As a child growing up, I was always afraid. My fears came mostly at nights when the sun went down and night began to set in. I shared a room with my senior sister, and this is Jamaica, so the stars in the sky looked like sparkling diamonds and the moon shone through, bright like stadium bulb. In Jamaica those time, (not sure about now), the heavens seemed reachable.
My parents at times were annoyed with me (not all the time) because I climbed in between them most nights. To sleep alone was to not sleep at all and to sleep with my sister who enjoyed my fear, (of things going bump in the night) she played on it, making sleep even more miserable for me, was hell. Back then , I did not understand it,but I knew that I was never alone, and I knew that I had mates, play mates, no one, not even I, could see. I knew they were there, but I was a child and could not understand it, nor could I explain it, spirit energy was all around me, I felt them
When I came to America, things were difficult for my family for a while, and even more difficult for me, as the presence which had been with me in Jamaica began to make them selves known more and more, but who could I confide in about what I was going through, what I was feeling, my thoughts, worries and fears, who?
I had no idea that what I had been feeling all along, ever since I was small was my connection to my soul group, my spiritual family, my Inner consciousness, my higher self. I was plugged in, born connected still to them, even though I had no idea what I was sensing or feeling, I was connected, and I would stay connected,because it was within my destiny to help others connect as I traveled along life’s path.
Connecting with your higher self, is self realization. It is spirituality to its highest level. Your higher self is you. There is a greater, wiser, stronger, more responsible you which resides within time and space or in other words the realm from where you came. The you which is encased in the physical body is the essence of the real you, who allowed you to come to earth, incarnate into one of your many lives. Let us go into imagination for your better understanding, this is how I teach, this is my method.
Imagine you, as you look today, but with more wizened features, which can be told from your eyes. Imagine that you are looking into a mirror at yourself, and the reflection shows a more older, slightly sterner, a more formidable person. This person is an older version of you, or if it suits you to see them as younger then imagine them so. Keep in mind however that no matter their age they are your spiritual elder.
As you look into the mirror seeing a reflection of your higher self, you are told that you will go on a journey to earth and that this is your assignment, (the elder has already chosen the path but also remember that the elder is you). You are told that whatever you know about yourself and your other lives, and about the realm, the soul group, and other things, you will not remember once you reach earth, the journey to earth is rough you are told, but you will arrive safely and you are assured that the elder (your spiritual double) and others will be with you, just not in physical flesh but in spirit.
You ask, “How will I know if you are there, and how can I communicate with you, if I will not remember anything of this life and even of who I am?
You are told by the elder that with the physical body, feelings and emotions, intuitions is always present, it is what speaks most to the human body, and also whenever the human enters the dream world, through sleeping they will be allowed to visit the ethereal world, where they may meet their family, see them selves as you are doing now, but they will not be able to remember their encounters, because this knowledge can interfere with the human’s journey and his life lessons.
You are assured by the elder that to connect with it, you just have to pay attention, that is all. As soon as you realize that you feel odd, or that you are sensing something strange, intuition which is apart of the human Psychic make up, will begin to send sparks through you, and eventually you will realize that you are connected and not alone.
You ask again, “How do I know when I am connected, how do I realize this?
You will know when the deep desire to find out more about the Universe, of the realms, of spirits, and of God descends upon you. When you begin to pray more, and meditate, even speaking to yourself, you will then begin to wake up to who you really are, thus finding your connection and realizing that we are with you always, though in another realm.
You ask, “you speak of human emotions, how does that play into my earthly life and my connection to you?
While on earth you may have a child or children, or you could observe other peoples child or children, it is important that you study them.When a child is born, if you notice him there are times when he will look around him as if seeing something, his eyes glancing from left to right and all around while smiling, he is seeing not only his elder, which is him, but also his guides, guardians,and spirit family. In that moment he is connected. He will have moments when he is hungry, wet, or colicky, where he will cry, and there are times when he will be playful, filled with laughter, in all these, he is connected, just not always aligned.
All of these emotions that the child shows,stays with him forever, except as adults, you may have joy for different reasons or become sad and even cry for the same.
All emotions taps into some type of energy, and everyone handles these emotions differently. Love, Joy, hate, rage, fear, depression and more, all sends off different vibrations,you must however decide for yourself which one makes you feel good, and it is in that goodness, you are aligned . Some people feel good when they are enraged, and some hate the feeling, it is what is conducive to your spirit which decides if you are in alignment. Whatever the feeling, you are connected, but maybe out of alignment with your true self, and your calling. It is up to you to know how to balance your life, and embracing your spirituality will show you the way, whether it be meditation, fasting, prayers, sacrifice and so on.
I asked a Bàbàláwo about our higher selves, how is it explained in tradition and this is what he said;
He said we all have our twin, our double which resides in heaven, but that self, also projects itself not only by being you here on earth, but by what is known as our shadow. He says our shadow, is a reflection of our spiritual double and it stays with us always, there are times when it will travel to the realm to make its report on us, but its function is to always be with us and never to leave us.
To connect with your higher self, in way of communicating, you need to relax, be as peaceful as you can, meditate, meditate, meditate, pray, fast, be clean in your mind and body, keep a clean living space, create a spiritual altar, find a mentor, or a Guru, a spiritual teacher, believe and embrace your spirituality, love your selves and others, and PAY ATTENTION, to your life and all around
We are connected to ourselves, at all times, you may not know it, because you are not paying attention to your lives as you should, you have not embraced the you within!
Kí làǹfàní àpò tó ńsọni lówó nù? Ká má kúkú lápò ó san. /
What’s the use of a pocket that loses money? It’s better to be without pockets……Yoruba Proverbs!
[To be without something is a better alternative than to have what will make one worse off.]
Everything comes when it must, and everything happens for a reason, do not hurry your life, what is destined for you, cannot escape you, just keep the faith, be patient and be prayerful, filled with compassion, kindness and respect for all, let these qualities be among your name, God will fill in the rest…..Obara Meji!
All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love….Obara Meji
There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji
Each topic makes me want to know more. I am very grateful Bless you
Goodnight my loves! Very interesting read. Kiab, I wish I could get even one minute of steady meditation, for some reason I just can’t focus. Maybe I have too much on my mind, it just never slows down. Will it help if I address some of these issues and get them off my chest? This question is for anyone.
it certainly will
Oh how awesome it must be to be able to deliberately connect and communicate with your higher self…
The spiritual world is so intriguing ….
yes so sad!
i LIKE IT TOO Ty, i really do, it came to me from somewhere today,how are you?
All is we’ll on my end….am grateful for all…
Did u hear about the plane crash…something is brewing…
Evening family….
Hope that everyone is in a good mood and had plenty of smiles today….
Obara, as usual a good blog…
The higher self is within me ….and I am a tiny spark from the almighty….
Me and my shadow parring all the time…prayer and meditation will make us connect better…
:0 I is glad to hear dat.
🙂 was supposed to be a smiley (not the Travis kind, though)
Sorry Tavis…..yuh know what. Let me go do some meditation, KB style.
it can be done through meditation nuns,ah doan tink she explain it good
The article said that to access the higher self you have to bypass the mind. That is the hard part because the imagination can run wild at times, so it’s difficult to know if what you see or sense is real
Nunu when my imagination or mind going wild while meditating, I focus on a power word….eg I just say thank you thank you thank you …over and over again till it settle down…kinda like a mantra…
That is true, Newns, but keep practicing and you will notice a difference and will be able to tell when it is no longer your imagination.
evening Charles
Good evening Teach. And all ES crew members and all peepers.
she needs to focus Charles!
Thank you so much Charlotte, sometimes I feel as if i want to stop blogging, but something inside pushes me, and to see word like what you wrote to me, gives me the urge to continue, thank you so much!
Obara Meji, what a beautiful, thoughtful and wise blog. I pray your strength in the Lord. May you receive many blessings. Thank you for sharing your faith with us. Thank you for helping us to understand and realize who we really are. Last night I watched “The Theory of Everything.” It’s a good movie. I came away unaware of the awesomeness of our Infinite Source, almighty, and all that is God. We came from this all inclusive, eternal energy and became a spark of this light in this world. I am so grateful for the opportunity to live for God… Read more »
I mean “aware” Full and explosive knowledge of God.
ah guess YOU gone inna DEEP meditation dem KB, lol
Obaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lol it look so. I start off good then braps I’m sleep lol
Kia B, now I have to call you Kia Zzzzz… But seriously, so it goes sometimes. Could be you need to recuperate/heal/decompress before exploring but even though you sleeping doan mean yuh not exploring. If you feel refreshed and invigorated after, then it is part of the process. At least that is what I think. Here, hold likkle love and light for me please.
Hello people hope everyone is well today! Can I tell you a secret….I can’t mediate without falling asleep. I’ve tried and tried. I think the music and calm soothes me too much, I drift off to sleep.
KB, your comments is making me laugh. “Can’t mediate without falling asleep” teach what is KB suppose to do?
Hey Charles 😀 don’t laugh man lol I am concentrating and focusing… I think too much… maybe my mind too calm and slows down too much it puts me to sleep.
Oky I won’t laugh again.. lol
Hey Toy you a laugh too lol
Kiab try meditating sitting up instead of laying down…also try hold a crystal in each hand…also start with 10 minute sessions then increase your time as you go…
Good afternoon Obara, M,Toy, Yw and folks!
Hi Nunu, Kia, Yw, Ty, Yazzy Cami, SQ, SS, and everyone I didn’t mention what up
((Muah))) 😉
Hey Yw, long time, mi just deh yah ah tink and ah sey yuh an Cami have similar character, lol, missing sometimes, and den here again, for she abscond like ah hundred ah dem gully guys!
How tinngs?
Hevery ting hallright wid me. Now yu know is why mi sey Cami is mi sister :). I hope that all is well with you and the fambo. Love and light always OM.
😉 Me de yah Bro. hope ALL is well with you and family. Hailings Ty, Ty ;).
Obara ((( 😉 )) me craftier than the gully rats, lolol
I still de pon hiatus…but me always a prips 😉
Hail up TOY always cause all when me not here she call me to the board…God bless you and yours always mumma. I overcame my illness, again thanks.
Mth hope you good? NuNu hailup…everyone else hailings as well.
Morning ESP. Hailings to Obara, Mth, and Toy. Thanks for this Obara. Still working on Yw 2.0 – the best version of me possible. Blessings to you all.
TOY, we are always connected, but to be able to work with and understand our higher selves, yes the ego must die
Obara,Mth how are you doing? Obara before we reach our higher selves we have to dead the ego, right?
MTH, how goes?
Morning Teach, blessed love all ES members, peepers big up as well.