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Everyone can agree that the entire world has changed.
It feels as though we have taken a huge leap into a whole other dimension – and actually, that’s what it is. To many, it seems like a leap forward, but to me… it is a leap backward.
Why backward? Backwards here is used positively. It is to say that old ways are returning, and this is not by human choice. In other words, as the world entered what they call “modern times”, the consciousness of human beings devolved. But what does it even mean to be “modern”? And how does it affect consciousness?
Modernization means a dependency on technology and easier way of life. If a child is born to a household of maids, he will never learn how to make his own bed. Thus making this child be less attuned with his own intuition.
Ancient times meant a dependency on the study of nature for survival. To study nature without technology meant a greater dependency on intuition. And when intuition is depended upon, natural forces in their invisible forms are drawn to guide and assist.
Technology becomes greater everyday, this is true. But what would technology be if Ancient Practices were not abandoned collectively? Perhaps Man would realize that he did not need a telephone or laptop to communicate, but his own mind was all he needed.
You have probably noticed many people asking more spiritual questions today. Many people seeking answers, and questioning, or completely abandoning their religions. And most of all, many people researching ancient practices for truths.

But today I want to do a full breakdown of what are gods? In other words, non-physical intermediaries who have been functioning within the Earth realm since the “beginning” of human kind. The reason this is important is because this new time that we have stepped into, is going to allow ancient deities to present themselves within our world through forces of nature and otherwise.
First, What Does it Really Mean to Be a Human Being?
To be a human being is to be limited. This Being is only limited because he believes himself to be so. His perception, too, is terribly limited, thus making his mind limited. In other words, if the human sees or hears of something out of this world, or out of his idea of “the norm”, he may vehemently reject it or it can drive him insane (i.e. people known as “crazy” has experienced things out of their normal Earthly vibration, this experience can happen through drugs as well) because he can not perceive what he is not used to. This is what differentiates a Human Being from a god.
And it is this limited mind that allows the human to imaginehis god in human form. It is also this limitation that allows the human to place gender upon these deities.
When an “Entity” Becomes a god
When an entity now becomes a god, that entity has surpassed the limitations of Human.
If this structure continually copies itself into every form, what are we responding to? We are responding to a Force that is fragmented within each and every Being, physical or non-physical.
The only way we can evolve is through a higher influence. This higher influence is both non-physical and physical. And that influence, too, has a higher influence it responds to, and so on.
The only way we can gain certain knowledge that will assist and aid in our spiritual development, it is through a higher Teaching Force. Authorities are not for dominance or power or rulership, they are used to guide a mass. However, the power of guidance can be manifested into any form. It does not imply that the guide must be kind and peaceful. He can be cruel and brutal. The methods to teaching have many roads.
If you are able to remove the human concept of good or bad, peace or chaos, you will be able to see beyond the cloud and understand that everything that happens, happens for one purpose: Growth.
What Are Gods and Goddesses?
These are terms I actually hate to use, but I use it only to make you all understand what I am trying to convey.
Gods and goddesses are one type of Higher Intelligences (by “Higher Intelligence” I mean formless, genderless, existences in their purest “form” that have never experienced life as or functioned as a human; and by “one type” I mean, of course, that there are many others, many of which I, myself, am either unaware of or can not perceive to even describe).
These Higher Intelligences (what we call “deities”), those that interact with humans, are then manifest as the natural elements, virtues or conditions (i.e. wisdom, or peace or chaos). This is important. This same idea is true for humans and the human personality. The Force within the human body emits a particular energy, this One energy takes on many forms. These forms are what we now refer to as personality traits (but I may expound on this in a “Astrology From a Metaphysical Point of View” post).
These “Higher Intelligences” are then personified for human understanding. When these Intelligences are personified, their true function is reduced because the Earth’s atmosphere and the dimensional setting of the Earth does not carry the frequency the Deity operates under.
It is like the Force of thunder, it happens very far away, but the sound of it is still so powerful it is as though it is happening beside you. If the thunder were to truly happen close to you, the sound alone could create total oblivion.
That Force is what is called Deity. That Force is what is worshipped, and sacrificed to by worshippers.
That Force, the energy and power radiated, is then given name and gender comparable to the human existence. If the Force is aggressive and powerful, you may call it masculine. This will make humans understand the world around them and how to live with it, if they can understand these Forces through their own lens.
The Role of Opposite Forces
Now, the “negative” or opposition of this Force, is iron. Iron, too, will be ascribed a name and gender based on the energy it emits, and based on the current heights of human understanding until further evolvement. When the human’s understanding evolves, so, too, will the perception of this Force.
But iron and lightening as opposing Forces may not be so in the realm they belong, but this is how they manifest into the Earth realm. This is why Lightening always seeks to strike iron.
This part is also important. For if lightening always seeks to strike iron, then how does this affect human life? And does it at all?
Everything has a role to play in this realm of manifestation. They come to play the role of whatever energy they let off, and this energy is their contribution to the Earth’s existence and human beings. So worshippers will realize that as lightening and iron are opposite Forces in the Earth realm, measures of balance must be taken, so that within a human’s life, war is not constant.
Gender, Sexuality and Gods
The terms “gods” and “goddesses” suggest masculinity and femininity, but that is not the case. Deities are the human conception of the role certain Forces play and the characteristics that they exude. Most often, deities can also play the role of androgyny.
But the human perceives gender and sexuality in gods due to the human’s own limitation of the mind.
Every Deity has its feminine and masculine counterpart, but that does not mean that the Deity is either feminine or masculine. It means that it is a neutral Force that has multiples of itself, manifesting into human perception as either masculine or feminine.
And if the deities are neither man or woman, then sexuality too has nothing to do with its role. It is merely a Force. Its use is whatever it is attached to when it manifests into the physical world. Therefore, sexuality as humans know it, is not apart of the Force’s natural function when it enters human world.
However, when the Force becomes a sexual manifestation, it becomes so because the human has manipulated the pure energy. What we have here now is a new and lesser version of the Force. The Force becomes lesser because it has become humanized. When humanized, a pure Force is more comparable to an Ancestor (i.e. once having human form), than pure energy.
It is of great importance that you all must remember that what we call spirits or forces are energies of many levels. These levels, when out of human form, are of Higher Intelligence than the human. Therefore, much of what humans know as “normal life”, is not a reality to these forces, or perceived in the same way that humans perceive them (which is often of a much lesser perception). Therefore these energies operate off of a Higher Wisdom than human desire, pleasure, emotion, or otherwise. It is important to avoid ascribing emotional human attributes to non-physical entities.
There is no deity that is a Singular Force.
If you have ever heard Spirit, Angel, or any non-physical Being “speak”, it sounds like a chorus, like a rumble of many voices at once.
Anything outside of the human body, that is called Spirit, never walks alone.
The reason I use the singular term ‘Force’ to describe a whole host of Forces is because all of those extensions connect to create One. So deities all have individual names to indicate a group of many Forces that create One Force.
But these aspects, too, can also have individualized identities, though they are merely a piece of a larger entity.
Side Note: The number one is seen as the smallest number, but in fact it is the largest number, for it is the embodiment of all numbers. That means all other numbers are simply multiples, continually, of One number. Like throwing a stone into water and it ripples, One merely vibrates like those ripples, and those vibrations are what becomes 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on. But when the vibration seizes, it is only One.
Can a Human Being Become God-Like?
In ancient times, and even still, Kings are worshipped as gods. The reason they are is because when a King becomes King, he becomes host of divine power.
He is no longer the human he was before taking the throne. Therefore, there must be rituals performed before he can even sit upon that throne. The rituals taken are to purify the King, to remove from him, through sacred rites and rituals, all that makes him human.
But what is a King? And why do humans accept monarchy? Why is this apart of human existence in certain places that humans must even bow before them?
Other than the physical reality of it and its acceptance (monarchies), what exists beyond the Earth realm must be experienced in the world of manifestation (i.e Earth), and that is rulership; gods. So the King, on Earth, represents god, rulership, reign, hierarchy, etc.
Within other dimensions, there exists the idea of Forces which are authoritative above other Forces, and Forces above those Forces, and so on.
Hierarchies exist in this realm, because they do outside of this realm.
Because this Earth is merely a manifestation of ideas, that means everything that exists outside will take some form, though lesser, on Earth.
The process of becoming a King, is a process to becoming god-like. The process prepares the human body to host a divine Force. Thus, over time, the human slowly loses his humanness and becomes god-like.
What the ancients worship in their King is the Force he carries, not the human he was before the body was prepared to host that Force.
Over time, the King will lose much of his old self and take on characteristics of what makes a King.
In order to have a Divine Force “mount” one’s Spiritual Head, as in these initiations, that human body must be purified in order to do so.
The purification process as well as the subsequent Divine Guidance is what most people are after, for during the purification process, all spiritual “dirt” is washed away.
If the spiritual self is cleansed, the purity will manifest into the initiate’s everyday life overtime. And with the guidance of Wisdom (Orunmila) and the Divine Oracle of Wisdom (Ifa), that purity can be maintained.
The Force that fuses with the human is also able to desert the host if it becomes soiled. By “soiled”, I mean anything that will dim the Light within the body. The body is now no longer able to host a pure Force. The Oracle, Ifa, will often warn the initiate beforehand, often times at the grounds of initiations, perhaps years before the initiate has even thought of soiling himself, and the Oracle will provide a wise solution. Solutions are always in the form of what works more than what you desire.
Often times years after initiations, the initiate will find themselves portraying more of the characteristics of these Forces of nature, for they have now become One with it.
During these initiations the initiate becomes god-like and is warned against crying or anger. For upon the initiation ground, he is (or is currently hosting) a higher Force. Because of this, if the Force is happy, then everyone attending the initiation can receive blessings. If the Force is unhappy, the opposite can occur. The Force itself does not have emotions, but the Force is now fused with a human body that does. Therefore, the initiate and those initiating him must be very wise during such a sensitive period.
Every human being has the ability to become god-like.
Because already fragmented within every one of them is the God Force. God is not a single entity, but a Force that is able to be splintered infinitely. God is you, and God is me.
There have been many gods that have walked this Earth and are still walking this Earth. These gods are humans that have elevated in spirit, and are therefore no longer human. And at some point in their lives, often at a certain age, if they are attuned to their consciousness, they will know that they have achieved a power that surpasses an ordinary human. This mostly happens to people who are constant spiritual practitioners.
People like these are vessels of Higher Frequency and are placed here for human service.
The Earth is shifting and is almost settled into its new destination. Many people believe this period to be the end of time, but I want to tell you that this is a new beginning. A new beginning back to old ways. In this new beginning, ancient powerful Beings will walk among us more visibly than before, and the reason for this is because human consciousness would have risen so that you may now recognize that the ordinary person beside you is no more ordinary.
It is no coincidence why Ancient Gods have made a huge comeback to modern times.
Obara Meji
“Who ever is trying to bring you down, is already beneath you.” – OM
Grand rising Obara (Teacher) i have some questions, 1)Where does the realms Exists?
2) Why is it so that we have an Illusion world?
3) why are some energies Suppressed, for the sake of humans if someone goes crazy or mad in this realm, is it the same in another?
4) How do we Exists in so many realms all at once?
5) why do we need a human Experience, is it only for growth? If we are spirits beyond limits why does it feel like some of us are limited on earth?
Please forgive my Ignorance
well detailed post obara thank you! pls I have few questions below:
how do you accumulate more light here on earth?
how do you know the reason of your existence here on earth
what makes one’s spirit to be condemned to a lower spiritual level?
what are the criteria used in passing judgement on a soul when he depart into the spirit world or dies?
Thank you for the questions Beeby. Questions answered in the order asked. 1-You accumulate light by how you live your life, purposeful to your journey. Not everyone’s journey is to play a “good” role. Some people are here to annoy,and to disturb, to kill, maim and destroy. These people once they have fulfilled the terror they came to cause or create, they can and will attain light. Same with those who are here to heal and show compassion. Light is attained with how much of your purpose you can fulfill. 2- Follow you passion, or what you care about, pay… Read more »
thanks so much for the answers!
Definitely true. That’s why prostitution continues for some women even after getting married to a man that is Financially buoyant. Their purpose must be fulfilled. Though, I know not all of them.
Hello Ms Obara,
In the post it states; “Because this Earth is merely a manifestation of ideas, that means everything that exists outside will take some form, though lesser, on Earth.”
I have a couple questions; Are the other planets in this world manifestation of ideas? And if they are what are their purpose? Is the hierarchies that exist on other planets?
Junior, please ask the first question again, other planes in this world, is what I am not understanding.
This makes me not able to even answer number 2.
Yes there are hierarchies on other planets.
Sorry Ms Obara, I meant are the other planets in this universe a manifestation of ideas? And if the other planets are manifestations of ideas. What are the purpose of the other planets since so little is known about the other planets.
Good day Auntie Obara meji,Kudos to you for doing a great job on this platform,you’re one of your kind,I wish to send you a private message,please put me through, Thanks
Thank you Lolade, send me an email, I answer all my mails, unless some escape me
How I know socially we are heading into a new age of knowledge is the daily social commentary of celebrities especially in the entertainment field talking out against religion especially Christianity.
I think people are seeking out knowledge on their own and ditching the dogmatic view of Jesus especially in the Black community.
I think people were always doing that but they waited until now to be more open about it.
true ting Lincoln
Hello Obara
Thank you again for such a deep, insightful post.
Question, you say that “When humanized, a pure Force is more comparable to an Ancestor”. Does this mean that the ancestors are on a lower level , being that right above the human. Having a level of pureness like the force – but still subject to certain “human perceptions”?
Hi Sim, Oh I just love when you guys ask questions. This is a good one. Anything that once had a human form can only be subject to human ways if it becomes Earth bound. Not the “human perceptions” per se, because once it is released from the body, the heights of consciousness is more than what the human can think of. But if the spirit is Earthbound (as in trapped to the Earth’s atmosphere), it can pick up on human kind’s emotions and act upon it. But this is more of a mimic than actual feeling. Because even though… Read more »
Wow thank you so much for that breakdown! You give such thorough answers, Obara. Bless ❤️
Hello Ms. Obara, greetings to you. I honour you!
Each article I read on this site, it opens a door of higher consciousness.
I thank you specially for the humanitarian services you are rendering to humanity by providing a rare knowledge mankind needs to know thy self and its mission here on earth
I have a date with you and it will be the most memorable day of my life to meet a special Higher Being like you in my life time.
Thank you for all the teaching, knowledge and guide…
Hi Ray,
Thank you for these encouraging words. Trust me, I need them. The load of knowledge is heavy like metal on top of the head. But I would not give up what I have gotten for anything in this world. And when I share it, and see it appreciated with words like yours, although the load is weighty, the words enable me to smile and carry on.
Thank you my dear
Unload it unto us. I know I am and all the other readers are more than happy to absorb it. It is like food.
Blessings Moesha
Hello Ms. Obara, Thank you for clarifying your thoughts on Emperor Hailey Selassie I and stating that he was no ordinary man. I asked because I have funny story to tell…. A couple years a back while I was in college I decided to take a long drive for spring break festivities. My enemy was driving on a dark lonely road that was bumpy and extremely windy (Force). The wind was so strong that my enemies jeep was fishtailing so my enemy slowed the car down to about 40mph meanwhile listening to sizzla and capleton music ( not sure if… Read more »
Junior, no I do not know who Sizzla or Capleton is. You forget that I was the one who use to wash Jesus nappy? As a matter of fact, let me give you better than this, I was the one who delivered Mary, Jesus’s mother, even better me and her mother Saint Ann were very good friends. Yuh cudda bright, Of COURSE I KNOW WHO SIZZLA kOLANGI IS AND CAPLETON!!!, lololol. Why do most people think I am an old grey haired, wrinkled face woman? I told you all sey mi ah hot gal who love Stone Love dances! My… Read more »
I take from it is the gods and goddesses have a responsibility, now in this cycle, to allow the natural/universal laws and new cycle play out in a balanced manner. I feel the unbalanced interference in previous cycles, contributed towards the devolution, in human consciousness. Thank you for your post OM.
Peace and blessings to all.
Thank you Wale,Blessings to you also. This has always been their responsibility whether they are responding in a negative or positive way, both are a means to an end. However foolish humans through ignorance and the destructible demonic agent called religion, these natural forces became something to trample and curse and resent. They drew back and watch the world disintegrate, become mis led, stagnant etc.
Now there is a new order, I didn’t say a new world order, lol, although it is the same for the same abi?
abi ke. Kashimawo nor ni.. New order, spiritual order indeed.
Much Love iya wa…
Hello Ms. Obara, I love this post so much that I have many comments. In your post you wrote”The process of becoming a King, is a process to becoming god-like. The process prepares the human body to host a divine Force. Thus, over time, the human slowly loses his humanness and becomes god-like” I would like to ask your opinion on one of the greatest kings in our modern times which is Emperor Haile Selassie I. Many people worship him or praise him as being Christ in his kingly character and have many spiritual stories about him like the time… Read more »
First let me greet this great Emperor
Haile I
Jah Rastafari
Greetings in the name of His Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie the First!
This man was great, not by what others say but from my own dreams of him when I was going through my spiritual initiation.
He was crowned one the greatest titles
King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah
He of course was no ordinary human
Hello Ms Obara, I have to tell you that I truly love this post. It very powerful as well as enlightening and could have actually been two or three posts. One thing I liked is how much physics you embodied in this teaching. Especially with your description of opposing forces and their uses on molecular structures. I loved how you pointed out that lightning always seeks to strike iron because in physics that’s one of the ways how current (energy) and electricity(energy) is manipulated.
Thanks for the comment
Good Morning Ma’am, This another great and refreshing post. I took my time to read it over and over because it’s a lost to digest. This is a serious download. The verse the you shared from Beyonce’s song was shocking. I actually went to look for that song and there’s even more that blew my mind. She’s Osun and her sister is Yemeya(Yemoja), and she talked about Yoruba beads and Ancestors on the wall. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s on this blog. The old ways are coming back. I deeply concur with this. Religion has turned man against each… Read more »
1-Good to see you once again Kay and you always ask relevant question. Like Lincoln, you are a deep thinker and I appreci-love that. Questions are answered in the order they are asked. When humans get to this place, to the spirit, this is like a virtual reality. One where the human becomes unconscious once he has landed here, he has no idea of where he is from or even why he came here in the first place. This place becomes a place of survival. Our Ancients did not operate as we now do, racism etc. was not apart of… Read more »
Satisfied! Thank you.
You did well asking a genuine quality question. You took time the last time to read my reply so I felt I should do the same because I learnt something extremely important from your reply on my comment. I really love how you asked Ma’am OBARA the questions because we are all here to learn. I learned something important right now. But don’t get carried away by Beyonce songs or lyrics, most of those songs about Africa weren’t written by her, and she talking about Yoruba beads and ancestors doesn’t mean much. Is easy to make people believe what you… Read more »
“The methods to teaching have many roads. If you are able to remove the human concept of good or bad, peace or chaos, you will be able to see beyond the cloud and understand that everything that happens, happens for one purpose: Growth.“ This post is a whole lot to unpack but this really stood out to me and something I have been fervently trying to employ in my life and teach to other since you first introduced it to me. Nothing in this life is neither good nor bad. In fact we need darkness or negativity in order to… Read more »
Hey Sinda, how are you and baby?
We are ok he’s is something special I’d have to link you off air.
It sort of resembles the Hindu gods in a sense. They have 6 main gods (I believe) with 3 being males and 3 being females but they can manifest in several forms via avatars. Yes this is a more simplified view because the main gods in this sense still maintain a gender. Re: The King/Monarch… Is that why in some cases when a prince becomes a king the name is changed? Like you could be Cardinal Rutherford now and then when you become Pope you take on the name Pope Pompus II or when you were Prince Stoosh you became… Read more »
Good observation Mike
You know, Mike In every culture, from the earliest recorded “time” in human history, one’s name must change when he becomes King. In fact, he now bears several names. I would like to say that this began with the African spiritual cultures which spread out, but it is a Universal truth. I should do a post on names one day. …. hmm.. All that we are, including our names, are direct manifestations of the spirit within and its missions/journey on Earth. When the King is crowned King and his name changes, you are correct that it is because the Force… Read more »
Ok I see now. It makes sense now. The First Emperor of China had his alchemists and the last Czar of Russia (I think) had Grigori Rasputin. Even Hitler had some. Hitler was part of, or atleast influenced by, a secret society (I can’t recall the name but people can easily find it with a quick search). Heck, even Seaga had one in the form of Capo (not sure if that is the correct spelling).
Always speaking truth. Thank you!
YW Ibi
Thank you for this post. I needed to read something to lift up my spirit and I thought of you. Opened my mail and saw your post. Thank you Obara.
you are welcome my dear
Nice post Sis. I do strongly believe all higher level spirit is neither male/female- If you look on the nature of all things around we actually see unisexually and sexual shifting creatures. I think the male and female construct of animals was a set written program for procreation but the soul within is of either sex- This is main reason I dont subscribe to a Masculine energy over a feminine energy especially when we talk about GOD in the Christian way. If you really think about it, the side that gives life is Feminine and based on this more than… Read more »
Lincoln, Just by you writing the paragraph below shows me that you “get it”, and you are not an ordinary being. In fact, it seems as if you could have written this post. I wrote this post since last week and sent it out. It didn’t go out, there was a glitch in the system, come to realize the post was not done, so the Universe stopped it from going out. The Universe, instructed me to write more and re title the post, and we did, but it still could not go out. I worried why, today, the Universe re-titled… Read more »
The human concept of good vs bad (amplified by Christianity, no thanks) is such a limiting idea .. but sadly we will never know that we are thinking in such a small way, until we KNOW/wake up. Thank you for this guide, Obara
you are welcome my dear. This post will be hard for the unawaken to understand profoundly, but I pray light for them
What are the consequences of selling yo soul .. Obara
Kinangu, I do not subscribe to the selling of the soul business, It cannot be done. Even if one has attained frequency, more light, the light that the person has newly acquired can never be taken away or dimmed. The stealing or selling of the soul is a Christian concept, and my belief does not lie there, thank you for the comment.
Kinangu, try understand what the statement truly means, then you will easily understand the consequences. There are many, many misconceptions about selling your soul. Soul is the core of your personality. It is what makes you, you. It is what makes you conscious. Without soul, there is no You! You can’t lock it up and hand it over. However, in a manner of speaking, you can “sell yourself”. How? LOVE! And it’s not just an ordinary love as people have for each other. An UNCONDITIONAL…Love gives you wings, not literally, Love allows you to go EXTRA MILES, to do necessary… Read more »