the 5th and above dimensional entities
gains great intensity, it then is transfered to all other dimensions.

That about does it for this file. That pretty much explains everything that I
can think of dealing with the unexplainable. If you can think of any more,
leave mail on Centre of Eternity for Starmaster (#75). I will ponder for the
answer, until I can get a suitable one using this theory. None will be turned
away. Who knows, maybe I'll get enough quetions to write another phile. Slatez

Greets to all metaphysical thinkers. This should answer some of your questions.

Read here;

What is a Soul Group?

Did you ever meet someone and felt as though you knew that person for a long time, even thought this was the first time you ever met?  Did you ever have a connection with someone where you could finish their sentences or seemingly read their mind at will?  Chances are, you’ve known these people many, many lifetimes and they are part of your soul group

So what is a soul group?  A soul group is a group of infinite beings of consciousness who help us learn life lessons.  Many have been with us in previous incarnations and have spent the majority of time with us in the ethereal realms.  While we’re on the “other side”, we make agreements with our soul groups to meet at some juncture in our Earth-bound lives (or any other place of incarnation, it doesn’t have to be Earth).

Before we are born

Before we are born, we choose the experiences that we desire to have in this incarnation and then make soul contracts with people who will help us along the way.  We also choose which parents we will have and the type of lifestyle we will lead.  You might be asking yourself, “Why did I choose THIS lifestyle?”  Because you knew it would give you the best chance to learn so many life lessons and to grow spiritually.  At birth, your personality, character, abilities, talents, strengths and weaknesses are already formed.  Now, it’s just a matter of learning from your weaknesses and using your abilities to the utmost capacity.

In the near future, you will meet people at the most opportune times in your life, and not by coincidence.  These people are part of your soul group who will help you with your life lessons.

See More, here is the link;

What Is A Soul Group?


Read here, I have posted some, but i is too long so here is the link if you choose to read the whole thing


Purposes of Soul Groups

* Soul Groups Defined: “Soul Groups” are the set of individuals which you most frequently reincarnate with over the span of time. When Souls were created by God, they were manifested side by side, literally cut from the same cloth. Those in your Soul Group are your teachers and you are theirs. There are other purposes that are served by experiencing lifetime after lifetime with the same group of people.

* Direct Karma: What we do to those in our Soul Group, they do back to us. This constant “back and forth” reversing of roles between the same set of people creates a deep intensity of experience that helps us (along with the other members of our Soul Group) to learn our lessons and to advance in karmic awareness.

* Deeper Impact: When we explore our karma with our Soul Group, we are able to experience our emotions more deeply. This is due to the great investment of time, energy, and effort we have with the members of our Soul Group over the thousands of years of history. So what those inside our Soul Group say or do to us (or fail to say or do) have much greater impact on us than anyone on the outside.

* Deeper Learning: When we constantly interact with the same group of people, the learning goes deeper each time as each person goes deeper into the exploration of their own character. This is only possible where there are repeated encounters between the same souls who are drawn together life after life by Soul Group ties.

* Deeper Investment: When we constantly interact with the same group of people, the deep emotion we experience makes our encounters with them seem more “real” and more compelling. We feel the greater significance of our dealings with our Soul Group (compared to our dealings with everyone else).

* Deeper Love: When we constantly interact with the same group of people, at times, this creates greater harmony in our relationships. At other times, this creates greater discord. At all times, this creates greater karmic challenges to bring more love into the situation. This is the primary reason that Soul Groups were formed to add complexity to our karma and to drive forward our cycles of reincarnation.

Ẹni tó ńkó ẹyin jẹ ò mọ̀ pé ìdí ńro adìyẹ. /
Those eating eggs seldom appreciate how tough egg-laying can be to the hen…..Yoruba Proverbs!.

[Those enjoying a benefit seldom appreciate its true cost.]


All religion are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…. Obara Meji!

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji





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[…] group then chooses who out of the family will go to that realm so that the group can elevate (read soul groups), you may want to ask what is the purpose? The answer to that question is a post on it’s […]


[…] never lack. Never indulge in evil, never betray, try, please try. This is for the elevation of your soul group. Yes life is wonderful, but remember there is yet more beyond this world, and what you do here […]


[…] leads him or her into higher consciousness, or sets them on their path to enlightenment, then your soul group (your spirit family) in the realm of time and space (the realm where you came from) will rejoice, […]


[…] volunteered in. If they have children, then their children are also apart of their soul group, (read here) and have also volunteered to come in to assist them in finding their path. It sounds complicated, […]


[…] groups and the big tent like pulsating bubbles which connects the smaller bubbles making it one? Read here. Remember I always teach you of many realms and dimensions? Please read this mans story.After […]


[…] its circle all labeled 1 to 12. Each spiritual soul (as I have posted about souls and soul groups here) has to, through the steps of the wheel, incarnate to the earth realm as students or to come and […]

10 years ago

I disappeared from this post for a while, but it got active with some good questions and replies.

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
10 years ago

Yes. I wouldn’t even know how to do it myself nor would I want to. Anyway, an Ifa reading I had a while back last year said that I should do it every 3 months. But I’m only just doing it for the first time now.

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
10 years ago

Thanks Obara!

I’m supposed to do my Ori propitiation tomorrow. I’ve never had this done before, so I don’t know what to expect.

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
10 years ago

One other question. ok, maybe two, or three… Even though two people may be in the same family (so they are in the same soul group), can they have a different set of soul group spirits that guide them. Maybe depending on what your purpose here is. Is that so? If you had a best friend who you were very close with during childhood or maybe throughout your young adult years, but then life pull you to go in separate ways and you never see them again, is that also someone from your soul group? Also, does propitiating your Ori… Read more »

10 years ago

sorry for the late response. Yes, I get it.

10 years ago

Ok I have a question. Ok could we would all be part of the same soul group on this blog or could we have all known each other in another life and you are the one chosen to teach us?

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

TOY!!! Ah you dat!!! Mi did know mi recognize yuh – jus’ neva realize sey is from a previous incarnation…On a serious note though, is a big topic dis. Love and light!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Y

Lmao…. don’t make fun of me. Lmao This is serious…. LMAO What is going on everybody change up their names for the New Year? love and light to you as well. You always make laugh, tell wife and the kids hi for me.

10 years ago

Hey fam

10 years ago

Teach, where does ‘opposite attracts’ comes into play in the soul group?

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

How yuh gwen know “happy” if yuh doan know “sad”? How yuh know light, if yuh don’t know dark? Polarity necessary for us to learn Mth-ers.

10 years ago

Teach, since everyone is connected to a Soul Group, how then can you have in a family where (for argument sake), the mother is very promiscuous and the daughters comes and does everything not to be like her mom or the dad is a gallis’ and the son comes and does not want to be nothing like daddy and therefore becomes a one-burner.

10 years ago

Y, mi naah lie, mi like Newns, mek Teach take back har rightful name and Miss New-New can tek Newns…

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

No man, Mth, OM fit Miss Chin better, hehheh. Love and love Obara Meji!!

10 years ago

Teach, I sent you an email, can you please look.

10 years ago

Teach, based on this soul group connectedness, is it why girls always seeking out partners that are similar to their dads? Sometimes we become so connected to some teachers during some point in our lives and after we have left that class our paths may never cross but we feel connected to that teacher for the rest of our lives.

10 years ago


10 years ago

I am loving this,let me read the comments.

10 years ago

How are you good people? Been a long time.

Obara Meji, as I was reading this, I was thinking of the human body and the cells. And the breakdown of the body. Truly “as above so below”

10 years ago
Reply to  nyaha1

Yw when I saw the “newns” mi swear seh a typo, mi ketch the spin on the New New, thanks lol, but mi si yuh deh try please all di “sensitive” folks, cause Obara juss up in her feelings fi di likkle ” Nunu” cho lol

10 years ago
Reply to  nyaha1

Howdy do Nyaha!

Y or Y not
10 years ago Interesting article on no word for good bye: “Boozhoo Niijii; Gdinimikoon. Hello, Friend; I greet you in a good way. In Anishinaabemowin, the language of the Ojibwe/Anishinaabe people, there is no word for “goodbye.” The Ojibwe/Anishinaabe view life and all relationships therein (with and among both the inanimate and animate worlds) as being interrelated (or constituting a circle)—once something or someone enters our life circle they continue to exert an influence throughout the remainder of our lives even if we do not encounter or see that thing or person again in any direct way. Accordingly, as an expression of… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Y or Y not

I like that Yw, if that was the genera/universal thinking then people wouldn’t fear death so much

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Nuh true, Newns, but as the article Obara put up says: “…where the 4th dimensional entities make their way into the 5th and above. It is often refered to as death, yet it is only a cross-over point”.
Hope the “Newns” doan bodda yu, is OM mi ah try defend fi ar NuNu name….Plus, mi can si seh yuh New New fi di new year, heheheheh.

10 years ago
Reply to  Y or Y not

You gone to one letter now, lol. That was a nice piece you shared. The wording and my lisp is kind of ‘tongue tying”. I say ‘good bye’ mostly to those I don’t care to see again, and later to those I wouldn’t mind seeing again. People that I like I don’t want them to tell me good bye because it makes me sad.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Which part Obara, that emotions are the universal constant or that we lose all emotions when we elevate? (maybe we lose emotions only in the “mentalrealm”? Just so that we can develop our sense of reason only?

10 years ago

Ok thank you Obara, in the article above the person said that “emotions are the only constant of the co- existant universe” how does that work? Do we, once we’ve elevated from the astral to a higher plane lose our emotions all fears,happiness, sorrows etc.?

10 years ago

Obara Up top you said there’s more than one earth, is that the same as the astral realm?

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

what about when those antagonist and tormentors are ex-husbands or baby fathers? (Me nuh know we me affi group up wid fi mi own eeda)

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Wi hafto call dem: “opportunity to learn”…but learn what Is always the question, hmmm…….

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
10 years ago
Reply to  Y

Hi there YW,

That’s the thing. I can only hope and pray that I learned all what I needed from those relationships. I don’t even know if what I think I learned is what I was supposed to learn. Can only hope so.

10 years ago
Reply to  Y

That is true Spiritual Seeker and that is all we can do but if we can take away some lesson from a negative experience, then I believe that we are going in the right direction. Even if we don’t GET IT now, eventually we will….at least that is what I think I think (hehhehe). Love and light SSS (Sisdren Spiritual Seeker)

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
10 years ago
Reply to  Y

Love and Light to you to bredren!

I like the SSS. 🙂

10 years ago

Hi everyone. I am reading. I am going finish reading, but wanted to say hi

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Hey Toy Toy

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Hi Toy!

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
10 years ago

Ahh, ok. Thanks for clarifying that. It almost makes you wonder how many of the random people you meet every day and throughout your life are a part of your soul group. Some folks you may like, some you can’t stand, and some you only know them for a short time, but we could all be from the same group.

10 years ago

Seeker that’s why mi ask the question up top. I look at people I meet and know differently now

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara I know you told us before but I don’t auite remember and I’m trying to follow along. If we are married more than once the marriages that end in divorce are contracts that we made to take care of karmic debt. So these husbands/wives are apart of our soul group as well? Or is it Only people who maintain a relationship be it long term friendships, family and “together forever” type of marriages are members of the same group ?

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
10 years ago

Obara, Can newly formed souls come an join your soul group? I once went to an intuitive reader many years ago and she told me that I am from my mother’s people, and my daughter was also from my people. She clarified that she meant spiritually, so I assume she was talking about soul groups. However, she said that my son was not from my people, nor was he from his father’s people. She said he was straight from God. Does that mean that his soul was “new” and maybe hadn’t reincarnated yet with a soul group yet? Would he… Read more »

7 months ago

Obara, when we meet people and fall in love with them at first glance, are they in our soul group?

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ah me, ah me, Obara Meji. Been a bit busy here but wi a poco poco none di less. Hope all is good will check in thru di day…

10 years ago

Good morning again. Good to see the massive roll out. Bernard Y, wad up papi? KB glad to see you ma. Cami my precious good to see up so early. Cami u are so right that Obama chooses the topic at the right time every time.

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Big up Mth!!

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

MTH! lolol you notice a obama you write? DWLNNN

10 years ago

NuNu…me ago road and come back, look like I’ll be back earlier because auntie may get short duty today, hey! lol ’cause these little people I deal with make me want to pull out me hair and cork me ears when they get out of school, lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Lol ok Cam, get the practice anyways

10 years ago

Just talk to Teach. She’ll be here in a moment. Lol Obara did think seh wi go think shi foo fool when she told us about”Soul group” she ddidn’t know that the term existed at all in the e-world, shereally on to ssomething lol

10 years ago

I’m going to refer to the Greater Soul Group as the ‘Parent soul group’ to simplify my lisp, lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Cami yuh got lisp like Ele

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

EWWW…that thing was my pet in another realm! lolololllll My lisp is uptownish, lolol

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Lolololol!!! Ask pardon ma’am!

10 years ago

Obara, with this short cut “Other groups within time and space will pass on their knowledge to group members on how to gain access to a particular realm, ” doesn’t this create issues? From experience short cutting usually creates havoc…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks ok, good to know that it is the path that is passed on but not knowledge of the realm, hence all MUST go through the trials.

10 years ago

So, the duplication falls right in with the Christian saying that we are images of the Creator, which usually get me because humans aren’t singular in physiology…the soul group duplication is broader.

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
10 years ago

Good morning ladies, how’s all the ES family today?

I’m going to try to keep up today and read this here. Obara, thanks for this topic it really is fascinating. Have you ever read anything by Sylvia Browne? I’m curious about what you would think of some of the things she writes/talks about.

Going to read now before the boss comes through.

10 years ago

Howdy SS

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Hey Nunu!

10 years ago

Cami Cams, yuh ah mek mi laugh. Thanks for that :). Hav eto run out also. Hope to catch up later with the class…

10 years ago
Reply to  Yw

Hey SoulSeeker, enjoy you reading.

Yw and KB mek sure me see you both later. I’ll be back on by 8:30…it’s Thursday so I have auntie duty.

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Howdy Cami! Good to see you.

10 years ago

Kia-B? You are now KB? Den I will just be Y…

10 years ago
Reply to  Yw

OH MY GOODNESS! Do you now that I was going to just write “Y” in my 11:05:49 post!!!!! YW, you know is you who made me start referring to her as KB during a few book club? Kia good to see you…Yazzy next. ((hugs)) Me gone back gone read before going on the street to return later on in the evening.

10 years ago
Reply to  Yw

Yea man is you, Y lol gimi di name KB. Cami you remember? lol hope to see you both later.

10 years ago

Mth Hi, wha’ppen Cami, sup YW, Nunu hey 😀 Nice to see everybody on sed time

10 years ago

Morning Obara Safo all bloggers Nice and informative post to return home to. Thank you Obara I will re-read later to get a better understanding cause boy was alot a info ina dis yah post. Needed information I must say

10 years ago

So far, it’s hard to contest the importance of light energy. Meaning, that in both conventional science and metaphysics energy is the foundation of all things, hence the genius of Newton, Galileo and others.

10 years ago

not forgetting mi manner: New New, Mth, Sa-fo big up yourselves too 😉

10 years ago

Rahtid!!! Cami, mi sista, ah you dat? Big up! Love and light to you, sisdren…

10 years ago
Reply to  Yw

Yw! lol you no busy today…lol Nice topic fi we meet up pon…Me soul brother.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Nuh too busy right now. Yuh nuh si she wi mussi all part of some soul group because wi all deh yah ah interact and learn. Also, the karma can too too mix up because of the forum. Still, mi love unno all, all di same.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Great point, Yw- because in this world of billions of souls the dozen or so of us meet right here on this forum. Me love you brain power, lolol

10 years ago

Big up all. Great one Obara – soul group – karma – learning – karmic responsibility. Hmmmmm, have to make this marinate a bit….

10 years ago
Reply to  Yw

Top of the morning to you brer Yw

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Large, Newns

10 years ago

O, lol…me glad you start off the detailed paragraph with “Let me try as best possible to explain this”.

This post strikes my interest so the length nah bother me one bit, lol I’m reading and doing other things at the same time so me going to be slow to reply.

10 years ago

Yazzy & Kia…where are you ladies? Morning MTH and NuNu. TY/Yw. Toy, SQ, Courtney and everyone hailing.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Yail up Cam!

10 years ago

Morning ES! morning, morning. Obara, always doing that post when you want it, but not expecting it..((muah)) hope you feeling better today. You seem to always find the right photo for each post. As for not knowing about Soul groups being on the internet before hand- that is good, because it shows authenticity of the information passed down to you, and in turn what you pass down to us. From the day a few weeks a go when you used that terminology it was new to me and to this day I haven’t googled it because I decided to wait… Read more »

10 years ago

Nunulishious, mawning mi girl…

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Mawning M-ilita!

10 years ago

Good morning everyone! I haven’t read anything yet so let me get to it

10 years ago

Good day Obara and Sa-Fo. Like Sa-Fo, I just finished your part and going to read the next part. Just saying a quick hello.

10 years ago

Thank you Obara. I appreciate the time you take to write and share the wealth of knowledge and information you have/were given. I just finished your part and I’m going to read the other contributions now.

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