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My first introduction to Orisha tradition was through a book by Migene Gonzalez – Wippler, an author of many books on the Lucumi religion. I believe the book was called Elegua, it was in paper back and it had the image of a Lucumi made Elegua on the front cover. I did not know him as Esu back then, only Elegua, the cover was red. I have searched the internet for that book but it never came up in any of her catalog, yet I am almost certain that was the name of the book.

The book was a narrative of her life and her introduction to the tradition, which she referred to as religion. One story in the book was about her being taken to the Ocean to make an offering to what Lucumi calls Yemaya, in Africa this deity is known as Yemoja (which means mother whose children are fishes and it is her correct name, here in Nigeria she is a river deity and is worshiped as such, not belonging to the Ocean, however perhaps this is how she came to the diaspora by way of the African Holocaust, Slavery). While I read Migene’s recount of her childhood memories, I saw everything she wrote about in her very descriptive words, and so attractive was the image of the woman she described in her book, going to the Ocean with its foamy waters, having lit her white candles, praying to the deity and throwing her money in, I was drawn like a moth to a flame by the authors story, it all connected with me somewhere. The book was interesting, and I could not get enough of it, nor could I forget what I had read. I wanted to know and learn more about these magnificent African deities.


By the time I got to know one of my mentors, Mr. Mitchel, a christian man, who was one of the greatest diviners I have ever met, he read Tarot cards, and anything this man said, coming from the cards,was Law! He, like many most people had his short comings where although he was a great, and I do mean great spiritualist, he cursed the dead, any dead spirits who came around him, never mind of they were his ancestors, he would curse them and drive them away. He used them for his work, but refused to acknowledge them in the rightful way because of his Christian beliefs, he was conflicted and at the end of his life, he fell victim to Alzheimer disease, there is a correlation between high spiritual people who reject their gifts and this disease, one day I will write on it.


One day I asked Mr. Bible wielding Mitchel about Elegua, and to my surprise he told me that it was an African deity which was apart of the Santeria religion. (Santeria, being a popular name for Lucumi), he encouraged me to read further, saying that he did not know much about them, the deities, but that they were real and very strong. However the image of Elegua was daunting to say the least, but curiosity made the cat wiser, it was his nemesis who made up the rumor that it killed him!


I was curious of Elegua/Esu, the deity, he intrigued me and I feared him just a little,  or rather, I feared the image projected of him. However it was the kind of sweet fear that played with a curious mind, such as I possessed, I hungered to know more, yet Christianity which was embedded deep into my mind, into my consciousness, its teachings, whispered to me an accusatory, “Heathen!


I laugh now but back then, I had a feeling of foreboding because of my curiosity of this new found information about African Spirituality. I was attracted to it mainly because it was dealing with nature and also it was being told to me by a very talented author in such a way which was not frightening like what I saw in the movies/Hollywood productions and also how society spoke about Africans, their spirituality, Obeah, Voodoo, all the stigma attached to these things,  and also how the collection plate toting  Pastors condemned anything which was not attached to the bible or in Jesus name.


Back then, I took the name of Jesus with me, as the christian songs reminded us Christians to do, and the thought of veering off his course was hard, but I needed to learn more, I yearned to know more, and so I prayed and I felt as if my God supported my desire, I was destined to become who I am now, I had found my path, so I searched for more, and I found it.


The first time My Lucumi Padrino divined for me with cowrie shells, I was intrigued by how much he knew about me from what seemed like simple shells, like Mr. Mitchel, he also was awesome. He spread a white piece of cloth on the table, sprinkled it with water, began a litany of prayers paying homage to his ancestors and the Orishas, while rubbing the shells methodically in between both palms (in doing this he is invoking the deities) , the recital was long and it sounded like Spanish words, which later I was to find out that it was what the Spanish people (he was Cuban) called Lucumi,which is a mixture of Spanish and Yoruba words. My heart pummeled while I waited for him to cast the oracle, in anticipation of what would be said.

I remember him telling me that the day would come when I would be doing as he and more, he told me that spirituality was my path, but I had to choose a house to belong to, meaning I had to choose whether I would be a part of the spiritual church, a part of the Voudon religion, a part of anything spiritual, because that was my way, I was born a spiritualist. All that the oracle revealed, has come to pass, my path led me to Africa, and here I am.

He was a very mysterious man, who oddly enough told me that he tried to run away from his calling. His father in Cuba was a strong Palero (Obeah man) while he was growing up, and it was revealed that he would follow into his fathers foot steps, but with his own words he told me that he did not want the job, he wanted to be “normal”, to go dancing, have many women and just live his life, this was not to be, and how fortunate for all people who knew this wonderful man, he was a true spiritualist gifted and kind. Iba Padrino, I continue to call your name!.


He ran as far as he could until he reached twenty one years old, according to him, he was in New York City one day, in his apartment sitting down watching the television, when he heard someone call his name. He looked around, because he knew that he was the only one home. He said the voice called his name again, he heard it distinctly, he looked around, slightly apprehensive, and began a silent prayer, he heard it again, and he ran to the fire escape and climbed down to the streets. He was afraid, because he knew that ‘They” had come for him. The prophecy was coming through. This happened a few more times along with other signs, and he found himself one night speaking to a man who called him by his government name, Fernando. The man told him that he could not run any more, and that to show him that he was serious, he was giving him twenty one days to see the real deal, his running days were over.

Padrino said when he woke up, he found that he could not walk, and had to be hospitalized while they ran test on him. He stayed there for exactly twenty one days, nothing was found to be wrong, and he walked out of the hospital fit and healthy, he immediately got initiated, his Omo Orisha (he was a child of Elegua) was Elegua/Esu! Twenty one being Elegua’s path or number in Lucumi.

He Padrino took me on many trips out in nature to honor and sacrifice to the Orishas, before I became initiated. He took me to the Ocean, to honor Yemoja, and after he had left my life I continued to go, often times taking my children with me, or people who wanted to come. When went to pay homage to Yemoja/Olokun, I would pray and offer her fruits, drinks, flowers and perfumes, no matter how calm the sea was before I began my prayers, as I began to pray, the waters would rush up to me, as if excited to see me, wanting to pull me closer in. It was amazing. While there, praying and singing, I always saw big white swans, two of them  appear, they would stay there in front of us on the waters, never leaving until we left. This happened always. Padrino, always told me, that when I go out into nature and feed the Orishas, I will always see their sign, he taught me never to rush, but to spend time after I had finished my rituals, I have seen the benefits. He told me that I should pay attention and make what I saw, I listened, and have experienced and learned many things, and have also taught from them.

When ever I went to the river, honoring Osun, the river deity, while I prayed the leaves around would begin to blow up all around me and whoever was there with me, as if there was heavy winds and there was none! Beautiful birds wold gather around, frogs would jump in and out of the water and so many lovely signs, she had arrived to take her gifts,she was glad to see me.

Once I took my daughters to the woods to honor Ogun there, there was a river was close by, as I placed the offering to Ogun down, seven big burly black ducks, which seemed like men (don’t laugh) walked strongly up to where we stood praying at the tree, we had to back away, the birds looked mean, they certainly were not Daffy my favorite duck. The ducks then proceeded to eat everything we had placed at the root of the tree, they ate it off clean. The sacrifice was for my oldest child to get a job she had hoped to get, the moment we got home, the phone call came that she got the job, she is still there today! Ogun Yayyyyy!

Everybody has their purpose here on earth, and over time man has tried hard to understand why is  he here. Self realization is important to all but focus is lost because our lives is fueled by the desire to make it. The house and the cars, the moon  and the stars, and then we give one day out of the week to visit a religious institution, whether it be a Church,  Mosque or the Temple. Our destiny has been laid out for us before we came into being, whatever reason we chose to reincarnate has already been set. The bulk of us has no idea or thought about our life’s purpose nor do we care to know, and so we live on until we die only to turn around and do it all over again.

I have served the Lord of the Christian faith with gladness and have come forth in presence with singing, as psalms 100 writes. I have honored my Grandmother and my mother who were Christians, (my mother was not a practicing one, but that was her belief). When I became an Adult or rather, on becoming an adult who could think for myself, I began to search my own life and I found it in this remarkable tradition.

While I explored this tradition, with the help of my earthly mentor Padrino, and with the assistance of my head, I realized that this was and is my way.

I have seen the inner workings of Osun the Orsia to whom I am an initiate of and what she has done for me, I have access to my God in a very personal way. I worship my Orisha everyday, just not a specific day, and my worship often times is with me and my deity  alone who communicates with me thorough Oracle.

My belief in Orunmila can never be swayed, and I am forever in love with His/their benevolence. I find solace with them, whenever worry wants to draw near, they are my source of comfort.

My respect for my tradition goes without saying, I am an Initiate of Osun, who represents the sweet river water and more, and my name Obara Meji belongs to one of the 16 major Odu’s of Ifa, sacred binary codes of life, (Obara Meji stands in the 7th position). I have also initiated into the sacred order of Ifa, having done Itefa here in Nigeria.

I believe in my tradition, and I know that I have found my way!





Ko mò mò ní torí wa bàjé o.
Ko níí torí wa bàjé o.
Ayé ò ní torí wa bàjé o.
Ifá ó tun un se.
It will not be spoiled in our own time.
It will not be spoiled in our own time.
The world will not be spoiled in our own time.
Ifa will mend it. – Wande Abimbola
All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love….Obara Me



Everything comes when it must, and everything happens for a reason, do not hurry your life, what is destined for you, cannot escape you, just keep the faith, be patient and be prayerful, filled with compassion, kindness and respect for all, let these qualities be among your name, God will fill in the rest…..Obara Meji!




There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji


It is a lazy man who says “it is only because I have no time that my farm is overgrown with weeds….Yoruba Proverb



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Niki Allen
Niki Allen
6 years ago

I am so very interested in learning so much more! Please lead me in the right direction

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you Obara. Blessings

9 years ago

I would like to know more Ma Obara but I have to start with a book….one where I learn all the Orishas. I have to read to learn but I have to know what I am reading if it makes any sense. I am so intrigued. Every day im starting to feel that my religious belief (Christianity) may not be my actual belief. I am worried, I am scared. But I want to know more. What book can I start with. Basic knowledge.

9 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

Good morning and Blessings Obara and to all ESP fam.
I like Vanessa is drawn to this daeity and would like to know more i too would like to know of a book that i can read. Would like to get more involve but i am scared and nervious, as i have searched the net many times to find information on the Santaria religeon to no avail and just in thd last few week found your blog while looking for help whit spiritual baths. Thanks

9 years ago

Honoring the Orishas is so in tuned with nature…I love it…

9 years ago

Obara like you, when I first read about baba Esu, I was scared…they painted him out in a dark light…then I read a wonderful article by a Trinidadian scholar and he made Baba Esu less frightening and also addressed the negative potrayal and why it was I feel much better about baba Esu and will always in my little way try to pay my respects to him…

9 years ago

Obara what a wonderful journey you have had to your path…we hope to all find our way just like you…

9 years ago

Evening every one….

Ojubona , eku ojo ibi….may Oludamare continue to bless you, may baba orunmila continue to be your constant guide, may bab Esu continue to remove all obstacles, may Yeye Osun continue to sweeten your life and grant your heart desires…may baba Ogun embrace and protect you..May all the Orishas continue to help you on your path…

We wish you all the best and wish you many more birthdays washed with omo tutu and sprinkled with only laughter….

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I will watch the videos

9 years ago

Love and light to everyone

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I don’t remember but I thought coconut water was associated with Obatala like how honey is with Osun.

9 years ago

What about Obatala, Obara, do you honor him by pouring coconut water?

9 years ago
Reply to  Nunu

I saw that before Nunu it say that coconut water is supposed to calm headaches

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara how are you doing? I am doing good from once I can come here everyday and be with my family ,I am good. Cam Cam hugs love and light

9 years ago

Happy birthday Chief Ojubona may you continue to be blessed. Have a great day

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Yailings Toy, Kia b!

9 years ago
Reply to  Nunu

Hi Nunu boo

9 years ago

I love it. Obara I know that we have all of you found you in different ways, but I know for sure we all had yearning for something more. I promise I have never felt so much peace with your teachings. I am happy that you are our teacher along with our Orishas, Ancestors and guides which lead us all to you.

9 years ago

Good afternoon Obara all ES massive Happy Earthstrong Chief Ojubona! May you continue to be blessed by Oludomare. May wisdom and knowledge always be with you. May you always remember and be grateful of your gifts. Happy Birthday to you!

Obara can you explain the picture above that you used for this post. Is this Esu? I noticed red/black beads, cowrie shells, and feathers, clay pot…Are you allowed to explain what each represents?

9 years ago

But of course I consider you a teacher and more particularly “my teacher.” I have not told my babalawo boyfriend about you. I did send him a post once and he never commented so I thought I would keep you to myself (smile). I have been given all kinds of instructions about a godparent. If a long distance relationship works for you, it can work for me and I do want to be initiated, God willing, at your compound. It may not be March 2016 or maybe. I would like to have a divination for that. Which brings me to… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Do you have an email where you can be reached for this specifically?

9 years ago

cdbwatty is also Charlotte Brown. I do not know how I got two usernames but oh well charge it to my grey hair.

9 years ago

I think I saw that book on recently as I purchased a number of books on The Concept of Yoruba.

Charlotte Brown
Charlotte Brown
9 years ago

Good morning dear sisters, I did not have to go to court today. So enjoyed reading, praying and meditating. Thank you Obara Meji- I too feel the call to the Yoruba/Ifa Orisha spiritual tradition. I have been told to stop offering Osun gifts and praying to her as I am not initiated and do not have the authority. How do I find a godparent who will help me learn and grow that I may one day be initiated. My babalawo malefriend cannot do it. He teases me and says, you think you are Osun, but you’re going to be surprised.… Read more »

9 years ago

well done obara for your enlightinment, you are a light to the darkness. you light up people soul. you awake them from their slumbers. iba re o Obara meji.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

what is pocomania in jamaican

9 years ago

Very good article. Good morning everyone!

9 years ago
Reply to  Shana

Good morning Shana

9 years ago

Obara what is Ogun number 7?

9 years ago

Good morning Obara and folks!.
Happy birthday to the Chief Ojubona. May Oludumare continue to bless you and guide your steps. Thank you for your years of dedication and service. Have a blessed day!

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